




abandon vt.丢弃,放弃n.任性 abandon smoking, abandon&nbs p;a friend

reckless abandon e.g. Approach love and ;cooking with reckless abandon.

abandoned adj.被遗弃的 an abandoned house

ability n.能力 capability, capacity, faculty

capacity n.容积,能力,身份,角色

in the capacity as teacher/sales manager 以老师/ 销售部经理的身份

aboard adv.在交通工具上(船,飞机,火车)

ahead, alike, alive, aloud, amid, arise, arou se, aside, asleep, apart, awake, aware; abreast

abort v.中途失败,撤退,流产 abortion

absorb vt.吸收;消化道的吸收 absorb the sound/impact, ;assimilate

abstract<>concrete Abstract

-tract- attract, tractor, contract, distract,&nbs p;subtract, treatment, retreat

trace n.痕迹 v.追踪,回溯 traceable

track n.痕迹,轨道,径赛 track and field 田径运动

trail n.痕迹 vt.跟踪 trailblazer 开路人,创始人

abundant adj.充足的 be abundant in wild li fe/coal/oil

enough, sufficient, adequate 足够的

abundant, plentiful, plenteous, ample; affluent, c opious 充足的,大量的

scarce, inadequate, insufficient 缺乏的,不足的

abundant, expectant, reliant -ant做形容词后缀

servant, attendant, inhabitant, participant -ant做 名词后缀

abuse vt.滥用,虐待 abroad, abnormal, absolute

child abuse 虐待儿童

academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院 &n bsp;academic

accelerate vt.加速 velocity

-cel- celerity, decelerate, excel, ex cellent(outstanding)

access n.通道,通路(to) vt.进入 e.g. Tiger Woods&nb sp;has access to a lot of cash.

excess n.超过,超越,过量 excessive

exceed vt.超过 exceeding adj.极度的(extreme), exceedingly(ex tremely)

proceed vi.继续前进,继续

preceding adj.在前的,前面的 previous, prior, priority

process n.过程,生产过程 procedure

procession n.队伍,行列

recession n.撤退,衰退

successive adj.接连的,连续的 consecutive, succession

concede vt.承认 vi.让步

concession n. The act of conceding.让步,这种让步的行为

-gress- progress, congress, digress

aggressive adj.好斗的,侵略性的 aggression

accommodate v.供应,向...提供,容纳 accommodation n.住处,膳宿,(车,船, 飞机等的)预定铺位

accomplish v.完成,达到,实现 complete, finish, achieve,& nbsp;fulfill

accord v.一致,和谐,给予(Formal) reach an accord

in accord with 与…一致 out of accord with 与…不一致 of one’ s own accord 出于自愿

according to 按照 answer to 与…相符 in answer to 为了响应

chord n.和弦,和谐 chorus

as far as I’m concerned, in my opinion,& nbsp;according to me, from my perspective

account n.账户;叙述,描述 e.g. Tom’s account of&nbs p;the accident is not believable.

savings account 储蓄账户 checking account 支票账户 cu rrent/deposit account 活期/定期账户

withdraw vt.收回,撤消 vi.撤退,退出

ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) PIN (Personal Identification Number)

account for 解释;导致

accumulate v.积累,增加(指在较长时期内的增长)

gather vt.聚集,收集 collect vt.收集

assemble vt.召集,收集 rally v.召集,集合 n.集会

accurate adj.准确的,精确的 accuracy


accuse vt.指责,指控 accuse<>acquit

accuse somebody of something, charge somebody ;with something

defendant, respondent, accused 被告

accuser, claimant, suitor; plaintiff 原告

ace 意思都与“一”有关,扑克牌中的“A”,成绩得“A”,网球、排球的发球得分

e.g. She aced Analysis last semester.

acid adj.酸性的,尖酸的,嘲讽的 sour

acid test 严峻的考验,决定性的考验

sour grapes

e.g. The losers’ scorn for the award is& nbsp;pure sour grapes. 失败者对奖励的蔑视纯粹是出于酸葡萄的心理

acknowledge vt.承认;告知已收

admit vt.承认,允许 admission n.允许进入,供认

confess vt.坦白,承认,忏悔 profess v.表示 profession

-gno- ignore, recognize, diagnose; agnostic, ;cognoscente

admit, emit, omit, transmit, submit

acquaintance n.相识,熟人 shallow acquaintance 泛泛之交

acquire n.获得,学到 acquisition, require, inquire

adapt vt.适应,适合(to)

adopt vt.收养,采纳 adopted 被收养的 adoptive 有收养关系的&

nbsp;adoptive/biological(natural) parents

adjust n.调整,调节,使适合 switch/flip the channel

advise(devise, revise), adhere, adverb

advisable adj.可取的,明智的 sensible

adequate adj.足够的;差强人意的

advocate vt./n.拥护(者)

accelerate, accompany, accomplish, account, accustomed, allocate, appoint, appreciate,

appropriate, approve,&n bsp;assist, associate, assure, attain, attract

-apt-/-ept- apt, adaptation, adaptable; aptitude, adept, inept

administrate, administrative

legislation 立法 jurisdiction 司法 executive/administration 行政 check and balance 权力制衡

admire n.赞美,钦佩,羡慕

advance n.前进,预付款 v.前进,提前,预付

advertise, advertisement, commercial, brochure, coupon

ad, TV, sub, pub, lab

affect vt.影响 affection n.友爱, 爱情 affect ation n.装模作样,做作,矫情

effect n.结果,效果

effective adj.有效果的

efficient adj.效率高的 efficiency

infect v.感染,传染 perfect, defect

afterward, forward, backward, toward, downward, up ward

backward adv./adj.向后的 know something forward and&n bsp;backward(backward and

forward) 对某事无所不晓

award n./vt.奖励,奖金 reward n./vt.报酬,回报,收益

agency n.代理处,社,中介

Xinhua News Agency 新华社 Reuter’s 路透社 &nb sp;A.P. (Associated Press) 美联社

agent n.代理商,代理人;特务 agenda n.日程,议程 agitate vt.使不安,鼓 动

agony n.苦恼,极大的痛苦

alarm n./vt.警报,警告 alert, warning, siren

magnet n.磁铁,有吸引力的人或物 magnetic

alcohol n.酒精 alcoholic

-aholic workaholic, bookaholic, footballaholic, s pendaholic, shopaholic, chocoholic

-phil(e) Sinophile, audiophile, philanthropist, p hilatelist, philharmonic, Philadelphia

philosophy n.哲学 philosopher

-soph- sophisticated, sophomore; sophist, sophism

alike, A and B alike =Both A and B.

identical adj.同样的,完全相等或相似的exactly equal and alike;同卵双生的 identical


like adj.相似的 e.g. Like son, like father . on this and like occasions

likewise adv.同样的

alleviate vt.减轻

relieve vt.减轻,救济 relief

-lev- elevator, lever, levy, maglev(magnetic ;levitation)

alliance n.联盟 an alliance of labor unio ns工会联盟

If I were told that devil were on p oorer terms with Hitler, I should find myself making an

alliance with hell.

――Winston Churchill

ally v.结盟,同盟 n.同盟国,支持者 e.g. Italy alli ed with Germany during WWⅡ.

allowance 允许的行为;津贴

alter vt.改变,变更 alternate vt.轮流,交替 alternati ng/direct current 交/直流电

alternative n.可供选择的办法或事物 adj.选择性的,二中择一的

shift v.交换,换档;轮班的工人,轮班的时间

refresh v.恢复精力,补满,刷新

delete vt.删除

altitude n.高度,海拔 attitude n.态度 alpinist,&nb sp;latitude, longitude

amateur adj.业余的 professional, veteran

recruit n.新兵,新会员 vt.征募 rookie

amaze vt.使惊奇 surprise, astonish, astound

amazing adj.另人惊奇的

ambition n.野心,抱负 ambitious

ambulance n.救护车 fire engine 救火车

ambulance chaser 怂恿事故受害者起诉的律师

e.g. Beware of that lawyer; I heard he&n bsp;is an ambulance chaser.

amplify vt.增大 ample

amuse,逗乐 amusement, R&R(Recreation and ;Relaxation)

entertain vt.使有兴趣;热情款待 entertainment, entertainer

analyze vt.分析 analysis, analyst

ancestor n.祖先

forebear, forefather, forerunner; descendant, offspring

anchor n./v.锚,固定,主持人 fix, fasten

attach vt.附加,附属

secure v.保护,固定 adj.安全的,放心的,固定的 security

ancient adj.古代的,古老的

anniversary n.周年纪念

-ann-/-enn- annual, semiannual, biennial, perenni al, millennium

annoy vt.使生气,使烦恼 annoying, infuriating

anticipate vt.预料 anticipation

predict v.预言,预测

-dict- contradict, dictation, dictate, dictator,& nbsp;indicate, verdict

antique n.古董 adj.古老的

anxiety n.焦虑 anxious

anyhow adv.无论怎么样,无论如何 anyway

apart adv.相隔,分开 apart from, besides, in ;addition to

apology n.道歉 apologize

apparent adj.明显的 obvious, distinct, evident, ;manifest

transparent adj.透明的 translucent

vague adj.模糊的,含糊的,不明确的 obscure, ambiguous

opaque adj.不透明的,没有光泽的

appeal n.呼吁;上诉 appealing adj.吸引人的,有魅力的 repe al

-pel-/-puls- expel, impel, repel, repellent, ;propel, propeller, compel, pulse, impulse,

compulsive, compulsory

appearance n.外观,外表 complexion

appetite n.食欲,欲望 have appetite for food/lear ning

appetizer (hors d’ oeuvre), main course (entr ee)

dessert n.甜食,点心 desert, insert, assert

apply vt.运用 appliance, applicable, applicant,&nbs p;application

appoint vt.任命,分配,指派 appointment, assign, designat e, allocate, allot

appreciate To recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude.赏识,感谢

e.g. I really appreciate your help.

approach v./n.靠近;方法

appropriate adj.合适的 v.未经许可挪用

approve vt.赞成,同意 approval

arbitrary adj.任意的,专制的

architect n.建筑师 architecture n.建筑;建筑学

archaeology n.考古学 archaeo- 早期的,原始的

arrange vt.安排,布置 arrangement

artificial adj.人造的,矫揉造作的

-art- artful, artifact, artifice, artisan

aspect n.方面 in this aspect=in this rega rd

respect n.尊敬,敬重,考虑 vt.尊敬 respective, respectively

suspect v.猜想,怀疑 n.嫌疑犯 adj.可疑的 suspicion, sus picious

spectacular adj.壮观的,壮丽的

inspect, specific, speculate, spectrum, specious, perspective, prospect; circumspect

aspire vi.渴望 -spire- inspire, conspire,&nbs p;perspire, expire, respire

assess v.估定,评定 assess the asset

evaluate, appraise, estimate

assist vt.帮助,协助 assistant

aid n.助手,帮助,救助 aide n.助手 hearin g aid 助听器 visual aid直观教具 band-aid


auxiliary adj.辅助的 auxiliary troops/generator, spa re tire, subsidiary(subsidize)

consist vi.由...组成

consistent adj.一致的,一贯的;可靠的 consist

insist v.坚持

persist vi.坚持不懈;持续

resist v.抵挡,抵制 resistance, resistant

associate vt.联合,联系 society, socialism, dissociate

association, relation, relationship, connection

relate vt.建立联系;叙述(to)

assume vt.假设 assumption

presume vt.假定

presumably adv.推测起来,大概

consume vt.消耗,消费 consumer, consumption

resume n.摘要,简历 vt.重新开始,恢复 c.v. (curriculum v itae)

astronaut n.宇航员

atom n.原子 molecule n.分子 atomic

atom bomb, A-bomb, fission bomb 原子弹 hyd rogen bomb, H-bomb 氢弹

attain vt.达到,获得 contain, stain

retain vt.保持,保留 retain old customers, attrac t new customers

maintain vt.维持,保持 maintenance

obtain vt.获得

sustain vt.维持,支撑,忍受

attorney n.律师,代理人 lawyer, attorney, barrister,&nb sp;solicitor

attribute vt.归因于 ascribe

e.g. Tom attributes/ascribes his success to w orking hard.

refer v.归因于,涉及,参照(to) reference, in reference&nbs p;to

assign vt.分配,指派;归因于

audio adj.音频的,声音的

audi- audience, audit, auditory, audition, a udible, inaudible

authority n.权威,权力机构,当局

available adj.可用的,可得到的,有资格的

awkward adj.不优雅的,笨拙的;尴尬的 clumsy

awful adj.可怕的,糟糕的

ax n.斧;解雇(Informal) e.g. My friend got the ax yesterday.

解雇的多种说法:fire, dismiss, lay off; can, s ack, boot, kiss-off, get the hook, pink slip

auto- automobile, autobiography, automatic, auto& nbsp;drive, autonomous, autonomy


bacterium n.细菌(pl.)bacteria virus, germ

bar n.禁止,妨碍;律师界 disbar vt.逐出法庭,剥夺律师资格

barrier n.障碍 obstacle, obstruction, block

forbid vt.禁止

prohibit vt.禁止,妨碍

prohibitive adj.昂贵的,令人望而却步的

frustrate vt.阻挠,使感到灰心 frustration

bargain n.买卖和约,便宜货 v.议价,谈判

basic adj.基础的,首要的 basically

basis 非物质的,抽象的基础

base 物质的基础

foundation 物质的或非物质的,强调基础的稳固

bat vt.眨眼 not bat an eye/eyelash/eyelid ;(一夜)没合眼

beam n.梁,光束,无线电波 balance beam 平衡木

off the beam<>on the beam

She’s really off the beam if she& nbsp;thinks that man she’s dating is so wonde rful.

beard n.胡须 mustache, goatee, sideburns, 5&nb sp;o’ clock shadow

behavior n.行为,举止 behave

beneath adv.在下方 underneath, netherworld

bible n.圣经(Bible),权威的书 bibliography, bibliophile

bill n.账单,纸币,水禽扁平的嘴 beak n.猛禽的钩状嘴

small bills/notes 小面值纸币 small changes 小面值硬币

bitter adj.苦的,痛苦的

blade n.刀刃,刀片,叶片 roller blade直排滚轴溜冰鞋

blame vt./n.责备,谴责,归咎

blank adj.空白的,失色的,没有表情的 n.空白

blast n.一阵强风;(Slang)喧嚣的聚会,狂欢会

breeze n.微风;容易做的事 shoot the breeze 闲聊

bleed vi.流血,出血 blood n.血液,血统 bloody&n bsp;adj.血腥的,有血的 adv.(英)加强语气

blonde n.金发女郎 blond n.金发男子 brunette

bloom n.花,开花 v.开花 blossom

blunt adj.直率的 blunt speaking 直率的讲话

boast n.自夸,值得夸耀的事物 v.自夸,拥有 brag, vaunt, name -drop

e.g. The capital of a region in the ;southeast boasts bountiful coal fields.

boom n.繁荣,隆隆声 v.发出隆隆声,兴隆

baby boom 生育高峰,婴儿潮,尤指从1947年到1961年第二次世界大战后美国的出生率

flourish v./n.茂盛,繁荣

thrive vi.繁荣、茂盛地生长

prosperous adj.繁荣的,兴旺的 prosperity

boost v.推进,提高

boost one’s confidence/to inflate one’s ego/to&nbs p;boost morale(used for a group)

border n.边界,边境

boundary n.边界线,边界

bound vi.跳跃 rebound, bounce, spring, leap,&n bsp;jump

brand,烙印 name brand 名牌 generic&nb sp;brand 普通品牌

Scotch Tape, Kleenex, Post-It Note, Magic Mak er, Chapstick, Jell-O; aspirin, nylon, yo-yo

bride n.新娘 bridegroom 新郎 bridesmaid 伴娘 best&n bsp;man 伴郎

brief adj.简短的 v.做简短介绍 briefing (room)

abbreviate, brevity

in brief/in a nutshell/concisely 简而言之

brilliant adj.灿烂的,闪耀的,有才气的

bulk n.大小,体积 Hulk


calculate v.计算,考虑 compute, calculator, reckon(con sider)

coordinate n.同等重要的人或物;(pl.)坐标 vt.调整,协调

amount n.总数,合计

function n.功能,职务,角色,函数

numerous adj.极多的,众多的 innumerable

integer n.整数,完整的东西 integral adj.完整的,必需的 integrate vt.使成一体


become an integral part/common elements of my life

prime adj.最佳的;首要的;最初的 n.质数

primary adj.首要的,最初的 primarily, primate, primitive

counterpart n.副本, 相似物, 配对物 opposite number

fraction n.分数,片段,一小部分 fragment

diameter n.直径 radius, perimeter

dimension n.尺寸,维数

campaign n.战役,竞选活动 champion, champagne

canal n.运河 Panama Canal, Suez Canal, En glish Channel, Strait of Malacca

同源词canal-channel, catch-chase, fragile-frail, junction-joint , pauper-poor

candidate n.候选人

capital n.首都,大写字母,资本,资金 capita, captain, capitol, capitalism; decapitate,


career n.职业,生涯 careerist

cast n.投掷,演员表 v.投,抛,投射 cast pearls before&nb sp;swine 明珠暗投

casual adj.偶然发生的,随便的 casualty n.事故,伤亡人数

category n.种类 catalogue, categorize

classify vt.分类 classification

classified adj.分类的,保密的

cause vt.引起,促成 n.原因,目标,理想 grounds 原因,理由

cautious adj.细心的,谨慎的 careful<>careless car efree<>worried

caution n.谨慎,小心;预防

precaution n.预防,警惕

cease vt.停止 cease-fire n.停火 ceaseless adj.不停的 ;continual 有间断的连续

continuous 无间断的连续

terminate vt.停止,终止 terminator, terminal, terminat ion, interminable, determination

halt n.停止 v.使停止 come to a halt/bring&nb sp;something to a halt

celebrate v.庆祝 celebrity

cell n.狭窄的房间,细胞 cellular phone(cell phone) 手 机

Centigrade adj./n.摄氏(的) Fahrenheit adj./n.华氏(的)

-centi- century, percent, centimeter; ;centenary, centipede

-ped- expedition, pedestrian, pedicure, podium,&n bsp;impede

certify vt.证明,确认 certificate, certification, dipl oma

challenge v./n.挑战

horizontally/vertically/mentally/physically challenged

chaos n.混乱 disorder, chaotic

character n.特性,性格,角色,符号,汉字 shape/mold one’s chara cter

characterize vt.以…为特性 characteristic n.特点

what characterizes A is B=B is ch aracteristic of A

What characterizes almost all Hollywood&nbs p;pictures is their inner emptiness.


charity,慈善机构,博爱 philanthropist n.慈善家 m isanthropist

chase vt.追逐,追赶

pursue v.追赶,追求 pursuit

cheer n.愉快,欢呼 v.欢呼 cheerful, Cheers

chip, chip on one’s shoulder 不友好的态度,脾气不好

英式英语 美式英语

薯条 chips French-fries

薯片 crisps chips

choke vt.窒息,阻塞 stifle, suffocate, smother

chop vt.砍,劈 n.排骨

Christian n.基督徒 adj.基督教的,信基督教的 Christianity, Cath olic, Protestant

Wasp(white Anglo-Saxon Protestant)

circuit n.环行,电路

-circ- circle, circular, circulate; circuitous,&n bsp;circumference, circumscribe,

circumspect, circumlocution,&nbs p;circus

circumstance n.情况,条件(常用复数)

cite vt.引用,列举 e.g. The boss cited Bill’ s excessive absences when he fired him.

quote vt.引用,引证 quotation, quotient

civil adj.全民的,公民的,有礼貌的 civilian, civilize, civili zation

claim v./n.主张,宣称

-claim-/-clam- exclaim, acclaim, declare, proclai m, clamor

clarify vt.阐明 clean, clear, clarity

clash v./n.冲突,碰撞,抵触

crack v.断裂,碎裂,崩溃

crash v./n.撞击,坠毁

crush vt.压碎,压倒,镇压

smash v. 打碎,撞碎

collide vi.碰撞, 抵触 collide with

collapse n./vi.倒塌,倒闭

conflict n./vi.冲突 inflict, afflict 强迫,折磨

classic n.杰作,名著 adj.第一流的,典范的

classical adj.古典的,经典的

claw n.爪(鸟,猫的) talon 猛禽的爪

clay n.粘土,泥土,肉体 feet of clay 弱点 & nbsp;dirt, mud

pay dirt n.(Informal)有价值的发现 hit pay&n bsp;dirt

cliff n.悬崖 cliffhanger n.悬而未决的情况,扣人心弦的比赛

e.g. The recent election was a cliffhanger&nb sp;for the two candidates. We knew the

result would be very close and waited in total suspense.

coach n./v.教练 n.长途公共汽车

coarse adj.低质量的,粗糙的 husky, hoarse, rough

crude adj.天然的,未经加工的,粗糙的 crude rubber 天然橡胶 cr ude oil 原油

code n.准则,密码 encode/decode, cipher 密码/编码

colleague n.同事 partner, comrade, companion

colony n.殖民地 colonize vt.殖民地化 colonist,&nbs p;colonial

column n.支柱;专栏文章 columnist 专栏作家 pillar

combine v.使结合 combination n.组合

拉丁文前缀 希腊文前缀

表示一 un-, uni- mono-

unify vt.统一

union n.联合,组织

uniform n.制服

unanimous adj.一致的

unilateral adj.单边的 monologue n.独白

monotonous adj.单调的

monopoly n.垄断,专利权

monarch n.君主

monogamy n.一夫一妻制

表示二 bi- di-

biplane n.双翼飞机

binoculars n.双筒望远镜

biennial adj.两年的

bilingual adj.双语的

bilateral adj.双边的 dialogue n.对话

dilemma n.两难境地

divorce n./vt.离婚

divide v.分开;除法

individual n./adj.个体(的)

表示三 tri-

triple adj.三倍的

triangle n.三角形

trilogy n.三部曲

trinity n.三位一体 (Trinity College 三一学院)

半 一 二 三 四

hemi-, semi-, demi- un, uni-, mono- bi-, di-, du-, ambi-, amphi- tri-, ter- tetra-, quad-

五 六 七 八 九

penta-, quin- ***-, hex- sept-, hapta- oct- ennea-, nov-

十 百 千 百万,大 多

deci-, deka- hecto- mille-, kilo- mega-, tera- multi-, poly-

command v./n.指挥 commander in chief, headquar ter

comment n./v.评论 commentary

remark n./v.评论;注意 remarkable

editorial adj./n.社论(的)

commerce n.商业

-merc- commercial, merchandise, merchant; mercena ry

commission n.委员会;佣金 committee, council, kickback

communicate vt.传达 communication

community n.社区

mutual adj.相互的,共同的

compete v.比赛,竞争 competent, competition, competiti ve

contest n./v.竞争,竞赛,争夺

complain v.抱怨,控诉 complaint, joint, restraint

complex adj.复合的,复杂的 n.情结,综合症状 complicated, intric ate

compose v.组成,形成;创作 composer, composition

be composed of, consist of, comprise, include 包含,包括

compose, constitute 组成

e.g. England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern I reland constitute/compose/make up the

United Kingdom.

component n.成分 adj.组成的,构成的 ingredient

decompose vt.使分解,使腐烂

comprehension n.理解,理解力

comprehensive adj.广泛的,易理解的 extensive

compress v.压紧,压缩

contract v.订约,收缩

condense vt.压缩,浓缩 condensed milk

concentrate vt.集中,浓缩 concentrated, concentration

shrink vi收缩;不情愿,犹豫 n.神经科医生 shrink-rap

e.g. He shrank from making such a sacrif ice.

concise adj.简明的,简洁的 concisely, redundant

compromise n.妥协,和解 v.妥协 work out/reach a&nbs p;compromise

conceal vt.隐藏 conceal a crime

reveal vt.揭露,显露 expose, disclose, uncover

concerning prep.关于 “Concerning Hobbits”

about→ approximately 大约

→ concerning 关于 regarding, in regards t o, with respect to, in reference to, as to

conclude v.结束,做出结论,推断 conclusion

condemn vt.谴责

censure n./vt.谴责,指责

conduct vt.指挥,传导 n.举止,行为 conductor

confidence n.信心

-fid- diffident, confide, fidelity, confidential; bona fide

confirm vt.确认 cancel

confront vt.面对 face the music 直面挑战,承担后果 ; face up 面对(不愉快的状况)

congress n.代表大会,国会

Senate, the House of Representatives

conjunction n.联合,关联,连接词

conquer vt.占领,征服 conquest

I came, I saw, I conquered. ; ――Julius Caesar

defeat vt.战胜,击败 overcome

conscience n.良心,道德心

conscious adj.有意识的,神志清醒的 unconscious, consciousness

consent n./v.同意,赞同

consequence n.结果,后果,重要性 sequence, consequent, con sequently; consecutive

subsequent adj.随后的,后来的

conservative adj.保守的 n.保守党 Hawk vs. Do ve

Labor 工党 Democrat 民主党 Republican 共和党 Communis t ***,共产主义者

considerable adj.相当大的

considerate adj.体贴的

construction n.建筑物 structure, destruction, instru ction

consult v.请教,商议 consultant

counsel n.商讨,建议counselor

council n.会议,商议councilor The U.N. Sec urity Council city council 市议会

contemporary n.同时代的人 adj.当代的,同时代的

temporary adj.暂时的,临时的

context n.上下文 e.g. No context, no text. pretext, alibi 借口,托辞

contrary adj.相反的 on the contrary/on the ;other hand/when in fact

converse vi.交谈 adj.相反的 conversation, conversely

contrast vt.使对照 n.对比,对照 stark contrast

controversy n.争论,争吵 controversial

contradict vt.反驳,与...相矛盾,与...抵触

contribute v.捐献,贡献 contribution, attribute, distribute, tribute

contribute to/lead to/result in 导致,引起

convenience n.方便,有益,方便的用具 convenient

convention n.会议,习俗,国际公约 conventional

treaty 条约 protocol 议定书

convict vt.证明有罪,宣告有罪 n.罪犯(con) conviction & nbsp;be convicted of

convince vt.使相信,说服 convince somebody of something/ to do something

convincing adj.令人信服的,有说服力的 persuasive

cope vi.对付,应付(with)

core n.果核,核心 core business 核心业务 core st rength 核心竞争力 core assets 核心资产

correspond vi.符合,协调,通信 correspondence, correspondent,& nbsp;corresponding

court n.庭院,法庭 vt.追求,寻求

crawl v./n.爬行 e.g. From leaping antelopes&nb sp;to crawling ants.

credit n.信用,声望,贷方 vt.相信,信任

-cred- discredit, credible, incredible; credulous , credential, credo, creed

creep vi.爬,蹑手蹑脚地行进

crisis n.危机,决定性的时刻 crunch

critic n.评论家 critical adj.爱挑剔的,至关重要的 critic ism n.批判 criticize

cruise n./vi.巡游,巡航 cruiser, destroyer, submarine, helicopter(chopper)

crystal adj.晶状的 n.水晶,水晶饰品,晶体 crystallize

cultivate vt.耕作,结交 culture

cupboard, skeleton in the cupboard/closet 家丑

curious adj.好奇的 curiosity

current adj.当前的,流通的 currently, currency, excursio n

curriculum n.课程 extracurricular

cycle n.周期,循环 v.循环

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