










例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15.


1. What does the man forget to bring?

A. The passport. B. The phone. C. The camera.

2. When did Alice begin to learn English?

A. Eight years ago. B. Ten years ago. C. Two years ago.

3. How did the man get the information?

A. Through TV news. B. In the newspaper. C. From his sister.

4. Where are the speakers probably?

A. In a bank. B. At the airport. C. At a store.

5. What may Jenny do next?

A. Watch TV. B. Read books. C. Do sports.




6 What time will the opera start on Saturday evening?

A. At 6: 50. B. At 7: 00. C. At 7: 10.

7. What ticket does the woman have?

A. A concert ticket. B. A film ticket. C. Two opera tickets.

8. With whom will the man go to see the opera?

A. The woman. B. His brother. C. The woman's brother.


9. Why does the girl call the man?

A. To express thanks. B. To ask for advice. C. To apologize to her friend.

10. What will the girl do to solve her problem?

A. Turn to her mother for help. B. Shop with her friend together. C. Communicate with her friend


11. What is the relationship between the speakers probably?

A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Relatives.


12. What is the Blue Sky Hotel famous for?

A. Its location. B. Its food. C. Its facilities.

13. How do the tourists feel on the island?

A. Relaxed. B. Excited. C. Lonely.

14. Where do the tourists have breakfast at 8: 30 am?

A. In the room. B. At the hall. C. In the garden.

15. Why does the speaker give this speech?

A. To plan a trip. B. To advertise a hotel. C. To share an experience.






A. permission B. absorbed C. restore D. by accident E. get across

1. I stepped on a banana peel ________and fell over.

2. Nobody is allowed to enter the meeting room without ________.

3. She was so ________ in reading that she didn’t notice her brother approaching.

4. His meaning can easily ________ with the help of his exaggerated body language.

5. Scientists are trying to ________ the bronze mask unearthed from the Sanxingdui Site to the original image.




We had just come back home after a big trip. My 5-year-old boy, Baldwin, couldn't ____6____ to share our

stories with his grandmother. Our final ____7____ is the Appalachian Trail, one of the longest footpaths in the

world. We finished the route without any ____8____ in 209 days. The ____9____ was really hard work, but full of

fun. The landscape along the way was ____10____, with green woods and wild animals like kangaroos. My

husband and I had little time to ____11____ our own physical pain from walking so many kilometers, but tried hard

to keep our little boy happy and excited. When we were tired, we got to eat Skittles, a colorful sweet treat, to make

my son____12____. We slept in a tent, ____13____ at 5: 30 in the morning and walking all day. Talking with other

hikers along the way prevented ____14____ and brought extra joy.

My son was even several months _____15_____ than “Buddy Backpacker”, a boy who once held the record

for the youngest person for the route. We had been hiking _____16_____ my son was two years old. We took every

opportunity to go outside and _____17_____ the world. It may seem like an impossible activity for a child.

However, it turned out that he was strong enough to _____18_____ it. My son's trip earned _____19_____ from

Dale, the oldest person to hike the route. He said, “It's going to change his life forever. Baldwin has gone through

some hardships, making him stronger. This challenge contributes to his social and _____20_____ development. He

will smile through his life.”

6. A. regret

7. A. agreement

8. A. vehicle

9. A. jogging

10. A. available

11. A. pay attention to

12. A. brave

13. A. lying

14. A. laziness

B. wait

B. edge

B. direction

B. surfing

B. normal

B. put on

B. concerned

B. waking

B. sadness

C. promise

C. movement

C. luggage

C. hiking

C. awful

C. add to

C. grateful

C. talking

C. boredom

D. decide

D. destination

D. supply

D. hunting

D. dramatic

D. live up to

D. energetic

D. settling

D. injury

15. A. shorter

16. A. if

17. A. change

18. A. make

19. A. prize

20. A. emotional

B. younger

B. since

B. recognise

B. feel

B. lesson

B. intellectual

C. earlier

C. until

C. explore

C. know

C. praise

C. imaginative

D. quicker

D. because

D. photograph

D. find

D. harvest

D. magical







Guideline for Travelling to Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park is the flagship of the National Park Service and a favorite to millions of visitors

each year. For the active visitors, the park has thousands of miles of trails from day-hikes to backcountry

explorations. Here is some information about the park.

2022 Opening Dates

·April 16~November 8: West Entrance

·May 14~November 8: East Entrance, South Entrance, Northeast Entrance

·Open Year Round: North Entrance

The Entrance Fee

$35—Tourists taking public vehicles

$30—Tourists riding motorcycles or snowmobiles (winter)

*The fees provide visitors with a 7-day entrance permit.

$70—The Annual Pass (Senior: $20)

The Main Attractions

·World’s first national park with more than 300 springs and over 290 waterfalls.

·Wildlife—2 species of bears and 67 other mammals, 322 species of birds, 16 species of fishes.

·9 visitor centers and 12 campgrounds (over 2, 000 campsites).

Other Tips

If you plan to have a short stay, West Yellowstone would be a good base. If you want to have a full experience

of the park, perhaps Old Faithful would be a good choice. The weather here can change quite a bit even in a single

day. It can snow during any month of the year, so remember to bring a range of clothing options, including a rain

cover. Park policies vary based on local health conditions. Before starting out, please check the park website again.

21. How many entrances are available if you visit the park in summer?

A. One. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

22. What fee policy is for senior visitors?

A. $35 for taking a public vehicle.

C. $70 for a 7-day Pass.

23. What does the guideline remind the visitors to do?

A. Avoid camping in case of dangerous wildlife.

C. Make sure to stay long to have a full experience.

B. Bring proper clothing according to the seasons.

D. Figure out the updated park policies before the visit.

B. $30 for a motorcycle ride.

D. $20 for an Annual Pass.


The opening sequences (片头) of television series are usually significant. They need to show great honor to

the stars and make an introduction for the episode to follow. Above all, they must persuade the viewers to be

interested in the show for the next 30 minutes or more. Take, for example, Game of Thrones, which no one doubted

was a masterpiece when watching the amazing pictures at the start of each episode in 2011. For long, networks

thought it was worthwhile to create complex and costly opening sequences.

However, it was Girls, which had its first show in April 2012, that took an absolutely different opening

approach. With a sequence of a single title card on screen lasting only seven seconds, Lena Dunham’s (the director

and leading actress) comedy thumbed its nose at the industry’s usual luxurious (奢华的) opening.

With the rise of streaming (流媒体) services, viewers started watching several episodes without a break, and

the brief opening gained additional praise. In 2017 Netflix started its “jump introduction” function, enabling

viewers to cut out opening parts and get straight to the drama. Most viewers were happy that they no longer had to

press fast-forward, but others saw it as a disrespect to the art of television.

Indeed, maybe opening sequences are no longer necessary. But if they become a history, the desire for

something more creative and mysterious may reappear one day. When they are done well, they can be as appealing

as short films.

24. What’s the main function of opening sequences?

A. Showing great honor to the audience. B. Making the episodes complex and costly.

C. Interesting viewers to watch each episode. D. Giving a summary of the previous episode.

25. Which can replace the underlined phrase “thumbed its nose at” in paragraph 2?

A. Respected. B. Smelt. C. Challenged. D. Praised.

26. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Opening sequences will never disappear.

C. Opening sequences can be made into short films.

B. People have a desire for historical things.

D. Opening sequences will be continuously improved.




Having worked in a nature reserve for 30 years, Hou Tiguo has developed a special ability—he can tell what

kind of birds are around simply by their singing. “I can also tell whether they are happy or unhappy,” he added with

a big smile.

The 52-year-old’s home, Baihualing, a village in Yunnan province, is well-known for the diversity of birds. He

recalled, “In the 1970s, people were so poor. Birds were often targeted as food, so almost all the children including

me in the village were good at using slingshots (弹弓).”

His life changed in 1989, when a couple hiking through the mountains visited Baihualing. They asked him to

be their guide and lead them to good bird-watching spots. He said, “That was the first time I had made money from

birds without killing them.”

Inspired by that, the villagers built a reserve to feed birds and protect the habitat (栖息地) of birds. In the

decades that followed, more bird-watchers visited the village. The village became a popular destination for bird

lovers, and most villagers have turned into bird protectors and engaged in serving bird-loving tourists.

In the village, there are more than 60 “bird guides” like Hou. More than 20 guesthouses which have hosted

visitors from more than 100 countries bring in a total income of 15 million yuan every year. “During the peak

season, I serve nearly 100 tourists a day. Thanks to the birds, our life is not what it used to be any more.” Hou said,

adding that he takes his 3-year-old grandson with him every day to feed birds and teaches him to love and respect


27. Why is Hou’s special ability mentioned in paragraph 1?

A. To show his typical talent.

C. To introduce the beauty of nature.

B. To describe the variety of birds.

D. To indicate his devotion to the job.

28. What has happened in Baihualing according to the text?

A. Visitors come to the village to protect birds.

C. Villagers began to engage in traveling around.

B. The local government established a reserve.

D. Bird-watching industry benefits villagers in return.

29. How does the author describe the current living conditions of the locals?

A. Telling moving tales.

C. Quoting famous sayings.

30. Which can be the best title of the text?

A. The Reserve Is Birds’ Best Home

C. The Wild Birds Are in Danger of Extinction

B. Birds Help Villagers’ Life Take Off

D. Take Action to Protect the Environment Now

B. Using plentiful numbers.

D. Giving accurate definitions.



Having worked in a nature reserve for 30 years, Hou Tiguo has developed a special ability—he can tell what

kind of birds are around simply by their singing. “I can also tell whether they are happy or unhappy,” he added with

a big smile.

The 52-year-old’s home, Baihualing, a village in Yunnan province, is well-known for the diversity of birds. He

recalled, “In the 1970s, people were so poor. Birds were often targeted as food, so almost all the children including

me in the village were good at using slingshots (弹弓).”

His life changed in 1989, when a couple hiking through the mountains visited Baihualing. They asked him to

be their guide and lead them to good bird-watching spots. He said, “That was the first time I had made money from

birds without killing them.”

Inspired by that, the villagers built a reserve to feed birds and protect the habitat (栖息地) of birds. In the

decades that followed, more bird-watchers visited the village. The village became a popular destination for bird

lovers, and most villagers have turned into bird protectors and engaged in serving bird-loving tourists.

In the village, there are more than 60 “bird guides” like Hou. More than 20 guesthouses which have hosted

visitors from more than 100 countries bring in a total income of 15 million yuan every year. “During the peak

season, I serve nearly 100 tourists a day. Thanks to the birds, our life is not what it used to be any more.” Hou said,

adding that he takes his 3-year-old grandson with him every day to feed birds and teaches him to love and respect


31. What was the life in Baihualin like in the 1970s?

32. When did Hou begin to change his life?

33. What is the job for most villagers now?

34. Why does Hou take his 3-year-old grandson with him every day?



The art of being a good adviser

Think back to the last time you were discussing a problem at work and someone broke in to offer their

opinion. ____35____ Probably not. Every time we rush in to give advice, we are releasing our inner “advice

monster”. Sometimes it needs to be stopped, because in our hurry we are likely to give the wrong advice. So try the

following steps when you have strong desire to say something.

·Be aware of its coming, The first step toward controlling the “advice monster” is to pay attention to just how

quickly it appears. ____36____ So please think twice before your action.

·____37____ Leader as you are, you can’t be the expert in everything. It's stressful to put that pressure on

yourself. The answer to the problem is coaching. It involves helping others think out their own solutions to the

problems, which means asking questions rather than offering advice only.

·Know something about the art of expressing. If you do decide to go ahead to ask questions or speak out

answers, express them in a more acceptable way. ____38____

Offering advice in the right way, you can help people acquire smarter solutions. ____39____ Being a better

adviser, you’ll extend your influence and learn from the people who come to you for guidance.

A. Ask more questions.

B. Did you welcome his advice?

C. And also they can sharpen their decision making.

D. The quicker it appears, the worse situation you will be in.

E. If so, others can choose to welcome or ignore it without anyone losing face.





Many people believe that cotton is never ____40____ (bad) than plastic. It takes hundreds of years

____41____ plastic to break down. But cotton bags are providing a way for supermarkets to show a planet-friendly

attitude. ____42____, it turns out that cotton bags have created a new problem. Only if an organic cotton bag is

used 20, 000 times can it balance out the impact of ____43____ (it) producing process, according to a study. And

most dyes used ____44____ (print) logos onto them contain PVC, ____45____ makes the bags not recyclable.

____46____ (fortunate), some brands are turning to other ____47____ (strategy). British designer Anya made

____48____ extraordinary bag by herself. It is made from recycled water bottles. We hope more and more

recyclable bags ____49____ (invent) in the near future.












Today our class went to plant trees. We were happy to have a chance to get closely to nature. In the morning,

we take a bus to Western Hill together. On arrival, we began to work immediately. Some students were busy

digging holes. Some were carrying but planting young trees. Others were watering it. After getting the work do, we

put up a board to remind people take care of the young trees. Seen the lines of trees, we all had a sense of

achievement. Before the leaving, we took some photo to record our action. Through this activity, we learned that it

was our responsible to protect the environment.





1.引起分歧的原因; 2.你的解决办法。




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