



In China and even in the world. Huawei is a wonder. Although it started producing mobile phones not

many years ago, it has become one of the most famous phone companies.

Now Huawei has got third place at the mobile market. just following Apple and Samsung. After seeing

more of its smart phones were sold last year. Huawel appears to be more confident in its bigger goals.

"We hope that in three years our market share can be the top two and in five years our market share can he

the top one." Richard 0 or Huawei's Consumer(消费者》.Business Group, said in a recent TV interview.

The company sold 108 million smart phones in 2015, compared with 2014, the number increased by 44

percent, though it was much smaller than Apple’s 231.5 million iPhones and Samsung' 317.2 million smart


"The number of our smartphones is still growing.” Yu said. “and our company is expecting an increase

of 30% in Smartphone shipments(出货量).It'll be a great success.

Although Huawei's smart phones sold well in Western Europe and China, the market in the US is

another example. Yu said that the company was “so late” to the US. However, we are trying hard to raise our

market share there in the next few years.

1. According to the passage, which are top two biggest Smartphone companies now?

A. Apple and Huawei. B. Samsung and Huamei.

C. Samsung and Apple. D. Huawei and Ipad

2. What does the underlined word "share” mean in Chinese?

A.分享 B.份额 C.股份 D. 市场

3. How many Smartphones were sold by Huawei 2014?

A. 108 million. B. 231.5 million. C. 317.2 million. D. 75 million

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Huawei has a very long history of making smartphones

B. Huawei's market share will be the top one in two years.

C. Hunwei is trying hard to make its market share rise in America.

5. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Smartphones are getting popular around the world.

B. Huawei's phone company is getting better and better

C. Huawei is trying hard to make money.

D. Huawei company will instead the other smartphone companies in the future.

The fifth-generation network covering out in America and other countries this year will improve the way

our connect to the Internet and to one another.

5G is such an important technology, without it the future smart cities we dream about where everything is

connected simply wouldn’t be possible.

However, there is one major shortage to 5G: It’s going to share you your location privacy(隐私). Anyone

can visit your ISP’s cell data and be able to find your exact location far more correctly than they can today under

our 4G networks. The reason for this is that 4G network technology has a wide coverage area when it comes to

being broadcast(广播) from a single cellular tower. In fact, 4G can spread about a mile from a single tower.

5G network technology, on the other hand, has a much smaller coverage area, and it can’t go through walls

to get indoors as well as 4G technology can. This means 5G networks will require many more cellular towers

placed closer together.

These towers won’t be like the old towers look like Eiffel Towers, mind you, they’re just small antennas

(天线)that will need to be set around on rooftops and street lights and inside shopping malls and other buildings.

Since 5G towers will need to be everywhere and you’ll only connect to one 5G tower at a time, your mobile

network will now be able to pinpoint your location much more correctly–even knowing which building you are in.


( ) 1. What will improve the way our connection to the Internet and to one another?

A. 3G B. 4G C. 5G D. 2G

( ) 2. Which is TRUE about the fifth-generation?

A. It will be cheap B. It will protect your privacy

C. It has a wider coverage D. will require many more cellular towers placed closer together.

( ) 3. what’s the meaning of the underline word “pinpoint”?

A. 定位 B. 得分 C. 共享 D. 保护

( ) 4. According the passage, we can use 5G to find ______.

A. the country you live B. your number C. your job

( ) 5. What’s the title of the passage?

A. The shortage of 5G B. 5G Time Share

C. the use of 5G D. 5Gcan be used everywhere

G. the room and building you are living

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