





1. What does the word “…” refer to?

2. The underlined word “…” is the closest in meaning to ______.

3. By saying that“…”, the author means that ___.



前面一开始我们猜测了几个单词的意思 ,现在我们在有上下文语境的情况下,你猜的对不对。

 On the way to the factory, Jack sang a pop song happily. Because it is the first day for him

to work, When he was working, he talked with his comrade. Suddenly, the machine

broke down because of his carelessness. Jack was afraid of the blame of his boss. His

comrade told him, “Take it easy, you are a green hand.”

 Do you like a lady bird? It is not a kind of bird. It is a insect(昆虫). It can fly. Its wings

are red. It is very small.

 Tom is a great man. Tom is treated as a big potato.

 Tim drank too much water last night, so he went to visit john twice.


一个单词,尤其是在文章中出现的单词 ,其前后句子或单词在意义上和语法上都会与其相联系。




1、定义释义法:通过定义,定语从句,词组,同位语从句来体现. 其表现形式为:用that is,

in other words, or ,mean, be called, refer to,或连系动词to be等定义或重述形式来解释生词.如:

1)Sociology is the term used to describe the scientific study of human society.

2)Jane is indecisive, that is, she can’t make up her mind.

3)It will be very hard but also very brittle — that is, it will break easily.

4)A calendar is a list of the days, weeks, months of a particular year.

2、对比法:句中多半有unlike, but, although, yet, while, on the contrary, on the other hand,

instead of, rather than等信息词. 另外,分号也可以表示转折,对比的意义.

1)Andrew is one of the most supercilious man I know. His brother, in contrast, is quite

humble and modest.(傲慢的)

2).Her voice was usually soft and sweet, but now it was hoarse, (沙哑的)

3).Though Tom's face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains grubby. (肮脏的).

【讲解】在含有though , but 等含有转折词的句子中, 主从句某些词构成对比关系. 即可看出soft and sweet

和hoarse 及clean 和grubby 意义相对.

4).If you agree, write "yes"; if you dissent, write "no".

【讲解】根据对比关系的yes 和no,不难看出agree 和dissent是反义词.

4).He has been in office for only a few months. However,he has achieved more than any of his

predecessors. (前任者)

【讲解】用however 来提示下文要表达意想不到的结果.

3、因果法:文章借助关联词because, as, since, for, so, thus, as the result, therefore等表示前因后果.有时利用动词lead to, cause, result in, result from, bring about等表达因果关系.

1)The flowers in the vase withered because they had no water.

2)The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was permanent.

So the player could never play the sport again.

3)The river is so turbid that it is impossible to see the bottom even when it is shallow.


表达其思想。如果有一生词在这一系列的同一范畴的词语中,可以通过这些词语的一段特征和语义范围推断出生词的词 义范围。如:

1).But the captain's courage, perseverance, and powerful will mastered every man on board,

and we went to work again. (意志) 这一段文字中,反映的是船长的积极进取的精神面貌,是船长的勇气、毅力和意志征服大家,才使他们又重新投入排水战斗。

2).In the ancient city of Rome, we visited every mansion, church, battle site, theatre and

public halls. (建筑物)从这一连串词不难看出mansion的词义.


1)In old days, when girls from rich families were married to their husbands, they expected to

bring with themselves a large quantity of dowry. 嫁妆

2)"I don't have any family," said the boy, "I am an orphan." 孤儿

3) Soon the wind had piled snow into drifts. 雪堆




1. adj. +ly =adv.

Cheap—cheaply cruel—cruelly

firm—firmly strange—strangely

2. en+adj.=v.

sure—ensure able—enable

4. n.+en=v.

fright—frighten height—heighten strength—strengthen

5. adj+ize=v.

familiar—familiarize 使通俗 modern—modernize 现代化

real—realize special—specialize 以...为专业


mud—muddy rain—rainy shadow—shadowy 阴暗的

storm—stormy wind—windy

+en=v. 使具有;使成为

black—blacken bright—brighten

sharp—sharpen weak—weaken

7. n.+some=adj.

quarrel—quarrelsome trouble—troublesome

tire—tiresome worry—worrisome


Air—airy anger—angry hill—hilly luck—lucky


Love—lovely hour—hourly

quarter—quarterly year—yearly

10.n.+ous=adj. 充满...的

danger—dangerous courage—courageous fame—famous


center—central education—educational industry—industrial


arrive—arrival refuse—refusal

dismiss—dismissal remove—removal


)1. She is usually prompt for all her classes,but she arrived in the middle of her first class.

A. late B. on time C. Pleased

( )2. Tom saw an owl last night but it flew away when he got near.

A. a bird B. an animal C. the sun

( )3. The boy wants to ride a brown pony.

C. horse

( )4. The children are looking at a large, hairy(毛的) ape at the zoo.

A. a kind of monkey B. a kind of snake C. a kind of bird

( )5. The fresh trout is very cheap, but I don’t know how to cook it.

A. fish B. fruit C. Apple

( )6. The lady asked the waitress to get her a clean saucer to put her coffee cup on.

A. a glass B. a cake C. a small plate

( )7. We seldom see a sparrow in the sky because the air is not so clean now as used to be.

A. a kind of dog B. a kind of plane C. a kind of bird


1、 Fast food is a kind of food that is quick and convenient. You can buy fast food anywhere. Fast

food is usually not very expensive. That is because it is usually made with cheaper ingredients,

such as high-fat meat and sugar, but no healthy ingredients, such as fresh fruit and vegetables.

Eating fast food once in a while is not going to cause a problem. If you eat too much fast

food over a long time, however, it can bring some health problems. For example, you could

become overweight or too large.

Many fast food restaurants are revamping their menus. They want to make their fast food

healthier. For example, some restaurants have stopped selling food made with unhealthy

ingredients. They are starting to sell food with fruit and vegetables. If you have fast food more

than once a week, try to make a healthier choice. Most fast food restaurants and other restaurants

put information about their food online. Have a look at this information; then you can make

healthier choices when eating out.

( )1. What does the underlined word “ingredient” mean in the first paragraph?

A. 价格 B. 调料 C.因素 D.成分

( )2. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to “overweight” ?

A. Tall B. Fat C. Thin D. Short

( )3. The underlined word “revamping” can best be replaced by “ _________”.


2、 Weekends are short. They are only two days out of a seven-day week. In order to make your

weekend seem longer, you need to plan it better. Here are some ideas:

Wake up at your usual time. The biggest mistake is to think that the weekend is great for a

sleep-in. Go to bed earlier if you are tired on Friday night.

Nobody wants to do the chores(家务杂事) , but they have to be done. So the earlier you do

them at the weekend, the better. Set aside(留出) a time, say 7:00am to 9:00am on Saturday

morning to do them. You’ll feel great when they are done and this clears the way for the rest of the


After doing the chores, plan to do things. Weekends feel longer if you get out and enjoy them.

Think about what you, your family and your friends like to do together. Plan a sports activity , for

example, playing football in the park. You can also plan to go to a museum, a zoo, or a park.

Visiting the circus will be fun, too. There, you can see interesting shows with trained animals.

Weekends are a good time to relax and enjoy. Please cherish them!

( )1. The underlined words “sleep-in” means .

A.睡在屋里 B. 睡得早 C. 睡懒觉 D. 睡得少

( )2. The underlined word “circus” means “ _______” in Chinese.

A. 马戏团 B.电影院 C.农场 D. 市场

( )3. What does the underlined word “cherish” mean in Chinese?

A. 珍惜 B. 保存 C.浪费 D.失去

A. changing B. choosing C. selling D. creating

3、 People have been making tasty pizza for a very long time. In old times, people cooked large

pieces of bread on flat stones(平滑的石头). Later, in Italy, people cooked these flat pieces of

bread with herbs(香草) and called it focaccia bread. When people from Europe came to the New

World, they got to know tomatoes. Then they took tomatoes back to their home countries. People

didn’t want to eat tomatoes at first, because they thought this delicious red fruit was poisonous!

The Italians were the first to put tomatoes on their bread. In the late 1800s, an Italian baker

named Raffaele Esposito made a dish for the king(国王)of Italy. He wanted to have the colors of

the Italian flag in his dish, so he put red tomatoes, white cheese and green basil on some focaccia

bread. The king liked it very much. The dish was called pizza. It is said that the world’s first

pizzeria opened in 1830.

However, pizza did not become popular until World War II. Today, pizza is one of the tastiest

and most popular kinds of food in the world!

( )1. If we say something is “poisonous”, we will mean it ____________.

A. can kill people or animals B. can burn people or animals

C. is very beautiful and tasty D. is beautiful but not tasty

( )2. From the second paragraph, we know that “basil” is something___________.

A. to paint with B. to write with C. to eat D. to drink

( )3. A “pizzeria” is probably a “___________”.

A. factory B. hospital C. restaurant D. supermarket

答案:ABCAA CC 答案:DBA 答案:CAA 答案:ACC

本文标签: 单词词义理解猜测句子