

Intensive Listening


(Stu) Hi,I really hope you can help me


(Librarian) That's why I'm here,what can I do for you


  I‘m supposed to do  literature review for my psychological course,but I’m um... having hard time finding articles,I don‘t even know where start looking


you said this is for your psychological course,right?So you focus is on 


dream interpretation


Well,you have a focus,that's a really good start. Hum...,there are few things...oh wait,have you checked to see if your professor put any material for your you to look at on reserve ?


aha,that's one thing I didn konw to do,I just copied an article,but I still need three more on my topic from three different journals 


Let's get you  what's you go going on for looking on those then? We have printed version of twenty years old psychology journal and reference Section S**. these is  are ones published in within the last year.let me Then I think about it. it's journal named Sleep and Dream.


oh yeah, the article I just copied is from that journal,  so I've get got to look another sources


ok,actually most of our materials is available electronically now. you can access psychology databases or electronic journals through the library’s computer and if you want to search by title was Dream for example, just tap in it type it in and all the articles with Dream were in the title will upon the screen.


cool, that's great. Too bad I can't do it on from home.


But you can,all the library articles databases and electronic sources can be accessed through any computer  connected to university network.


Really? I can't believe I didn't know  that. it still sounds it's going to take a while though, you know, going through all of that information , all of those sources.


may be, but you already reduce narrow your search down to articles on Dream interpretation, so that isn't it shouldn't be too bad.


And you may probably know there's  are an abstract  of or summary at on the top of first page of the article you copied.when you are going to  go into the databases and electronic sources you have the option to display the abstracts on the computer screen,skimming those know to decide whether or not you want to read whole article or should cut down some time.


right,abstracts. they'll were definitely make the project more doable. I guess I should try out to the electronic search while when I'm still here then hear them,you know,just in case.


Sure,that computer's free  for you over there,and I’ll be here till five this afternoon.


thanks,I feel a lot better this assignment now.




  electronic 一直没听出来,我的听力好渣.




本文标签: Listening