

2024-07-28 作者:

Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake?


1. shake

n. 摇动;抖动

e.g. The mum gave her kid a shake to wake her up. 这个妈妈摇了摇她的孩子,把她叫醒。

milk shake 奶昔

a strawberry milk shake 一杯草莓奶昔

v. 摇动;抖动

e.g. The house shakes when a train goes past. 火车驶过时,房子都颤动起来。

shake hands 握手

2. turn on 打开

e.g. I want to turn on the TV. 我想打开电视机。

turn off 关闭

turn up 调高

turn down 调低;拒绝

turn around/round 转身

turn… 把...变成...

3. peel v. 剥皮;去皮

e.g. Did you peel the potatoes? 你削土豆皮了么?

4. pour

v. 倒出;倾倒

e.g. Will you pour the coffee? 你来倒咖啡好么?

v. 下大雨

e.g. It’s pouring outside. 外面下着瓢泼大雨。

5. honey n. 蜂蜜(不可数)

a spoon of honey 一勺蜂蜜

e.g. The bear is crazy about honey. 熊对于蜂蜜很着迷。

a cup of water with honey 一杯蜂蜜水

bee n. 蜜蜂

6. pot n. 锅

hot pot 火锅

7. add v. 增加

add ... to ... 把...加到...中

e.g. You can add some ingredients to the soup. 你可以加一些调料在汤里。

addition n. 增加

in addition 另外,加之

e.g. In addition, exercise can help us release our stress in schoolwork.


8. finally adv. 最终;最后

e.g. He won the competition finally. 他最终赢得了比赛。

final adj. 最终的;最后的


the final exam 期末考试

9. salt n. 食盐

salty adj. 咸的

e.g. The soup is too salty to drink. 这个汤太咸了不能喝。

10. sugar n. 食糖(不可数名词)

e.g. Eating too much sugar is bad for your health . 吃太多糖对你的健康有害。

11. cheese n. 干酪;奶酪

12. popcorn n. 爆米花(不可数名词)

e.g. The boy filled his mouth with popcorn . 这个男孩嘴里塞满了爆米花。

13. corn n. 玉米;谷物

e.g. The popcorn is made from corn. 爆米花是由玉米制成的。

14. machine n. 机器;机械装置(可数名词)

e.g. We can use washing machines to wash our clothes. 我们可以用洗衣机来洗衣服。

15. dig v. 凿(洞);挖(土)

dug 过去式

digging 现在分词

e.g. They will dig the garden before winter. 他们将在冬天来临前把花园翻一遍。

16. hole n. 洞;孔

e.g. There are some holes in the wall. 墙上有些洞。

17. sandwich n. 三明治

sandwiches 复数形式

e.g. He hardly ever has sandwiches. 他几乎不吃三明治。

18. butter n. 黄油;奶油(不可数名词)

e.g. He spread some butter on his bread. 他在面包上涂了层黄油。

19. turkey n. 火鸡

Turkey n. 土耳其

e.g. They ate turkey and pumpkin pie. 他们吃了火鸡和南瓜馅饼。

20. lettuce n. 生菜;莴苣

e.g. Wash and dry the lettuce. 将莴苣洗洗再晾干。

21. piece n. 片;块;段

a piece of bread 一块面包

three pieces of bread 三块面包

e.g. Could you give me five pieces of paper? 你能给我五张纸吗?

22. traditional adj. 传统的;惯例的

traditional festival 传统节日

e.g. There are many traditional festivals in China. 中国有许多传统节日。

tradition n. 传统

23. autumn n. 秋天;秋季

e.g. In autumn the weather is usually cool. 在秋天,天气通常是凉爽的。

fall n. 秋天

24. celebrate v. 庆祝;庆贺

e.g. How do people in China celebrate the Spring Festival? 中国的人们如何庆祝春节呢?

celebration n. 庆祝;庆贺

25. prepare v. 使做好准备;把......准备好


e.g. I will prepare for the exam in two months. 两个月后我会为考试做准备。

preparation n. 准备

26. gravy n.(调味)肉汁

e.g. Add some gravy to the bread. 往面包上加点肉汁。

27. mashed adj. 捣烂的

e.g. This includes making the mashed potatoes, preparing the vegetables . 这包括做土豆泥,


mash v. 捣碎

e.g. Mash the fruit up with a fork. 用叉子将水果捣烂。

28. pie n. 果馅饼;果馅派

e.g. This is your order, a sandwich and an apple pie.这是您点的菜:一个三明治和一个苹果


29. mix v.(使)混合;融合

mix sth. with sth. 把……和……混合

e.g. You can’t mix oil with water. 你不能把油和水混合。

mix n. 混合配料

30. fill. v.(使)充满,装满

e.g. Please fill the basketball with different kinds of fruits. 将篮子用不同种类的水果装满

be filled with 装满,充满

e.g.My heart is filled with happiness.我的内心充满了欢乐。

31. oven n. 烤箱,烤炉

e.g. Put the turkey in to the oven. 火鸡放进烤箱里。

32. plate n. 盘子,碟子

e.g. Don’t touch the plate, it is hot. 不要摸那个盘子,它很烫。

33. cover v. 遮盖;覆盖

e.g. If it turns cold, cover the plants. 如果天气变冷,就把植物盖起来。

cover n. 覆盖物;盖子

e.g. The cover of the book is very beautiful. 这本书的封皮很漂亮

discover v. 发现

e.g. It’s exciting to discover the truth of the story.发现这个故事的真相是令人兴奋的。

34. serve v. 接待;服务;提供

e.g. We serve good French cooking. 我们供应美味的法国菜。

service n . 服务

e.g. The service of the restaurant is pretty good. 这个饭店的服务非常好。

35. temperature n. 气温;体温

e.g. The temperature has risen five degrees. 温度升高了5度。



1. — Can you tell me the way of making a banana milk shake?

— Yes. First, ______ three bananas.

A. peel B. peeling C. to peel

2. — How will you ______ the holiday?

— We will have parties.


A. shake B. celebrate C. cover

3. The ______ food for Chinese to eat on the Dragon Boat Festival is zongzi.

A. expensive B. impossible C. traditional

4. After a two-hour search(搜寻),the police ______ found the missing boy in the forest.

A. finally B. carefully C. seriously

5. — How do most people ______ the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节)?

— Most of the young people like watching the dragon boat racing.

A. report B. celebrate C. choose D. expect


1. — What’s on the p ______?

— There is some fish on it. Let’s share it.

2. The workers are f ______ the truck (卡车) with boxes.

3. — What’s the t ______ today?

— It’s -10℃

4. Much of the country is ______ (覆盖) by forest.

5. Her mother ______ (提供) us delicious food just now.

6. Do we need to put ______ (胡椒粉) on it.

7. I don’t like pure (纯) milk; I like ______ (酸奶).

8. Do you like ______ (watermelon)? They are so sweet.

9. Those new ______ (机器) kept running for three hours.

10. Through these ______ (hole) you can see all the things in the hall.

11. Put the ______ (玉米) into the bag.

12. My father is now d______ in the garden to plant some potatoes.

13. You can see some ______ (奶酪) on the plate. It’s for my sister.


1. 最后,打开搅拌机。

Finally, ______ ______ the blender.

2. 汤姆,把牛肉配上一些蔬菜招待你的朋友吧。

Tom, ______ the beef ______ your friends with some vegetables.


pour soup into

turn on

put on


milk shake


get up


in the blender cut up

tomato pot 1. I think ______ are the most popular fruit in summer.

2. It is not good for our health to eat too much ______. 3. There are two new ______ in the kitchen.

4. The villagers ______ down all the trees in front of the hill.

5. There are lots of fresh carrots and ______ in the vegetable market.

6. Bob likes to have a ______, but his sister doesn’t.

7. Next, let’s ______ the bowl.

8. Can you help me ______ the computer?

9. Tom, please ______ three bananas and two apples.


10. Now you should put these clean fruit ______.


1. In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays.


2. Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn and other good things people

enjoy in life. Families sees Thanksgiving as a time to get together and usually celebrate it with a big family meal.



a time to do sth. 意为“做某事的时间”

e.g. Spring is a time to fly kites.


give thanks for sth. 意为“对某人表示感谢”

e.g. I’d like to give thanks for your help.



e.g. She sees her pet dog as one of her best friends.


3. Fill the turkey with this bread mix.


with sth. 意为“用某物装满......”


be =be “充满...”

e.g. Her room was filled with books and newspapers.


4. When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.



5. Now, it’s time to enjoy the rice noodles.


It’s time (for sb.) to do sth.“到(某人)做某事的时间了”

e.g. It’s time to make resolutions.



It’s time for sth. “到(做)某事的时间了”

e.g. It’s time for lunch.=It’s time to have lunch.




1. — Could you help me ______ the beef for dinner, Jim?

— OK, Mom. I’ll do it right away.

A. take off B. cut down C. cut up

2. ______ to smile at your life when you are in trouble, and you will soon be happy again.

A. Try B. To try C. Trying

3. — would you like to have ______ apples?

— No, thank you. I’ve had enough.

A. other two B. another two C. more two

4. — How ______ bread do you need?

— I need ______.

A. many; two slices of bread B. much; two slices of bread

C. many; two slice of bread D. much; two slice of bread

5. Put the things into the bowl and ______, please.

A. mix up it B. mix it up

C. mix up them D. mix them up

6. The place is very popular. Look, there are so many ______ here.

A. visitor B. travelers

C. policemen D. actors

7. — ______ people travel every year?

— Perhaps when we are talking about it, more than 100 planes have taken off around world.

A. How many B. How much

C. How long

8. — What would you like to drink?

— I’d like three ______.

A. bottles waters B. bottles of waters

C. bottles of water D. bottle of water


1. Here are some bananas. Please cut ______ ( they ) up.

2. Thanksgiving is an American’s ______ ( tradition ) festival.

3. Here ______ ( be ) some milk. Drink it, please.

4. Which is the best way ______ ( make ) turkey?

5. — Why do you buy so many flowers, Justin?

— ______ ( celebrate ) my mother’s birthday.

6. If you put some ______ ( butter ) on the bread, it will taste more delicious.

7. I need ______ ( buy ) some flowers.


1. 你知道怎么做草莓奶昔吗?

Do you know ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______?

2. 他感觉有点无聊,就打开了电视机。


He feels a little bored, so he ______ ______ the TV?

3. 请给我三张纸。

Please give me ______ ______ ______ ______.

4. 桌子上有一杯牛奶。

______ ______ a glass of milk on the table.

5. 请往杯子里加两勺蜂蜜。

Please add ______ ______ ______ ______ into the cup.

6. — 我们需要些什么来做一个蛋糕?

— 我们可能需要一碗奶油。

— ______ ______ we need to make a cake?

— We may need ______ ______ ______ cream.

7. 桌子上有两杯茶。

There are ______ ______ ______ ______ on the table.

8. 这有一个为新年大餐制作饺子的方法。

Here is one ______ ______ ______ dumplings for a New Year dinner.





1. 动词原形+其他!

e.g. Pour the water into the cup! 把水倒进杯子里!

否定形式:Don’t +动词原形+其他!

e.g. Don’t pour the water into the cup! 不要把水倒进杯子里!

2. Be+形容词!

e.g. Be quiet! 请安静点!


e.g. Don’t be angry! 别生气!

3. Let+宾语+动词原形+其他!

e.g. Let me help you!我来帮你吧!

否定形式:Don’t let+宾语+动词原形+其他!或 Let+宾语+not+动词原形+其他!

e.g. Don’t let him go! 不要让他走!

Let your dog not sleep here! 不要让你的狗睡在这里!

4. No+名词/动名词!

e.g. No smoking!禁止抽烟!


1. 可数名词的量可以用how many提问;不可数名词的量可以用how much提问。

e.g. How many apples do you need? 你需要多少苹果?

How much yogurt do you need? 你需要多少酸奶?


2. 不可数名词的量没有复数形式,表示量时用“数词/a/an+计量名词+of+不可数名词”结构。

e.g. a cup of water 一杯水

two bottles of yogurt 两瓶酸奶

3. 只可修饰可数名词的修饰词:few, a few, (too) many, a number of

只可修饰不可数名词的修饰词:little, a little, (too) much

既可修饰可数又可修饰不可数名词的修饰词:some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of



1. You must listen to the teacher carefully. (改为祈使句)

________ ________ the teacher carefully, please?

2. Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. (改为否定句)

________ ________ the bananas and ice-cream in the blender.

3. I have two brothers. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ brothers do you have?

4. There is a tomato in the box. (用three代替a改写句子)

There ________ three________ in the box.

5. There is a little honey in the bridge. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ honey is there in the fridge?


1. ________ the apple into three pieces.

A. Cut B. To cut C. Cutting

2. Will you add ________ to the salad?

A. many honey B. much honeys C. more honey

3. Please give me some _______. The lemon juice is too sour.

A. salt B. corn C. sugar

4. — May I have ________ apple? It’s delicious.

— Certainly.

A. other B. others C. another

5. The bod didn’t find much ________ about the topic on that website.

A. article B. information C. story



(1) 引-引出话题:引出食物制作话题,为下文制作方法做铺垫。

(2) 述-叙述方法: 有条理的叙述食物制作的步骤。

(3) 览-总览全文: 对上文的制作步骤和方法进行总结概括。

2. 素材积累



make, need, like, dislike, enjoy, prefer, love, put, add, mix up, cut up, pour, cook, boil, dish, way, instruction, ingredient, oil, sugar, salt, pieces, delicious, tasty, sweet, sour, salty.

first, for a start, then, next, what’s more, in addition, after a while, what’s more, finally, at last,

last but not the least.


(1) Today, let me tell you how to make…

(2) When it comes to…, …appears in my mind.

(3) To make…we need…

(4) First, put…in…

(5) Next, add…to…

(6) Finally, fill…with…

(7) We can enjoy the delicious food.

(8) Now, you are able to have it. That’s it.

(9) All in all, that’s why I am interested in…/am not fond of ….


在今天的劳技课上,老师安排你给英国的交流生们介绍中国人最常做的家常菜肴之一——西红柿炒鸡蛋(tomatoes with eggs),请你按照下面的图示,介绍一下西红柿炒鸡蛋的做法。




1. 所需原料:西红柿、鸡蛋各两个;少许盐、油和糖。

2. 烹调时间约三分钟。 Hello, everyone!




_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________



______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________





1-5 plate; filling; temperature; covered; served;

6-10 pepper; yogurt; watermelons; machines; holes;

11-13 corn; digging; cheese


1. turn on

2. serve to

四.用方框内所给词汇或短语的正确形式填空 1-5 watermelons; salt; pots; cut; tomatoes;

6-10 milk shake; pour soup into; turn on; cut up; in the blender



to ’t put many ; tomatoes




一 单选题


二 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. them

2. traditional

3. is

4. to celebrate


That’s it. Thanks.


5. butter

6. to buy

三 按要求完成句子

1. how to make banana milk shake

2. turns on

3. three pieces of paper

4. There is

5. two spoons of honey

6. What do ; a bowl of

7. two cup of tea

8. way to make


本文标签: 人教版英语八上Unit8 讲义