




The Analects is said that “half the book can administer a

country”. We could see how ancients respected it. It recorded

Confucius’s words and deeds, containing his thinking on the

way of thinking, attitude towards thinking, how to be good

person and manage a country. This summer I read it and

benefited a lot. The following I will state my feelings.

The Analects leads us to learn how to study and Goodness.”

Every day I examine myself on three points: in acting on behalf

of others, have I always been loyal to their interests? In

intercourse with my friends, have I always been true to my word?

Have I failed to repeat the precepts that have been handed down

to me?” this sentence hit me. In today’s life, we do need to

examine ourselves on what happened around, through which we

could have progress and be better. It shows a modest and

peaceful mind, through thousands of years still applying to life.

“To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt”

follows and teaches us the way of studying efficiently.” In the

usages of ritual it is harmony that is prized.” harmony is thought

the highest norm in ancient China and a true gentleman in the

book thirteen” The true gentleman is conciliatory but not

accommodating. Common people are accommodating but not

conciliatory” The harmony does recognize contradictions and

it’s a unity of multielement.

In this book, I also find some sentences whose meanings are

different from what we know in daily life.

The first is omitting the latter sentences. For example, we are

told to” Meet resentment with inner power” In fact, the master

said, meet resentment with upright dealing and meet inner

power with inner power.” And Lao Tzu also approves” meet

resentment with inner power, how can you say it proper?”. But

in the past, in the people who believe in Neo-Confucianism eyes,

“Meet resentment with inner power” a good person has to

bear other’s resentment-it is even a value. It is just a tool

helping governors to consolidate their benefit. Though Confucius

advocates “goodness”, we also cannot bear anything even hurt

by others. Anyway, we could find right explain for common

people, it is better.

In the book five, when we are gonging to do something risky,

others would say” thinks thrice before acting, which is said by

Confucius.” But in fact in The Analects, it is “Chi Wen Tzu used

to think thrice before acting. The Master hearing of it said , twice

is enough” He may thought three times is too long to make a

right decision

The second is improper punctuation. In the book eight,” The

Master said, the common people can be made to follow it; they

cannot be made to understand it.” I am against it. Why do

common people cannot understand it? It is looking down upon

them. And we do not believe it is said by Confucius who is

Goodness. So there are many people think it is the wrong of

punctuation in the ancient Chinese language. Someone puts

forward a proper (in my eyes) express” If common people have

high qualities, government could create a loose atmosphere;

otherwise government needs to restrain them.” This is accord to

Confucius’s Goodness.

In the book eight” The master seldom spoke of profit or fate

or Goodness.” But in fact, Goodness is the core of Confucius,

how can he seldom speak of it? An American professor said

that ”yu” in Chinese could be translated into “approve” not

“or”, then it will be “The Master rarely spoke of profit. But he

gave forth his ideas concerning the appointments of fate,and

also gave forth his ideas concerning perfect Goodness”, it’s

more proper.

The third is wrongly understanding. In the book nineteen,

Tzu-hsia said, the energy that a man has left over after doing his

duty to the State,,he should devote to service of the State. But

we would say the”xue er you ze shi”as this”you may study

good enough to be a office”,which encouraged people to study

hard,even in today’s proves that the office is not the

only goal for scholars,our Confucius was not so stupid.

In book seventeen,The Master said, women and people of

low birth are very hard to deal you are friendly with

them,they get out of hand,and if you keep your distance,they

resent it. This sentence showed women’s low birth,Confucius

became the spokesman for looking up to man and down to

fact,the Master said”it is not easy for men to

communicate with women,for offices with common

people.”Such as”If you do not do for yourself,nothing could

bear”as if advocating self,but it really means”if you do not

improve yourself,onthing could bear.”Anyone could not make an

excuse for your self.

Yan Hui is thought highly of by Confucius among many

students, but passed away at young age. Confucius talked of him

with tears and miss, in this book ,I find some evidences.

Firstly, not thwart. In conversation with teachers, Yen Hui was

not thwart” In serving his father and mother man may gently

remonstrate with them. But if he sees that he has failed to change

their opinion, he should resume an attitude of deference and not

thwart them; may feel discouraged, but not resentful.” Secondly,

quick mind.” not thwart” towards Confucius but Tzu-kung once

said to Confucius” For Hui has but to hear one part in ten,in

order to understand the whole ten. Whereas if I hear one part, I

understand no more two parts.”

Secondly, Hui could be happy to lead a simple and virtuous

life. The master said, Incomparable indeed was Hui! A handful of

rice to eat, a gourdful of water to drink, living in a mean street-others would have found it unendurably depressing, but to

Hui’s cheerfulness it made no difference at arable

indeed was Hu. In his eyes,he who is aspiring would spend little

time running for money ,they could endure the ‘mean

street,just rice and book seven,”He who seeks only

coarse food to eat,water to drink and a bent arm for pillow,wil

without looking for it find happiness to thought of

accepting weath and rank by means that I know to be wrong is

as remote from me as the clouds that float above”also depicts

a simple life without any fames and money,also accords with

Confucius’s advocation” happy to lead a simple and virtuous

life”, “a bent arm for pillow”is their joy,we had better be away

from ”the wrong weath and rank”,which has influenced

numerous people in the thousands of must admit the

big influenceeven now.

Thirdly, not showing off. This is not accepted by

Confucius,but appearing in Hui’s ambition.”once when Yen Hui

and Tzu-lu were waiting upon him the Master said,Suppose each

of you were to tell his -lu said,I should like to have

carriages and horses,clothes and fur rugs,share them with my

friends and feel no annoyance if they were returned to me the

worse for Hui said,I should like never to boast of my

good qualities nor make a fuss about the trouble I take on behalf

of -lu said,A thing I should like is to hear the Master

said,In deeling with friends,to be of good faith with them;in

dealing with the young,to cherich them.”Others are also good

to learn,after reading it,sharing comes into my mind,we had

better share with our friends.

What’s more, Hui could endure hardships with

Confucius.”When the Master was trapped in K’uang,Yen Hui

fell Master said,I thought you were

said,While you are alive how should I dare to die.”Hui was

qualified to be a relative,not only a student.

Additionally,diligent.”Duke Ai asked which of the disciples

had a love of K’ung answered him saying,There

was Yen had a great love of never vented hid


upon the innocent nor let others suffer for his

unately the span of life allotted to him by Heaven

was short,and he present there are none or at any rate I

have heard of none who are fond of learing.”Confucius

expressed his love and high praise for Hui by “none could”

Yan Hui’s merits are good enough to be NO.1 among 72

students,his praise also showed Confucius’ greatness.”Hui said

with a deep sigh, the more I strain my gaze up towards it,the

higher it deeper I bore down into it,the harder it

becomes.I see it in front;but suddenly it is by step

the Master skillfully lures one has broadened me with

culture,restrained me with if I wanted to stop,I could

I fell that Ihave exhausted every resource,something

seems to rise uo,standing out sharp and though I long

to pursue it,I can find no way of greeting to it at all.”

From these aspects, I am so addicted to it. As the popular

books among two thousand years, it has been publishing in

many versions, the only unchanged thing is the principles in our

daily life-harmony, Goodness and so on. Reading the classic

books lead us a more colorful future.

本文标签: 读后感完整版