


主题阅读:My Week

(一)Seven Days

Read the passage and answer this question: Which day is the first day of a week?

There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Most children go to school from Monday to Friday. Most people don’t work on

Saturday or Sunday. Most shops are closed in England on Saturday afternoon and

Sunday. But in China, shops are open every day. Sunday is always a holiday. It’s the

first day of the week. Some people go to church on that day. The time between Friday

evening and Monday morning is the weekend. It is the time for people to rest. We

can’t work all the time. We have to rest from time to time.


一、Read and tick or cross. 读句子,判断正(√)误(×)。

( ) 1. There are eight days in a week.

( ) 2. The shops are open every day in China.

( ) 3. Some people go to church on Saturday.

( ) 4. The time between Friday and Tuesday is the weekend.

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二、Read and choose the answer. 读句子,选择正确的答案。

( ) 1. Most children don’t go to school on ________.

A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Both A and B

( ) 2. Most people go to work ________.

A. on Saturday afternoon

C. on Sunday

B. from Monday to Friday

( ) 3. Most children have ________ days’ holiday.

A. two B. three C. four

New words

first /fɜːst/ adj. 第一的

holiday /'hɒlɪdeɪ/ n. 假日,体息日

church /tʃɜːtʃ/ n. 教堂

from time to time 有时,不时


一、1-4 ×√××

二、1-3 CBA

(二)On Weekends

Read the passage and answer this question: What do children like to do on weekends?

There are a lot of weekends in a year.

between /bɪ'twiːn/ prep. 在……之间

closed /kləʊzd/ adj. 关闭着的

In spring, children like to watch flowers on weekends. People like to go hiking.

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In summer, people like to go camping on weekends. Children like to swim.

In fall, people like to go picking on weekends. Children like to fly kites.

In winter, children like to make snowmen on weekends. People like to go skating.

Do you like weekends? What do you do on your weekends?


一、Look and write. 看图,在对应图片下方写单词。

________ ________ ________ ________

二、Use the following pictures, make up a new poem. 根据图片,仿写小诗。

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In Spring, I like to…





New words

spring /sprɪŋ/ n. 春天

hiking /'haɪkɪŋ/ n. 远足

camping /'kæmpɪŋ/ n. 野营

pick /pɪk/ v. 采摘

winter /'wɪntə(r)/ n. 冬天


一、go hiking, go skating, go picking, go camping


(三)Subjects on Wednesday

Read the passage and answer this question: What do you learn from different


flower /'flaʊə(r)/ n. 花

summer /'sʌmə(r)/ n. 夏天

fall /fɔːl/ n. 秋

fly /flaɪ/ v. 放飞

skating /'skeɪtɪŋ/ n. 滑冰

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We learn to do body exercises in the classroom.

Today is Wednesday. I have many classes on this day.

In Chinese class, I can read and write. I learn to read books.

In maths class, I can play with “minus” and “plus”, I learn to calculate.

In English class, I can say and chant, I learn to speak English.

In art class, I can draw and paint, I learn to draw pictures and make things.

In music class, I can sing and dance, I learn to sing nice songs.

In PE class, I can run and jump, I learn to play balls.

From Monday to Friday, I have many subjects, like or dislike, they help me grow

up day by day.

We have classes outdoors.


一、Look and match. 看图,并连线。

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music science PE art

二、Read and answer. 根据短文,回答下列问题。

1. In art class, what can I do?


2. Where can I learn to play basketball?


New words

subject /'sʌbdʒɪkt/ n. 科目

plus /plʌs/ prep. 加,加上

dislike /dɪs'laɪk/ v. 不喜欢


一、science, art, PE, music


(四)Peter’s Week

Read the passage and answer this question: How is Peter’s week?

minus /'maɪnəs/ prep. 减,减去

calculate /'kælkjʊleɪt/ v. 计算

grow /grəʊ/ up 成长,生长

Sunday is a sunny day for Peter because it’s family day. He can go shopping with

his family. He likes to buy his favourite book and food.

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Monday is a happy day for Peter because he goes back to school and he likes to

play and study with his friends.

Tuesday is a terrific day for Peter because it’s art day. He has sketch lessons. He

likes to draw pictures.

Wednesday is a fantastic day for Peter because it’s PE day. He likes to play

basketball. He wants to be a famous basketball player.

Thursday is a wonderful day for Peter because it’s music day. He has piano

lessons. He likes to play the piano and he likes Lang Lang, our piano prince.

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Friday is a great day for Peter because it’s TV day. He can watch TV. He likes to


Saturday is a super day for Peter because it’s play day. He can play “Hide and

Seek” with his friends. He can play basketball with his father. He can watch his

favourite programme and he can play computer games.

As he sleeps on Saturday he dreams of another marvelous and busy week.


一、Look and Write. 看图,在对应图片下方选择正确的选项。

A. go shopping

D. play the piano

B. watch TV

E. draw pictures

C. play basketball

F. play computer games

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、Read and tick or cross. 读句子,判断正(√)误(×)。

( ) 1. Peter is a school boy.

( ) 2. Peter wants to be a football player.

( ) 3. Peter has a busy but happy week.

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( ) 4. Peter does not like his week.

New words

terrific /tə'rɪfɪk/ adj. 极好的

fantastic /fæn'tæstɪk/ adj. 极好的

marvelous /'mɑːvələs/ adj. 绝妙的


一、E D F B C A

二、1-4 √×√×

(五)Enjoy Every Day

Read the passage and answer this question: Is she happy every day?

sketch /sketʃ/ n. 素描


/'wʌndəfl/ adj. 精彩的

It’s Monday. I get up early. I feel happy, because I like going to school. I can see

my classmates again.

It’s Tuesday. I have a PE class. I feel happy, because I like doing sports. I can

play badminton with my friends.

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It’s Wednesday. I go to the canteen. I feel happy, because we have hamburgers

for lunch.

It’s Thursday. I go to the lab. I feel happy, because I like doing experiments in a

science class. Science is full of magic.

It’s Friday. It’s the weekend. I feel happy, because I like watching cartoons at


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It’s Saturday. I go to a music club. I feel happy, because I like singing and


It’s Sunday. I go to the library. I feel happy because I like reading.


一、Read and choose. 读一读,选一选。

( ) 1. Monday

( ) 2. Tuesday

( ) 3. Wednesday

( ) 4. Thursday

( ) 5. Friday

( ) 6. Saturday

( ) 7. Sunday

A. have a PE class

B. go to the library

C. watch cartoons

D. go to school

E. eat hamburgers for lunch

F. go to the lab

G. go to a music club

二、Look and write. 看图,在对应图片下方写单词。

do sports ________ ________ ________

New words

badminton /'bædmɪntən/ n. 羽毛球

magic /'mædʒɪk/ n. 魔法

experiment /ɪk'sperɪmənt/ n. 实验


一、1-5 DAEFC 6-7 GB

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enjoy /ɪn'dʒɔɪ/ v. 享受

dance /dɑːns/ v. 跳舞

二、do experiments sing and dance watch cartoons

(六)A Happy Week

Read the passage and answer this question: What day is an active day for me?

Monday is a happy day for me, because we have an English class. I want to be a

famous English teacher.

Tuesday is an active day for me, because we have a PE class. We can do kinds of

sports on the playground for a long time. By the way, I’m a good football player.

Wednesday is a sweet day for me, because our teacher often takes us to visit the

factories of chocolates, cakes or sweets. We often eat chocolates or other desserts that

we make by ourselves.

Thursday is a nice day for me, because we have no homework this day. I can read

comic books and watch cartoons in the evening.

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Friday is an interesting day for me, because we have a science class. We can do

many experiments, and they’re all very amazing. Sometimes we have our science

class in the garden.

Saturday is a busy day for me, because I tidy up my schoolbag and clean my

bedroom. Then I go shopping with my parents.

Sunday is a free day for me, because I can spend my day by myself. I can do

whatever things I want to do.


一、Find out the words describing the week. 找出描述星期的词。

二、Read and choose the answer. 读句子,选择正确的答案。

( ) 1. On _________, we have a P.E. class.

A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Friday D. Sunday

( ) 2. I want to be a/an _________ teacher in the future.

A. maths B. English C. music D. art

( ) 3. Does he like science?

A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. C. No, I am not. D. No, he doesn’t.

( ) 4. Who takes us to visit the factories of chocolates, cakes or sweets?

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A. Mum. B. Dad. C. Teacher. D. Uncle.

New words

famous /'feɪməs/ adj. 著名的 factory /'fæktrɪ/ n. 工厂 dessert /dɪ'zɜːt/ n. 点心

amazing /ə'meɪzɪŋ/ adj. 令人惊奇的

spend /spend/ v. 度过

ourselves /aʊr'selvz/ pron. 我们自己

busy /'bɪzɪ/ adj. 忙绿的


tidy up 整理


二、1-4 BBBC

(七)My Week

Read the email and answer this question: How’s Mark’s week?


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一、Look and write. 看图,在对应图片下方写单词。

Monday _________ _________ _________

二、Read and choose the answer. 读句子,选择正确的答案。

( ) 1. Mark has some fish on ________.

A. Tuesday morning B. Tuesday afternoon C. Tuesday evening

( ) 2. They buy a new football on ________.

A. Friday B. Saturday C. Thursday

( ) 3. On Saturday, they have lunch ________.

A. at home B. in the park C. in the zoo

New words

stay /steɪ/ v. 暂住


一、Wednesday Friday Saturday

二、1-3 CCC

(八)Yoyo’s Week in Hangzhou

Read the passage and answer this question: What does Yoyo do in her week in


Yoyo is a girl from the UK. In summer, she visits Uncle Liu in Hangzhou. She

will stay there for a week.

climb-mountain / klaɪm 'maʊntən/ n. 爬山

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On Monday, Yoyo walks around the West Lake. There are marry lotuses in the

West Lake. Some are white, some are pink. So beautiful!

On Tuesday, Yoyo eats dinner in Lou Wai Lou Restaurant. The food is so yummy!

She can use chopsticks now!

On Wednesday, Yoyo climbs mountains in the early morning. The air is so clean.

On top of the mountain she drinks Long Jing tea. It smells good.

On Thursday, Yoyo paints near the West Lake. People say “Very good” when they

see Yoyo’s painting. Yoyo is so happy! It’s her favourite day.

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On Friday, Yoyo goes shopping in INTIME. She buys silk for her mother’s


What does Yoyo do on Saturday? Can you guess? Haha, she learns Chinese with

Uncle Liu. It’s not easy! And now Yoyo can say “Hello” and “Bye” in Chinese.

On Sunday morning, Yoyo will go back home. She says “Goodbye” in Chinese to

Uncle Liu and all her friends. “I love Hangzhou! I will be back next summer!”


一、Read and choose. 读一读,选一选。

( ) 1. Monday

( ) 2. Tuesday

( ) 3. Wednesday

( ) 4. Thursday

( ) 5. Friday

A. goes shopping

B. paints

C. drinks Long Jing tea

D. walks around the West Lake

E. eats dinner in Lou Wai Lou

二、Read and answer. 根据短文,回答下列问题。

1. Yoyo’s favourite day in the week in Hangzhou is ________. Because

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2. What is your favourite day in a week? Why?


New words

West Lake /west leɪk/ 西湖

say /seɪ/ v. 说


一、1-5 DECBA


lotus /'ləʊtəs/ n. 荷花

silk /sɪlk/ n. 丝绸

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