


Unit 4 Natural Disasters

Reading and Thinking

Ⅰ. 必备单词: 根据提示填写单词

1. a natural disaster

2. the rescue workers



3. buildings were damaged

4. 2, 400 homes destroyed

5. shelters set up

6. lay in ruins


2 400座房屋被破坏



7. about 75 percent of the city’s factories and buildings




8. bricks covered the ground

9. useless pieces of metal

10. electricity was hard to get

11. those who were trapped

12. to bury the dead




13. tireless efforts of the city’s people


14. show the wisdom 展示出智慧

15. 500, 000 affected

→have no/an effect on

16. people were in shock

→a shocking(adj. ) news

→feel shocked(adj. )

500 000人受影响





17. to breathe again再次呼吸→a deep breath(n. )深呼吸→a little breathless(adj. )有点喘不上气

- 1 -

18. suffer from terrible injuries遭受严重的伤→suffering(n. )痛苦, 折磨

Ⅱ. 必备短语: 英汉双译

1. as if

2. in ruins

3. in shock

4. set up

5. as usual

似乎; 好像; 仿佛

严重受损; 破败不堪

震惊; 吃惊



6. come to an end

7. in times of

8. instead of



而不是……; 代替

9. get back up on one’s feet 东山再起; 重新开始

10. go through 经历

Ⅲ. 必备句式: 翻译课文原句, 并观察黑体部分

1. Two thirds of the people who lived there were dead or injured.


2. Everywhere survivors looked, there was nothing but ruins.

幸存者目及之处, 无一不是废墟, 万物尽毁。

3. People began to wonder how long the disaster would last.


4. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.


1. 名词+-less构成含否定意义的形容词, 意为“不, 无”: 例如: breath + -less →

breathless 喘不上气的
















2. “介词in + 名词”构成的短语, 在句中作状语或表语, 例如: in shock 震惊地

- 2 -

in danger处于危险中 in trouble有麻烦

in surprise惊讶地 in need急需

框架宏观建构: 整体理解

1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks

2. What’s the main idea of this passage?

The passage mainly talks about a/an earthquake that happened in Tangshan on July 28,




扫读又叫扫描式阅读, 目的在于寻找某一特定的信息或资料, 通常用于查找某个单词、短语、数字或文章片段。我们的眼睛从上到下很快地扫过页面, 直到发现所需要的信息, 再停下来仔细阅读这部分。

具体应用: 在作答这一类题的过程中, 学生通过阅读问题得到提示, 进而运用扫读, 学生能够迅速找到所需信息的出处, 完成填写。扫读在寻找日期、地名、人名、数据, 查词典、看表格时特别适用。

文本微观剖析: 细节探究

1. Choose the best answer.

(1)The title “A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP” means .

A. the earth was wide awake all night long

B. people on the earth couldn’t fall asleep that night

- 3 -

C. the earth kept on shaking like crazy that night

D. animals on the earth would not sleep that night

(2)People in the city went to bed as usual that night because .

A. they thought it was not strange for water pipes to crack and burst

B. they thought it was easy to experience an earthquake

C. they thought sleeping was the most important thing no matter what would happen

D. they could never imagine there would be an earthquake

(3)Which of the following is TRUE of the Tangshan earthquake?

A. The people in Beijing didn’t feel the earthquake.

B. The number of people killed was over 400, 000.

C. Half a million hens were killed in the earthquake.

D. The railway tracks become useless.

(4)What’s the meaning of the last sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe

again. ”?

A. People weren’t sad any more.

B. The life in Tangshan began to return to normal.

C. The earthquake finally came to an end.

D. Those who were trapped were saved.

(5)What is the mood(语气)of this passage?

A. Sad. B. Serious.

D. Calm. C. Serious and sad.

答案: (1)~(5)BDDBC

2. Long sentence analysis.

(1)Eleven kilometres directly below the city(地点状语), one of the most deadly

earthquakes of the 20th century had begun, a quake that even caused damage more than

150 kilometres away in Beijing(定语从句).

译文: 城市正下方11千米处, 20世纪最致命的地震之一——甚至对远在150千米以外的北京都造成了危害


(2)Soon after the quakes(时间状语), the army sent 150, 000 soldiers to Tangshan to

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dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead(定语从句).

译文: 地震发生后不久, 军队派出150 000名士兵去唐山挖掘被困者和埋葬死者。

语篇总结归纳: 主题深化

Strange things happened 1. before Tangshan Earthquake happened. The well walls

had deep cracks. Some 2. smelly(smell) gas came out of them. Chickens and even pigs

were too nervous 3. to eat(eat). The water pipes cracked and burst. At 3: 42 4. on

the morning of July 28, 1976, everything began to shake. 5. It seemed as if the world

was at an end. Steam burst from holes in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers

of dirt. Soon the whole city lay in 6. ruins(ruin). Many people died or were 7.

injured(injure). Everything in the city was destroyed. People were 8. shocked(shock)

at this and wondered how long the disaster would last. The army organized teams to

dig out those 9. who were trapped and to bury the dead. Workers built shelters for

survivors. Fresh water was taken to the city. Slowly the city began to breathe again.

With strong support from the government and the tireless efforts of the city’s people,

a new Tangshan 10. was built (build) upon the earthquake ruins.

阅读思维升华: 主题实践

(1)What shall we do if an earthquake happens? (Divergent Thinking 发散性思维)

①Don’t be nervous and keep calm.

②Don’t try to run out of the classroom.

③Protect your head by putting your bag on your head.

④Leave the classroom after the earthquake.

⑤Listen to the teachers, the wise.

(2)What kind of work can we do after the earthquake? (Creative Thinking 创造性思维)

①Organize the rescue doctors and workers to help the people.

②Help to build shelters.

③Offer food and clothes to them.

1. rescue

n. &vt.

营救; 救援

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(教材原句)What are the rescue workers and soldiers doing in the flood-hit area?



(1)come/go to one’s rescue

a rescue team

rescue workers




把……从……营救出来 (2)rescue. . . from. . .

①Seeing that the boys were rescued by the sailors, the captain cracked a big smile.

看到男孩们被那些水手营救, 舰长露出了灿烂的笑容。

②Fortunately, some policemen came to his rescue and saved his life.

幸运的是, 一些警察来救他, 拯救了他的性命。

2. affect


影响; (疾病)侵袭; 深深打动

(2020·江苏高考)Athletes and scientists have long known that meal timing affects

performance. 运动员和科学家很早就知道就餐时间影响着一个人的表现。


(1)be affected with high fever

be affected by. . .





n. 喜爱; 爱情



对……有影响 have an effect on

①Our life will be greatly affected if we are addicted to the Internet.

如果我们对网络上瘾, 我们的生活将会受到巨大的影响。

②(2020·全国Ⅲ卷)But like anyone for whom you feel affection, customers can also

drive you mad.

但是像你喜欢的人一样, 顾客也会让你发疯。

③Every word from the parents will have an effect on the child.



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只能用作及物动词, 其含义是“使……发生变化”, 因此“影响”affect

这一词义还可以引申为“感动, 感染”

用作名词, 着重指影响的“结果”或“作用”。常用于词组have an

effect effect on中, 意思相当于affect。effect也可以用作及物动词, 但意思完全不同, 意为“使……发生, 产生……结果”

既可用作名词, 也可用作动词, 通常指通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的、潜移默化的影响。常用的短语搭influence

配: have an influence on sb. /sth. 意为“对某人/某事物有影响”

3. ruin

n. &vt.

破坏; 毁坏

(教材原句)In less than one minute, a large city lay in ruins. 不到一分钟的时间, 一座大城市沦为废墟。


(1)lie/be in ruins

fall into ruin


毁灭; 毁坏



(2)ruin sth. /sb.

ruin one’s health/fame/future

①The whole village lay in ruins, except a heavily damaged church.

除了一座受损严重的教堂之外, 整个村子沦为废墟。

②The blockhouse soon fell into ruin after being hit by a missile.

在被一颗导弹击中后, 碉堡很快毁坏。

③(2020·全国Ⅱ卷)Who hasn’t received an email so annoying that it ruined an entire




一般指对物体或生命彻底的破坏, 但往往是非暴力的, 也不是一次打击ruin


destroy 指彻底的损坏, 常含不能或很难修复的意思。可接人, 也可以接物

- 7 -

damage 损坏、毁坏, 指部分损坏, 降低某物的价值。通常接物

【巧学助记】 种种“破坏”

4. bury


埋葬; 安葬

(教材原句)The army sent 150, 000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped

and to bury the dead.

军队派出150 000名士兵奔赴唐山, 将受困群众从废墟中抢救出来, 并掩埋了死者。


be buried under /beneath /in. . .

bury one’s face/ head in one’s hands




①He just sat there, burying his face in his hands.

他只是坐在那里, 双手掩面。

②Apart from finishing my homework, I’d like to bury myself in learning something

more about the robot.

除了完成作业, 我想专心多学些关于机器人的知识。

③Nowadays family members are often found buried in their own electronic products.

如今, 常常发现家庭成员沉浸在自己的电子产品里。

5. suffer


遭受; 蒙受



(教材原句)Some were found alive, though they were suffering from terrible injuries.

尽管受了严重的伤, 但是有些(人)被发现的时候还活着。


(1)suffer pain/defeat/hardship/damage

suffer from




受……折磨; 患……病


痛苦; 苦恼; 让人痛苦的事


受难者; 患病者

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①We all will suffer hardship in our life, but we should stick to our dream and work

hard to realise it.

人生中, 我们都会遭受艰难, 但是我们应该坚持梦想, 并努力实现我们的梦想。

②These days we human beings have been experiencing the sufferings of a terrible


这些天, 我们人类正经受着一种可怕的疾病——新冠肺炎的折磨。

suffer 与 suffer from的辨析

(1)suffer后常加的名词多指抽象的损害、痛苦等, 如suffer pain/defeat/losses/the

result/side effects“遭受痛苦/失败/损失/(承受)结果/副作用”。

(2)suffer from常加具体的不幸或痛苦的名词, 表示遭受战争、自然灾害、疾病带来的痛苦。如suffer from hunger/flood/fever/cold/disease “遭受饥饿/洪水/发烧/感冒/疾病”。

6. It seemed as if the world were coming to an end!



(1)It seemed as if. . . 这是一个含有表语从句的主从复合句。

(2)as if=as though意为“仿佛; 好像”, 其引导的从句, 常放在be, look, seem, sound,

smell, feel等系动词之后作表语。

(3)as if还可引导状语从句。当说话人认为从句所陈述的是不真实的或不可能发生(或存在)的情况时, 从句谓语常用虚拟语气, 结构如下:

·与现在事实相反: 从句谓语动词用过去时(be动词用were)

·与过去事实相反: 从句谓语动词用过去完成时(had done)

·与将来事实相反: 从句谓语动词用would/could/might do

①It seems as if everything is back to life.


②Looking down, I felt as if I were(be) in a fairyland.

往下看, 我感觉就好像我在仙境一般。

③Local residents said it was as if there had been(be) a nuclear explosion.


④He opened his mouth as if he would say (say)something.


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1. damage


损害; 破坏


损坏; 损失

(2020·新高考全国Ⅰ卷)A flood had hit the area earlier that year and the damage it

caused had driven away a number of birds.

那年早些时候, 一场洪水袭击了这个地区, 它造成的破坏赶走了很多的鸟。


(1)damage one’s health /fame

be badly damaged



给……带来/造成损害 (2)do /cause damage to. . .

①Although the chemicals might damage their health, the rescue workers still worked

hard to save more people.

尽管化学物质可能会损害他们的健康, 但是救援人员仍然努力工作救援更多的人。

②Many of the houses were badly damaged, leaving over 100 people homeless.

很多房屋遭受严重损坏, 使100多人无家可归。

③The people gathering in some famous places have caused damage to the relics and

led to the poor service quality.

聚集在名胜古迹的人们对历史遗迹造成了损害, 并导致服务质量差。

2. shelter


避难处; 居所; 庇护


保护; 掩蔽



(2020·新高考全国Ⅰ卷)The solution, of course, was to plant trees so the animals could

seek shelter during the daytime.

当然, 办法就是栽树, 因此动物可以在白天寻找遮阴。


(1)take shelter from wind/rain 躲避风/雨

shelter from sth.


保护某人/某物(免受……) (2)shelter sb. /sth. from

①Remember not to take shelter from a storm by a tall or big tree.


②In order to shelter from the tornado, the residents of this area have moved to other


- 10 -

为了躲避台风, 这个地区的居民已经搬到了其他地方。

③This kind of newly developed armor can shelter soldiers from gunfire.


3. effort


努力; 艰难的尝试; 尽力

(2020·全国Ⅱ卷)The good news is that it’s simple to learn and can be worth the


好消息是它简单易学, 值得你付出努力。


make efforts/an effort/every effort

spare no effort to do sth.

without effort




①Now that it is so important to me, I have to make an effort to prepare for IELTS.

既然对我如此重要, 我就要努力准备雅思考试。

②Faced with the disaster, many people including doctors, nurses and scientists spare

no effort to fight against it.

面对这场灾难, 很多人, 包括医生, 护士和科学家不遗余力与之斗争。

③Failure is one thing that can be achieved without effort.


Young men don’t make efforts; old men are sad.

少壮不努力, 老大徒伤悲。(喻指趁年轻时努力做事情)

4. shock


震惊; 令人震惊的事; 休克




(1)in shock


震惊; 吃惊

adj. 震惊的

对……感到震惊 be shocked at/by

be shocked to do sth. /that. . . 对做某事感到震惊


adj. 令人震惊的

令人吃惊的是…… It is shocking that. . .

①You must adapt to the new environment to deal with culture shock.

- 11 -

你必须适应新的环境, 以应对文化冲击。

②Shocked at/by the unexpected guest and gift, I was at a loss what to say.

我被不速之客和礼物惊呆了, 不知道该说什么了。

③However, when we reached the top, we were shocked to see litter here and there.

然而, 当我到达山顶的时候, 我们很震惊地看到到处是垃圾。

④They think that fresh water is enough for use, which leads to a shocking waste of


他们认为淡水足够使用, 这导致了水资源浪费非常令人震惊。

【巧学助记】 语境记忆shock

We were all shocked at the shocking news that he was still in a state of shock after

the accident. However, when he finally came to himself he looked at us in shock, knowing

nothing about the accident.

我们都被这个令人震惊的消息吓住了——事故之后他依然处于休克状态。然而, 最终当他苏醒过来时, 他吃惊地看着我们, 对事故一无所知。

5. trap

vt. 使落入险境; 使陷入圈套


险境; 陷阱


(1)be trapped under/in. . .

trap sb. into doing sth.

(2)set a trap

fall into a trap





①(2018·北京高考)A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who had been

trapped in the mountains for two days.


②Fortunately, help came soon. Soldiers came and took trapped people to a safe


幸运的是, 救援很快到来。士兵们来到, 并把被困的人们带到安全的地方。

③The researchers fear that some hunters might set a trap, which will threaten the

safety of the tiger.

研究人员害怕有些猎人可能会设置陷阱, 这将威胁老虎的安全。

6. come to an end 结束

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(经典例句)How time flies! The first senior high school year is coming to an end.

时间飞逝! 高中第一年即将结束。


at the end of

by the end of

in the end

at an end


到……末尾为止 (常和完成时连用)

最后, 结果


①(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)I’ve got to produce this product and then, at the end of the year,

present it to NASA.

我生产了这个产品, 随后在年底, 我把它赠送给了NASA。

②Please give them back to me by the end of this month, when I will have to return

the books.

请在这个月底前把它们还给我, 到时我得把这些书归还。

③In the end, I sincerely hope that this year’s activity will be held very


最后, 我真诚希望今年的活动成功举办。

④It had gotten very cold, and I guessed the good weather was at an end.

现在变得很冷了, 我猜想好天气已经到头了。

by the end of 两点注意

by the end of后接将来时间时, 与将来完成时连用; 后接过去时间时, 与过去完成时连用。


end in sth.

end up as sb. /sth.

end up doing sth.

end up with sth.

以……结尾; 结果是


最终……; 以做某事结束


All good things must come to an end.


7. go through 经历; 经受

(教材原句)What other cities or towns have gone through similar changes?

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①Help your classmates if you can and try to go through the disaster together.

如果可以的话, 帮助你的同学, 努力共同渡过这一灾难。

②So would you be kind enough to spare some time to go through the draft and do some

necessary correction for me?

因此, 你可以抽出些时间浏览一下草稿, 并为我做些必要的修改吗?

③Some of the roads are too narrow, making it difficult for drivers to go through.

有些路太窄了, 使驾驶员很难通过。

④I quite understand how you feel because I once went through the same experience.

我非常理解你的感受, 因为我经历过同样的遭遇。

8. Chickens and even pigs were too nervous to eat.



too+adj. /adv. to do sth. 意为“太……而不能做某事”, 表示否定意义。

①We noticed a kite hanging up on a branch, but its owner, a little boy, was too short

to get it down.

我们注意到一个风筝挂在树枝上, 但是它的主人, 一个小男孩, 太矮了够不着。

②Obviously, they were too surprised and excited to express themselves.

很明显, 他们太惊讶, 太激动, 以至于无法表达自己。

③If I am given the opportunity, I’ll be too glad to work for our city。

如果我被给予这个机会, 我将非常高兴为我们的城市工作。

表肯定的too. . . to. . . 结构

(1)too之前如果有only, only too 表示“非常”“很”等意思, 此时不定式不再表否定, 而表肯定。

(2)“too. . . to. . . ”结构中带有表示某种心情或描绘性的形容词或副词, 如ready, eager,

satisfied, kind, willing, anxious等后跟动词不定式, 表示一种状态、态度、倾向或心情 - 14 -

等, 其后的不定式不是说明too的具体内容, 而是修饰形容词, 译为“很; 非常”。


在“too. . . to. . . ”结构中, 不定式为否定式时, 构成的是双重否定, 其意为“非常(很, 太, 那么); ……不会不(必定能, 所以能)”。

*He is too kind not to help you.

他很善良, 不会不帮助你。

*My mother is too careful not to forget it.

我的妈妈非常细心, 不会忘记这件事的。

9. Water, food, and electricity were hard to get.





在此句式中如果同时符合了下列两个条件, 常用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。

(1)表语是性质形容词, 如difficult, hard, easy, comfortable, pleasant, interesting,



①(2020·全国Ⅰ卷)I like eating fried tomatoes with eggs, and I thought it must be

easy to cook.

我喜欢吃煎的番茄鸡蛋, 我认为这道菜做起来很简单。

②There is an amazing energy in Shanghai that is hard to find in other places in the


上海有一种令人震惊的能量, 在世界其他地方很难找到。

③What’s more, grammar is also very difficult to learn.

此外, 语法也很难学。



这种结构中不定式的主动形式表被动含义时, 不定式的动词必须是及物动词; 如果是不及物动词, 后面就要添加相应的介词。

I’m outgoing and easy to get along with, which helps me work well with others.

我外向, 并很容易相处, 这帮助我很好地与他人合作。

- 15 -

1. Already, COVID-19 has killed more people in the US than Americans killed in battle

during the five most recent wars combined. The loss of life is like suffering the

effects of 109 Hurricane Katrinas. Or enduring the 9·11 attacks every day for 66


美国因新冠肺炎死亡的人数, 已经超过了最近五次战争中美国死亡人数的总和, 是卡特里娜飓风丧生人数的109倍, 是9·11袭击丧生人数的66倍。

2. Now Twitter has reportedly joined Microsoft in an effort to acquire another social

media giant, TikTok.

据报道, 继微软之后, 推特也在试图收购另一家社交媒体巨头TikTok, 虽然这并不容易。

3. Fire roared through serene Lake Innes Nature Reserve, where as many as 600 koalas

lived in a colony and died in the trees while seeking shelter.

宁静的英斯湖自然保护区大火肆虐, 那里的一个栖息地内有多达600只考拉, 都在树上躲避大火时丧生。

Ⅰ. 语段填词

1. Every year, there are many natural disasters(灾害) in our country. For example,

in the north, drought(干旱) is common, while in the south flood(洪水) and landslide

(滑坡) happen frequently. They often cause great damage(损坏), even deaths(死亡).

2. A great tornado(龙卷风) hit America. Many hoses were destroyed(破坏), so local

residents had to seek shelter(避难处) in city stadium. Many main streets were covered

by bricks (砖头) and metal(金属) pieces. Electricity(电) is hard to get. Also the

local economy was badly affected(影响). The government sent helicopters to evacuate

those who were trapped(困住). The volunteer organizations also made every effort (努力)to offer a hand.

Ⅱ. 选词填空

in ruins, instead of, fall down, come to an end, dig out,

go through, in shock, as usual, be trapped in, as if/though

1. I quite understand your present worry because I have gone through what you are

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experiencing now.

2. Years of fighting has left the city in ruins; it would take a lot of money to rebuild


3. The boy walked slowly as if/though he had hurt his leg.

4. Cheer up! The world is not coming to an end!

5. The shelter might fall down if it rains more heavily.

6. Instead of being annoyed, he seemed quite pleased.

7. When the young man was trapped in the building, he felt very helpless.

8. The survivors were in shock, wondering how long the disaster would last.

9. That day he went to work out in the gym as usual.

10. It was reported that an American couple had dug out a lot of gold coins from their

own yard.

Ⅲ. 结合课文主题, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇80词左右的短文

1. 2020年10月30号, 一场地震袭击了希腊, 给这个国家造成巨大破坏。(damage)

2. 大约118人死亡, 数百人被埋在废墟中。(bury, ruin)

3. 幸运的是, 政府派遣士兵去救援那些被困的人们。(rescue)

4. 尽管地震已经结束, 那里的人们仍然遭受着巨大痛苦, 因为难以得到干净的水和食物。(come to an end; suffer; be


to do)

On 30th October, 2020, an earthquake struck Greek, which caused great damage

to the country. About 118 natives were killed and hundreds of people were buried in

the ruins. Fortunately, the government sent soldiers to rescue those trapped.

Although the quake came to an end, people there still suffered a lot, because clean

water and food were hard to get.


1. According to research, using a mobile phone before going to bed can affect your


根据研究, 睡前使用手机会影响你的健康。

2. An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.

那次地震过后, 全城到处是残垣断壁。

3. He was late for work because he was trapped in the traffic jam.

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因为交通堵塞, 他上班迟到了。

4. The storm caused serious damage to the local economy.


5. Only by doing this can you avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.

只有这样做, 你才能避免遭受考试压力的折磨。

6. Even after two years, it felt as if we had just talked yesterday.

甚至是两年后, 感觉就好像我们昨天刚谈完似的。

7. People gather on both sides of the river to watch the players spare no effort to

make for the finishing line.


8. The rain was so heavy that we can’t get out of the classroom.


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本文标签: 影响士兵遭受造成废墟