

TOPIC: ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."

WORDS: 478          TIME: 01:00:00          DATE: 2011-4-9 0:23:18


Does the study of history have value only to extent that it is relevant to our daily lives, as the statement suggests? Admittedly, we could learn a lot form the study of history which is relevant to our daily lives. However, I fundamentally disagree with the stateagment statement because it is narrowed the range of history that could inspire us a lot. Therefore, my contention toward this opinion is that all of the study of history has value to us wehtherwhether it is relevant to our daliydaily lives.


First and foremost, there is no denying the fact we are often effected by the history in our daliydaily life. We are inspired by some famous people and affairs in history and learn lessons from the failure of other people. As a typical example, a student inspired by the courage and tenacity foof history 's great explorers might decide as a result to pursue a career in archeology, oceanography,oroceanography, or astronomy;Theastronomy; The struggle experenceexperience of Abraham Lincoln will inspire those unfortunate people never give in to the life and change their future through persistent struggle.Thestruggle. The story of CopermicusCopernicus tells us that we should think crticallycritically about other people's theory and stick to our own ideas.C.R.Darwinideas. Darwin quit learning medicine and create the origin of species, which notice us that the interest is the best teacher . teacher. Fromor Madame Curie, we learn the persistent search of science.


Despite the merits of the speaker's claim,howeverclaim, however, I disagree the statement that the study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives in two respects. Firstly, in the areas of the development of society and  makingand making decisions about the whole country,wecountry, we can learn a lot of lessons from the history althouthalthough it may be not relevant to our daliydaily lives.Forlives. For instance, the three breakout of finacialfinancial crisis tells us the market economy of capitalism society also need the common change of the government;Thegovernment; The development experenceexperience in the early period of the foundation of China suggest that the planned economy of socialism scoietysociety also need the market economy of capitalism society.


What's more, some event in history may seems has no relation with  mordernmodern socitysociety, but basically they are all the necessary steps of the development of the society.Sosociety. So they should also comply withadapt to the objective rule of the development of history. The research of this event will help people learn more about the development rules of the humanity history and the relationship of the production and the society, which is also good to the grow of oursevlesourselves.


From analysis made above, I condedeconcede that it is necessary to learn from the study of history whether it is necessary to our daily lives.Thelives. The more we learn from the history , the more wisdom we will be. The history tells us about the experience of both our daily lives and other aspects of society.

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