



Can you list at least three mooring lines

Yes .They are head line, breast line, spring line, and stern line.

你能列举集中缆绳吗 头缆,横缆,倒缆和尾缆

2. What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board

The pilot ladder, a heaving line and a life buoy.

在引航员上船前要准备些什么 引航梯,吊绳和救生圈。

3. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival

Through VHF.

在到港前船舶如何与港口取得联系 通过甚高频。

4. What kind of things should be reported to the pilot station

The ship’s present position, ETA at pilot station or anchorage.

什么信息需要报告给引航站 船舶的当前位置,预计到达引航站或者锚地的时间。

5. What should be confirmed from the pilot station

Pilot’s boarding time and place, the ship’s side where the pilot ladder will

be put.

什么信息需要引航站确认 引航员的登船时间,地点和安放引航梯的船舷。

6. When the vessel enters the VTS area, what I srequested to report

Ship’s name and call sign, present course and speed, ETA at the pilot station,

the reporting point that the vessel is passing.

在船舶进入交管区时,需要报告些什么 船名,呼号,当前的航向和速度,预计到达引航站的时间,船舶正通过的报告点。

7. If you are ordered: “stand by both engines!” , how should you reply and report

I should repeat “stand by both engines”, then report “both engines stand by”.

如果你被命令“备双车”,你该怎么复诵和报告 我会复诵“备双车”,报告“双车备好”。

8. Can you list 3 canals in the world

Suez Canal, Panama Canal and Kiel Canal.

列举三大运河 苏伊士运河,巴拿马运河和基尔运河。


9. When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what

do you say Stand by on VHF channel 16.


10. What does “dredging of an anchor” mean

It means moving an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the


拖锚是什么意思 它是指有意的在海底拖锚移动,控制船舶的运动。

11. What does “ underway” mean

It means a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or agroud.

在航是什么意思 船舶不在拖锚,系岸或者搁浅的状态。

12. What the difference between a “ radar beacon” and a “radar reflector”

Radar reflector is a passive device that can only enhance the aids’ ability

to reflect radar signals; however, radar beacon is an active device that can

transmit a pulse for identification.



13. What does “Abandon Vessel” mean

It means to evacuate crew and passengers from a distressed vessel.

弃船是什么意思 就是遇险后船员和旅客撤离船舶。

14. When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stopper

I should first release the brake of windlass.

当准备抛锚时,在松开船首制链器前,你必须做什么 松开起锚机刹车。

15. Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate

Because it doesn’t need electrical power.

为什么电罗经更精确,船上还需要磁罗经 因为磁罗经不需要电源。

16. Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice The ship may be icebound.


为什么在冰中抛锚危险 因为船舶容易被冰困住。

17. Please describe the general nature of general cargo.

The variety of goods which are packed separately.


18. What does SWL stand for It stand for safe working load.

SWL 什么意思 安全工作负荷。

19. What does “shifting cargo” mean

It means the transverse movement of cargo, especially bulk cargo, caused by

rolling or a heavy list. 货物横移是什么意思 是指由于横移或者严重横倾引起的货物特别是散装货的横向移动。

20. What does “union purchase” mean

It means “ a method of cargo handling by combining two derricks, one of which

is fixed over the hatch , the other over the ship’s side.

双杆联吊是什么意思 它是使用两根吊杆的货物装卸法,一根吊杆固定在货舱上方,另一根伸出舷外。

21. What preparations shall be done before loading cargo

Enough materials for lashing, dunnaging and separation .

在装货前做什么准备 准备足够的绑扎,垫舱,隔票材料。

22. Why is it important to sound for signals

Because it is important to warn other vessels around in restricted visibility.

为什么发出雾号是重要的 因为能在能见度不良时警告周诶其他船舶。

should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or

complicated navigation Please list some.

When the visibility becomes or is expected to be poor.

When entering narrow water or meeting a lot of ships in the vicinity.


当能见度变差或者预计变差; 当进入狭水道或遇到附近有很多船舶; 当很难保持航向3


24. Apart from those for navigation safety, what else should you do on an anchor


To check anchor position, wind, sea state, visibility, other ships in the



检查锚位,风,海况, 能见度,附近其他船舶的情况。

25. What effect will the general alarm have on all the crew

All the crew should proceed to their muster stations immediately.

综合警报对所有船员起什么作用 所有船员要立刻前往集合站。

26. How many meters are there in a nautical mile 1852 meters .一海里有1852米。

27. What does IALA stand for International Association of Lighthouse Authorities.

IALA 代表国际灯标协会。

28. It is safe to pass north of a North Mark, but not safe to pass north of a South



29. When correcting charts why must you see symbols and abbreviation from chart 5011

Standard 5011-chart symbol templates enabling the person to enter the correct

size an shape symbols while correcting charts.



publication do you need to correct charts properly Notices to Mariners.

你需要什么出版物来正确改正海图 航海通告。

31. Can you list some apparatus in an open lifeboat

Buoyant oars, sea anchor, hand flare.


32. What is meant by “starving a fire” To remove the oxygen.


使火窒息什么意思 移除氧气。

33. What does “initial course” mean in search and rescue operation

It’s the course directed by the OSC(on-scene commander) or other authorized

person to be steered at the beginning of a search..


34. What does “jettison of cargo” mean It mean “ to throw goods overboard in order

to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of an emergency.

弃货是什么意思 是为了在紧急情况下减轻船的负载或提高稳性而把货物抛出舷外。

35. What the difference between “heel” and “list”

Heel means a vessel inclines due to external forces while list means a vessel

inclines due to ship’s internal force.

Heel 是船由于外力而倾斜,list是船由于内力而倾斜。

36. What is SART It’s Search and Rescue Radar Transponder.


37. What does a “hampered vessel” mean A vessel restricted by her ability to

manoeuvre by the nature of her work.. 操纵受限船是一艘船由于工作性质操纵能力受到限制。

38. What does VHF stand for It’s very high frequency. VHF 代表甚高频。

39. List some visual and audible distress signals for attracting attention when in


Red flare, orange smoke, rocket, continuous for signal, radio telephone MAYDAY.



40. Would you pronounce the correct international code words for A , B, C, D

Alfa, bravo, Charlie, delta. 用国际码语发音ABCD

41. What action would you take if you were on duty on deck and you observe oil leaking


from the ship’s side Stop pumping and check the source of leakage.


42. What does the effectiveness of life-saving appliances depend on

Proper maintenance.

救生设备的有效性取决于什么 正确的维修保养。

43. What is special attention of the ship with respect to the carriage of solid


Cargo shifting will affect ship’s stability.

对于装载固体散装货物的船只有什么需要特别注意 货移会影响船舶稳性。

44. What are the minimal standards for natural lighting in the living rooms of the


The minimal standards shall be such as a person with a normal vision to read on

a clear day an ordinary newspaper in any part of the space available for free


对船员生活区的自然采光的最低要求是什么 最低要求是允许一个正常视力的人在晴天在舱室的任何地方能自由阅读一份普通报纸。

45. What does the proper care of the ship’s food services and supplies involve

Good sanitization. 船舶的食物和供给服务的正确方法是什么 卫生好。

46. What’s the call sign of your ship BNOP(Bravo November Oscar Papa)

你的船呼号是什么 BNOP

47. What type is your vessel Container ship. 你是什么类型的船 集装箱船。

48. Can you list some items to be checked for accommodation in PSC inspections

Sanitary facilities, air conditions, sick bay facilities, medical equipment,

shower room, air ventilators, galley, mess room, crew cabins.


49. Can you list some items to be checked for board line requirements in PSC



Ventilators, air pipes, companion ways, cargo hatch and other hatches, hand rail,

water light door, bulwark, lashing for timber.

在港口国检查中对载重线要求的检查项目。 通风设备,空气管,升降口,货舱,扶手,水密门,舷墙,木材系固。

50. What are the key items to be checked within your duties on board

Fire fighting and life-saving equipments.

在你职责范围内要被检查的主要项目是 消防和救生设备。

51. What are sufficient grounds to stop cargo operation Bad weather.

停止货物作业的充分要求是什么 坏天气。

52. What should be taken into account in judging the suitability of oil for crude

oil washing

The description of oil. 对原油洗舱适合性的判断有哪些因素要考虑 油的类型。

53. What does SSP stand for Ship Security Plan. 船舶保安计划。

54. What does SSAS stand for Ship Security Alert System. 船舶保安报警系统。

55. What does CSR stand for Continuous Synopsis Record. 连续概要记录。

56. Can you describe the general arrangements or responses to security level 2 as

a ship security officer Security 2 means the level for which appropriate

additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time

as a result of heightened risk of a security incident. At security level 2 ,

additional protective measures, specified in the port facility security plan,

shall be implement for each activity detailed in section .



57. Can you describe the general arrangements or responses to security level 3 as


a ship security officer Security level 3 means the level for which further

specific protective security measures shall be maintained for a limited period

of time when a security incident is probable or imminent, although it may not

be possible to identify the specific target.



58. What procedures or controls do you use to ensure security on board before


I should patrol around the ship and check the ship, especially for the restricted


在离港前你会采取什么措施或控制手段确保船上的安全 巡逻全船,检查船舶尤其是限制区域。

59. Can you list some responsibilities of a ship security officer Yes, I can. The

ship security officer is responsible for the security of the ship, including

implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan, and for liaison with

the company security officer and port facility security officers.

列举一些船舶保安的职责。 是,船舶保安对船舶的安全负责,包括实施和维护船舶保安计划,与公司保安员和港口设施保安员联络。

60. What does CSO stand for Company Security Certificate. 公司保安员。

61. What does DOC stand for Document of Compliance. 符合证明。

62. Can you list some restricted areas on board

Yes , such as engine room, bridge, wheel house.

你能列举一些船上的限制区域吗 机舱,驾驶台,操舱室。

63. Which classification society was your ship registered CCS. 你船在哪个船级社注册的在中国船级社。

64. What relevant provisions should the responsible crewmembers be familiar with


Provisions about safety. 负责船员要熟悉哪些相关条款 安全条款。

65. When was last survey carried out Last year. 上次验船什么时候 去年。

66. Can you give a briefing on how to put on lifejackets

Pull the lifejacket over your head; tighten the strings well; pull the strings

around your waist and tie in front. 你能介绍下怎么穿救生衣吗 将救生衣套过你的头,将带子收紧,将带子绕在腰部并在前面打结。

67. If the anchor is reported dragging, what should be your first action Inform


如果走锚了,你的第一反应是什么 报告船长。

68. By regulation, what is the minimum amount of water required per person in the


Three litres. 根据规则,救生艇上每个人所需要的水的最少数量是多少三升。

69. A ship ahead hoists the flag D and gives one long blast followed by two short

blasts. What is the message It means “keep clear, manoeuvring with difficulty”

前方船升起了D旗,并拉响了一长声两短声,这是什么信息 让清,操纵有困难。

70. “Smothering” is a way of dealing with fire. How does it work It’s a way of

removing oxygen.

窒息是一种处理火情的办法,它是如何起作用的 移除氧气。

71. When would you need a “resuscitator” when the person has no breathing. 什么时候需要复苏器 当其没有呼吸的时候。

72. What is SART It is Search and Rescue Radar Transponder. 搜救雷达应答器。

73. Do you know about the main threat facing to security officers

Yes, such as piracy, armed robbery, smuggling of weapons and terrorism. 你知道船舶保安的主要危险吗 知道,比如海盗,武装强盗,武器走私和恐怖分子。

74. What means of Security Level 1 The SSO should monitor restricted areas, deck


areas and the surrounding areas, manage the handling of cargo and stores and

ensure the security communication and so on. 保安等级1是什么意思SSO应该管理保密区域,甲板区和附近区域,管理货物和储存,确保安全交流等等。

75. Do you understand the measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to the


Yes, prohibit the access without identified or proper reasons. Inform the SSO

if in doubt.

你知道怎么样保护船上不可进入的通道吗 是的,没有身份和合理的理由阻止进入,如果不确定报告SSO.

76. Do you have the special security facilities Yes, SSAS, AIS, Security Lighting

and so on.

你有特别的安全设备吗 有,船舶遇险报警系统,航空情报处,保安照明等等。

77. Check the firm alarm and report. All firm alarms are operational.

检查警报器并报告。 所有的警报器都在运行中。

78. Check the portable extinguishers and report . All portable extinguishers are

in position and operational. 检查手提灭火器并报告。 所有的手提灭火器都在规定位置和运行中。

79. Check the firemen’s outfits and report . All outfits are operational.

检查消防员的服装并报告。 所有服装准备好了。

80. Check the fire area every 10 minutes for re-ignition and report. No area


每10分钟检查着火区以防复燃并报告。 没有区域复燃。

81. Check launching tracks and report. Launching tracks ready.

检查放艇导轨并报告。 放艇导轨准备。

82. Check working parts and report. All working parts free.

检查工作部门并报告。 所有工作都做好了。

83. Operate life boat engine and report. Life boat engine started.


操纵救生船引擎并报告。 救生船引擎准备好了。

84. Pressure in the water pipe in cargo holds is too low. Increase pressure.

水管里的水压太低了。 增加压力。

85. What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board Flag H

当引航员上船应该升起什么旗 H旗。

86. Can you list at least three kinds of paint Yes , primer coat, under coat

and top coat.

你能列举至少3种油漆吗 能,底漆,船下,船顶。

87. What kind of paint is usually given to the ship’s funnel Heat-resistant


船的烟囱要涂什么油漆 抗热型油漆。

88. What type of paint do you use on deck Non-slip paint .

甲板上涂什么油漆 防滑漆。

89. What paint is used for woodwork Varnish.

木制品涂什么油漆 清漆。

90. How do you remove the heavy rust on the plates Using a chipping hammer.

你怎样移除板上的锈 用尖锤。

91. Before repainting an area, what preparations do you make

The area must be cleaned and washed with cleaning solution to remove all salt,

dirt and oil. Loose paint and scale is removed with a scraper and any heavy rust

with a chipping hammer. Finally, a wire brush should be used on all bare metal

to remove the last of scale before the first coat of paint is applied.

在重新油漆一块地方的时候,你该做什么准备 这块区域必须被清洁和清洗的除去了所有的盐分,污渍和油渍。用铲刀把掉落的油漆和刻痕刮掉,用尖锤把厚灰尘除去。最后,在油漆船之前,用刷子刷所有的金属物品来除去剩余的刻痕。

92. What repair work do sailors usually do on board Brush and grease cargo wires,

renew broken wires, repair damaged things.



93. Who keeps navigational watches on the bridge at sea Duty officer and .

谁负责导航观察 值班水手和.

94. Who takes the navigational watch from 0800 to 1200 hours in the morning and


The third officer.

谁负责早晚0800到1200时的导航观察 三副

95. Who takes the navigational watch from 0000 to 0400 hours day and night

The second officer.

谁负责早晚0000到0040时的导航观察 二副

96. What is the duty of the able seafarer on watch the bridge at sea

Steer the wheel according to the duty officer’s orders and help the officer keep


桥楼上的船员有什么职责 根据值班水手的命令控制方向盘并帮助值班水手观察。

97. What should a relieving able seafarer do after taking over the watch

He shall satisfy himself as to the ship’s estimated or true position and confirm

its intended track, course and speed and shall note any dangers to navigation

expected to be encountered during his watch.

船员在开始观察后应该做些什么 他应该按照船上的规定做好工作并确认目标的轨道,航向,速度,记录导航中的危险。

98. Who is responsible for the Security training on your ship SSO

谁负责船上的安全训练 SSO。

99. Do you organize regular security trainings Yes, at least once every

three months.

你们组织定期的安全训练吗 是,至少每3个月一次。

100. What should the relieving seafarer say May I take over the watch



船员应该说什么 现在我可以开始观察吗

101. How many watches are there on the bridge a day Six.

每天桥楼有几个观察员 6个

102. How many derricks are there at each hold Two .

每个支柱有几个吊杆 2个

103. What can be used to cover bilge before loading Tarpaulins or wrapper.

什么可以在登陆前盖过舱底水 防水布或包装材料。

104. What can be used to separate cargo in a hold Dunnage

什么可以用来区分货物 日常用品

105. What shall we stow cargo on a vessel In the hold or on the



106. What do the work of loading and unloading Stevedores.

谁做装载和卸货的工作 装卸工。

107. What does “ finished with engine” mean At the moment, engine is no longer


终止引擎是什么意思 意思是在那个时候,引擎不在需要了。

108. The gangway is too high. Please lower it .

舷梯太高了。 请降低。

109. Lower down and secure all derricks. Derricks lowered down and


放低和停止工作吊杆 吊杆已被放低和停止工作

110. What does “lifebuoy with light and smoke” mean It means that a lifebuoy is

provided with self-igniting light and self-activating smoke signal which is

available for use by day and night.

111. What does “cargo wire” mean It is a kind of wire which is used


to lift cargo.

吊货索是什么意思 就是用来吊起货物的绳索。

112. What does “port side” mean It means left side.

左舷是什么意思 左侧。

113. What department does Bosun belong to Deck department.

水手长属于哪个部门 甲板部。

114. Can you list some ship’s stores Yes, working gloves, paint and


你能列举船的储存吗 能,工作手套,油漆和日常用品。

115. If you want to heave tight the breast line, what should you say

Pick up the slack on the breast line

116. If you are ordered “steady”, how should you reply and report Steady, course


如果你被命令“稳定”,你该怎么复诵和报告 稳定,航向125.

117. If you are ordered “port five”, how to reply and report Port 5,wheel

port 5.

如果你被命令“左舷5”,你该怎么复诵和报告 左舷5,方向盘左舷5.

118. If an anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom, what should you report Anchor

is brought up.

119. If the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, what

do you report

Anchor is aweigh.

如果锚被脱离水面并清澈见底,你该怎么报告 起航抛锚。

120. If you are ordered “full ahead”, how should you reply and report

Full ahead, the engine full ahead.



121. If you are ordered “stop engine”, how should you reply and report

Stop engine, engine stopped.

如果你被命令“停止引擎”,你该怎么复诵和报告 停止引擎,引擎已经停止。

122. How do you wish to fly Economy or first class First class.


本文标签: 船舶货物报告检查意思