



  • 连接词
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,followed by reviewing the latest trends of information visualization并且
Since then,从那时起
In other words, 换句话说
In a very early study在早期的研究中
For the sake of 为了
Even so 即便如此
In response to the usability challenge of manual controls为了应对手动控制的可用性挑战
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, 据作者所知
Contrary to the expectation,与预期相反
We review the state of the art of X that supports this vision, considering that there are already excellent independent review papers in the fields of statistical14–16 and mechanistic17 , 18 models for X.考虑到在xx领域已经有优秀论文,我们综述了。
In a subsequent paper,在随后的论文中
Note that注意到
Such as,因此
We refer to the two types of movement as Head-Gaze versus Head Gestures.比较两种
We focus on safety challenges not because they necessarily outweigh the potential benefits, but because we wish to motivate further work in safety measurement, mitigation, and assurance.我们关注安全挑战不是因为它们必然超过潜在的好处,而是因为我们希望进一步推动安全测量、缓解和保证方面的工作。
Herein, we briefy review previously presented studies in the feld of gaze-based interfaces. Table1 provides an overview of existing solutions and our work to address the Midas touch problem在这里,我们简要回顾了之前在基于凝视的界面领域的研究。表1概述了现有的解决方案和我们解决Midas触摸问题的工作
From these prior works, we learned that从先前的工作中,我们学习到
In order to address this knowledge gap为了弥补这一知识差距
Irrespective of modality,不管模态如何
As a secondary objective, we investigate AT’s benefits, drawbacks, and usability issues when deployed with the demonstrator tool, Scout.作为第二个目标,我们调查了AT在使用演示工具Scout部署时的优点、缺点和可用性问题。


One timely research topic in the smart city vision is一个及时的研究课题是
fundamental change根本性的改变
Human-City Interaction at the intersection of computers, human, and urban environment, where AR relates to the three domains and is a key factor to drive the Human-City Interaction.人-城交互是计算机、人类和城市环境的交叉点,AR涉及到这三个领域,是驱动人-城交互的关键因素。
Multitudinous stakeholders众多的利益相关者
These are the two pillars of the这是xx的两大支柱
Specifically, we wished to remove the gulf of execution [10] from the dialog between the user and the device.具体来说,我们希望从用户和设备之间的对话中消除“执行鸿沟”
undesirable issue不良问题
there are still some unanswered questions and open issues in the design of X一些未解决的问题和悬而未决的问题


Another prominent feature of ARAR的另一个突出特点是
seamless and lightweight user interaction无缝和轻量级用户交互
immersive and natural human-robot interactive teleoperation身临其境的自然人机交互遥操作
a system is orthogonal to our systemA与B的目标(要解决的问题)是一样的,但是方法论上并不相同。
in an engaging way以一种引人入胜的方式
valued at approximately $10大概


gain attention from both academia and industry受到学术界和工业界的关注
with emphasis on augmented reality-driven interaction重点是增强现实驱动的互动
cities have evolved from concrete-and-steel infrastructurestocyberphysical entities从...发展到
Although nowadays , there exists a great potential for尽管目前,存在着巨大的潜力
the design dimensions of these interfaces and interaction methods have not been systematically discussed.这些界面的设计维度和交互方法尚未得到系统的讨论。
are vast domains spreading over multiple fields分布在多个领域的广阔领域
AR smartglasses/headsets are considered as excellent candidates to deliver immersive urban interfacesAR智能眼镜/头戴式设备被认为是提供沉浸式城市界面的优秀候选产品
These manuscripts crystallized the state of the art in这些手稿凝结了
Summarized the eye movement-based human performance assessment and optimization studies conducted with multi-roles in aviation.总结了在航空领域中多角色进行的基于眼动的人类性能评估和优化研究。
Recapped the eye movement measures being extracted in the studies and how they were used.回顾了研究中提取的眼动指标及其使用方法。
Depicted the current challenges of eye-tracking-based technologies to be applied to the aviation industry.描述了应用于航空业的基于眼动追踪技术的当前挑战
Proposed the future perspectives of promoting eye-tracking’s availability and productivity for the aviation industry.提出了促进航空业眼动追踪的可用性和生产力的未来前景”。
to help us gain a more robust understanding of the GPT-4 model and potential deployment risks.帮助我们更全面地了解GPT-4模型和潜在的部署风险
shares commonalities有共同点
These observations are in line withdocumented problems related to selecting densely-packed small objects这些观察结果符合与选择密集堆积的小物体相关的记录问题


It is, therefore, necessary to clearly define these terms in the scope of this survey.因此,有必要在这项调查的范围内明确界定这些术语。
AR raises multiple challenges, both from a user and a technical perspective.增强现实技术从用户和技术角度提出了多重挑战
Significant efforts have addressed the registration errors大量的努力已经解决了注册错误
In the connected city, augmented reality can provide context-aware interaction capacities to its dwellers, city workers, private companies, and local governments alike.在互联的城市中,增强现实可以为其居民、城市工人、私营公司和地方政府等提供上下文感知的交互能力。
While the studies discussed here show the value in understanding affective influences in manual driving, it may be reasonable to suggest that affect can also influence driving even with partial automation虽然这里讨论的研究显示了理解手动驾驶中的情感影响的价值,但有理由认为,即使在部分自动化的情况下,情感也会影响驾驶
A has shown considerable potential in different fields and arouses plenty of industry and academic concern.A在不同领域都表现出了巨大的潜力,并引起了业界和学术界的广泛关注
Previous reviews identified critical A insights and questions. This review answers them and poses some new questions, to further advance the A theory and practice. 先前的审查确定了关键的A见解和问题。这篇综述回答了这些问题,并提出了一些新的问题,以进一步推进A理论和实践。
Also, this review presents the limitations, challenges, and new properties of A, by researching through the practical implementations of A, which was previously under-explored.此外,本文通过研究A的实际实现,提出了A的局限性、挑战和新的财产,而A以前的实现还未得到充分的开发
However, some of the recent works emphasized the integration of blockchains with DTs.然而,最近的一些工作强调了区块链与DT的集成
A has been extensively studied for well over 100 years , and although it is not yet considered to be fully understood, these many years of effort have left a rich legacy of experimental methods and techniques.A已经被广泛研究了100多年,尽管人们还没有完全理解它,但多年的努力留下了丰富的实验方法和技术遗产
With more attention being paid for A, the human–machine cooperative navigation research of A has been also focused in recent years.随着A越来越受到重视,近年来A的人机协同导航研究也越来越受到关注
There is a common sense for human–machine cooperation, namely a human has advantages in understanding the complex situations and the ability of fuzzy reasoning, and also has disadvantages in massive calculations and relatively high error probabilities人机合作有一个常识“人在理解复杂情况和模糊推理能力方面有优势,在大规模计算和相对较高的错误概率方面也有劣势
Some of the existing works, which are closely related to our work are Gräther et al., 2018, Ocheja et al., 2019 and Turkanović et al. (2018).与我们的工作密切相关的一些现有工作有
There have been significant advances in reliability predictions for complex systems in recent years.近年来,在复杂系统的可靠性预测方面取得了重大进展。
The work is distinct in that they minimize the cost for adding the redundant components, whereas our work considers selecting candidate subsets that minimize TDT implementation costs.这项工作的不同之处在于,它们最大限度地降低了添加冗余组件的成本,而我们的工作考虑了选择最大限度地减少TDT实现成本的候选子集。
Digital twins in the maritime sector are not new. For example,海事领域的数字双胞胎并不新鲜。例如
Fault diagnosis can be found in many pieces of literature and has been implemented for many applications, e.g.,故障诊断可以在许多文献中找到并且已经实现用于许多应用。
Based on the above review, it is noted that the digital twin development for autonomous vehicles still lacks standardization. Thus, there is an incentive to create a standardized framework that can be used for different applications. In this case, our approach is to基于上述综述,值得注意的是,自动驾驶汽车的数字孪生开发仍然缺乏标准化因此,有动机创建一个可用于不同应用程序的标准化框架。在这种情况下,我们的方法是
The original yet grand vision to fully understand and reflect every aspect of the physical twin is still a long way to go.要想全面理解和反映双胞胎身体的方方面面,还有很长的路要走
In this arena, it is being increasingly useful to find guidance through survey/review articles collecting most relevant works and putting clear pros and cons of existing techniques, also by introducing a precise taxonomy.在这个领域,通过调查/评论文章收集最相关的作品并明确现有技术的优缺点以及引入精确的分类法来寻找指导变得越来越有用。
This kind of manuscripts allows researchers and technicians to choose the better way to move towards their application or scientific goals此类手稿允许研究人员和技术人员选择更好的方式来实现他们的应用或科学目标
In the literature, there exist holistic and specifically technological survey documents (even if not updated), but, unfortunately,在文献中,存在整体和具体的技术调查文件(即使没有更新),但是不幸的是
Thus, this work represents an attempt to fill this gap, also introducing a wider point of view that因此,这项工作代表了填补这一空白的尝试,同时也引入了更广泛的观点:
Valuable attempts to give a review of the existing literature have been provided in .xxx中提供了对现有文献进行回顾的宝贵尝试
Summing up, the main contributions of this document are: an update of existing literature on methods based on computer vision, aiming at inferring the gaze; a critical review of the impact of deep learning on this research area; and, a new broader analysisof gaze tracking approaches from different perspectives.总结一下,这篇文章的主要贡献是:“基于计算机视觉的方法对现有文献的更新”,旨在推断注视;深度学习对该研究领域影响的“批判性回顾”;以及从不同角度对注视追踪方法进行“新的更广泛的分析”。
The control schemes presented in x are a glimpse of possible future work.x中提出的控制方案是未来.
This review will highlight first steps in this direction, not only as a purely academic exercise, but also as a translational path towards clinical decision making in full alignment with and endorsed by the regulatory agencies and guidelines.这篇综述将强调朝着这个方向迈出的第一步,不仅是一项纯粹的学术活动,也是一条与监管机构和指南完全一致并得到其认可的临床决策的转化之路
Some studies have reported methods for synchronizing AR rendering with real-world drone photography.一些研究报告了将AR渲染与真实世界的无人机摄影同步的方法。
To summarize, we present insights from , which leads to three contributions:总之,我们提出了来自的见解这导致了三个贡献:
Gaze holds great promise as an input modality because it indicates what our attention is directed at and is faster than a mouse as a pointe凝视作为一种输入模态具有很大的前景,因为它指示我们的注意力指向什么,并且比鼠标作为指针更快
There are two considerations for achieving this.实现这一目标有两个考虑因素。
it has long been argued that一直有争议
Nevertheless, we drew inspiration from these techniques when developing our techniques for fully-occluded target selection in VR.尽管如此,我们还是从这些技术中获得了灵感
Since a plethora of techniques have been proposed under those two categories, we direct interested readers to surveys on the topic [3, 46], and more recent works [11, 12, 71, 80].由于在这两个类别下已经提出了大量的技术,我们将感兴趣的读者引导到关于该主题的调查[3,46]和最近的作品[11,12,71,80]
In this section, we detail what we have learned from prior work that aimed to augment dining interactions, particularly through the use of sounds and playful eating/drinking interactions in HCI.在本节中,我们详细介绍了我们从以前的工作中学到的东西,这些工作旨在增强用餐互动,特别是通过在人机交互中使用声音和有趣的饮食互动
This paper has the following structure:本文的结构如下:
This study leverages existing literature, as it was conceived and conducted following the rise of COVID-19, to understand how the pandemic changed the social landscape of LBGs and Pokémon GO more speciically.本研究利用现有文献
Some works pioneer in the exploration of A from B.一些作品开创了从B探索A的先河
While this is not a new challenge, it remains a major issue for researchers.虽然这不是一个新的挑战,但它仍然是研究人员面临的一个主要问题
This problem is not new; how to utilize CSCW insights effectively and correctly in engineering projects has long been a concern in the CSCW community.这个问题并不新鲜;如何在工程项目中有效、正确地利用CSCW洞察力一直是CSCW社区关注的问题。
I assert that a better understanding of the social aspect of technology use will provide fruitful insights on societal changes in today’s information society for better living。我断言,更好地理解技术使用的社会方面将为当今信息社会的社会变化提供富有成效的见解,以改善生活。
Their question is highly relevant to the present study.他们的问题与目前的研究高度相关
`Our work builds on prior work in the design of (platform) games, eye tracking in games, and measuring and countermeasures for DES.我们的工作建立在(平台)游戏设计、游戏中的眼球跟踪以及DES测量和对策的基础上
This paper makes two contributions to research related tothe use of technology for enrichment in residential aged care.本文对利用技术丰富养老服务的研究做出了两项贡献。

本文标签: 学术英语短语文献笔记