




Welcome to your favorite radio show, "Music Wonderland"!

March 21 will be the 300th birthday of Bach, the Father of Music.

So this month we are going to have several special programs on

this great man of music.

Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Germany in 1685. During

his lifetime, Bach wrote a lot of music for the church and for his

students, but he himself did not keep his own works carefully.

Luckily, his second wife copied them and saved them for him. So

today we can still remember Bach through his music.

Bach married twice in his life and had 20 children altogether.

He was a man who loved his family very much. When his first wife

planned to learn the piano, he wrote two music books for her.

And he also wrote music for one of his daughters to tell her that

too much coffee was bad for her health. I am now going to play

a song for you from this interesting Coffee Cantata.

And we will hear more about Bach after the song

( )1. A. programs B. games C. books D. stories

( )2. A. wrote B. played C. heard D. enjoyed

( )3. A. carelessly B. lively C. carefully D. absolutely

( )4. A. wrote B. sold C. bought D. copied

( )5. A. And B. So C. But D. Or

( )6. A. died B. married C. stayed D. lived

( )7. A. hated B. fed C. kept D. loved

( )8. A. When B. While C. After D. Since

( )9. A. him C. her D. us

( )10. A. felt B. hear C. see D. smell


My great grandmother, Carrie Estelle Burkett is my hero.

“Everything I going to be OK,” She used to say to me after a

long day at school and he believed it, too. He lived eighty years

with many experiences and a great love.

My great grandmother was a strong lady. In 2006, she was ill

seriously and couldn’t speak. However, we learned to

understand her better. She was not able to live alone any more,

so my grandmother took her in and I could se hr vry day and

helped to look after her. We became very close friends but no

Easter of 2007, she passed away.

My great grandmother is my hero because she had the

power to lve many people no matter who they were.. I hope that

one day I can be like her and continue to learn from her. Even if

she isn’t here, she will always live in my heart.

( )1. What happened after the writer’s great grandmother

was ill?

A. She couldn’t speak again.

B. She couldn’t walk again.

C. She couldn’t write again.

D. She couldn’t see again.

( )2. Who did Carrie Estelle Burkett live with before she was


A. She lived with ther writer.

B. She lived alone.

C. She lived with the writer’s grandmother.

D. She lived with her family.

( )3. What does the underlined phrase “passed away mean?

A. 去世

B. 生病

C. 住院

D. 离开

( )4. Which of the following is not true?

A. The great grandmother lived a rich life.

B. The great grandmother believed that everything was

going to be OK.

C. The great grandmother got on well with the writer.

D. The great grandmother still lives in the writer’s heart.

( )5. What does the writer think of his great grandmother?

lived very long and was very strong.

was always happy and lived to help people.

saw many things in her life and taught the writer manyt


gave her love to many people and she is a hero.


A young man is lying in hospital sadly. The 24-year-old lost

his right leg. The doctor said that his long history of smoking was

the reason..

“I first smoked when I was 14. It made me feel like a man

and I thought it looked cool. Now I know I was wrong,” said the

young man.

It is a mistake many young people make. According to the

survey, 40 million of China’s 130 million young people aged

between 13 and 18 smoke. Fifteen million of them are addicted.

The survey also found that about 68% of young smokers first

smoked before the age of 13.

Many young

"Some tobacco companies try to make cigarettes cool. It’s

just to make money and is surely not true," said Yang Gonghuan,

a Beijing doctor.

Many teenagers see people smoking in the movies. But in

real life, stars like Jackie Chan think smoking is a bad thing and

not cool at all.

In fact, smoking is one of the top killers in China. Each year 1

million people die from smoking-related diseases. Smoking

causes illnesses like lung (肺) cancer and heart disease.

Doctors say that the younger a person starts smoking, the

worse it will be. If a person start smoking as a teenager, he or she

may live 22 years less than non-smokers.

( )1. Which part of the young man got ill?

A. His lung.

B. His heart.

C. His blood.

D. His mouth.

( )2. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

A. Getting disease.

B. Smoking.

C. Staying in hospital.

D. Giving up smoking

( )3. The number of young man who smoke in China is____.

A. 40 million.

B. 130 million

C. 15 million.

D. 13 million

( )4. What does Jackie Chan think of smoking?

A. Cool.

B. Harmful.

C. Benefit

D. Neither cool nor harmful

( )5. The passage advise us ____.

A. not to drink only when you are young.

B. not to drink if you get any disease.

C. not to drink especially when you are young

D. not to drink until you grow up.

Students have to take tests every year to see how much they

are learning. Some schools do not do very well on these tests. It

can be hard for teachers to see their students not do well.

Many teachers don’t want to be at these low-performing

schools. Some of them leave to teach at schools where scores are

usually higher. Other teachers look for jobs at schools that pay

more money.

The leader of California recently signed a bill that he hopes

will help struggling schools. The bill will give money to teachers

who take classes to learn more about teaching. They will also get

more money if they teach in the low-performing schools.

If a teacher can make test scores better he might get a bonus.

People hope that this will make teachers want to teach in schools

that are not doing as well as others.

1. well

2. for

3. them

4. higher

5. pay

6. help

7. money

8. more

9. can 10. teach

The Koala lives in Australia. It is up to 0.6-0.9 m long,

weighing 4.5-13.5 kg. The soft fur is light-gray to brown, and has

white patches on the chest, neck and ears. This fur keeps them

from cold weather and rain. They have strong feet and hands, so

they can hold the trees they live in.

A mother koala keeps her baby safe and warm. When the

baby is very young, it stays in its mom’s pocket.

Koalas spend most of their time in trees. They eat leaves.

Loalas have a good sense of smell. They can make sure whether

the leaves are delicious or not.

A baby koala starts to climb trees by itself when it is nine

months old. After a long time of eating and climbing, the little

koala is ready to sleep. It curls up in a tree to rest. It spends 18 to

20 hours each day resting and sleeping.

About Koala

Place of living 1

Length 0.6-0.9m

Weight 2

Color of fur 3 and has white patches on the chest, neck

and ears

Sense of smell Good

Age of starting clumbing 4

Time of sleeping and resting 5

1. Australia

2. 4.5-1

3.5kg 3. light-gray to born

4. Nine months old

5. 18 to 20 hours


1. 你所要写老师的姓名、身高、年龄等。

2. 对你们学习上的要求。

3. 你和你的同学们对他的看法。

My maths teacher is Mr Wang. He is a fifty-year-old man with

a height of 1.75 meters. Someone say he has has been a teacher

in my school for about 25 years.

Mr Wang is strict with us very much. Every time after his class,

he must give some homework to us. We must finish it. He said

that it will help us a lot if we do some exercise.

All my classmates and I love Mr Wang. We think we can learn

the subject well.

本文标签: 阅读老师身高姓名