



【其它】Demo编程:分别用以下布局实现如图所示界面: 线性布局(LinearLayout) 表格布局(TableLayout) 相对布局(RelativeLayout) 网格布局(GridLayout) 提交要求:xml作为附件上传。

【单选题】执行用例中主要应用程序逻辑的处理和任务的协调的类是 (5.0分)

【多选题】直接插入排序 C实现的经典核心程序段如下: for( i=1;i=0&&a[j]>k){ ...... } a[j+1]=k; } 请问其中 k的含义是:( )

【多选题】2.感应控制根据车辆检测方式可分为( )


【阅读理解】Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant. It happens in plants when gardeners take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones. It also happens in animals when twins identical in sex and appearance are produced from the same original egg. The fact is that these are both examples of natural clones. Cloning has two major uses. Firstly, gardeners use it all the time to produce commercial quantities of plants. Secondly, it is valuable for research on new plant species and for medical research on animals. Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very complicated. It is a difficult task to undertake. Many attempts to clone mammals ( 哺乳动物 ) failed. But at last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off ( 付清 , 取得成功 ) in 1996 with a breakthrough - the cloning of Dolly the sheep. The procedure works like this: On the one hand, the whole scientific world followed the progress of the first successful clone, Dolly the sheep. The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging ( 令人鼓舞 ). Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dolly's illnesses were more appropriate to a much older animal. Altogether ( 总之 ) Dolly lived six and a half years, half the length of the life of the original sheep. Sadly the same arbitrary ( 反复无常的 ) fate ( 命运 ) affected other species, such as cloned mice. The questions that concerned all scientists were: "Would this be a major difficulty for all cloned animals? Would it happen forever? Could it be solved if corrections were made in their research procedure?" On the other hand, Dolly's appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination. It became controversial ( 有争议 ). It suddenly opened everybody's eyes to the possibility of using cloning to cure serious illnesses and even to produce human beings. Although at present human egg cells ( 卵细胞 ) and embryos ( 胚胎 ) needed for cloning research are difficult to obtain, newspapers wrote of ( 把 ...... 当作题材 ) evil leaders hoping to clone themselves to attain their ambitions. Religious leaders also raised moral questions. Governments became nervous and more conservative. Some began to reform their legal systems and forbade research into human cloning, but other countries like China and the UK, continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide. However, scientists still wonder whether cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us. ( 429 words )

【单选题】根据直接插入排序算法描述,如果有 20个元素排序,当进行第5趟插入排序时,前面有( )个元素已经有序。

【单选题】不能把字符串 :Hello! 赋给数组 b 的语句是 ( ) 。

【其它】极坐标系中,作出函数 图像, n 为非负整数。

【单选题】直接插入排序核心程序段如下: for( i=1;i=0&&a[j]>k){ ; j--; } a[j+1]=k; } 请补全所缺的语句



【多选题】水位恢复试验可以确定的水文地质参数包括( )。


【多选题】3.感应控制控制实施方式( )

【填空题】else 子句不能单独作为语句使用,它必须和子句配对使用,那么 else 子句与 if 子句的配对原则是 :else 子句总是与离它 _______ 的 if 子可配对使用。

【填空题】循环语句包括 ___ 、 ______ 和 ________ 。


【判断题】边界类通常与实体类交互。 (5.0分)


【单选题】如果有 10个元素进行直接插入排序,第10个元素进行插入排序的过程中,最多需要交换几次元素?

【单选题】直接插入排序核心程序段如下: for( i=1;i

【单选题】对于下列Hello类哪个叙述是正确的? class Hello{ Hello(int m){ } int Hello(){ return 20; } hello(){ } }

【填空题】递归的基本思想就是“自己调用自己”,一种使用递归技术的方法将直接或间接地调用 ________ 的方法

【其它】如图1,在△ ABC 的一边 BC 任取一点 H ,作 MH ⊥ BC 交 AB 于 M ;作 MN ∥ BC 交 AC 于 N ;

作 NI ⊥ BC 交 BC 于 I ,设 BH = x ,由此探讨: (1)矩形 HMNI 的面积和 x 的关系; (2)矩形 HMNI 的周长和 x 的关系; 图1





【单选题】若有数组定义 : char array [ ]="China"; 则数组 array 所占的空间为 ( ) 。


【单选题】对于下列Dog类,哪个叙述是错误的? class Dog{ Dog(int m){ } Dog(double m){ } int Dog(int m){ return 23; } void Dog(double m){ } }

【单选题】过客是指( )

【多选题】以下直接插入排序程序段中,划线语句的功能是: for( i=1;i=0&&a[j]>k) { ...... } a[j+1]=k; }


【填空题】Java 的跳转语句中 _______( 包含 / 不包含 )goto 语句。

【判断题】用例确定的行为责任通常分配给控制类。 (5.0分)

【单选题】饵的意思是指( )

【单选题】类是主要关注于保存持久数据的类。 (5.0分)

【填空题】break 语句最常用的用法是在 switch 语句中,通过 break 语句道出 switch 语句,使程序从 switch 格构后面的 _________ 开始执行。

【单选题】对于潜水抽水井来说,任一径距r处测压管进水口处的水头总是 测压管所在r处潜水面的水头。

【单选题】下述对 C 语言字符数组的描述中错误的是 ( ) 。

【判断题】实体类主要涉及用户界面问题 (5.0分)

【单选题】类是为参与者提供系统交互的类。 (5.0分)

【单选题】当扇形含水层两条边界的夹角是90°时,是否能使用反映法?( )


【单选题】1.下列选项对感应控制方式的描述,正确的有( )

【单选题】直接插入排序的基本思想是:依次将一个待排序的数按大小插入到前面已经排好序的序列中的适当位置,直到全部数都插入完毕为止。请问第一个待排序的元素下标是( )

本文标签: 语句跳转不包含答案Java