





fraudulent ADJ. / 欺骗的/cheating; deceitful. The government

seeks to prevent fraudulent and misleading advertising. fraught ADJ.

/满的/filled. Since this enterprise is fraught with danger, I will ask

for volunteers who are willing to assume the risks.

fray N. /争吵/brawl. The three muskete ers were in the thick of

the fray.

frenetic ADJ. /发狂的/frenzied; frantic. His frenetic activities

convinced us that he had no organized plan of operation. frenzied

ADJ. /狂乱的/madly excited. As soon as they smelled smoke, the

frenzied animals milled about in their cages. fresco N. /壁画/painting on plaster (usually fresh). The cathedral is visited by

many tourists who wish to admire the

frescoes by Giotto.

fret V. /被激怒/to be annoyed or vexed. To fret over your poor

grades is foolish; instead, decide to work harder in the future.

friction N. /摩擦/clash in opinion; rubbing against. At this time


when harmony is essential, we cannot afford to have any friction

in our group.

frigid ADJ. /刺骨寒/intensely cold. Alaska is in the frigid zone.

frivolous ADJ. /轻佻的;嬉皮笑脸的/lacking in seriousness;

self-indulgently carefree; relatively unimportant. Though

Nancy enjoyed Bill's frivolous, lighthearted companionship, she

sometimes wondered whether he could ever be serious. frivolity, N.

frolicsome ADJ. /闹着玩的;嬉戏的/prankish; gay. The frolicsome

puppy tried to lick the face of its master.

frond N. /棕榈叶;蕨叶/fern leaf; palm or banana leaf. After the

storm the beach was littered with the fronds of palm trees.

frugality N. /俭省节约/thrift; economy. In economically hard

times, anyone who doesn't learn to practice frugality risks

bankruptcy. frugal, ADJ.

fruition N. / 享用; 成就; 实现/bearing of fruit; fulfillment;

realization. This building marks the fruition of all our aspirations

and years of hard work.


frustrate V. /阻碍;挫败/thwart; defeat. We must frustrate this

dictator's plan to seize control of the government.

fugitive ADJ. /短暂的,易变的;流动的/fleeting or transitory; roving.

The film brought a few fugitive images to her mind, but on the

whole it made no lasting impression upon her.

fulcrum N. /(杠杆的)支点/support on which a lever rests. If we

use this stone as a fulcrum and the crowbar as a lever, we may

be able to move this boulder.

fulsome ADJ. /过分的/disgustingly excessive. His fulsome praise

of the dictator revolted his listeners.

fundamental V. /基本的,基础的/basic; primary; essential. The

committee discussed all sorts of side issues without ever getting

down to addressing the fundamental problem.

furlough N. /休假/leave of absence; vacation granted a soldier

or civil servant. Dreaming of her loved ones back in the States, the

young soldier could hardly wait for her upcoming furlough.

furor N. /非常激动/frenzy; great excitement. The story of her

embezzlement of the funds created a furor on the Stock Exchange.


furtive ADJ. /隐秘的;偷偷摸摸,鬼祟/stealthy; sneaky. Noticing the

furtive glance the customer gave the diamond bracelet on the

counter, the jeweler wondered whether he had a potential

shoplifter on his hands.

fusion N. /熔合;熔接/union; coalition. The opponents of the

political party in power organized a fusion of disgruntled groups

and became an important element in the election.

futile ADJ. /没出息;无望,没效果的/useless; hopeless; ineffectual. It

is futile for me to try to get any work done around here while

the telephone is ringing every thirty seconds. futility, N.

gadfly N. /牛蝇;招人烦的人/animal-biting fly; an irritating person.

Like a gadfly, he irritated all the guests at the hotel; within

forty-eight hours, everyone regarded him as an annoying busybody.

gaffe N. /失态;出丑/social blunder. According to Miss Manners,

to call your husband by your lover's name is worse than a mere

gaffe; it is a tactical mistake.

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