


the moment一...就造句

The moment I stepped into the classroom, a wave of calmness swept over me.


The moment I heard the news, I was stunned. 我一听到这个消息,就惊呆了。

The moment I saw him, I knew our fate was sealed. 我一看到他,就知道我们的命运已经注定了。

The moment I realized I was alone, I felt a chill run down my spine. 我意识到我已经一个人的时候,一阵寒意从我的脊椎一直延伸到脚底板。

The moment I entered the building, my heart began to race. 我一进入大楼,我的心开始加速跳动。

The moment I saw him smiling, I knew everything was going to be okay. 我一看到他微笑着,就知道一切都会好起来。

The moment I opened the door, I saw a surprise waiting for me. 我一开门,就看到一个惊喜在等着我。

The moment I touched the water, I was instantly rejuvenated. 我一触摸水面,就立刻焕然一新。

The moment I saw her, I knew I wanted to be with her forever. 我一看到她,就知道我想要和她永远在一起。

本文标签: 知道看到消息脊椎寒意