

作者:天涯地物 提交日期:2006-3-10 19:49:00 <script src="http://hot.tianyaclub/hot.js"></script>
本例要演示的是如何查询Feature的属性信息。实现后的结果为选择了UI Tool Control后,在要查询的Feature上单击鼠标,查询的结果将显示在弹出的窗体上。
 要点
首先需要得到要查询的Feature对象。使用IIdentify接口的Identify方法可以对给定的位置进行查询,得到结果为IIdentifyObj对象的数组。然后通过为IIdentifyObj对象设置IFeatureIdentifyObj查询接口,即可进一步得到Feature对象。因为IFeatureIdentifyObj接口的Feature属性具有只写(write only)属性,故又用到另一个接口IRowIdentifyObj。
 程序说明
在窗体上使用了MSFlexGrid Control 6.0来显示查询结果。所以本例也演示了MSFlexGrid控件的使用方法。
窗体名: frmResult
MSFlexGrid控件名: flxAttr
标签控件名: lblLocation (标签用来显示查询位置的地理坐标)
 代码
Private Sub UIT_Identify_MouseDown(ByVal button As Long, ByVal shift As Long, _
 ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
 Dim pMxApplication As IMxApplication
 Dim pMxDocument As IMxDocument
 Dim pMap As IMap
 Dim pPoint As IPoint
 Dim pIDArray As IArray
 Dim pIdentify As IIdentify
 Dim pFeatureIdentifyObj As IFeatureIdentifyObj
 Dim pIdentifyObj As IIdentifyObj
 Dim pRowIdentifyObj As IRowIdentifyObject
 Dim pFeature As IFeature
 Dim pFields As IFields
 Dim pField As IField
 Dim iFieldIndex As Integer
 Dim iLayerIndex As Integer
 Dim sShape As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
 Set pMxApplication = Application
 Set pMxDocument = Application.Document
 Set pMap = pMxDocument.FocusMap
 'Identify from TOP layer to BOTTOM, exit loop since one Feature identified
 For iLayerIndex = 0 To pMap.LayerCount - 1
 Set pIdentify = pMap.Layer(iLayerIndex)
 'Convert x and y to map units
 Set pPoint = pMxApplication.Display.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y)
 'Set label on the form, coordinates would have 6 digits behind decimal point
 frmResult.lblLocation = "Location:(" & Format(pPoint.x, "##0.000000") & "," _
 & Format(pPoint.y, "##0.000000") & ")"
 Set pIDArray = pIdentify.Identify(pPoint)
 'Get the FeatureIdentifyObject
 If Not pIDArray Is Nothing Then
 Set pFeatureIdentifyObj = pIDArray.Element(0)
 Set pIdentifyObj = pFeatureIdentifyObj
 pIdentifyObj.Flash pMxApplication.Display
 'Feature property of FeatureIdentifyObject has write only access
 Set pRowIdentifyObj = pFeatureIdentifyObj
 Set pFeature = pRowIdentifyObj.Row
 Set pFields = pFeature.Fields
 'Set the MSFlexGrid control on form te display identify result
 With frmResult.flxAttr
 .AllowUserResizing = flexResizeColumns
 .ColAlignment(1) = AlignmentSettings.flexAlignLeftCenter
 .ColWidth(0) = 1500
 .ColWidth(1) = 1800
 'Add header to MSFlexGrid control
 .Rows = pFields.FieldCount + 1
 .Cols = 2
 .FixedRows = 1
 .FixedCols = 0
 .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "Field"
 .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "Value"
 For iFieldIndex = 0 To pFields.FieldCount - 1
 Set pField = pFields.Field(iFieldIndex)
 'Set field "Field" of the MSFlex control
 .TextMatrix(iFieldIndex + 1, 0) = pField.Name
 'Set field "Value" of the MSFlex control
 Select Case pField.Type
 Case esriFieldTypeOID
 .TextMatrix(iFieldIndex + 1, 1) = pFeature.OID
 Case esriFieldTypeGeometry
 'The function QueryShapeType return a String that
 ' correspond with the esriGeoemtryType const
 sShape = QueryShapeType(pField.GeometryDef.GeometryType)
 .TextMatrix(iFieldIndex + 1, 1) = sShape
 Case Else
 .TextMatrix(iFieldIndex + 1, 1) = pFeature.Value(iFieldIndex)
 End Select
 Next iFieldIndex
 End With
 frmResult.Show modal
 Exit Sub
 End If
 Next iLayerIndex
 'If code goes here, no Feature was indentified, clear the MSFlex control's content
 ' and show a message
 frmResult.flxAttr.Clear
 MsgBox "No feature identified."
 Exit Sub
 MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Public Function QueryShapeType(ByVal enuGeometryType As esriGeometryType) As String
 Dim sShapeType As String
 Select Case enuGeometryType
 Case esriGeometryPolyline
 sShapeType = "Polyline"
 Case esriGeometryPolygon
 sShapeType = "Polygon"
 Case esriGeometryPoint
 sShapeType = "Point"
 Case esriGeometryMultipoint
 sShapeType = "Multipoint"
 Case esriGeometryNull
 sShapeType = "Unknown"
 Case esriGeometryLine
 sShapeType = "Line"
 Case esriGeometryCircularArc
 sShapeType = "CircularArc"
 Case esriGeometryEllipticArc
 sShapeType = "EllipticArc"
 Case esriGeometryBezier3Curve
 sShapeType = "BezierCurve"
 Case esriGeometryPath
 sShapeType = "Path"
 Case esriGeometryRing
 sShapeType = "Ring"
 Case esriGeometryEnvelope
 sShapeType = "Envelope"
 Case esriGeometryAny
 sShapeType = "Any valid geometry"
 Case esriGeometryBag
 sShapeType = "GeometryBag"
 Case esriGeometryMultiPatch
 sShapeType = "MultiPatch"
 Case esriGeometryTriangleStrip
 sShapeType = "TriangleStrip"
 Case esriGeometryTriangeFan
 sShapeType = "TriangleFan"
 Case esriGeometryRay
 sShapeType = "Ray"
 Case esriGeometrySphere
 sShapeType = "Sphere"
 Case Else
 sShapeType = "Unknown!"
 End Select
 QueryShapeType = sShapeType
End Function

本文标签: 如何实现属性ArcMapidentify