



Unit 5Launching Your Career

Learning about Language公开课学案


find and observe long sentences in the topic context and analyse their

structural features.

use long sentences in a text.

learn from the outstanding people in the professional field.

Part Ⅰ Review and analyse

Activity 1 Read and observe.

Are they short sentences or long sentences?Why are these sentences so long?

an adult, one of the first questions you are asked when meeting someone

new is,“What do you do?”

are many free tests online, so give one a try.

people know what they want to do from a young age, but many others

just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads.

Summarise the structure of three types of sentences

Compound sentence

Two or more simple


A main clause and one or

Complex sentence more subordinate


Two or more parallel



clauses,one or more of which

is a subject-subordinate



compound sentence

Activity 2 Match these long sentences with their types.

an adult, one of the first questions you are asked when

meeting someone new is,“What do you do?”



are many free tests online, so give one a try.




people know what they want to do from a young

age, but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in nd

their heads.

Activity 3 Analyse and summarise.

Ⅰ. Internet is useful and we use it a lot.

2.I have travelled to many places, but I still want to visit more.

I send the book to you, or will you come to get it?


have different ideas, so they have solved the problem in different ways.

’t turn off the computer before closing all programs, or you could have


Ⅰ. surprised me most was his way of speaking.

suggestion is that we should stay calm.

shocking news made me realise what terrible problems we would face.

were worried over the fact that you were sick.

letter that I received yesterday was from my sister.

6.A number of high buildings have arisen where there was nothing a year ago

but ruins.

Ⅰ.Many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to

voluntary toil in their gardens, and when the spring comes, they experience all the

joy of having created beauty.

Part Ⅱ Practice

Ⅱ.Change these simple sentences into long sentences. Pay attention to the

connectors you need to use.

guidance ought to be included at high school should also

offer a work experience programme.

ng to become somebody great is easy. Working to achieve your dream

can be quite hard.

never know where you’ll be working in the future. Learn as much as

possible. Study a foreign is wise to do these things for the sake of your


occupations require communicating with people. This often involves

helping or providing service to other people.

is developing rapidly. Lawyers, teachers, librarians,drivers and receptionists

may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future. Many people believe this to be true.

Ⅱ. Complete the sentences using what, which, that, who, and put

the sentences into the correct order to make a complete passage.

Advice on Making a Career Plan

plan will require you to focus on you want to do and

to achieve it.

1 B.A career plan makes you think about your future, including

careers interest you most and skills and trainings you will need to


course, the CV should be tailored to match the careers in your plan,

will leave you well prepared to make the most of all opportunities become

available to you.

y, for useful information on to decide on careers and

to put in your CV, find some websites specialise in career advice or go to

someone can help.

with your career plan, you should also think about a CV,

is essential for showing your potential employers your skills and experiences.

two things are you should start thinking about right now,

as they will safeguard your future, is important to everyone.


the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America, the

skies and lands were alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife.

ability to accurately understand how others are feeling may be used by a

doctor to find how best to help his/her patients, while a cheater might use it to

control potential victims.

people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything

desirable in a person’s make-up that cannot be measured by an IQ test, such as

character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and “people skills”.

Ⅱ.Read the two profiles below. Write a paragraph about one of them or any

other person you admire. Try to make the sentences work together effectively.

Karl Marx;1818—1883;born in Germany, died in London;studied law and

philosophy;philosopher and thinker,economist,historian,sociologist,revolutionary

socialist;creator of Marxism,founder of international communism,co-writer of The

Communist Manifesto

Zhong Yang;1964—2017;botanist,professor at Fudan University;dedicated his

life to research on seeds;travelled to places which no other botanists had ever been

to;spent years in remote and primitive areas searching for and collecting seeds

Part Ⅱ Homework

Revise your draft by using long sentences properly.


Part Ⅰ Review and analyse

Activity 1

Activity 2


Activity 3

Part Ⅱ Practice

Ⅱ. guidance ought to be included at high school,which should also offer

a work experience programme.

ng to become somebody great is easy, but working to achieve your

dream can be quite hard.

never know where you’ll be working in the future,so learn as much as

possible and study a foreign language, because it is wise to do these things for the

sake of your future.

occupations, which often involves helping or providing service to other

people require communicating with people.

is developing rapidly and many people believe that lawyers, teachers,

librarians, drivers and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future.

Ⅱ.;how ;which/what

;that ;what;that/which;who








Part Ⅱ Homework

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