

2024-07-27 作者:


热点80 人工智能及其巨大影响


Now, it seems that artificial intelligence(人工智能) is becoming more and more popular in our life, and it has

greatly influenced the ways we live, work and play. Can you 1

that you can play table tennis with a robot one day?

Recently, a scientist has invented a special robot that can be a table tennis 2 . That 3

people can learn how to play table tennis not only from humans but also from a robot.

Named Forpheus, the smart table tennis robot is quite special. It can study the 4

of human players and

the speeds of the ball. In this way, it can 5 judge(判断) the players’ skill levels. Then it uses the information

to 6

the ways to play. If the players are just beginners, Forpheus will play in a slow and easy way. But if

the players are better ones, the robot will play in a 7 and more difficult way. 8 , while playing,


encourages players to try their best with words like: “Good job!”, “Come on!” and so on. At the same time, it gives

some good 9

to improve their skills. So, it is both a good partner and a clever coach.

Science and technology is developing quickly these days and no one knows what will happen in the future. “In

the next 20 years, it will be 10

that one robot teaches another to play table tennis or even invents another

one!” Takurya, the inventor of the robot, said.

1. A. think

2. A. player

3. A. shows

4. A. languages

5. A. quietly

6. A. lead

7. A. fast

8. A. What’s more

9. A. abilities

10. A. possible


1The world is filled with movies about technology, but none of them could have been created without AI

B. find

B. star

B. means

B. movements

B. slowly

B. take

B. faster

B. However

B. advantages B. impossible

C. imagine

C. student

C. makes

C. thoughts

C. exactly

C. change

C. slow

C. After all

C. attention C. sure

D. suppose

D. coach

D. proves

D. positions

D. carefully

D. work

D. slower

D. First of all

D. advice D. unsure

(Artificial Intelligence人工智能). It seems AI is everywhere and makes our life more interesting.

Chongqing is quickly becoming a leader in Artificial Intelligence. People can spend several days experiencing

the latest and greatest AI toys at the Smart China Expo(智博会) . Chongqing people are most proud of the Smart

China Expo in Chongqing in 2018. For example Lijia wisdom garden in Chongqing is a place where people can

deeply experience artificial intelligence. There are driverless cars for adults, robot dogs to entertain children, and

music robots that sing songs with teenagers. In 2019, Chongqing Gaoxin District has started building the city's

largest three-dimensional(

立体的) parking building. Everyone can park their car there very quickly.

Artificial intelligence is the new rising sun in Chongqing.

Why do I say so? First, many people come to Chongqing because of the Smart China Expo. When Chongqing

has more tourists, people here can make more money. Second, AI makes people in life and work get simple and

convenient experience, from carrying large bags to holding your cell phone calmly, from always doing housework at home to now waiting for the floor-sweeping robot to serve you. Everything is so fantastic.

Artificial intelligence is double-edged- sword(双刃剑). Some people always worry that it will become the

boss of humans, and we may lose everything in the end. But I always have a positive mind that when humans use high technology to make a new thing, we must be smarter than it.

11. What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word positive in paragraph 5?

A. 积极的

B. 全面的

C. 聪明的

D. 简单的

12. According to the passage, what kind of smart things can we see in the Smart China Expo?

A. Driverless cars for adults. B. robot dogs to entertain children.

C. Music robots that sing songs with teenagers. D. All of the above.

13. What's the main idea of the passage?

A. AI can do everything for people.

B. AI will take human's place one day.

C. AI has changed people's life a lot. D. AI is widely used in movies.

14. Which is the best way to show the structure of the passage?A. ①②/③④/⑤


D. ①②/③④⑤

B. ①/②③④/⑤



Chinese billionaire has said that the world’s best CEO will be a robot within the next 30 years. The

52-year-old founder of Alibaba warned that robots will bring far more pain than happiness in the next 30 years. But

he added that artificial intelligence(人工智能) will finally improve our everyday lives in the future.

Ma, who is worth $28.4 billion, said that improvement in technology will make CEOs unimportant within the next 30 years.

“In 30 years, a robot will likely be on the cover of Time Magazine as the best CEO” Ma said in a speech at an

entrepreneurship(创业) meeting. He said that robots would get the world’s top jobs because they are “quicker and

more rational(理性的)” than humans. He added that they would be fitter for CEOS because they won’t be

influenced by their emotions, such as getting annoyed with their competitors.

He also warned that the world is not yet ready for the changes that will be brought by the invention of robots.

He pointed out that schools must teach children to be more creative to deal with the rise of artificial intelligence.

Ma compared the coming wide use of robots to the rise of the Internet in the 90s. He said he tried to warn people

that online shops would badly influence the traditional business, but few people listened. He added that society

should actively prepare for the changes robots will bring to get used to the new world of artificial intelligence.

15. According to Ma, what will be the world’s best CEO? A. The technology

B. The internet

C. The robot

16. Which of the following is Not True?

A. Robots will bring more pain to the world in the next 30 years.

B. Actually, artificial intelligence will improve our daily life in the future.

C. Technology improvement will make robot CEOs unimportant.

17. From the passage, a qualified (胜任的) CEO should________.

A. have a quicker mind than others

B. keep calm and rational whatever happens C. be prepared for the changes brought by robots

18. What does the underlined word “emotions” mean in Chinese?

A. 情绪

B. 对手

C. 气愤

19. What can we infer from the passage?A. Children will be more hard-working to face the rise of artificial intelligence.

B. Many people paid attention to Ma’s warning about the influence of online shops.

C. It’s necessary for people to prepare for the new world of artificial intelligence.


The local government of Haidian and the Internet company Baidu had an agreement in January, 2018. They

wanted to develop “smart city” building together. Haidian Park was chosen by them. Why was Haidian Park chosen?

It is because the park covers about 34 hectares(公顷)near the 4th Ring Road. And it received about 1.2 million

tourists last year. It took the workers 10 months to change Haidian Park into an artificial intelligence(AI)(人工智能)theme park. Haidian Park lies in northern Beijing. So Haidian Park became China's first artificial intelligence

theme park. It was opened to the public in early November.

Now the park has driverless buses, smart lamp postsand smart speakers. The buses themselves can run

(灯柱)according to the directions from a computer. The smart lamp posts can record a lot of data quickly and well. The

smart speakers can understand human instructions correctly. The park gives people a totally new look. People can

experience different artificial intelligence here.

Che Jianguo said that a total of 10 government departments and companies took part in the rebuilding of the

park over the past 10 months. He comes from the park office and he is in charge of the program.

In recent years, Chinese high-tech companies begin to do some things in the artificial intelligence industry.

The central government also said in October that it would help the development of the country's new generation of artificial intelligence.

20. Haidian Park was chosen to become the “smart city” because_____________.

A. it is the biggest park in Beijing

B. it is next to the 4th Ring Road

C. it lies in northern Beijing D. it has large size and is popular

21. The underlined word “driverless” in Paragraph 2 means “_____________” in Chinese.









22. Today, Chinese high-tech companies pay more attention to_____________. A. the global economy

B. the artificial intelligence industryC. the development of our country D. the big international background

23. The best title of the text is “_____________”.

A. Haidian Artificial Intelligence Theme Park

B. Chinese High-tech Companies

C. The Internet Company Baidu D. "Smart City" Building


In the new film, Avengers: Age of Ultron, a computer which is designed to bring peace to the world describes

that the simplest way to achieve peace is to kill humans—no people, no war. Yet the computer, Ultron, finally failed,

but the film is making people nervous about what the future will be like when machines become programmed with

artificial intelligence (人工智能).

Artificial intelligence is the ability of computers to do things that require thought. Right now computers don’t

really think, they just process a lot of information very quickly. But scientists are developing new computers that

will act like the human brain. They will be able to think and create, and not just follow the instructions of a human programmer.

Gray Scott, an American scientist who spends his time thinking about the future, is hopeful about the future of

artificial intelligence and says it will be helpful to humans. It will do most of our jobs and allow people to enjoy life.

However, Elon Musk, the inventor of the Tesla electric car, says these machines with artificial intelligence are

“probably more dangerous than anything else?” and once they begin thinking for themselves they will be out of human control.

It’s a bit frightening to think that some day, instead of machines working for us, we will be working for them;

or, even worse, not working at all by 2018, it’s said that 50% of American jobs will be done by computers. People

with little knowledge and few skills had got most of these jobs. However, with artificial intelligence machines, even

highly educated and highly skilled workers may be out of work. Engineers, doctors, and even scientists may find themselves jobless.

In 19th century England, there was a group called the Luddites. They were textile (纺织的) workers whose

jobs had been replaced by machines. They destroyed the machines in hopes of getting their jobs back. It didn’t

work. Technology moved forward, as it always does, and people had to adapt (适应).Perhaps one day we will have

to use our real "intelligence to make sure a machine’s “artificial” intelligence doesn’t lose control and cause more harm than good.

24. What is artificial intelligence?

A. A kind of new computer. B. A group of smart people.

C. The ability of computers to do things that need thought. D. The ability of humans to do things that require thought.

25. The workers destroyed the machines in 19th century England because ________. A. they were paid little

C. machines broke down from time to time

26. Right now, computers can ________. A. act like human brains

C. take the place of all human jobs 27. What can we know from the passage?

A. People all believe that artificial intelligence is harmless to the world.

B. Elon Musk warned the public of the possible danger that artificial intelligence might bring.

C. Gray Scott doesn’t think artificial intelligence is helpful to humans.

D. Nobody with knowledge and skills will be out of jobs in the future.

28. What’s the main idea of the passage? A. Computers can think like people.

B. Machines with artificial intelligence will control the world.

C. People will control the machines with artificial intelligence. D. Artificial intelligence makes people nervous.


In Hangzhou, Chinese Internet giant Alibaba on Tuesday opened a hotel loaded with artficial intelligence (AI)

and robots, automating a series of procedures like check-in, lights control and room service.

FlyZoo Hotel, opened in Hangzhou, capital of Southeast China's Zhejiang Province, where Alibaba is

headquartered, is known as the company's first "future hotel". Customers can check into the hotel by simply

scanning their faces. The facial recognition system installed in the hotel also enables customers to use their faces as

key cards to open doors and access other hotel service. Users can also control the lights, televisions and curtains in

the room via Alibaba's voice-activated digital assistant, while robots are deployed to serve dishes, cocktails and

B. think themselves

D. process what people program them

B. they hoped to get more money D. machines took away their job

coffee. Hotel bookings and checkout can also be done with a few clicks on mobile through an app. "The AI-based

solution can help customers save time and relieve hotel employees from repetitive work," said Wang Qun, CEO of

FlyZoo Hotel. The hotel is the latest example of Chinese tech companies' attempt at traditional industries such as

the hotel industry.

E-commerce giant JD. com announced in October its strategy to put smart home and electronic devices sold on

its platform into hotels, in an effort to improve online sales.

In July, Baidu teamed up with Intercontinental Hotels Group in Beijing to allow guests to use its voice-controlled assistant to adjust room temperature and order room service at ease.

Before that, social media grant Tencent introduced QQ family, a similar tech solution for hotel operators, in

the southern city of Zhuhai last year.

"We want to install a 'smart brain' for hotels," said Wang. "In the future, we will continue to make hotels

smarter and more automated, as well as create more personalized experiences for consumers."

29. How can customers check into FlyZoo Hotel?

A. By scanning their faces

B. By clicking their mobile phones.

C. By showing hotel staff their ID-cards

D. By using voice-activated digital assistant. 30. Which of the following hasn't been realized?

A. All hotel service nowadays is provided by artificial intelligence.

B. Room service can be controlled by artificial intelligence.

C. Room temperature can be adjusted by artificial intelligence.

D. Televisions can be turned off by voice-activated digital assistant. 31. What's the function of Paragraph 3, 4 and 5?

A. To give more examples of Chinese tech companies attempt at hotel industry.

B. To list several tech giants of hotel industry apart from Alibaba. C. To compare the hotel with artificial intelligence with the traditional one.

D. To analyze the strategies that JD. com, Baidu and Tencent have adopted in AI hotel market.32. What can we know from the passage?

A. JD. com will develop smart home and electronic devices.

B. Baidu allows guests to order hotel service by smart assistant.

C. QO family is a similar tech solution for hotel operators available nationwide.

D. FlyZoo Hotel will provide more personalized service for customers in the future.

33. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Internet giants open AI "future hotels".

B. Artificial intelligence is used in hotels.

C. Internet giants switch to hotel industry. D. Traditional hotels will disappear soon.


It is becoming more and more important for scientists to closely monitor our ocean life. However, it is

(监视)almost impossible since we can scare the animals. Now, thanks to SoFi, the Soft Robotic Fish(软机器鱼),

scientists may not only be able to keep a close eye on them, but also uncover undersea secrets that we haven’t known for centuries.

Built by MrTs(麻省理工学院的)Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, the snow white



robot closely emulates real fish, with a soft tail that moves from side to side and

two “fins”(鳍). To make sure SoFi can freely move around the ocean and swim like a real fish, a hydraulic pump(水泵) moves water from one balloon-like part to the other through SoFi’s soft rubber tail.

Robert Katzschmann, a scientist from MTs Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, says, “To

our knowledge, this is the first robotic fish that can swim freely in three dimensions(维) for a long time.”

During the test in the sea, SoFi swam at the depths of 50 feet for up to 40 minutes at a time, taking photos.

Sometimes the fish would swim near the strange-looking robot-fish, while at other times they appeared without noticing it.

SoFi now only records videos, the scientists also hope to make it more autonomous(自动的)in the future.

“For us, this fish is magical,” says Robert. “We imagine someday it might help us uncover more mysteries from the

amazing underwater world that we know so little about. ”

34. The underlined word “emulates” in the passage means “_______” in Chinese.

A. 观察 B. 喂食 C. 模仿35. To make sure SoFi can freely move around the ocean, a hydraulic pump helps it

through its ________. A. strange-looking fins

B. snow white body

C. soft rubber tail

36. What can SoFi do in the ocean now?

A. It swims with a soft tail that moves up and down. B. It can swim at the depths of 50 feet.

C. It is an autonomous robot which now only records sounds.

37. We can learn from the passage that SoFi ________.

A. often scares the fishes when it swims with them

B. can watch fishes in the ocean without causing any trouble

C. is the first robotic fish that can swim in water for days at a time

38. The passage is mainly about __________. A. mysteries from the amazing underwater world

B. a scientist from MFT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory C. the Soft Robotic Fish which is romote-controlled


Artificial Intelligence is called for Al for short. It is becoming more and more popular in our life nowadays.

And it has greatly influenced(影响)the ways we live, work and play.

Recently, a scientist has invented(发明)a special robot that can be a table tennis coach(教练).That means people can practice table tennis not only with humans but also with a robot.

Named Forpheus, the smart table tennis robot is quite study the movements of human players and

the speeds of the ball. In this way, it can exactly know the players’skill it uses the information to (水平)change the ways to play. If the players are just beginners, Forpheus will play in a slow and easy way, but if the

players are better ones, the robot will play in a faster and more difficult way. What's more, while playing, it

encourages players to try their best with the words like “Good job!”,”Come on!" and so on. At the same time, it gives some good advice to improve their skills. So it is both a good partner and a clever coach.

Science and technology(科技)is developing(发展)quickly these days and it's hard to imagine(想象)what will

happen in the future. "In the next 20 years, it will be possible that one robot teaches another to play table tennis or

even invents another one!" the inventor of the robot said.39. The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3


to_______. A. the coach

B. Forpheus

C. the inventor

D. artificial intelligence

40. From the passage, we can know that the table tennis robot_______.

A. can't play table tennis with a person C. can play table tennis in only one way

B. can't speak to players while playing D. can give advice to players like a coach

41. Which of the following isWRONGaccording to the passage?

A. Forpheus is the name of the inventor of the Artificial Intelligence.

B. Artificial intelligence has influenced people's life in many ways.

C. One robot may teach another to play table tennis in the future.

D. The robot can exactly know the skill levels of human players.

42. We can probably find this passage in a book about________. A. history

B. education

C. science


More artificial intelligence- related and coding coursesare expected(人工智能AI相关课程和编程课程)(期待)to be set up in China's primary and middle schools. The news comes from the State Council(国务院)and it

attracts big attention of parents because their children will learn a lot about AI technology.

AI technology is considered as the key to future reform in the following years. AI technology’s rapid

development is changing the society(社会)rapidly. So the government put AI technology into the primary and

secondary schools. The students should be cultivated from the beginning,and then they would know how to use it.

What’s more,now more and more students take an interest in AI technology.

China should catch the opportunity and join the development of Al popular science. And China should

encourage more basic courses to develop Al initiation(人工智能启蒙). The State Council pointed out the idea in

the news.

China’s educational organizations should provide more Al-related courses. And China’s educational

organizations will develop interests for the youth and encourage them to walk into AI education. AI technology will

be good for the students’ development.

The primary and secondary schools are very important for the educational reform. Besides,our future is in the

hand of the youth. At the same time,our country will train and cultivate more professionals.

43. Where does the news that artificial intelligence-related courses will be set up come from?A. The State Council.

B. China’s educational organizations.

C. Artificial Intelligence Development Plan. D. China's primary and secondary schools.

D. language

44. Why does the news attract big attention of parents?

A. Because a lot of their children' s time will be wasted.

B. Because their children will have chances to be scientists.

C. Because their children will design robots in the future. D. Because their children will learn much about Al technology.

45. What does the underlined word“cultivated”in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?









46. China should catch the chance to

according to the passage.

A. gain rapid development

C. get more international support

47. The passage is mainly about .

A. AI technology courses in the primary and secondary schools

B. the rapid education development and big reform in China

C. the importance of Chinese children’s future

D. the importance of the primary and middle schools



Think about how you use artificial (人造的) light every day. In the morning, a light on your clock shows the

time. When you use your computer, television, and a phone, their screens light up. Traffic lights tell you w 48.

to stop and go when you drive. You turn on lights in your car and in your house at night. These are just some of the

w49. you use artificial light. Now think a 50. living without artificial light. How different would your life be?

In the past, people use fire for light at night. Then from 3,000 BC, people started using candles. After that

lamps (灯) were i 51. , people used oil and gas to light the lamps. Finally, in 1879, Thomas Edison invented a safe

and easy way to use the electric light bulb (电灯泡). His invention c52. our the light bulb, it was so


at night that people could not do much work. Electric light changed that. Business grew. People could do

more at night and they could do things during the day more e54. . If you look at a picture of our planet from space at night, you can see how the light bulb changed life on Earth.

We depend on electric light from energy sources (来源) like oil, gas, or coal. But those energy sources


pollution. One answer to this problem is to use a c56. source of energy, for example, solar power (太阳能).

Scientists have found a way to catch the energy of the sun’s light and save i57.

to use later. So now the sun can light our homes at night.

B. develop Al popular science

D. show its friendly opinions and feelings

本文标签: 热点80 人工智能及其巨大影响(原卷版)中考英语考前时事热点话题阅读