

[size=large][color=blue][b]71.Look inside[/b][/color][/size]
Most of us wait to discover who we are from the impressions we get from other people."Oh do you think I'm like that..."If we get positive feedback, that's great.It helps build us up.But ideally, your journey should be internal. Travel deeper and deeper inside to find out your own potential.Your potential is your true identity.It only waits for self motivation to come alive.
[size=large][color=blue][b]72.Go to war[/b][/color][/size]
Research shows during times for war suicide rates go down.We don't to wait for something tragic.We don't have wait until we go to war to attack us from without.We can get the same vitality by challenging ourselves from within."All battles are first won or lost the mind."Joan of Ark.Ask yourself what would you do if you had only one year to live.How would I like differently? what exactly would I do? This exercise can reveal skills inside of you that your not using today.

[size=large][color=blue][b]73.Make small change[/b][/color][/size]
When practicing self motivation,it can be common that you get a lot of different type of mood swings.Sometimes you'll be on a real high on the idea of who you can be and set up to change yourself overnight.Then your old habits will pull you back to who you use to be and then you become demoralized. You have eventually accpet the idea that great things are created slowly.Greate painting,great building So why can't you see that great people are also created slowly.So if you willing to see yourself as a masterpiece in progress, then you'll love small changes.You'll be excited by a tiny thing you did differently today. You should celebrate because your moving in the direction of self creation.
[size=large][color=blue][b]74.Don something badly[/b][/color][/size]
Somethings we don't do things because we not sure we cannot do them well.We feel that we have not "in the mood"or our energy levels is not are the right state to do that task that we have. So we put it off or wait for inspiration to arrive.We're so afraid to do things until we're sure we can do them well,we end up not doing anything.This is the source of all writers block btw."If a thing is worth doing,it's worth doing badly."If your not motivated to do something you know you need to do,Just decide to do it badly.Add a little self deprecated humor.Be comedic about what your doing.And then enjoy what happens to you once your in the process.
[size=large][color=blue][b]75.Shine your light[/b][/color][/size]
Taking things lightly was the most spiritually advanced thing you can do to improve your effectiveness in life. After all,it's God's angels that take themselves so lightly that they are able to fly.And if his angels takes themselves so lightly,imagine how lightly he takes himself.Your own motivational level will always be lifted with humor Anytime your stuck,ask yourself to take things lightly.Ask yourself to look for some funny solutions. Laughter will destroy all limits to your thinking.When your laughing,your open to anything.
[size=large][color=blue][b]77.Be a list writer[/b][/color][/size]
Never hesitate to site down and make lists.The more you write down what it is that you want, the more you can dictate you future.A goal gains power when you write it down and it gains MORE POWER every time you write it down.Now we're always looking for motivation in what others have written.But if down become a creative list maker,you'll learn how to motivate yourself by what you've written.
[size=large][color=blue][b]78.Be the change[/b][/color][/size]
Don't try to change other people.It doesn't work.You'll waste your life trying.We talk to our children for hours in what we think they should do with their life.But children don't change from what we say,they learn from what we do.By being what you want them to be, you can lead by inspiration.What you tell people to do often goes right by them.Who you are, doesn't.The change in you is contagious.When you yourself change,watch how the people around you change.
[size=large][color=blue][b]79.See the gold[/b][/color][/size]
In every circumstance,we can look for the gold or we can look for the filth.And what we look for, we'll find.Opportunities are only available to a careful observer.Your opportunities will multiple when and only when you choose to see them.
Why run a simple set of basic plays? It's hard to be aggressive when your confused.When you simplify your life, it gathers energy.

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