




1. 买房的时候,我需要向银行申请一笔抵押贷款。

When buying a house, I need to apply for a mortgage from

the bank.

2. 这家银行提供了有竞争力的抵押贷款利率。

This bank offers competitive mortgage rates.

3. 我们需要填写一份抵押贷款申请表。

We need to fill out a mortgage application form.

4. 他们已经开始偿还抵押贷款了。

They have started to repay their mortgage.

5. 这笔抵押贷款的期限是30年。

The term of this mortgage is 30 years.

6. 如果无法按时偿还抵押贷款,银行有权收回房产。

If unable to repay the mortgage on time, the bank has the

right to repossess the property.

7. 他们在购房时支付了20%的首付款,剩下的80%需要通过抵押贷款来支付。

They paid a 20% down payment when buying the house, and

the remaining 80% needs to be financed through a mortgage.

8. 银行会评估抵押物的价值来确定抵押贷款的金额。

The bank will assess the value of the collateral to determine

the amount of the mortgage.

9. 借款人必须提供财务记录和信用报告以获得抵押贷款。

Borrowers must provide financial records and credit reports

to obtain a mortgage.

10. 这家银行提供了灵活的还款选项,包括固定利率和可调利率的抵押贷款。

This bank offers flexible repayment options, including fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgages.

本文标签: 贷款抵押银行需要利率