


With AirPlay, you can mirror your iPhone or iPad’s screen on your Mac or your Apple TV. But what if you have a Windows PC? We’ll show you a free tool that makes this easy.

使用AirPlay,您可以在Mac或Apple TV上镜像iPhone或iPad的屏幕。 但是,如果您有Windows PC,该怎么办? 我们将为您展示一个免费的工具,使这一过程变得容易。

LonelyScreen is a free, easy-to-use AirPlay receiver you install on your PC. You can send anything from your iPhone or iPad to your Windows computer screen just like an Apple TV, and you don’t have to install anything on your iOS device.

LonelyScreen是您安装在PC上的免费,易于使用的AirPlay接收器。 您可以像从Apple TV一样将任何东西从iPhone或iPad发送到Windows计算机屏幕,而不必在iOS设备上安装任何东西。

To start, simply download LonelyScreen and install it on your Windows computer.


If you’re running Windows Firewall, you might get a notification while installing LonelyScreen indicating Windows Firewall has blocked some features. Specify on which types of networks you want to allow LonelyScreen to communicate. Note that public networks are not recommended because they are not very secure.

如果您正在运行Windows防火墙,则在安装LonelyScreen时可能会收到一条通知,指示Windows防火墙已阻止了某些功能。 指定您要允许LonelyScreen通信的网络类型。 请注意,不建议使用公共网络,因为它们不是很安全。

LonelyScreen runs automatically once installed so at the same time you see the above Windows Security Alert dialog box,  you will also see a notification about your firewall blocking LonelyScreen on the main LonelyScreen window. Click the “Fix It (Administrator)” button.

LonelyScreen安装后会自动运行,因此,在您看到上述Windows安全警报对话框的同时,您还将在LonelyScreen主窗口上看到有关防火墙阻止LonelyScreen的通知。 单击“修复(管理员)”按钮。

The User Account Control dialog box displays. Click “Yes” to allow LonelyScreen to receive information.

显示“用户帐户控制”对话框。 单击“是”以允许LonelyScreen接收信息。

Once LonelyScreen is running and has been unblocked in your firewall, the main screen displays. The receiver name is “LonelyScreen” by default. This name will display on your iOS device as an AirPlay receiver to which you can mirror information.

一旦LonelyScreen运行并在防火墙中被解除阻止,就会显示主屏幕。 接收方名称默认为“ LonelyScreen”。 此名称将在您的iOS设备上显示为AirPlay接收器,您可以将信息镜像到该接收器。

To change the receiver name, move your mouse over the name and click on it.


Enter a new name for the receiver and click “Save”.


Now, you’ll set up your iOS device to send information to your PC. To do this, LonelyScreen must be running and connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your iOS device. LonelyScreen can be minimized, but don’t exit the program.

现在,您将设置iOS设备以将信息发送到PC。 为此,LonelyScreen必须正在运行并连接到与iOS设备相同的Wi-Fi网络。 LonelyScreen可以最小化,但是不要退出程序。

Swipe up from the bottom of your iOS device to access the Control Center.


When an AirPlay receiver is active and your iOS device can see it, AirPlay is available on the Control Center. Tap on it.

当AirPlay接收器处于活动状态并且您的iOS设备可以看到它时,可以在控制中心上使用AirPlay。 点击它。

“LonelyScreen”, or whatever new name you assigned to the LonelyScreen receiver, displays on the AirPlay screen. Tap on it to select it.

“ LonelyScreen”或您分配给LonelyScreen接收器的任何新名称都会显示在AirPlay屏幕上。 点击它以选择它。

To start mirroring your iOS device on your PC, tap the “Mirroring” slider button that displays.


The Mirroring slider button turns green indicating your iOS device’s screen will be mirrored to your PC. Tap “Done”.

镜像滑块按钮变为绿色,表示您的iOS设备屏幕将镜像到您的PC。 点击“完成”。

You are returned to the Control Center. Notice that the name of the LonelyScreen AirPlay receiver now displays on the Control Center. Tap the down arrow at the top to close the Control Center.

您将返回控制中心。 请注意,LonelyScreen AirPlay接收器的名称现在显示在控制中心上。 点击顶部的向下箭头以关闭控制中心。

Now, whatever you do on your iOS device displays in the LonelyScreen AirPlay Receiver window, including music and videos. You can enlarge the LonelyScreen window to make the content from your iOS device larger on your PC’s screen.

现在,您在iOS设备上执行的任何操作都会显示在LonelyScreen AirPlay Receiver窗口中,包括音乐和视频。 您可以放大LonelyScreen窗口,以在PC屏幕上放大来自iOS设备的内容。

To stop mirroring to your iOS device to your PC, close LonelyScreen by clicking the gear button in the upper-right corner of the LonelyScreen window. Your PC will not be visible on in the AirPlay settings on your iOS devices anymore.

要停止将iOS设备镜像到PC,请单击LonelyScreen窗口右上角的齿轮按钮,以关闭LonelyScreen。 您的PC将不再在iOS设备的AirPlay设置中显示。

As we mentioned earlier, you can mirror your iOS device or Mac to your TV using Apple TV. But if you don’t have an Apple TV, you can also mirror anything from your computer to your TV using a Google Chromecast. You can also read more about AirPlay and other wireless display standards here.

如前所述,您可以使用Apple TV将iOS设备或Mac镜像到电视 。 但是,如果您没有Apple TV,也可以使用Google Chromecast将计算机上的任何内容镜像到电视 。 您还可以在此处阅读有关AirPlay和其他无线显示标准的更多信息。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/247573/how-to-mirror-your-iphone-or-ipads-screen-on-your-windows-pc/


本文标签: 镜像屏幕如何在ipad