


独一无二one and only

典雅大方elegant and graceful

年富力强young and energetic

胡说八道stuff and nonsense

炎黄子孙descendants of Emperors Yan and Huang

花色繁多a wide of selection of colors and designs

背道而驰 to run in the opposite direction

滥用职权 to abuse one’s power


to cure the sickness to save the patient;

to learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones

以身作则 set a good example with one’s own conduct

浮于表面to remain on the surface

@1.软硬适中 neither too hard nor too soft 4.轻如鸿毛as light as a feather

2.败兴而归to come back disappointedly 5.救死扶伤 to heal the wounded and rescue the dying

3.严禁喧哗 to speak aloud is not allowed 6.以卵击石to throw an egg against a rock(or stones)


泪如泉涌 a stream of tears

高谈阔论to indulge in loud and empty talk

自力更生rely on one’s own efforts; self-reliance

小康水平a relatively comfortable standard of living

相辅相成supplement each other

急功近利instant success

因地制宜to adapt to local conditions

克己奉公to work selflessly for the public interests

鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已to do one’s best and devote oneself to the people and country until the last day of one’s life

天网恢恢,疏而不漏Justice has long arms.

调虎离山:lure the tiger so that it will leave the mountain where it lives; lure somebody to leave his advantageous so as to overwhelm


见异思迁:change one’s mind upon seeing something new

想入非非:indulge in fantasy; be unrealistic

叱咤风云 command wind and cloud; extremely powerful or influential

疾恶如仇 hate the evil like hating an enemy; extremely hateful of evils

娓娓动听 so nice as to please the audience; pleasant to the ear

置之度外 be so determined as to be regardless of loss or death; not take something into consideration


2.轻柔松软soft and light

3.深情厚谊profound feeling

4.胸有成竹absolutely confident

5.相映成趣form a delightful contrast


7.粗枝大叶thick branches and large leaves; careless or carelessly

8.闻所未闻hearing what has never been heard before; rarely or seldom heard of

9.洋洋得意extremely pleased and too proud

10.小心翼翼particularly careful; extremely careful

11.昂首阔步march with head raised; stride proudly ahead

12.半途而废stop halfway; give up halfway

13.奋不顾身(accomplishing a risky task) pay no attention to one’s life security; regardless of one’s security or life

14.无地自容feel so ashamed as to find no place to hide oneself in; feel too ashamed to see others

15.忠心耿耿be whole-heartedly loyal; be extremely loyal

16.安居乐业 live in peace and work in contentment; live and work satisfactorily

17.奔走相告 rush about to tell the news to each other; run around to spread the news

18.不务正业not engaged in the right business; not engaged in one’s own business

19.进退两难 be torn between advancing and retreating; be in a dilemma

20.惴惴不安 anxious or upset

21.自知之明 thorough knowledge of oneself; ability to have thorough knowledge of oneself

22.字里行间 between the lines

23.知难而进 go ahead in spite of the difficulty

24.忧心忡忡 heavy-hearted; very anxious

25.衣冠楚楚neatly dressed


×steadfastness, far-sightedness, resourcefulness, professional competence, outstanding talent and nobility of character

A Chinese diplomat should be firm in stand, broad in vision, swift in wit, qualified in profession, outstanding in talent, noble in


Literary Quotation典故




1.百步穿杨extremely good at shooting

2.伯乐相马 Bo Le is very capable of discovering best horses; as capable as Bo Le in discovering talents

3.东施效颦an ugly girl follows the suit of the pretty lady Xi Shi by knitting her eyebrows; imitate awkwardly

4.负荆请罪make an active apology

5.邯郸学步walk as people of Handan do; imitate awkwardly

6.惊弓之鸟a bird that fell down at the sound of an arrowless shooting; a deadly frightened person

7.劳燕分飞the bird of Bo Lao and the sparrow fly apart; be separated

8.孟母三迁the mother of Mencius moved their home three times; move one’s home for the desired environment for the education of

one’s children

9.杞人忧天a certain person from the State of Qi worries that the sky would fall down; groundless worry

10.塞翁失马a loss may turn out to be a blessing

@1.杯弓蛇影 extremely suspicious

2.沉鱼落雁 stunningly beautiful

3.焚书坑儒 burn books and bury scholars; destroy traditional culture

4.画饼充饥 draw a cake to stave off one’s hunger; feed on illusions

5.家徒四壁 have nothing at home but the four walls

Saying and Proverb俗语与谚语




b T


not listen to your old people and you will suffer very soon;

take the advice from the old generation will save you from trouble or suffering

2.不撞南墙不回头 he will go ahead until blocked; he will go ahead until reaching the dead end

3.不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门 an upright man isn’t afraid of anything

4.财大气粗 a wealthy man speaks louder; money talks

5.没有规矩不成方圆Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.

6.瑞雪兆丰年A timely snow promises a good harvest.

7.痴心女子负心郎 a heart-devoted lady meets a heartless man

@8.活到老,学到老One is never too old to learn.

9.团结就是力量Unity is strength.

10.百闻不如一见 better to see than to hear; seeing is believing

11.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 Rome is not built in one day; any trouble has its deep root

12.春雨贵如油 the spring rain is dearer than oil

13.打是亲,骂是爱 beating is affection and abusing is love

14.打肿脸充胖子 pretend to be a wealthy man

15.大事化小,小事化了 reduce great trouble to small, and small to nothing

16.好事不出门,恶事传千里Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.

17.金无足赤,人无完人Gold can’t be pure and man can’t be perfect.

18.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧Where there is life, there is hope.

19.世上无难事,只要肯攀登Where there is a will, there is a way.

20.人之初,性本善Man’s nature at birth is good.

21.实践是检验真理的唯一标准Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.

22.无风不起浪There are no waves without wind. There’s no smoke without fire.

23.有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the mare go. Money talks.

24.把吃奶的劲都使出来了exhaust all the strength


good friends are out of conflicts; without conflicts, there would be no good friends; no conflicts, no good friends

26.不到黄河心不死he would not lose hope until he reaches the Yellow River; refuse to give up until all the hope is gone















1.Chinese enigmatic folk similes, 缺点是歇后语中不全是比喻,也有谐音或双关式歇后语。


3.xiehouyu in Chinese,有一定的可借鉴性。因为歇后语是中华民族的独特文化,正如二胡(erhu)、中国功夫(Chinese gongfu)等。

4.追根溯源,歇后语最早是文人之间的一种文字游戏,最早叫做“俏皮话”,因此,有人据此大胆翻译为Chinese folk wisecracks。


like a blind man using a candle----only wasting wax(literal T)

It is as useless as a blind man lighting a candle.(literal T+free T)

All his efforts were a total waste of time.(free T)

l T对于比喻性歇后语可以直接采用直译法。


1)黄鼠狼给鸡拜年——不怀好意。 A weasel wishing Happy New Year to a chicken-harboring no good intention.

2)隔着门缝瞧人——把人看扁了。If you peer at a person through a crack——he looks flat. Don’t be so prejudiced.

3)瘸子担水——得一步一步来They are like cripples carrying water——you’are got to lead them slowly——step by step.

4)哑巴吃黄连——有苦说不出The dumb man eating the bitter herb: he had to suffer the bitterness of it in silence.

5)肉包子打狗——有去无回。Chasing a dog by throwing meat dumplings at it-gone, never to return.

A dog given a bone who doesn’t come back for more.

6)竹篮打水——一场空。drawing water in a bamboo basket——all is empty (nothing).

7)兔子尾巴——长不了。The tail of a rabbit----cannot be long; won’t last long.

T 对于谐音或双关式歇后语应当采用解释法。






1)井底雕花——深刻carving a flower design on the bottom of a well——carving deeply or get to the essence of something

2)擀面杖吹火——一窍不通Trying to blow up a fire through a rolling pin. It just doesn’t work.

a rolling pin used as a bellows —no good at all

3)外甥打灯笼——照(舅)旧Things will be back to what they were before.

4)铁打的馒头——一个硬似一个mantou made of iron——one harder than another;

they are like steamed bread made of iron, one is harder, more stubborn or determined than another

5)热锅上的蚂蚁——走投无路ants in a hot pot——nowhere to escape; like ants in a hot pot, they find nowhere to escape

6)十五个吊桶打水——七上八下feeling uneasy

Fifteen buckets being hurriedly lowered into a well for water——eight going down while seven were coming up.

7)柳树上开花——没结果Like the willow tree and blossom but not bear fruit

本文标签: 歇后语比喻谐音