

1.Please tell us one aspect of the influence of Confucianism. 请告诉我们儒家思想影响的一个方面
1In my opinion,confucianism has a far-reaching and profound influence in china.
2It’s reflected in many ways.
3But I think the most important aspect is the influence of confucianism on chinese behavior.
4Chinese people believe in benevolence ,righteousness,propriety,wisdom and faith ,which is strongly advocated by confucianism.
5Even today,it still has an important impact on the behavior of Chinese people.
6If person can be benevolent,righteous,courteous,wise and trustwworthy,then everyone will like to make friends with him very much.
7So I think we should carry forward the content of confucianism which plays a guiding role in human behavior.

2.What would you say about Chinese Language if you’re to introduce it to a foreign friend? 如果你想把汉语介绍给外国朋友,你会怎么说?
1As we all know,Chinese culture is extensive and profound.
2As one of the most important part of Chinese culture,Chinese is a bright star.
3Firstly,many Chinese characters have many tones,and different words or contexts.
4Secondly,idioms in Chinese are very difficult to learn.
5It requires not only learning Chinese,but also learning idioms and allusions in Chinese culture.
6Thirdly,oral Chinese is gradually changing to simplicity due to the progress of the times.
7Therefore,some sentences which are too simple and seemingly incompatible are also very common nowadays,which requires more comminication in order to better integrate into the daily life.

3.Please tell us the story of the Dragon Boat Festival.讲一讲关于端午节的故事
1The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival.
2Dragon Boat Festival is China’s two thousand years old customs,
3The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs (传统习俗)to attempts to (试图)rescue (搭救) the patriotic poet (爱国诗人)Chu Yuan.
4Chu Yuan drowned (溺死) on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves (竹叶) filled with cooked rice into the water.
5Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet.
6This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings(棕子).

4.Please list some differences between Chinese and western cultures as far as education and religion are concerned. 请列出中西方文化在教育和宗教方面的一些差异
In terms of education,Westerners have a weak desire for children to become perfect and start a 1family.
2 Instead of designing their children’s future, they pay attention to children’s free development and make their children become people who can adapt to the environment and have the ability of independence.
3 Many families in China are eager for their children to grow up.
4 They pay more attention to their children’s life and attach great importance to their children’s grades.
5This causes Chinese children to attach too much importance to book knowledge and forget to innovate.
6In terms of religion, most Westerners believe in Christianity.
7And most Chinese believed in Buddhism.

5.Please explain two striking differences between Chinese & Western Food Culture. 请解释一下中西饮食文化的两个显著差异
1First of all the most different thing is the oil.
2As we all know, when we cook food, the oil will be left.
3But as for the fast food of America the oil is absorbed by the chicken and Salad dressing is made by the oil.
4Secondly we will see the situation that the kfc is cheaper than Chinese Restaurant in hongkong.
5I think it is because Chinese attaches importance to health and American attaches importance to efficiency in rich area。

6.What is culture as far as you’re concerned? 就你而言,什么是文化?
1For me, culture is the knowledge learned in class and the truth understood in life.
2We have to learn Chinese traditional culture since childhood, which is the basis for us to be human beings.
3The culture that I learned at school is very helpful to my life and can improve my quality of life.
4In the various experiences of life, the philosophy of life we have learned is also a kind of culture, which will make us face the ups and downs of life.
5Culture can show a person’s character and ability.
6Therefore, I must study culture hard to enrich my own strength and make myself stronger.

7.If you are a tour guide, what place would you like to recommend to a foreigner? Please list some reasons.如果你是一个导游,你会推荐什么地方给外国人?请列出理由。
1I will recommend Beijing.
2First of all,as the capital of China, Beijing is one of the representative cities in China.
3Beijing has a developed economy and rich historical and cultural connotations.
4In addition, Beijing has many famous scenic spots, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and so on.
5These places are not only beautiful scenery, but also representative of Chinese culture.
6This will enable foreigners to learn about some splendid Chinese culture while having a good eye.
7 In addition, Beijing will be in line with the international standards, there will be more English signs to facilitate foreign friends to visit Beijing.

8.What are the most important values in traditional Chinese culture from your perspective?从你的角度来看,中国传统文化最重要的价值是什么?
1In my opinion,confucianism has a far-reaching and profound influence in china.
2It’s reflected in many ways.
3But I think the most important aspect is the influence of confucianism on chinese behavior.
4Chinese people believe in benevolence ,righteousness,propriety,wisdom and faith ,which is strongly advocated by confucianism.
5Even today,it still has an important impact on the behavior of Chinese people.
6If person can be benevolent,righteous,courteous,wise and trustwworthy,then everyone will like to make friends with him very much.
7So I think we should carry forward the content of confucianism which plays a guiding role in human behavior.

9.Would you please tell us something about one of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in China? 请你介绍一下联合国教科文组织在中国的非物质文化遗产,好吗?
Paper-cut is a symbol of Chinese traditional art and culture.
2 Paper-cut art has a long history and exquisite skills in Chinese folk art and culture.
3 There are many patterns and rich contents of paper-cut, among which the most representative form is to symbolize auspiciousness and express traditional folk culture.
4Its performance is not only a single use of paper, but also leather, cloth, foil and other materials.

10.Among so many Chinese Myths and Legends, which one interests you most? Please tell a story in brief. 在众多的中国神话传说中,你最感兴趣的是哪一个?请简单地讲一个故事。
1There are many myths in China, but my favorite is the story of Cowherd and Weaver Girl.
2Cowherd and Weaver Girl, a famous folk love story in ancient China, derives from the star names of Altair and Vega.
3Legend has it that the granddaughter Zhinu of the ancient Emperor of Heaven was good at weaving cloth and weaving rosy clouds into the sky every day.
4She hated the dull life.
5She secretly went down to earth and married the cowherd in Hexi to live a life of man farming and weaving.
6This provoked the Emperor of Heaven to take Zhinu back to the Palace of Heaven and order them to separate, and only allowed them to be there on July 7 every year.
7Meet once on Magpie Bridge. Their steadfast love moved magpies. Countless magpies flew to build a colorful bridge across the Tianhe River with their bodies, so that Cowherd and Weaver Girl could meet on the Tianhe River. 牛郎织女,为中国古代著名的民间爱情故事,从牵牛星、织女星的星名衍化而来。传说古代天帝的孙女织女擅长织布,每天给天空织彩霞,她讨厌这枯燥的生活,就偷偷下到凡间,私自嫁给河西的牛郎,过上男耕女织的生活,此事惹怒了天帝,把织女捉回天宫,责令他们分离,只允许他们每年的七月七日在鹊桥上相会一次。他们坚贞的爱情感动了喜鹊,无数喜鹊飞来,用身体搭成一道跨越天河的彩桥,让牛郎织女在天河上相会。

本文标签: ChinesetopicQAculture