



1、No one equals Professor Smithon eaperience.

2、All people have to equality of opportunity.

3、Children have a lot more liberty than they used to.

4、She wanted to liberate herself from a company.

5、These are that distinguish spoken English.

6、He is a distinguished judge.

7、Both the listener and make contribution to a conversation.

8、A proper of exercise contributes to good health.

9、He found it hard to resist a job with a month.

10、During rainy weather is late more often than not.

11、The library is temporarily closed for repairs.

12、She chose to be a nurse and devoted her whole her career.

13、It was great fun to watch the match of people.

14、The two young men have nothing in common except the countyside.

15、Please complete the attached from.

16、She attached/attaches great importance independent.

17、It isn‟t a ‟s live.

18、It seems like just the oldest person alive has died.

19、We‟ll have an attendant with him 24 hours.

20、Attendance at Chacago‟s top 10 museums.

21、Aaron,I just realized It wasn‟t intentional.

22、It is my intention next semester.

23、What does your brother intend by his words?

24、Remember that even a laugh or even er is the distance two pepple.

25、Did you know simply by laughing more?

26、One of these days ,things will return to normal.

27、Twenty_nine researchers set off for the perk Satueday ……ibet Autonnmous Region.

28、This indicates the Emperor had lost his grip on reality.

29、There are certain occasions when you must interrupt of doing something.

30、Metals make up the older ones now being discarded

31、Doctors ecords confidential.

32、He feels confident of passing the examination.

33、China will cooperate with o prevent AIDS.

34、Professor for being so cooperative in the semester.

35、You should be ashamed of your behavior.

36、It's a shame you cannot come for dinner.

37、The Internet is a invaluable source of information.

38、Their advice is very valuable to the freshmen of the university.

39、He is a in the match.

40、They didn't understand the worth of was drawing near.

41、It was cold,so the poor little girl rubbed her hands together to warm them.

42、The old lady ran here and there looking for her pet dog.

43、Traditional Chinese medicine can perform miracles in some patients.

44、It seems to me that I have met the new English teacher somewhere.

45、I don't enjoy the pain,but I can live with it.

46、The father expressed approval of what the son did.

47、The doctor is confident about the recovery of the patient.

48、Her works were not appreciated until after her death.

49、It is typical in summer.

50、This is just the type of house I require.

51、Typically,he would come in late ......he was sorry.

52、Jack is a highly professional dentist 30 years.

53、The teaching profession very rewarding.

54、Nancy played the piano professionally at the party last night.

55、He does not have the capability to solve the problem by himself.

56、He is hardly capable of accomplishing such a difficult task.

57、The injured man incapable of walking ,so he had to be carried.

58、Rosemary has recovered from her bad cold and can go out tomorrow.

59、The island were discovered by an English Army captain.

60、The young reporter uncovered the scandal in the local newspaper.

61、It took years for Einsteins's theory to gain acceptance.

62、Lisa refused to accept the gift ms gave her.

63、None of the suggestions were acceptable,they were just too infeasible.

64、The death of the old worker triggered off a strike.

65、Her face bore signs of many years of sufferings.

66、The Dean is a man easily approached by his students.

67、I do not admire the man,on the contrary I have a great contempt for him.

68、The teacher chose two students at random and asked them to do the pair work in class.

69、Her necklace is definitely not genuine,but just a very good imitation.

70、He tried to join the army but was rejected ,because of his poor eyesight.

71、I'm quite willing to do what you ask,but it's a matter of finding the time.

72、The fact that f his personality.

73、It's impolite to ask him personal question.

74、Food was poor quality in our dining hall.

75、A large quantity of nuatural gas was discovered.

76、From the economic this as a sensible plan.

77、He is sensitive to his puplis‟ need for to praise them.

78、she put fancy carnations in.

79、your suggestions are coppletely fantastic .

80、Far from taking my advice ,he did just what I against.

81、She hasn‟t called must be some misunderstanding on her part.

82、He tends to ……mostreligious perspective.

83、We found an clue to the mystery.

84、She advocated our withdrawing from the contest.

85、The doctor told……much eaposure to the skin.

86、Out of sheer revenge ,he did her character.

87、He picked up the books one at a time.

88、The school msater stressed the importance of turning into quality education.

89、We forasve him under great stress.

90、His attitude to work on the reward for has done.

91、Aa is known all can be very rewarding for everyone.

92、It is believed soil will produce fine crops,the case.

93、He is a productive writer,whe young people.

94、They have reliable information that a month.

95、Although he was kept well informed of the his field.

96、She was very wide awake despite the hour.

97、As soon as he awoke in the morning for his departure.

98、Recently the couple……goods and appliances.

99、Communication is the of transmitting a message from via a channel.

1、The tragedy woke us up to the precautions.

2、Other than disappoint them,

3、Many people rapid pace of moderm life.

4、They still remembered after a stretch of twenty years.

5、With proper guidance standards of academic integrity.

6、Dreaming of home to endure all the hardships.

7、Some students still bitter criticism from and peers

8、The government is determined to interational terrorism.

9、I forgot to my membership in the swimming club.

10、You can't say any certainty where you in the future.

11、After all I have an identical twin and my twin.

12、A new has identified the gene most ioten cancer.

13、After 20 years I was repeatedly told that they time.

14、She hated the tedious repetitive tasks.

15、He is being SARS suspect.

16、I know to support that suspicion.

17、Do you know how lights flash to music?

18、Prime Minister saying it is out of the question that step down.

19、Heart bypass should be the last resort not of conbenience.

20、He has a moral responsibility to in need.

21、The volunteers contribute huge amounts the project.

22、He hardened his hold on the door.

23、The success of business enriched the owners.

24、Lengthened skiets are this year.

25、The Statue if Liberty embodies the spirit of freedom.

26、The heat will lessen duing the evening.

27、Their encouragement emboldened us to challenge.

28、He attacked the man with a broken bottle.

29、How long should a woolen dress last?

30、Enrooted in the African folk music and Jazz.

31、The machine makes thousands of measurements every day.

32、The children‟s tasks included measuring the of a cup.

33、Not many people government‟s prediction that will improve.

34、It was predicted that as quality would improve.

35、They asked a chemical analysis of their water.

36、His job inbolves gathering and analyzing data.

37、What enables those who later in life?

38、We want where all disabled people as equal citizens.

39、Small on and on interaction between students and faculty.

40、Environment and societu have interacted since the earliset history.

41、What is the current share the spare parts market for car manufacturers?

42、If used in the way, visual aids such as one‟s presentation.

43、Why should job-seekers smployer‟s corporate culure?

44、It has become for a toll bridge to only charge a fee direction.

45、The building contractor and the owner are encouraged to have one.

46、Perhaps as a result surrent status looked to the future with uncertainty.


1、 fun activities 娱乐性活动

2、 positive effect 积极的影响

3、 charitable work 慈善工作

4、 the botton drawer 底层抽屉

5、 a special occasion 特殊的日子或场合

6、 admire the view 欣赏风景

7、 once in a while 偶尔

8、 Valued friends 受尊重的朋友

9、 mental picture 心理图像

10、culture shock 文化冲击

11、host country 东道国

12、a visiting scholar 访问学者

13、the tip of the iceberg 冰山一角

14、official State dinner 国宴

15、a morning person 早起的人

16、special moments 特别时刻

17、take a stoll 散步

18、work load 工作负担

19、homework assignments 家庭作业

20、in its entirety 完全、整个儿

21、a well-honed habit 长期养成的习惯

22、places of repair修理部/处

23、household services 家用设施

24、information and knowledge-based bussiness信息和知识为基础的行业

25、养儿育女 raise children

26、多半 more times than not

27、承诺 make a commitment

28、天文数字 an astronomical figure

29、意外亡故 an unecpected death

30、价格标签 a price tag

31、创造奇迹 work miracles

32、日常交往 daily contact

33、改善他与别人的关系improve his relationships with others

34、给与帮助,提供帮助 lend a hand

35、由衷的喜爱 genuine fondness

36、随机事件 random events

37、长期坚守的信仰 long-held beliefs

38、汉字 Chinese Character

39、潜规则 implicit rule

40、显著的差异 striking different

41、日常生活节奏 pace of everyday life

42、移动电话 a cell phone

43、通讯设备 communication devices

44、回复电子邮件 answer an email

45、高分学生 high achievig students

46、会员年费 annual membership fee

47、考试作弊 cheat on tests/exams

48、高层管理者top mangers

49、终生从事同种工作stay in a job for life

50、世界各地around the world/alobe


Unit 1 Happiness

1、Which of the following ……fun and haooiness? who live a fun……happy.

2、Fun activties include all the following g the poor

3、The author mentions……in order to rate the fact ……about happiness.

4、What is the passage mainly about? does not bring true happiness.

5、Which of the following ……of passage? understands ……are happy are not.

Fast Reading The ABCs of Living a Happy Life

1、The author in this article. F

2、According to the author,happiness what you do in life. T

3、We o excellence. F

4、be accepted. F

5、The author doesn'he guidelines. F

Extensive Reading Happiness Is……

1、The reason why the son was not happy is that his mother ...... some ice-cream.

2、Sometimes when she feels happy.

3、The he readers what happiness really means.

4、Another possible title for this passage is Happiness Is a Matter of Feeling.

5、When I a baby grand piano. taken

6、I wanted one f piano prodigy. so much

7、I know somehow missing the point. for some reason

8、Happiness doesn't eeds being met. satisfied

9、It's not the in those things. carry out

10、I make by gratifying them. respecting

Unit 2 Attitude

1、 In the sentence …… means D. piece of clothing

2、 According to the passage ……is TURE? the author …… store a bank.

3、 Before her unespected ……sister saved her …… for a pecial occasion.

4、 What is the……this aeticle? should live every ……of our life.

5、The tone of the passage can be best as sive.

Fast Reading An Insight Changes Your Whole Life

1、An insight is kind of change it is. F

2、The author asked esearch of great importance. F

3、According to the psychiatrist,the phrase"if only"is very harmful. T

4、The psychiatrist ake a positive approach failures. F

5、With the psychiatrist'egative phrases they use. T

Extensive Reading It Is Time to Let Go

1、The word "burden"in EXCEPT heating system.

2、According to birthday celebration was her false pride.

3、The as because she he basement.

4、Which of the following is TRUE of John? He application approval.

5、The tone of the article is persuasive.

6、John home improvements. authorizing

7、Happily,we don't have another moment. burden

8、That a beautiful birthday cake. achieved the desired effect

9、Because she after the divorce. support her

10、By choosing to let go of ur peace of mind. emotional burden

11、Picture the ashes onnection to the past. unpleasant

Unit 4 Encouragement

1、Which of Paragraph 1?The young homemaker by Bill.

2、According to the passage,......cooperative when we don't have much self-respect.

3、By the example in Paragraph9,......readers that when you praise,you must be honest

4、In Paragraph10,.....probably means"to make a compliment".

5、Which statement is iving praise?Praise can ensure a happy family life

Fast Reading Hello Day








8、ignored or unappreciated

9、lost opportunities/lost chances

10、declare it their „Hello Day‟

Extensive Reading Give and Receive Highly-valued Compliments

1、From the passage,we see that the ompliments.

2、If you compliment others sincerely and quickly,it's likely that you are welcome.

3、According to the author,TRUE? Compliments erms.

4、According to the passage,NOT TRUE? Sincere compliments eceive them.

5、The tone of this passage is instructive.

6、By in their talk. good

7、If the compliments suspect your motive. incentive

8、Find the unique compliment. particular

9、By riginal source. delicate

10、When another saying "Thank you". polite

11、It is also one of lives for the better. changes

Unit 5 Cultural Difference

1、The key to working abroad is surviving the culture shock.

2、After the honeymoon period,......This means you will come back reality.

3、What does "approach"......,Paragraph 4?show your interest in the local culture.

4、In the acceptance stage,you begin language and customs.

5、Why is the re-entry ......people realize?Because you host country.

Extensive Reading HaveYou Hugged a Foreigner Today?

1、If you are a feelings expressed in the face an the eyes.

2、Why don'ext? Because a foreigner is a wai guo ren,a person outside the wall.

3、In in a way that tries to reduce the status differences.

4、In China it is considered polite to stress r finer virtue.

5、Which of hug a foreigner? It he Westerners.

6、It is unlikely dear one and squeeze. hug

7、Sure,you ou can offer. welcome

8、That was very day. show

9、I am humble and deferential. pay no attention to

10、In the status differences. exchange information

Unit 7 Food

1、What is the passage mainly about? Food culture ......America.

2、What did banquet? Extravagant.

3、What does here? Conditions.

4、It can hat the author accepts ot accustomed to it.

5、The China is noticeable.

Fast Reading Food in China

1、According to the author,the Chinese students. T

2、We can is very cheap. T

3、American food tends to be rather bland. F

4、China has a f prices. T

5、We can find western food in China now,but the taste is not good. F

Extensive Reading Say No to Western Fast Food

1、What is the fast food? Negative

2、The word "patronize" in Paragraph 6 means be a customer.

3、What relative merits does Chinese food have? All of the above

4、What should o the text? Quality of the food

5、What food o the text? Fresh vegetables

6、The Chinese in any population. noticeably

7、This he heart and the brain. especially/important

8、Compare Chinese food. eats

9、The white inerals removed. taken away

10、However,Chinese as the Western chains do. similarly

Unit 8 Remembrances

1、Finding special……important because it is good for our health.

2、The implied meaning……paragrph is a period of time without any disturbance.

3、With the introduction……have become more stressful.

4、The reson why ……early mornings he won‟t be disturbed by anyone or anything.

5、The author‟s……the article is to tell the readers the importance……time each day.

Fast Reading A Remembrance of Letter Writing

1、The author didn'directions until he went to school at the age of fourteen.

2、Writing various as a writer.

3、In the second ......"legion" means very many.

4、The author wrote died because he other many things.

5、The author wrote the article mainly to recall a letter writing.

Extensive Reading Communications:Eaier or More Diffcult

1、According to people prefer talking face-to-face conversation.

2、The reason why author feels is that human interaction.

3、The an be got with assistance.

4、All the EXCEPT onvenient communication.

5、The ell the readers the ommunications technology.

6、I ur conversation. breaking

7、human interaction. reversal

8、With eaching anyone. carry on

9、As almost index goes up. imaginable

10、Giving intended to do. a choice

11、It's ake me cringe. results

Unit 10 Campus Cheats

1、The passage is about popularity of student cheating.

2、American students means EXCEPT buying test papers.

3、Some people find campus NOT illegal.

4、According to author the Internet is chiefly student plagiarism.

5、From the text we can infer that some people of insight ……of campus plagiarism.

Academic Honesty: Good Manners Not a Set of Rules









9、in an academic community

10、trust and honesty reign

Extensive Reading Plagiarism for Dummies Why Cheating Students Are Missing the Point of Education

1、What artists steal"? An achieving success.

2、According to in higher education. parents

3、The word "around"......means present.

4、The in order to ducation.

5、Another possible title for this passage is Say No to Campus Cheats.

6、The current higher education. present

7、Picasso may f his art. clever

8、But very much. except

9、Their hem a degree. stains

10、They miss a tough situation. difficult

Unit 11 The Future

1、In P17,the woed “business”means a commercial or shop.

2、According to the text, at home EXCEPT diagnosing any peoblems with a car engine.

3、According to the text,which of the following is TURE? We ourselves build ...... we do not do.

4、It can be concluded from will be easier in the 21st century.

5、What is the passage mainly about? Different aspects of our life in the future.

Fast Reading Futuristic Reading

1、What is the main point the author makes in the passage? The range in the future.

2、The word "hold"......means make something happen.

3、Which of f future reading? written books

4、According to is not to show a creative mix of art and science.

5、We can conclude from the passage that reading is a changing process.

Extensive Reading The Last Letter

1、Homo Sapiens are human beings.

2、In this passage ,robots and computers are described in a negative way.

3、According to the letter,in the future some people will become poorer.

4、Which omputer research? Turning men into robots.

5、Which o the passage? Computers can think independently.

6、and businesses. set up

7、obot guards. became worse

8、But be armed. supplied with weapons

9、Eventually,of course,the robots ruled the world. At last

四、作文 Unit 2 Telehpone Message

1、To:Mr. White

Date:10 25.2006

From:Mr. Johnson of Honeywer Co.


Mr. Johnson of Honeywer Co. will leave for Shanghai on business wishes to cancel his

appointment with you on the morning of June will contact you for another appointment when he gets back.

Message taken by: Helena(Secretary).

2、 Telehpone Message July 10

Fanny Zhao,

Peter Schulz called from Vienna,saying that they have to cancel the order hopes you can call him

back between 9:00 and 11:00 tomorrow morning.

Sue Button

Unit 4 Writing

1、 There are several reasons why I have chosen to study in Nanjing begin with, the tuition here is

quite reasonable,and this will lessen the economic pressure on my ly, the university is very close to

my hometown,and it is convenient for me to go home from time to time to see my parents and most

importannt reason is that Nanjing University is one of the key universities in China,in which I can meet many

excellent professors and learn a lot of useful knowledge and skills for my future career.

2、There is an old saying in China: Practice makes is true not only in our learning but also in other

walks of instance/example, when we study English, we have so much to learn as grammar,vocabulary

and order to learn them well,we need to more must read a lot,write a lot and listen a

after we have done more practice can we have a good command of it. Another case in point is typing.A

good typist can type fast and you would not be surprised at her performance if you know how

much time she has spent h practice,she has improved both her typing speed and accuracy.

Unit 5 备忘录 Memo备忘录(1)

To:All (staff&students)

From:Mr. Lawson (president's office)

Date:April 28,2006

Re:Summer hours

Summer is drawing to the longer daylight savings time,we need to prolong the working of

May 1,afternoon classes will start at 14:00(the morning schedule will remain the same);the school bus leaves at

17:00;the power supply in the teaching building&students' dorm will remain working until 11: logistics

departments are to make arrangements for their office hours in light of this new schedule.

If you have any questions,please consult the president's office.


To:All employees

From:Brian Aponte

Date:November 18,2006

Subject:fitness center

The board of directors approved the project of setting up a fitness center during their meeting yesterday.

The project will begin immediately and should be completed within 90 employee representative from

each division will be appointed to determine the type of equipment and the programs that will be made available.

We are happy to be provide a facility to contribute to the physical fitness of all our

representative on the task force will contact you soon for your suggestions.

Unit 7

Nowadays the market is flooded with fake phenomenon is due to several

,some manufacturers are their mind,producing fake products is a short cut toward

getting the other hand,some consumers have the wrong idea that inferior goods can be used equally but

they are much cheaper.A third contributing cause is the law,much of which cannot punish severely those who

manufacture fake these contribute to the wide spread of fake products.

Unit 8 遗失启事 Lost遗失启事

I lost a blue briefcase with a white folder and two vocabulary books from Nanjing University library.I probably

lost them at the train station on May 4,2006.I'd be grateful to anyone who returns these you have any

information leading to their recovery,please call 025-3243××××.


Unit 10

Writing personal letters is more enjoyable than writing is fun to write letters to friends an

family,as you don't have to worry about topic sentences,supporting details,or your can write about

anything you is no deadline or word limit,so you can do it whenever you are in the mood and write as

much as you contrast,writing a composition is not so much fun.A paragraph must begin with a topic

sentence and you must rack your brains to find details to support you must be careful not to make serious

grammar is always a deadline to meet and you are restricted by the word this makes

composition writing much less enjoyable than letter writing.

Unit 11 招领启事 Found招领启事(1)

On June 18,2005,I found a small Sony video camera in a taxicab in has CTTADEI written on it and

contains a tape of a baby's first email address is ydsch998@. Please contact me.



Large fluffy tiger with black around Brown Deer

Road, chelebell@ to identify.


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