


1. Agriculture, long the neglected stepchild of the economy, has become the government’s top

priority. 农业在该国经济中曾长期不受重视,现在成了政府最优先重视的问题。

2. Today’s teachers know they have to make lessons fast-moving and entertaining for children

raised on television and computer games. 今天的教师懂得,他们给孩子们上课节奏要快,而且要有意思,因为这些孩子是在看电视和玩游戏的环境中长大的。

3. Hardly a day passes without him getting scratched or bruised as he scrambles for a place on a


4. Life here is as cheap as taxis are expensive. 这里的生活成本(生活支出费用)很低,但乘出租车却贵得要命。

5. Production capacity is grossly underused with many idle workers and machines obvious to

any visitor to the state factory. 生产能力根本没有充分利用。到这家国营工厂参观,进入眼帘的是机器设备闲置,许多工人无所事事。

6. At research-oriented universities like Stanford, teaching has become a poor stepchild to the

reputation-enhancing work in the lab or in the library. 在像斯坦福那样的研究型大学里,蹲在实验室或泡在图书馆搞研究可以提高知名度。相比之下,教学工作就颇不受重视。

7. Sports are perhaps the most popular form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy, whether boys

or girls, men or women, young or old. 体育运动使人身心得到放松,男女老幼,人人能做,也许是最受人欢迎的一种放松方式。

8. Social systems and differences in the perception of values should not be an obstacle in the

development of normal state to state relations, still less to be used as a pretext to interfere in

the internal affairs of other countries.各国社会制度和价值观念等方面的差异不应 发展正常国家间关系的障碍,更不应成为干涉别国内政的理由。

9. In addition to its important role in regulating body temperature, water is important to the body

for digestion, absorption of nutrients and in removing wastes. 除了调节体温,水对体内营养物质的消化、吸收以及排泄都起着很重要的作用。

10. Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the

latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programs which are

both instructive and entertaining. 人们常说,通过电视可以了解时事,掌握科学和政治的最新动态。从电视里还可以看到层出不穷、既有教育意义又有娱乐性的新节目。

11. It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where they are

going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye

on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope.审查者完全有理由相信,知道自己准备做什么、怎么做的科学家不应该因为必须一只眼盯着收银机,一只眼盯着显微镜而分散了注意力。

12. When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its

advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem

today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.当艺术领域的一个新运动发展成某种流行时尚时,最好应该弄清这场运动倡导者的真正意图,因为,不管他们的原则在今天看来多么牵强无理,很可能多年以后他们的理论会被视为正常。

13. Now since the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter,we must be sure that the

scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a“valid”or“fair”comparison. 既然对智力的评估是比较而言的,那么我们必须确保,在对我们的对象进行比较时,我们所用的尺度能提供“有效的”或“公平的”比较。

14. Thus it happened that when the new factories that were springing up required labor,tens of

thousands of homeless and hungry agricultural workers,with their wives and children,were

forced into the cities in search of work,and any work,under any condition,that would keep

them alive. 于是就出现了这样的情况:正当新办的工厂纷纷建立,需要劳动力的时候,成上万无家可归、饥肠辘辘的从事农业的劳动者携家带口,被迫流入城市;他们要找活干,不管什么活儿,不讲什么条件,只要不使他们饿死/能让他们活命就行。

15. Painting lacks only the means to represent movement in time and space,which is the special

property of sculpture and architecture,since a painting is designed to be seen from one point

at one time,whereas sculpture and architecture are created to be seen from various points of

view,thus supplying movements in space and time. 绘画仅仅缺少的是表现空间与时间变化的手法,而这正是雕塑与建筑的特性。一幅画在绘制时就只要求在某一时刻,从空间的一点来欣赏,而雕塑和建筑的创造要求从各个角度来欣赏,这样就表现出了空间,时间的变化。

16. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes

from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new

market. 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。

17. We even have different word for some foods, meat in particular, depending on whether it is

still out in the fields or at home ready to be cooked, which shows the fact that the Saxon

peasants were doing the farming while the upper-class Normans were doing most of the eating.


18. The major market force rests in the growing population of white-collar employees, who can

afford the new service, in other words, Shanghai’s car rental industry is growing so fast

mainly due to the increasing number of white-collar employees. 主要的市场因素取决于白领工人的人数增加,这些人付得起这种新型服务,换句话说,上海的汽车出租行业发展如此快,主要因为白领工人人数的增加。

19. Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he contact

by radio, unless there was a ship nearby, would be on an island 885 miles away. 他禁不住寻思起来,要是果真有什么意外,除非附近有条船,他用无线电能联系上的最近的人远在885英里以外的岛上。

20. The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be

found out. 衡量一个人真正品质的标准是看如果他知道他不会被别人发现的情况下他会做些什么事。

21. My point is that its central consciousness—its profound understanding of class and gender as

shaping influences on people’s lives—owes much to that earlier literary heritage, a heritage

that, in general, has not been sufficiently valued by most contemporary literary critics. 我认为它的关键意识——它对于阶级和性别的深远理解对人们的生活有着重要影响——很大程度上归功于早期的文化遗产,而这种文化遗产,总的来说,当代的文艺批评家并未给予足够重视。

22. Once intimidated by arguments that their children would feel more at home in bilingual

classes,and that they might lose their heritage in regular classes,these women have since

given voice,loudly and persuasively,to what they know from experience that unless they are

fluent in the language of their adopted country,their children will never attend college or land

any but the most menial of jobs. 有人说,孩子们在双语课堂里会感到更加自由自在,而在正规班级会丧失其传统文化。这几位母亲曾被这一论点搞得惶恐不安,现在发表了最响亮,最有说服力的意见。从她们自身的经验中,他们深知:如果孩子们不熟练掌握他们所移居国家的语言,除了那些最简单的体力活儿外,根本谈不到上大学,也谈不到找到理想的工作。

23. It was the desire to be scholarly that brought about a wave of Latin terms which appeared in

the16th century when the humanist movement brought new impetus to learning throughout

Europe. 在16世纪的时候,人文主义运动促进了欧洲各国的学术运动,人们都想显示自己的博学多才,从而出现了一股使用拉丁字词的潮流。

24. Despite the saying that one never knows if lightning strikes him,a person can sometimes feel

the bolt coming and if quick enough,take protective action in time. 尽管人们常说一个人从来不知道是否遭到闪电的袭击,但是一个人有时能感觉到闪电的到来,如果动作快,就能及时采取保护措施。

25. But it will be the driver’s responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the

front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind. 但是司机有责任确保14岁以下的孩子不要坐在前排,除非他们系好了安全带。

26. Modern scientific and technical books,especially textbooks,requires revision at short

intervals if their authors wish to keep pace with new ideas,observations and discoveries.对于现代书籍,特别是教科书来说,要是作者希望自己书中的内容能与新概念、新观察到的事实和新发现同步发展的话,那么就应该每隔较短的时间,将书中的内容重新修订。

27. Up to the present time,throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,this new tendency

placed the home in the immediate suburbs,but concentrated manufacturing activity,business

relations,government,and pleasure in the centers of the cities. 到目前为止,经历了18和19两个世纪,这种新的倾向是把住宅安排在城市的近郊,而把生产活动、商业往来、政府部门以及娱乐场所都集中在城市的中心地区。

28. Computer languages may range from detailed low level close to that immediately understood

by the particular computer, to the sophisticated high level which can be rendered

automatically acceptable to a wide range of computers. 计算机语言有低级的也有高级的。前者比较繁琐,类似某种特定的计算机能直接理解的语言;后者比较复杂,适用范围广,很多计算机能自动接受。

29. Applied science, on the other hand, is directly concerned with the application of the working

laws of pure science to the practical affairs of life, and to increasing man’s control over his

environment, thus leading to the development of new techniques, processes and machines. 应用科学则直接涉及应用问题。它研究的是如何将纯科学的工作定律应用于实际生活、应用于加强人类对其周围环境的控制,从而导致新技术、新工艺和新机器的产生。

30. There is no doubt, however, that it is the increasing number of applicants with university

education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of

the curriculum vitae. 但是,毫无疑问,正是由于在申请工作的过程中具有大学学历的人数增加,使得简历更加重要。

本文标签: 孩子运动生活工作