

[size=large][color=blue][b]81.Pin life down[/b][/color][/size]
Countering moves is still countering.Enter a wrestling match with a plan. A serious of moves thought out ahead of time. A goal without an action plan is a day dream.Before any adventure,take time to plan.Let life respond to you. If you making all the first moves you'll be surprised on how often you can "pin life down"
[size=large][color=blue][b]82.Strengthen your purpose[/b][/color][/size]
Energy comes from purpose.If the left side of the brain tells the right side sends energy and sometimes super human energy.That's why there's a difference from people who set and achieve goals all day and people who just do whatever they feel like doing.The first person, there's always added purpose.To the other person, there is boredom and confusion.The two greatest robbers of energy.Because we are totally responsible for our own sense of purpose, that also means we're totally responsible for the energy of our lives.
[size=large][color=blue][b]83.Go on a news fast[/b][/color][/size]
"New fast"Stop watching the news for a few weeks.If you go for a period of time without listening to or reading the'll notice an optimism and upswing upon your life and energy.Your mind is yours to fill with whatever you want.The more you accept the responsibility of filling it,the easier it will be to build an optimistic and effective mind set.
[size=large][color=blue][b]84.Choose an action[/b][/color][/size]
When you find yourself worring about something, always ask yourself an"action question"."What can I do about this right new?"And then do it.Any small thing.Anything that worries you should be acted on. Not just thought about.Even small actions that starts to chase away your fears and put you back in control to what you want.
[size=large][color=blue][b]85.Be a thinker[/b][/color][/size]
There are 2 kinds of workers.the whiners and the thinkers.The whiners are very smart, dedicated employees that worked long hours, but when they come into the presidents office it was always to complain.They are great at finding fault with other managers and pointing out what's wrong with the system.But they drain the president because they are so negative and it's hard to make them feel better.Then after that,the president is depressed.The thinkers however had a different way of coming to the office with problems.The thinkers come to the president with ideas.They see the same problems as the whiners but they already thought about possible solution.When your committed to self motivation,you'll follow into the realm of the thinker naturally.You'll be more valuable to your company and yourself.
[size=large][color=blue][b]86.Choose enjoyment[/b][/color][/size]
There's a huge difference between "pleasure" and "enjoyment".And when we're absolutely clear about the difference,we can grow faster in becoming who we wnat to be. What we do for pleasure,for example, routine sex,eating,drinking,all kind of short term stuff, that's different than what we do for enjoyment.Enjoyment always involve a use of a skill and it always involves facing a challenge.Things like sailing,gardening,golfing,any kind of activity like that involving skills meeting a challenge results in enjoyment.People who get clear on the difference begins to know how to consciously put more enjoyment into their lives.
[size=large][color=blue][b]87.Read mystery novels[/b][/color][/size]
The person with the highest IQ measured recommends reading mystery novels.They are brain builders.The brain can be built as surely and quickly as the muscles in the body.So the next time curling up to a good mystery,don't feel guilty.It might be the most productive thing you done all day.
[size=large][color=blue][b]88.Express your thoughts[/b][/color][/size]
Go ahead and feel your feelings.But when it's time to talk,be thoughtful and express your thoughts.
[size=large][color=blue][b]89.Use you weaknesses[/b][/color][/size]
Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses on separate pieces of paper.Place the list of strength somewhere where you'll ses it again because just looking at it will pick you up.Now look at your list of so called weaknesses and study them for a while.Stay with it until you feel no shape or guilt about them.Allow them to become interesting characteristics instead of something negative.Ask yourself how each characteristic can be useful to you. i.e. Arnold's accent became a strength.Now there isn't anything on your list of weakness that can't be strength if you think about it long enough.
[size=large][color=blue][b]90. Try becoming your problem[/b][/color][/size]
Whatever type of problem your facing,the most self motivational process that I know of is to immediately say to yourself,"I'm the problem."Because once you see yourself as the problem,you can see yourself as the solution.By seeing ourselves as victims of our problems,we lose the power to solve them.To activate the power inside ourselves we need to take only 2 essential steps 1. Own the problem 2.Create the solution.

本文标签: waysmotivate