






Due to the "peace" to fall, to prevent damage to your

phone, please turn off a week to secure!


Laid-off men don't look back, with two big axes; Run

into a big style with a roar, the moves when it's necessary to

make moves。


English tongue twister test: will peace - war - found

repeated quickly read three times, fluent and no error proof

the spoken English skill。


There was a sincere love I did not cherish, until after

losing to regret。 If give me a chance, I will said to the girl


three words: stay away from me!


When you see this message, congratulations, you have

99 competitors from, you won the love, I want to come out

to celebrate? Happy April fool's day!


April fool's day is coming, I wish the world the wisest man

often seems stupid fool, fool is more foolish, happy fool,

it is a fool。 ZhuYu people happy April fool's day。


There was a true love, I didn't treasure, lost only regret,

if can come again, I would say: I love you。 If you want to

choose, I hope is: April fool's day!


Dear of, I started missing you again, my love to you

everyday at huge increase, because someone tell me: pork

markup, you can sell a good price!




You handsome, cool, and can't parables, you head pot

hand carry cabbage, always think oneself is east don't hurt,

in fact you are a fool the second generation!


Notice: tomorrow above leadership inspection work,

each colleague dressing, as required, please man: suit tie

shorts slippers; Ms: swimsuit trousers for leather shoes!


Teach you a happy spell; AnSiZhu AnSiZhu AnSiZhi

bamboo AnSiZhi pure bamboo, congratulations you learned

to shandong dialect; I is a pig I'm pig, I is a pig I was a jerk。


Someone kua you, I worry, worry about other people

kua enough; This has no intention of different, how do you

taste; As the typical failure, your family is so successful。



Is used to lay eggs, chicken cow is living on dry, the cat

went very seriously, sheep are barbecue in the future, a dog

is a let a person to be used, you are waiting for ones。


I want to be emperor, afraid of bothersome; Get

promoted, and uncertain; Want to eat, afraid to brush pot;

Really want to beat you, again afraid to bring calamity。

Happy April fool's day。


As Confucius said, a fight, brick on face on, unfavorable

LuanHu; Seems not to deny, deny the almost to the dead;

By death or don't pull down can also; Not the dead is a hero



The emergence of you made me sleepless nights; Your

voice makes me happy; Your kiss on my body left

unforgettable testimony。 So, I don't sleep tonight will wait

for you, dead mosquitoes。




Please call 110 if you look ugly。 Please call 120 if you are

out of shape。 Please call 119 if you have a bad temper。 If you

think you're beautiful, please call my mobile phone,



Notice: after receiving the SMS, please get a

Mid-Autumn festival souvenirs to civil administration branch,

including an exquisite moon cake box, containing scoop a

month circle, need some moon cakes slag。


A beautiful pig fart dian fart, ran to the front of you,

looking at you with adoring eyes, his tail, swing the ass。

Singing a song to you: after be brought up, I became you!

Happy April fool's day!


Went out to buy cold beef, suddenly a man with a dog,


the dog eagerly follow my hand cold beef ran, the master

took it in time, I clearly heard the master and the dog said:

rational point!


At work again, are you? I more than once said to you

don't work so hard, pay attention to the body。 Can you

always meaningful said: not much warm days roll how many

mucks ball, winter what I eat。


Experts recently invented a multipurpose computer plate,

the plate of soft of time call a floppy disk, after erection

becomes hard disk, after its appearance, can become a CD。

Happy April fool's day!


I said: every miss you once the stars fall a drop of tears,

the sea is like this form。 Each time you say: think I you put a


fart, the ozone layer are formed in this way。 I wish you a

happy April fool's day!


The classmates, read English for "should give interest"

when the President; Read as "hard to change history" became

a politician。 I read dead tired "should" do the company

employees。 How do you read that?


Work is more and more busy, too tired to don't come to

bed, increasing pressure, all let the fear of life, and when

more and more boring, but I can give you instant message,

hey hey! Happy April fool's day!


Always be you bullying, dozen, dozen however you;

Say, but you said; Play, play but you。 Her legacy to now,

all pay you on April fool's day, wish you stupid don't angry,


stupid blessed, happy holidays!


This message to let you know: first, our deepest love!

Second, let you know that I did not forget you! Third, I care

about most is you! Fourth, eat more sleep, keep of fat,

such for years ago, sell a good price!


Mr Duration just next to the daughter of the first set out to

give him an old man leaned in: yes this is what s still make

this? Liu: ah! My daughter to heavy strength, patience and

strong, I can not find a dozen resistance for her?


Information open to listen to love: I love you, glebe's old

an eternity; Waiting for you, the seas run dry and the rocks

crumble never change; With you, forever never stop; With

you, to life everlasting life; Please, thousands don't believe it!



The Wolf to the pig nest in a mess, a mother pig

arrangement: big pig plugging the door! Two pigs to

plugging window! When he saw the pig, the pig mama

LaiHuo, shout loudly: old three, don't look at SMS! You go

out more than meat, the Wolf away。 Happy April fool's day!

本文标签: 愚人节短信没有希望整人