

2024-07-28 作者:


two three four, put your hands up. Five six seven eight,

put your hands down. One two three four, jump, jump high. Five

six seven eight, stand stand straight. One two three four, put

your hands up. Five six seven eight, put your hands down. One

two three four, Five six seven eight, shake your body,

shake,shake,shake. Hands on shouder. Hands on

behind you if you plese. Touch your shouders now your

your hair and now you toes. Hands up higher in the air. Touch

the sky and touch your hair. Hands up higher as before. Clap

your hands One two three four.

little funny birds sitting on the hill. One named Jack

the other named Jill. Fly away Jack,fly away Jill. Come back Jack, Come back Jill.

3. Cover your mouth and turn your head. Shrug your shoulders

when you cough cough cough. Cover your mouth and turn your head.

Shrug your shoulders when you Ah Choo Ah Choo Ah Choo. That

the healthy things to do. We can even stop the flu. So Cover your

mouth and turn your head. Shrug your shoulders when you Ah Choo

Ah Choo Ah Choo.4. Jump to the left. Jump to the right. Jump

like a rabbit. Jump up high. Jump to the left. Jump to the right.

Jump like a rabbit. Jump up high.

5. Shall we dance? Shall we dance? And shall you be my new

romance? Kick your foot and stamp your feet. We’re dancing one

two three. Shall we dance? Shall we dance? And shall you be my

new romance? Kick your foot and stamp your feet. We’re dancing

one two three.

your waist, wiggle wiggle. Wiggle your waist, bon.

Wiggle your waist, wiggle wiggle. Make your body very flexible.

Wiggle your waist, wiggle wiggle. Wiggle your waist, bon.

Wiggle your waist, wiggle wiggle. Make your body very flexible.

7. Dance your fingers up. Dance your fingers down. Dance your

fingers on your tummy. Dance them all around. Dance your

fingers up. Dance your fingers down. Dance your fingers on your

tummy. Dance them all around.

8. Arms up. Arms down. Take a deep breath. Inspiration. Arms

up. Arms down. Take a deep breath. All right now, let’s stop here.

本文标签: 英语活动操