

2024-07-28 作者:

英语口语常用短语:in touch的含义和用法

1. stay in touch

stay in touch的意思是保持联系,指希望与某人继续保持沟通或友谊。stay in touch常用于告别时,表示希望以后再见或再聊。stay in touch可以与with或via搭配,分别表示与某人或通过某种方式保持联系。例如:

We should stay in touch and catch up soon. (我们应该保持联系,尽快聚一聚。)Don't forget to stay in touch while you're away! (你走了之后别忘了保持联系!)Let's stay in touch via email. (我们通过电子邮件保持联系吧。)

2. keep in touch

keep in touch的意思也是保持联系,与stay in touch非常相似,可以互换使用。keep in touch也可以与with或via搭配,表示与某人或通过某种方式保持联系。例如:

I'll make sure that I keep in touch. (我保证会保持联系的。)Keep in touch with your family. (和你的家人保持联系。)We can keep in touch by phone. (我们可以通过电话保持联系。)

3. get in touch

get in touch的意思是取得联系,指开始与某人或某事联系或接触。get in touch常用于表示想要和某人沟通或了解某事的信息。get in touch也可以与with或via搭配,表示与某人或通过某种方式取得联系。例如:

I need to get in touch with my lawyer. (我需要和我的律师取得联系。)How can I get in touch with you? (我怎样能跟你联络上?)

You can get in touch with me by email. (你可以通过电子邮件跟我取得联系。)

4. be in touch

be in touch的意思是保持联系,与stay in touch和keep in touch类似,但更多用于被动语态,表示某人会与你保持联系或你会收到某人的消息。be in touch也可以与with搭配,表示与某人保持联系。例如:

He said he would be in touch soon. (他说他很快会联系你。)I'll be in touch with you by phone tonight. (我今晚会给你打电话。)

Are you still in touch with your old friends? (你还和你的老朋友保持联系吗?)

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