

2024-07-27 作者:

High Technology

Dan: Hi, Shari. How are you?

Shari: Hi, Dan. I’m fine, thanks. Where’s Alvin?

Dan: I don’t know. He isn’t here.

Shari: That’s strange. It’s quarter past ten. He’s late.

Shari: Where is he? It’s twenty-five past ten .The game

starts in five minutes.

Dan: Wait a minute. I’ve got a text message on my

mobile. It’s from Alvin. Come to my house quickly. Vee important.

Shari: Very important! Come on then. Let’s go.

Narrator: Internet Magazine Competition Prize: New

computers for your school. Write for the international school ezine.

Alvin: Look at this. There’s a new ezine competition on

the Internet.

Shari: There’s a prize for the best school ezine in the


Dan: Yeah! And the winners can write for the

international school ezine next year.

Alvin: Hey! Let’s write something for it and try and get

some new computers for our school.

Shari: Why don’t we do our first ezine article on the


Dan: Great idea, Shari. That sounds ‘vee’ exciting.


Beastly Tales

Narrator: School play. The Lion King. Actors needed.

Auditions-Wednesday 3.45.

Dan: I want to be an actor. I’m going to go to the


Shari: Yeah, that’s a good idea. You love acting.

Alvin: Which part are you going to do in your audition?

Dan: I want to be Rafiki, the clever monkey.

Shari: Yeah. Dan: Emm.

Narrator: Wednesday afternoon.

Dan: Er…This baby lion, Simba, is going to be errr…the

King of the animals. Shari: The King of the Beasts.

Dan: Oh, yes! going to be …the King of the Beasts.

Teacher: I’m sorry, Dan. We aren’t going to choose you

for the monkey, but we have got another part for

you if you’re interested. Dan: Really? Thanks very much.

Alvin: So, are you going to be in the play, Dan?

Dan: Oh, yes. I’ve got a part. I’m going to be a…singing


Alvin: Oh, dear. So you aren’t going to be a famous


Dan: No. I’m going to be a famous writer, starting with

that international ezine! So what are we going to write about this time?

Shari: Well, not The Lion King!

Alvin: No, but there are some older stories about other

really exciting beasts. Let’s do that!


Tomorrow’s World

Dan: What are you doing, Shari?

Shari: I’m making a rocket. Look, it’s almost finished.

Alvin: Wow! That’s the transport of the future. Soon

there won’t be any buses or cars –we’ll all travel by air.

Dan: Or we’ll walk. Dan: Will it fly?

Shari: I’m sure it will. Watch.

Alvin: You only need to put a little of this in the water

and it’ll fly.

Dan and Shari: Wow, it’s so cool!

Alvin: How far will it go?

Shari: It won’t go very far.

Dan: Do you think it’ll hit a window?

Shari: Er, sorry, Mum. I think I’ll get some more

information about rockets next time.

Dan: Well, now we’ve got something to write about for

the ezine.

Alvin: Yeah, transport of the future.

U3 The great outdoors

Dan: What’s the matter with your arm?

Alvin: I broke it last Saturday. Shari: How did that happen?

Alvin: Well…On Saturday morning, my dad and I were

walking up a really big hill. What an adventure! Alvin: I was jumping over a rock when I fell.

Shari: So… were you playing when you broke your arm?

Alvin: No, I wasn’t playing and that wasn’t when I


Alvin: We were in the wood and we had to cross a really

fast river. We were walking across the bridge

when I put my foot through a hole and fell again.

Dan: And that’s how you broke your arm!

Alvin: Well…no.

Alvin: When I got home, I was standing on one leg to

take my dirty boots off and …I fell over.

Dan and Shari: And that’s how you broke your arm! Alvin: Yeah!

Shari: You call that an adventure!

Alvin: Yeah. OK, so let’s write about some real

adventures then.

U4 Food, glorious food!

Teacher: As part of our international food project, we’ll

make Tarte Tatin next Wednesday afternoon.

Dan: Tarte Tatin. That’s apple cake in French. Dan: Oh, OK.

Teacher: So, decide in your groups: who’s going to bring

the apples, the flour and the sugar. You’ll need to

bring enough apples to cover the base…

Narrator: It’s Wednesday afternoon.

Shari: OK, let’s see shat we’ve got. I’ve got a big bag of


Dan: And I’ve got two bags. I think we’ve got too many


Alvin: Look, we’ve got three kilos of sugar too. We’ve

got too much!

Dan: Have we got enough flour? I’ve got a little.

Shari: Er, I haven’t got any flour.

Alvin: There’s only one egg, so we haven’t got enough

eggs either.

Shari: We’ve got too much sugar and too many apples.

We haven’t got enough flour or eggs. What shall we do?

Dan: Well, we can’t make anything for the international

food project, but we can write about it in our


U5 Under the sea

Shari: Have you thought of anything for our ezine this

month? Dan: No, nothing.

Alvin: We’ve talked about ideas for three days and we

still haven’t chosen a project.

Dan: Let’s not talk about that now. Let’s enjoy our day at

the beach.

Dan: Is that a whale?

Alvin: Excuse me, what’s happening over there?

Women: They’ve found a dolphin on the beach. The

rescue people have been here since ten o’clock.

They think it’s lost its mother.

Dan: So what have the rescue people done to help it?

Women: Look, they’ve moved it onto that big cloth like a

blanket and they’ve put water on it because it

mustn’t get dry.

Alvin: I’ve never seen a dolphin before. Has it been on

the sand for a long time?

Man: Yes, it has. It’s been here for about three hours.

Dan: Has it eaten anything?

Man: No, it hasn’t.

Shari: But look what the rescue people are doing now!

Shari: Miss Jones, look! They’ve pulled the dolphin back

out to sea.

Dan: Phew! They’ve rescued it!

Miss Jones: Oh! That’s good. How exciting!

Alvin: Yes…now we’ve got something to write about for

our ezine. Sea life!

Dan and Shari: Yeah!

U6 Free time

Dan: I’m bored. Everything’s wet outside. I want to play

football, but there’s nowhere to play.

Alvin: Yeah, and there’s nothing to do here in the


Shari: So we need to think of something, don’t we?

Alvin: I’ve got an idea. We haven’t tried table tennis…

Shari: We haven’t got anywhere to play table tennis in

the classroom, Alvin!

Dan: Yes, we have! We’ve got everything we need.

Books, desks and a ball!

Shari: We’ve invented a great game.

Alvin: Yeah, It’s fun. Does anyone else want to play? Girl: Yes, I do! Can I hit the ball?

Dan: Yeah, sure. Oh, look! Someone’s coming.

Teacher: That’s a strange hobby. I’m sorry , but you can’t

play it here. Go outside, everyone! Find

somewhere else to play , please. It’s stopped raining now.

Shari: Come on , then . Here , catch Alvin!

Alvin: Ouch! Now we’ve got something to write about!

Different hobbies!

U7 Dress sense

Dan: What are you going to wear to the school disco on


Alvin: Hmm, I don’t know. I might wear jeans and a

T-shirt or I might wear a shirt. What about you?

Dan: I can’t decide.

Alvin: That looks OK , Dan.

Dan: Yeah , but I think it may look better with a jacket.

Alvin: Yeah, but it isn’t cold . I might not wear a jacket.

Shari: Come on ! Hurry up ! You both look great. Dan: Yeah, I feel like a rock star!

Alvin: Yes, and you look like one . Let’s go inside.

Mr Parker: You may want to put your jacket over there.

Nice shirt , Dan. Dan: Er, thanks , Mr Parker.

Alvin: Well, Dan ,you might feel like a rock star , but

you look like a teacher.

Shari: As you’re so interested in clothes and fashion, Dan,

maybe we should write something on it for the


U8 Around the world

Alvin: Shari, have you found any good photos?

Shari: I’ve already found four, but I need two more .

Have you written the article on Mexico yet?

Alvin: I’ve started it, but I haven’t finished it yet. Dan: Alvin! Quick!

Alvin: I’ve just tidied my desk. Be careful! I haven’t

saved the article yet.

Dan: They’ve just given the names of the competition

winners. They’re on the web.

Dan: Got it !Right. Here’s the ezine website.

Shari: So…have we won?

Alvin: I can’t see anything.

Dan: Look , we have to click that window . Alvin , leave

your pencils and click the mouse.

Dan: Look , it says England !We’ve won! Alvin: Yesss!

Dan: Alvin- your pencils! You’ve just tidied them .

Alvin: Pencils? What pencils? We’ve just won ten new

computers for our school. Shari: Who else has won?

Alvin: The other writers are from Spain , Japan , Greece

and India. Dan and Shari: Wow!

Shari :We’re going to write for an international ezine, so

we should find out more about different countries.

Alvin and Dan: Yeahhh!

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