

[b][size=large][color=blue]41. Be a finisher.[/color][/size][/b]
[size=medium]Do you want to know where fatigue really comes from?It doesn't come from working too hard. All the research shows that fatigue comes from not finishing you work."Nothing is more fatiguing than the hanging on of an uncompleted task."--Willian James.The best way to change your belief system is to change the truth about you.To believe that you are a good finisher, you have to build a personal record of finishing tasks.Each day make a list of small tasks and finish them. We motivate ourselves by finishing things.[/size]
[b][size=large][color=blue]42. Invent games [/color][/size][/b]
[size=medium]whatever it is that you have to do,whether it's a major project at work or a huge cleaning job a home, turning it into a game will always give you highter energy and self motivation.[/size]
[b][size=large][color=blue]43.Interact [/color][/size][/b]
[size=medium]There's a huge difference between active relaxtion and passive relaxation. Active relaxtion refreshes and restores the mind.It keeps it flexible and toned for thinking.Great thinkers have known this secret for a long time. Some people use to paint to relex,others play the violin. They can relax one side of the brain while stimulating the other. When they return to work, their mind is sharper than ever. Most of use simply deaden the mind when we want to relax.We rent mindless vides, read magazines, we drink, we smoke, we eat until we're foggy and blotted. The problem with this form of relaxation is that we dulls our creativity and it makes it hard to come back into consciousness. But when we find ways to link thinking into our relaxation, we become players in the game of life and not just spectators.[/size]
[b][size=large][color=blue]44. Live a whole life today[/color][/size][/b]
[size=medium] "Make each day you're masterpiece."While other people focus on some special day in the future, you should always focus on today. Practice sessions are every bit as important than any championship game.There is no reason to make TODAY the proudest day of your life.Today is the macrocosm of you're entire life.It's your whole life in miniature. You got eternity in the plam of your hand. Life is now.Life is not later on. And the more we hypnotize ourseleves into thinking that we have all the time in the world to do what we want to do, the more we sleep walk and the more we miss life.[/size]
[b][size=large][color=blue]45. Weclome your problems[/color][/size][/b]
[size=medium]Ever solution has a problem.You can't have one without the other.So why do we say we hate problems. Why do we claim we want a hassle free existence?Deep down,where our wisdom lives,we know that problems are not to be feared.Problems are simply tough games for the athletes of the mind.And true athlestes always want to get a game going.If you learn to love the opportunities your problems present, then your motivational energizes will always rise.Remember,every solution has a problem.[/size]
[b][size=large][color=blue]46. Driver a library[/color][/size][/b]
[size=medium]One of the greatest opportunities you improve yourself lies in your drive time using audio tapes.Use audio tapes to educate and motivate yourself while you drive. If we leave what we think about to chance or to an R-rate disk jockey then we lose a large measure of control of our mind. Audio cassette learning is one of the surest way to learning from your subconscious mind. It's one of best ways to design an action orientated belief system.The kind you need to inspire on going self motivation.[/size]
[b][size=large][color=blue]47.Rewind your thoughts[/color][/size][/b]
[size=medium]Perhaps you noted some idea in this program or book you've read that you want to hold on to. Even a single phrase, if you place it prominently in your home or your office, can have a huge impact in you life.So write things down, put things up. Write down what motivates you and put it up where you can see it.[/size]
[b][size=large][color=blue]48. Make yourself up[/color][/size][/b]
[size=medium]One of the ways to get starting in making goals and action plans is just start making them up like you did when you were a kid.Think of creating in simpler terms than that.The of creating is something that all human beings do very easily."Always think of what you have to do as EASY and it will be."[/size]
[b][size=large][color=blue]49. Get small[/color][/size][/b]
[size=medium] Most people participating in the free enterprise system have been convinced in setting large and specific long range goals for themselves.Career goals, yearly goals, and monthly performance goals are always on the mind with a person with ambition. But maybe people over look all together the power of small goals. Goals set during the day that give energy to the day in a sense of achieving a lot of small wins along then way. By increasing your conscious use of small objectives, you'll see the larger objectives coming to reality much faster than you thought they would.[/size]
[b][size=large][color=blue]50. Get out of the box[/color][/size][/b]
All of us tend to look at our challenges from inside a box. We take what we've done in the past and put it in front of our eyes and then envision what we call"the future"But you see, that restricts our future. With that kind of restricted view, the best the future can possibly be is a new and better past. Great motivational energy occurs when we get out of that box and realize that the possibilities for creative ideas are infinite. To create the best possible future for yourself, don't look at through a box containing your own past.Create the future from nothing.

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