





hd:High Definition

简单来说,通常把物理分辨率达到720p以上的格式则称作为高清,英文表述High Definition,简称HD。

HD高清是英文“High Definition”的中文缩写形式,意思是“高解析度[1] ”,共有四个含义:高清电视,高清设备,高清格式,高清电影。HD因为含有高解析度的意思,所以通常平板电脑的应用都会有HD的标识。


通常把物理分辨率达到720p以上的格式则称作为高清,英文表述High Definition,简称HD。所谓全高清(Full HD),是指物理分辨率高达1920×1080逐行扫描,即1080p,是较高级的高清规格。


1. Why not catch one of the HD performances of The

Metropolitan Opera at a theater near you.

2. Although there are some similarities between it and

Toshiba's HD DVD format, the video compression and copy

protection are different.

3. In stark contrast to the hot sales of HD TVs, sales of the

CRT variety are on the wane. 4. The 201 and 501 series of wireless HD sharing devices have

screen projection functionality and can directly transmit content

from the small screen.

5. Videos are output to the TV using HDMI, including in Full


6. Shanghai Grand Theater launched the Metropolitan

Opera's Live in HD series in August, enabling opera enthusiasts

to appreciate affordable broadcasts of international opera


7. But how does the movie theater experience compare with

the live - really live, not live in HD - production in the house?

8. Counsel for SWD said rents of social security households

are paid to the HD directly to ensure proper use of public money.

9. The SWD added an HD outreach team has been providing

training on drug administration to staffs in elderly homes.

10. BBC is looking at filming and broadcasting the event in

HD and Bennett thinks it might be a driver for HD services.


1. UVD supports Blue- Ray and HD-DVD content, whilst

offloading power and processor-intensive video decoding from

the CPU to the graphics core.

UVD技术支持蓝光和HD - DVD内容,同时卸载权力和处理器密集型的视频解码的'CPU的图形核心。

2. The follow up to the original Omnia model captures video

in HD quality, and enables viewing on an HD TV via DLNA



3. As it was expected, the number of producers, who will

propose the two-chip solutions on base Of radeon HD 2600 Pro/XT following Sapphire and GeCube was increasedwith


正如有人预料,一些生产者,他们将提出的双芯片解决方案的基础上的radeon 2600高清亲/ xt的继蓝宝石和gecube随火公司。

4. Both MTX in biological fluids of rabbits and patients were

extracted and measured with


5. For this reason, and also due to the low number of graphic

processors HD 2900 XT the life cycle of this card will be limited

to one block.


6. Blu-ray and HD DVD are similar in technology.


7. The obsolete HD-5 is being replaced by the more capable

EW/ELINT aircraft based on the Y-8 airframe.


8. Condition optimization for its efficient fermentation was

also carried out. The reaction and separation system with the

addition of resin HD-8 and the isoeugenol/aquoeus biphasic

system of the biotransformation of isoeugenol to vanillin by

Bacillus fusiformis CGMCC1347 were set up. The isolation and

purification of isoeugenol and vanillin in both systems were

studied. The reuse of the immobilized cells in biphasic system

was successfully applied.



9. HD 189733b's atmosphere swelters at 900 degrees C,

about the same temperature as the melting point of silver.


10. Add in 1 serving of 17-HD prior to intense training

sessions and you have the master formula for rapid growth.

新增的1个17 -高清之前激烈培训班和你的主公式快速增长。


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