

bundle {
    language {
        enableSplit = false

android {
    // When building Android App Bundles, the splits block is ignored.
    // You can remove it, unless you're going to continue to build multiple
    // APKs in parallel with the app bundle
    splits {...}

    // Instead, use the bundle block to control which types of configuration APKs
    // you want your app bundle to support.
    bundle {
        language {
            // This property is set to true by default.
            // You can specify `false` to turn off
            // generating configuration APKs for language resources.
            // These resources are instead packaged with each base and
            // feature APK.
            // Continue reading below to learn about situations when an app
            // might change setting to `false`, otherwise consider leaving
            // the default on for more optimized downloads.
            enableSplit = false
        density {
            // This property is set to true by default.
            enableSplit = true
        abi {
            // This property is set to true by default.
            enableSplit = true

话不多说,googlePlay aab就是这样的规则。

本文标签: 语言包GooglePlay