


· pipe

· v. [paɪp] ( pipes; piped; piping )


· 双解释义


vt. 以管输送 convey water, etc. through pipes


vt. & vi. 用笛子吹奏; 鸣啭,唱 play a tune on a pipe; (a bird) whistle sing


vt. 传送 transmit sth by wire or cable


vt. 吹哨子下令(表示欢迎) call or give orders, or welcome onto a ship by

blowing a pipe


vt. 绲边,镶花边 ornament sth with piping

· 基本要点

用作动词意思是“用管子输送,为…装管子”。引申可作“用笛子吹奏; 鸣啭,唱”“传送”“吹哨子下令(表示欢迎)”“绲边,镶花边”等解。


后接副词 down表示“住嘴,停止往下谈”; 后接副词up表示“开始吹奏”“开始说”。

· 词汇搭配


•pipe a skirt 给裙子绲边

•pipe a tune 用笛子吹奏一支曲子

•pipe music 播放有线广播的音乐

•pipe oil 用管输送油


•pipe away 不断地吹奏,用管道排除或输送

•pipe down 安静下来

•pipe up 开始吹奏,开始唱,开始(大声)说话


•pipe sth for gas 为…安装煤气管道

•pipe into 用管道把…输入

•pipe over 向…播送

•pipe to 传送到…

•pipe all hands to work 吹哨子命令全体水手工作

•pipe with sth 用…装饰,用…绲边

· 常用短语

pipe away(v.+adv.)

1.不断地吹奏 play a wind instrument continuously

▲pipe away

They've been piping away all morning.他们整个上午都在吹奏。

2.用管道排除或输送 remove; carry (sth) away through a pipe

▲pipe sth⇔away

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

The waste water is piped away to a special place.废水通过管道排往特定的地点。

pipe down(v.+adv.)

〈口〉安静下来 be quiet

〔说明〕 pipe down常用于祈使句。

▲pipe down

He shouted at us to pipe down.他大声叫我们静下来。

“Oh, pipe down!”he called.他叫着“闭嘴!”

Pipe down!You are disturbing the neighbours.安静点,你们打扰周围的人了。

Though several people in the audience yelled to him to pipe down,John kept

interrupting the speaker every few minutes.尽管一些听众叫喊要约翰肃静,但他照样频频对演讲者打岔。

Would you fellows pipe down?I want to hear what he has to say.你们这些老兄安静下来,好吗?我想听听他要说什么。

pipe into(v.+prep.)

用管道把…输入 bring sth into a place through pipes

▲pipe sth into sth

They piped oil into storage tanks from ships anchored offshore.他们从近海处抛锚停泊的船只上以管道输送油于贮藏罐内。

pipe up(v.+adv.)

1.尖声唱; 吹奏乐曲 begin to sing in a high voice; play a wind instrument

▲pipe up

I love to hear the boys pipe up in church.我爱听男孩们在教堂里歌唱。

Once she piped up to a different air—a kind of country love song.有一次她改唱了一支不同的曲子——一种乡村情歌。

▲pipe sth⇔up

Suddenly the band piped up a military tune.忽然,乐队奏起一首军乐。

2.开始(大声)讲话 begin to speak, especially in a high voice

▲pipe up

Everyone was afraid to talk to the police, but a small child piped up.人人都害怕同警察讲话,但一个小孩子突然大声讲了起来。

Mary is so shy, everyone was surprised when she piped up with a complaint

at the club meeting.玛丽很腼腆,她在俱乐部会上说出自己的不满,使大家感到惊讶。

pipe with(v.+prep.)

用…给…绲边; 用…装饰… ornament (sth) with (sth)

▲pipe sth with sth

She piped the skirt with blue silk.她用蓝绸子给裙子绲边。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

The shoulders of his uniform were piped with signs of his rank.他制服肩上佩有表示军衔的标志。

· 句型例句



He piped so that we could dance.他用笛子吹奏好让我们跳舞。

The birds began piping at daybreak.小鸟黎明时就开始叫了。



The people in the village used to pipe water.这个村子里的人过去常以管道输送水。

They are piping the new house for gas.他们正为新房子安装煤气管道。

Pipe that song again.把那支歌再吹奏一遍。

The piper will pipe a tune.演奏者将用笛子吹奏一支曲子。

Nearly all the shops have piped music.差不多所有的商店连续播放有线广播的音乐。

He piped “Happy Birthday” on the cake.他在蛋糕上镶上了“生日快乐”的字样。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

The admiral was piped aboard.海军上将在欢迎他的哨子声中登舰。

· 补充资料

[同义词] n. clay, duct, horn, line, tube v. carry, conduct, convey,

play, supply, transmit

[词源] <古英语 <拉丁语pipare(管)

· · pipe

· n. [paɪp] ( pipes )


· 双解释义



管子,管道 tube through which liquids or gases can flow



烟斗,一烟斗的烟丝 narrow tube with a bowl at one end, used for smoking

tobacco; amount of tobacco this can hold



管乐器,音管 wind instrument consisting of a tube with holes that are

covered and uncovered by the fingers to make musical notes



风笛 bagpipe



水手长吹的哨子 (sound of a) whistle used by a boatswain



鸟鸣,鸟鸣声 song or note of a bird



大酒桶的量,大酒桶 (contents of a) cask which can hold about 105

gallons of wine

· 基本要点



· 词汇搭配


•break pipe 折断管子

•enjoy pipe 喜欢吸烟斗

•fill pipe 装烟斗

•fix pipe 安管子,修理管道

•hit pipe 击中管子

•knock ashes out of pipe 把烟灰磕出来

•lay pipe 铺设管道

•light pipe 点烟

•puff at pipe 抽烟斗

•puff on pipe 抽烟斗

•relay pipe 重新铺设管道

•smoke pipe 吸烟斗

•suck pipe 抽烟斗


•blocked pipe 堵塞的管道

•broken pipe 破管子

•burst pipe 破裂的管道

•full pipe 满满一烟斗

•good pipe 好烟斗

•main pipe 总管道

•metallic pipe 金属管

•seamless pipe 无缝管

•vertical pipe 垂直的管道

•wooden pipe 木制烟斗


•bamboo pipe 竹管

•drain pipe 排水管

•exhaust pipe 排气管

•feed pipe 供给管

•gas pipe 煤气管

•overflow pipe 溢流管

•peace pipe 象征和平的烟斗

•steam pipe 蒸汽管

•steel pipe 钢管

•stove pipe 炉子的烟道

•waste pipe 排放废水〔气〕的管子

•water pipe 水管


•pipe dream 黄粱美梦

•pipe clay 烟斗泥

•pipe organ 管风琴

•pipe tobacco 烟斗烟,丝(状)烟


•through pipe 通过管子


•pipes of Pan 排箫

· 常用短语

pipe dream

幻想,白日梦 unattainable ambition〔desire〕

I would like to buy a villa in Spain when I retire, but with my limited

resources it is only a pipe dream.我退休后想在西班牙买一栋别墅,但就我有限的财力而言,这只是一种空想。

We may wish to provide the blind with artificial eyes that enable them to

see—and this is not just a silly, unrealizable pipe dream.我们说不定能为盲人提供人造眼睛,使他们重见光明——而这已不只是一种天真的、不可实现的幻想。

put that in one's pipe and smoke it

不管你喜欢不喜欢,你都得接受 you have to accept that, whether you like it or


We've got no more money, so you can't spend that in your pipe and

smoke it.我们再也没有钱了,你也无钱可花了,你仔细考虑考虑吧。

I wouldn't come to your rotten party even if you asked me, so put that in

your pipe and smoke it!即使你请我,我也不会去参加你那讨厌的聚会,你仔细想一想吧!

· 句型例句

A bar of iron is solid; a pipe is hollow.铁棍是实心的,而管子是空心的。

The bathroom would look much nicer if the pipes were boxed in.如果把这些管子嵌入墙内,浴室就要好看得多了。

My pipe has gone out.我烟斗的火熄灭了。

He was standing there with a pipe in his mouth.他嘴里叼着烟斗站在那里。

He smoked a pipe.他吸了一袋烟。

He is playing a tune on his pipe.他在用笛子吹奏一支曲子。

本文标签: 管道吹奏管子表示烟斗