

David A Becher, Thomas P Griffin, Greg Nini, Creditor Control of Corporate Acquisitions, The Review of Financial Studies, 2021;, hhab075, https://doi/10.1093/rfs/hhab075

本文主要研究了贷款协议中限制借款人并购决定的条款对企业并购的影响,以此探究该条款发挥正面作用(抑制过度投资,缓解代理问题)还是负面作用(限制了NPV 为正的投资)。




We use firms that are not in violation of a financial covenant as a comparison group to estimate the counterfactual outcome for violators。 但违反财务契约可能是公司自身绩效或特质引起的。
First, we visually explore the timing of the effect of a financial covenant violation. 时间效应上的变化

Second, we estimate standard acquisition regressions to account for observable differences between violators and nonviolators. 添加控制变量
Third, we follow Roberts and Sufi (2009) and Nini, Smith, and Sufi (2012) and implement a quasi-regression discontinuity design (quasi-RDD) to confront identification concerns related to the nonrandom assignment of violations

Acquisition behavior

Acquirer announcement returns

Deal characteristics

Acquirer balance sheet changes

Acquisitions and loan contract renegotiation

本文标签: 笔记论文CreditorAcquisitionsCorporate