


The keyboard and mouse might be a good fit for many native computer games, but it feels downright weird to play emulated games that way. Whether you want to play Super Mario with a proper gamepad or try out a new PC title like Diablo III in comfort, we’ve got you covered.

键盘和鼠标可能非常适合许多本机计算机游戏,但是以这种方式玩模拟游戏感觉很奇怪。 无论您是想要使用合适的游戏手柄来玩《超级马里奥》,还是想要舒适地尝试诸如Diablo III之类的新PC游戏,我们都可以满足您的要求。

Today we’re taking a look at how you can take a Microsoft Xbox 360 controller and configure it to work with everything from your favorite emulators to old and new PC games. Whether you want the authentic feel of a controller in your hand when you play old school games or you’re looking for a gentle-on-the-wrists way to play modern games, it’s easy to set up.

今天,我们来看看如何使用Microsoft Xbox 360控制器并将其配置为可以与从您喜欢的模拟器到新旧PC游戏的所有功能一起使用。 无论您是想在玩老式游戏时想要手中的控制器真实感觉,还是正在寻找一种轻柔的方式玩现代游戏,都可以轻松设置。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

For this tutorial you’ll need the following things:


  • A wired Xbox controller (Official or well-constructed unofficial controller like the Mad Katz model is OK).

    有线Xbox控制器 (可以使用官方的或结构良好的非官方控制器,例如Mad Katz模型)。

  • A copy of ShowOff (for diagnostic purposes).


  • A copy of Xpadder ($10, necessary for more advanced configuration techniques).


  • An emulator or video game to configure the controller for.


While it’s possible to use a wireless controller for this tutorial, doing so adds an extra layer of complexity and troubleshooting to the project (many people report widespread issues with using the wireless 360 controller for PC-based gameplay) and as such we’ve opted to stick with the wired model. If you have success using the wireless models, be sure to drop a note in the comments and share your tips and tricks.

尽管可以在本教程中使用无线控制器,但这样做会给项目增加一层额外的复杂性和故障排除(许多人报告了将无线360控制器用于基于PC的游戏玩法的普遍问题),因此我们选择了坚持使用有线模型。 如果您成功使用了无线型号,请确保在注释中添加注释并分享您的提示和技巧。

Also, we strongly recommend reading through the entire tutorial and checking out the specific applications and games you want to use your Xbox controller with before purchasing anything on the What You’ll Need list as some setups require les configuration than others (effectively reducing the cost for the project to $0 outside the cost of the actual controller).

另外,我们强烈建议您通读整个教程,并在购买“您将需要的东西”列表中的任何内容之前,仔细阅读要与Xbox控制器一起使用的特定应用程序和游戏,因为某些设置比其他设置需要配置(有效地降低了成本(实际计画费用以外的$ 0美元)。

安装和测试Xbox 360控制器 (Installing and Testing the Xbox 360 Controller)

Installing the Xbox 360 controller should be a pretty painless affair. Plug your controller into an unoccupied USB port on your Windows machine. Windows should automatically detect and install the drivers for the device and in under 10 seconds the computer will be accepting input from the controller.

安装Xbox 360控制器应该是一件很轻松的事。 将控制器插入Windows计算机上闲置的USB端口。 Windows应自动检测并安装该设备的驱动程序,并且计算机将在10秒内接受来自控制器的输入。

If, during the following diagnostic tests, it becomes clear that the installation did not go as planned, you can vi

本文标签: 控制器链接如何在XboxWindows