

2024-07-28 作者:


专利名称:Cover for a mobile push cart handle and

methods thereof

发明人:Lori Kolpien申请号:US11540429申请日:20060929



摘要:The present invention provides a method of sanitizing a handle on a mobilepush cart which includes the steps of positioning, in at least one preselected location, astorage container capable of holding a predetermined plurality of covers, obtaining, from

the storage container one cover and detachably positioning the cover onto the handle ofthe mobile push cart. The invention also provides a method of advertising product orevent in combination with the mobile push cart, wherein advertising information isprovided on the cover which is detachably positioned onto the handle of the mobile pushcart. The invention additionally provides a novel protective cover for the mobile push cartwhich includes provisions for supporting various accessories usable in a supermarket andthe like.

申请人:Lori Kolpien

地址:Las Vegas NV US



本文标签: Cover for a mobile push cart handle and methods th