


You sit clueless in front of your computer and have no idea what to write about. There are either too many topics in your mind or none at all. Either way, you remain with a blank paper and with an uncomfortable feeling in your gut. One more day, and I haven’t written anything.

您无能为力地坐在电脑前,不知道该写些什么。 您脑海中有太多话题,或者根本没有。 无论哪种方式,您都将留着白纸,并会感到肠胃不适。 又有一天,我什么都没写。

I figured out that organizing my ideas in a structured way that helps me to overcome the writer's block. Maybe it will work for you as well.

我发现以一种结构化的方式组织思想可以帮助我克服作者的障碍。 也许它也会为您服务。

This article is dedicated to depicting one possible structure for organizing your ideas.


I’ve recently written an article about the evergreen megatrends of our century. It got way longer than I initially imagined so I chose to write two shorter articles on the topic.

我最近写了一篇有关本世纪常绿大趋势的文章。 它的时间比我最初想象的要长,所以我选择就该主题写两篇较短的文章。

If you missed my first article, here is a short explanation of megatrends for you: Megatrends depict enormous shifts in our society. Changes that will certainly have a long-lasting impact on our lives.

如果您错过了我的第一篇文章,那么这里为您简要介绍了大趋势 :大趋势描述了我们社会的巨大变化。 变化必将对我们的生活产生长远影响。

So why not build your topic ideas around these megatrends?


1.互联世界 (1. Connected World)

We live in a world of mass connection. Technology has never allowed people to connect with each other virtually at such a high level. The internet defines our lives basically everywhere. We work with the internet, learn with it, we use it in our free time, and we need it for our social life.

我们生活在一个大众连接的世界中。 技术从未允许人们以如此高的水平相互联系。 互联网基本上定义了我们的生活。 我们与互联网合作,学习,在闲暇时间使用它,并且在社交生活中需要它。

You have one real life and one virtual life.


关于这个趋势该怎么写: (What to write about this trend:)

  • The business perspective: You could write about case studies about tech-startups, or about useful marketing tools. How are big tech companies reforming business as usual? What are the success factors of these companies? How is personal branding progressing thanks to the mobile internet? And don’t forget about the matchmaking services of some aspiring companies like Couchsurfing,, or TooGoodToGo.

    业务角度: 您可以撰写有关技术创业公司的案例研究或有用的营销工具。 大型科技公司将如何照常改革业务? 这些公司的成功因素是什么? 借助移动互联网,个人品牌发展如何? 而且,不要忘记一些有抱负的公司(例如Couchsurfing,Coach.me或TooGoodToGo)的配对服务。

  • The problem perspective: You might want to organize your thoughts around the issues arising with the “connected world trend,” such as: How is internet addiction influencing our everyday life? Do you have personal stories to tell? How is living with technology affecting your everyday life? What about doing an internet detox? What about privacy issues? How does the mobile internet affecting our relationships? Our work? Our hobbies?

    问题的观点:您可能希望针对“互联世界趋势”引起的问题组织自己的想法,例如:网络成瘾如何影响我们的日常生活? 你有个人故事要讲吗? 科技生活如何影响您的日常生活? 进行互联网排毒怎么样? 那么隐私问题呢? 移动互联网如何影响我们的关系? 我们的工作? 我们的爱好?
  • The news perspective: What are the latest news on the topic? How is the future of TikTok in the US? How about analyzing the viral stuff on the internet? What are the latest stories or scandals on social media? Anything about net culture from memes to advertisements for millennials fits this section well.

    新闻观点:有关该主题的最新新闻是什么? TikTok在美国的未来如何? 如何分析互联网上的病毒内容? 社交媒体上的最新故事或丑闻是什么? 从模因到千禧一代的广告,有关网络文化的所有内容都非常适合本节。

2.数据时代 (2. Data Era)

Data is overflowing. The amount of data we “own” is simply unprocessable by the limits of humans' minds. I think a lot will depend on how we will be able to organize, process, and get the best out of the data we collected and created in the last years.

数据溢出。 我们“拥有”的数据量根本无法通过人类思维的限制进行处理。 我认为,很大程度上取决于我们如何组织,处理和充分利用过去几年收集和创建的数据。

关于这个趋势该怎么写: (What to write about this trend:)

  • The business perspective: What are the latest innovations, business models, life-changing ideas? How are tech companies taking advantage of the data they gathered from the users? How are companies processing and using their data? How can you present a large amount of data understandably?

    业务角度: 最新的创新,商业模式和改变人生的想法是什么? 科技公司如何利用从用户那里收集的数据? 公司如何处理和使用其数据? 您如何可以理解地呈现大量数据?

  • The problem perspective: Are we able to deal with such an enormous amount of information? How can we handle data as individuals? How can we say no to being connected, and spend some time in the real-life? How is cybersecurity improving? Is the internet safe for us?

    问题的观点: 我们能够处理如此大量的信息吗? 我们如何以个人身份处理数据? 我们如何拒绝连接,并花一些时间在现实生活中? 网络安全如何改善? 互联网对我们安全吗?

  • The news perspective: You can write here about anything regarding politics, recent events, or social issues.

    新闻观点: 您可以在此处撰写有关政治,近期事件或社会问题的任何文章。

3.未来的工作 (3. Future Work)

According to Trendexplorer, Future Work is explained as follows: “Digital devices now enable us to work from anywhere in the world, access information everywhere and at all times, and continue our education in our chosen fields.”

根据Trendexplorer的说法 ,“未来工作”的解释如下:“数字设备现在使我们能够在世界任何地方工作,随时随地访问信息,并继续在选定的领域接受教育。”

关于这个趋势该怎么写: (What to write about this trend:)

  • The business perspective: What are the job possibilities of a laptop lifestyle? Which are the most successful co-working spaces and why? Is working from home a long term solution? Which companies are helping “future work” and how?

    业务角度: 笔记本电脑生活方式的工作机会是什么? 哪些是最成功的协同工作空间,为什么? 在家工作是长期的解决方案吗? 哪些公司正在帮助“未来工作”?

  • The problem perspective: How are we going to socialize under these terms? What about the blue-collar workers? Can online education replace personal meetings?

    问题观点在这些条件下我们将如何进行社交? 蓝领工人呢? 在线教育可以代替个人会议吗?

4.工业4.0 (4. Industry 4.0)

Did we arrive at the fourth industrial revolution? What does this actually mean? It means the continuous automation of traditional industrial processes. Where machines are working instead of humans with the help of smart technology. No human intervention is needed in some activities anymore.

我们到达了第四次工业革命吗? 这到底是什么意思? 这意味着传统工业流程的持续自动化。 借助智能技术,机器可以代替人为工作。 在某些活动中不再需要人工干预。

关于这个趋势该怎么写: (What to write about this trend:)

  • The technology perspective: Here you could write about all the fancy technology accompanying industry 4.0. Such technologies are the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, nanoengineering, machine sensing robotics, or even smart factories.

    技术观点:您可以在这里写上工业4.0附带的所有高级技术。 此类技术是物联网(IoT),3D打印,纳米工程,机器感测机器人,甚至是智能工厂。
  • The problem perspective: Are machines going to replace human manufacturers? How is it going to affect society? Some developing countries highly rely on the availability of manufacturing workplaces. Is industry 4.0. going to further widen the gap between the rich and poor?

    问题的观点: 机器会取代人工制造商吗? 它将如何影响社会? 一些发展中国家高度依赖制造工作场所。 是工业4.0。 如何进一步扩大贫富差距?

5.外网 (5. Outernet)

This trend is quite similar to the “connected world.” It describes how our two realities are merging into only one. It’s mindblowing how the internet became our reality. Like can we still walk a couple of hours without our mobile devices in nature? Internet is seemingly transferring into an “outernet.” Maybe in a couple of years, we won’t even distinguish between reality and virtual reality.

这种趋势与“互联世界”非常相似。 它描述了我们的两个现实如何融合为一个现实。 令人难以置信的是,互联网如何成为我们的现实。 就像我们在自然界中没有移动设备的情况下还能走几个小时吗? 互联网似乎正在转变为“外部网络”。 也许在几年之内,我们甚至不会区分现实和虚拟现实。

“The outernet has made the digital world as important to us as oxygen and we now take it for granted to such an extent that we hardly notice it any more.” — Trendone

“外部网络已经使数字世界对我们像氧气一样重要,现在我们将其视为理所当然,以至于我们再也不会注意到它了。” — Trendone

关于这个趋势该怎么写: (What to write about this trend:)

  • The business perspective: There is an enormous business opportunity there! For example, which are the companies experimenting with smart homes? How did Pokemon Go become such a trend? Are there already other companies offering games with augmented reality (AR)? Which are the most popular examples of the merger of reality and virtuality?

    业务角度: 那里有巨大的商机! 例如,哪些公司正在尝试智能家居? 宠物小精灵Go如何成为这种趋势? 是否已经有其他公司提供增强现实(AR)游戏? 哪些是现实与虚拟现实融合的最受欢迎的例子?

  • The problem perspective: The usual question, how is this mindblowing stuff going to affect humans in the long run? Are we already so good to deal with the outernet? Or maybe we should slow down a bit…?

    问题的观点: 通常的问题是,从长远来看,这种令人难以置信的东西将如何影响人类? 我们已经很好地处理外部网络了吗? 还是我们应该放慢一点...?

  • The technology perspective: Have you heard about natural user interfaces? Where we can control the devices touchless, for example with our voice or gestures? How about location-based services, where you get a restaurant recommendation based on your actual location? Or maybe you should start with the internet of things, such as a smartwatch in your own life.

    技术角度: 您是否听说过自然用户界面? 我们在哪里可以控制设备的非接触式(例如,通过语音或手势)? 基于位置的服务怎么样?根据您的实际位置在哪里获得餐厅推荐? 也许您应该从物联网开始,例如自己生活中的智能手表。

6.超人类主义 (6. Transhumanism)

This futuristic trend is closer to us than you might have imagined. Probably we won’t be able to influence human evolution and create superhumans in the near future. But health trackers, smart tattoos, or brain-computer interfaces are already here.

这种未来主义的趋势比您想象的更接近我们。 也许我们将无法在不久的将来影响人类的进化并创造超人。 但是,健康追踪器,智能纹身或脑机接口已经在这里。

关于这个趋势该怎么写: (What to write about this trend:)

  • The technology perspective: Technologies here are mindblowing. You can write about anything from DNA editing (CRISPR Creations) to bioengineering, wearable technologies, or implanted electronics. Sure, unless you’re an expert in some of the fields, this requires a substantial amount of research.

    技术观点: 这里的技术令人兴奋。 您可以撰写任何内容,从DNA编辑(CRISPR创作)到生物工程,可穿戴技术或植入式电子产品。 当然,除非您是某些领域的专家,否则这需要大量的研究。

  • The problem perspective: Transhumanism initiates a wide range of ethical questions. Who are we to experiment with the human body and play God? How far is too far? Who will be that privileged to use superhuman implantations?

    问题观点超人类主义引发了一系列道德问题。 我们是谁来尝试人体并扮演上帝? 多远才算远? 谁将有特权使用超人植入技术?

7.城市化 (7. Urbanization)

A classic. I remember we were learning about urbanization at the end of each chapter in history class. The process doesn’t seem to stop. More and more people are moving to cities in the hope of a successful life. By 2050, 75% of the population is predicted to live in cities.

经典。 我记得我们在历史课的每一章末期都在学习有关城市化的知识。 这个过程似乎并没有停止。 越来越多的人为了成功的生活而来到城市。 到2050年,预计将有75%的人口居住在城市。

关于这个趋势该怎么写: (What to write about this trend:)

  • The business perspective: Cities must be quite resistant and practical in order to bear such a big number of people. Just take a look at how city life changed in the last 30 years. It’s very likely to have an even more spectacular transformation in the next 30 years. You can write about companies offering any kind of urban solutions here. I find especially interesting the bed-sharing trend in co-living spaces in San Francisco.

    业务角度: 为了容纳这么多的人,城市必须具有足够的抵抗力和实用性。 看看过去30年中城市生活的变化。 在接下来的30年中,它很有可能会发生更加壮观的转变。 您可以在此处撰写有关提供任何城市解决方案的公司的信息。 我发现特别有趣的旧金山共同生活空间中的床位共享趋势。

  • The problem perspective: My main concern here is — as a countryside girl — whether we are going to lose the interaction with nature? Are the future generations going to feel connected with trees and rural areas? How about developing countries? Are we going to live behind the people who cannot afford to move to the cities?

    问题的观点: 我在这里主要关心的是-作为一个乡下姑娘-我们是否将失去与自然的互动? 子孙后代会感到与树木和农村地区联系吗? 发展中国家呢? 我们将生活在无力搬迁到城市的人们后面吗?

8.虚拟体验 (8. Virtual Experiences)

To be honest, I’m quite concerned with the commercialization of VR. Seeing that most of us cannot even cleverly cope with video games and social media, the possibility of VR getting mainstream scares me a lot.

老实说,我非常关注VR的商业化。 看到我们大多数人甚至无法巧妙地应对视频游戏和社交媒体,VR成为主流的可能性令我非常恐惧。

关于这个趋势该怎么写: (What to write about this trend:)

  • The business perspective: VR can be — and is already — implemented in many fields of life. In working, education, free time, and also in social life. Companies have great potential here. I find interesting writing about companies being successful with VR.

    业务角度: VR可以并且已经在生活的许多领域中实现。 在工作,教育,空闲时间以及社交生活中。 公司在这里具有巨大的潜力。 我发现有关公司在VR方面取得成功的有趣文章。

  • The problem perspective: I’m curious how VR might affect our mental health. Imagine watching movies with VR. Or playing video games. Our reality might get completely mixed.

    问题的观点: 我很好奇VR会如何影响我们的心理健康。 想象一下用VR观看电影。 或玩视频游戏。 我们的现实可能会完全混杂。

I encourage you to dig deeper into each topic and specify them further, according to your own needs and niche.


翻译自: https://medium/better-marketing/8-technology-topics-to-write-about-for-the-rest-of-the-century-8c47a1515b20


本文标签: 本世纪二十世纪主题技术