


Are human beings environment protectors or destroyers?


Considering the urgent need for environmental protection, we human beings have

taken initiative in improving the world we live in, which is the mainstream of the

society. And we firmly believe that development and protection are not mutually

exclusive. The United Nations Climate Change Conference 2011 is a case in point,

which indicates that awareness of environmental protection is gaining

momentum. What’s more, various organizations, private sectors and individuals

have dedicated themselves to this noble cause. So, the main trend is protection.

Therefore, human beings are environment protectors.


As we have stated, the detrimental effects of our actions on the natural

environment can not be ignored, even if there are some remedies in place. As for

those fancy conferences, they have not reached any practical resolutions that can be

implemented effectively. For instance, the Copenhagen Conference ended in failure.

Despite all these promises made by world leaders, no improvement is visible. So,

they do not really contribute to environmental protection. Also, awareness can not

complete itself, only actions matter. Human beings have crossed the threshold

limit set up by environment. Global warming, pollution, loss of natural resources,

human’s tinkering with the genes of various plants and animals…Don’t you think

these are damages?


Only with general, systematic guidelines can actions take effects. That’s the

importance of UNEP, Kyoto Protocol, and United Nations Framework Convention

on Climate Change. Besides, campaigns like Billion Tree Campaign, Climate Neutral

Network, and UNite to Combat Climate Change are in operation. At the same time,

we develop clean energies. Natural reservoirs in China have reached 15% of its

size, and woodstorage has spread to 4.574 billion m3

thanks for intensive

afforestation. All these are concrete steps to better the situation.


All the regulations and actions are taken after damages have been done. And are you

sure these steps have no adverse effect? How can you explain that the

wind turbine generator system is producing toxic substances in the process? From the

long run, we can not say for sure these measures are environmentally friendly.


These remarks sound reasonable. But defects cannot be little virtues. Can you deny

the fact that the positive impact of wind power and the like is in charge? Clean

energies are the products of human development, which aims to harmonies our

relations with the natural world.


But development does not mean excessive exploitation. Mankind is using up

natural resources at an alarming rate. Mining and the burning of fossil fuels have

led to further depletion of resources. Chinese oil demand for instance, is

projected to grow nearly 20% in the next six years. Oil and natural gases are

expected to get over by the end of this century. Introduction of invasive and

parasitic fauna and flora species to new areas and introduction of genetically modified

species have led to creation of new or worse viruses and unknown harms to the

environment. More recently, the World Meteorological Organization claimed that

the temperature this year is unusually high because of climate change. Natural

reservoirs are hopeless in saving extinct species. According to the Guardian,

species are becoming extinct at a speed around 1000 times faster than would

happen naturally.


But without human beings interference, dinosaurs also died out. Those extinct species

are the result of natural selection. On the other hand, a drop can not stand for the

whole ocean. Similarly, you can not condemn the whole human society as

destroyers because of individuals’ improper behaviors.


Similarly, you can not categorise the whole human society as protectors because of

individuals’ decent behaviours. Desertification, climate change etc are facts and they

are independent of man's will. In addition, if we hadn’t been off sustainable

development track, things would be much different.


The time is moving forward, and we can not live in the past. It is the same with

adolescent who has done something wrong in his teens. Isn’t it arbitrary to define him

in a totally negative way? As long as he has realized his flaws and correct them, then

his progress should be confirmed. The same goes for human society. So long as we

consciously discipline ourselves and devote to environment cause, we are

protecting the planet.


Really? But some mistakes have no compensation. Consider this. Provided that a kid

smashed a glass into pieces, then the kid glued them together. What will you call

the kid? A protector of the glass or a destroyer? What done is done, and can not

be undone.

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