



1. 冠词在翻译的时候都不用译出。答案:错

2. In this case, the failure point(失效点) corresponds to a factor of safety of 1.划线部分做什么成分?答案:状语

3. Einstein put up the principle of relativity, valid not only in mechanics but in

all physics.划线部分是形容词短语做后置定语答案:对

4. 百万分之二十的英文表达是答案:20 parts per million

5. 并列连接词and的用法有几种?答案:3

6. 这台电压表/伏特计如此灵敏,可以测量出电压的微小变化。This is such

____ sensitive voltmeter that it can measure the slightest changes in voltage.答案:a

7. 读者学会这些基本概念很重要,否则后面内容的讨论理解起来会有困难。It

is important for the reader to learn the basic concepts well, ____ the

discussion of later topics will be difficult to understand. 答案:or

8. These transistor circuits can amplify voltage signals with minimum

waveform distortion. 下划线介词短语充当_______。答案:状语

9. Both m and n are therefore even, to our choice of m and n.答案:contrary


1. The process of measurement, the most fundamental operation in physics,

will be discussed briefly in this chapter.该句中的同位语是答案:the most

fundamental operation in physics

2. Vitamin B9 — also known as folate(叶酸)— can be found in many fruits,

vegetables and beans.该句中的插入语是答案:also known as folate

3. make use of是什么意思?答案:使用

4. The oxygen equipment made it possible for climbers to rest very high


5. A对B的影响是答案:effect of A on B


1. 科技英语摘要中使用频率最高的时态是答案:一般现在时

2. Computers are powerful tools which perform fast, accurate calculations over

huge sets of data.该句表达了一个客观情况因此使用了答案:一般现在时

3. It is shown that a concentration on the preservation of routing abilities might

damage the preservation of community structure, and vice versa.该句这样排列的主要原因是保持句子平衡答案:对

4. The grain output of last year in our province was 20%over that of 1990.可翻译为:我们省去年的粮食产量比1990年增加20%。答案:对

5. The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.可以翻译为:地球是月球大小的


6. Convection(对流) is a ______ simpler physical process than conduction.答案:far

7. We show that a discriminatively trained, multi-layer capsule system achieves

state-of-the-art performance on MNIST and is ____ than a convolutional net at

recognizing highly overlapping digits.答案:considerably better


1. This company was the first ____ portable radios as well as cassette tape

recorders in the world.答案:to produce

2. The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, ____it more difficult.答案:not to make

3. I fell down and broke three of my teeth. I wonder how many times I have to

come here and get my false teeth 答案:fixed

4. the house on fire, he dialed 119.答案:Seeing

5. Mark often attempts to escape ____ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.答案:being fined

6. It is our purpose in this section to introduce the basic meaning of the solution

of a differential equation. 下划线部分在句中做。答案:主语

7. 与电压源相连的灯形成一个简单的电路。A lamp ____to a voltage source

forms a simple circuit.答案:connected


1. The shocking news mad me realize ______ terrible problems we would face.答案:what

2. It is still under discussion ______the old bus station should be replaced with a

modern hotel or not.答案:whether

3. I am afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is ______ he never finishes


4. Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious ______the problem itself is.答案:what

5. Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teach ______ to read first.答案:how

6. 电子虽小,但它们在形成电流方面发挥了重要作用。Small __________

electrons are, they play an important role in the formation of electric current.答案:as

7. A body velocity is not constant is said to be accelerated.答案:whose


1. If I _______ you, I’d join the army.答案:were





“If the sun ______ tomorrow, what would we do?”答案:did not rise

If you ______ to see Mary, what would you tell her?答案:were

I would have said “Hello” to him if I ______ your brother.答案:had seen

If you had wanted to buy a record, what ________?答案:would you have bought






It _____ Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days ago.答案:was

It was not until 1920 _____ regular radio broadcasts began.答案:that

She said she would go and she ________ go.答案:did

It was the training _____ he had as a young man _____ made him such a good

engineer.答案:what; that

5. — Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?— No, ______ only

the two passengers who got hurt.答案:it was


1. The boy wanted to ride his bike in the street, but his mother told him _____.答案:not to

2. The traditional goal of science is to discover how things are, not how they

ought ____.答案:to be

3. Tom wanted to play football with his friends in the street, but his father told

him_____.答案:not to

4. .—I hope the children won’t touch the dog.—-I’ve warned them ____.答案:not


5. Some students are going to China in summer vacation, and ____.答案:some to



1. His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching

TV,but .答案:little did he hear

2. —— Hello,Zhu Hua.I’ll have to return to Canada because I’ve worked here for

a year.—— !答案:How time flies

3. During the war, but also he lost his wife and his child.答案:not only was his

job in the lab taken away

4. —— We have to stop talking here , !—— Hurry up, or we’ll be

late.答案:There goes the bell

5. I think this is the first time that we have met. anywhere.答案:Never before

have we seen each other


1. 分隔现象是指句子中被修饰词与修饰成分被词、短语或句子分开的情况。答案:对

2. 分隔现象可以出现在主动语态中,也可能出现在被动语态中。答案:对

3. Forces must exist between the object and the incline that prevent the object

from sliding.这个句子中,将定语从句放在句子末尾是为了保持句子平衡答案:对

4. 分隔现象中,若是句子类的修饰语,从句可能为定语从句或表语从句。答案:错

5. 出现分隔现象的主要原因是为了句子的完整性。答案:错

本文标签: 答案句子知到定语科技