


1. 中国文化概述

major cultural heritage 重要文化遗产

outstanding folk arts 优秀民间艺术

gifted scholars and beautiful ladies 才子佳人

national treasure 国宝

to be extensive and profound 博大精深

the Chinese nation 中华民族

2. 中国传统文化

Chinese character 汉字

calligraphy 书法

Confucius 孔子

Mencius 孟子

the Four Treasures of the Study 文房四宝

traditional Chinese medicine 中医药

herbal medicine 中草药

embroidery 刺绣

3. 中国传统节日

the Lantern Festival 元宵节

the Tomb-sweeping Day 清明节

the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

the Double-ninth Day 重阳节

the Double-seventh Day 七夕节

annual reunion dinner 年夜饭

to pay a new year call 拜年

4. 食物及烹饪方法

Chinese cuisine 中国菜,中餐

cooking technique 烹饪技巧

to fry 煎

to stir-fry 炒

to deep-fry 炸

to stew 烩/焖/炖

to steam 蒸

to boil 煮

to bake 烘焙,烤

to roast 烤,烘焙

5. 中国历史

four ancient civilizations 四大文明古国

the history of human civilization 人类文明史

ancient capital 古都

ancient times 远古时代

primitive society 原始社会

the Spring and Autumn Period 春秋时期

the Warring States 战国

feudal society 封建社会

birthplace 发祥地

traditional virtues 传统美德

cradle of civilization 文明摇篮

national identity and value民族认同和价值观cultural relics 文物

cultural deposit 文化底蕴

cultural undertaking 文化事业

porcelain; china 瓷器

pottery; earthenware 陶器

memorial archway 牌坊

the Imperial Palace 故宫

the Silk Road 丝绸之路

Terracotta Warriors and Horses 兵马俑

crosstalk 相声

speaking, imitating, teasing and singing说学逗唱to hand out red envelopes 发红包

new year’s gift-money 压岁钱

spring couplets 春联

temple fair 庙会

folk artists 民间艺人

new year picture 年画

ancestor worship 祭祖

to cut to strips 切条

to dice 切丁

to mince 切碎

to grind 磨碎

dietary habit 饮食习惯

deep-fried sough sticks 油条

soybean milk 豆浆

steamed bun 馒头

steamed stuffed bun 包子

100-year egg; century egg 皮蛋

original site 原址

historic figure 历史人物

to be diligent and love people 勤政爱民

to give up the throne 退位

solar calendar 阳历

lunar calendar 阴历

heavenly stem 天干

earthly branch 地支

leap year 闰年

6. 商业经济

entrepreneur 企业家

monopoly industry 垄断行业

economic globalization 经济全球化

special economic zone 经济特区

planned economy 计划经济

market economy 市场经济

market diversification 市场多元化

financial institution 金融组织

7. 旅游交通

tourist attraction; scenic spot 景点

places of interests 名胜古迹

natural scenery 自然景观

human landscape 人文景观

magnificent scenery 壮丽河山

tourists from home and abroad 中外游客

8. 地理环境

provincial capital 省会

freshwater lake 淡水湖

coastal port 沿海港口

environment-friendly product 环保产品

disposable product 一次性产品

renewable resources 可再生资源

9. 教育

universal education 普及教育

higher education 高等教育

ivory tower 象牙塔

nine-year compulsory education

9年义务教育dropout 失学儿童

illiteracy; illiterate 文盲

to attend graduate school 读研

bachelor’s degree 学士学位

10. 科技与社会生活

space laboratory 空间实验室

shuttle 航天飞机

virtual world 虚拟世界

consumption concept 消费理念

mass media 大众媒体

audience rating 收视率

family planning 计划生育

Community Association 居委会

ethnic minority 少数民族

aging society 老龄化社会

urbanization 城镇化

well-off society 小康社会

raw material 原材料

annual output 年产量

mental work 脑力劳动

labor/physical work 体力劳动

state-owned enterprises 国有企业

private enterprises 民营企业,私营企业

the real economy 实体经济

customs duty 关税,进口税

star-rated hotel 星级酒店

rush hour 高峰期

to climb mountains and hills 翻山越岭

validity of visa 签证有效期

individual visitor 散客

group visitor 团体游客

sustainable development 可持续发展

the ecological environment 生态环境

the extinction of bio-species 物种灭绝

carbon emission reduction 碳减排

green car 新能源汽车

exhaust gas 废气,尾气

master’s degree 硕士学位

doctor’s degree 博士学位

extracurricular activity 课外活动

required/compulsory course 必修课

elective/optional course 选修课

basic course 基础课

specialized course 专业课

credit system 学分制

socialism with Chinese characteristics中国特色社会主义

material civilization 物质文明

spiritual civilization 精神文明

social security 社会保障

disadvantaged group 弱势群体

to care for senior citizens 关爱老年人

health management 健康管理

infrastructure construction 基础设施建设

to bridge/narrow the gap 缩短差距

to report the loss 挂失

to re-apply/re-register 补办

household registration 户籍

本文标签: 中国经济文化词汇烹饪