



00:01:51,300距离13公尺 应该看得见了Thirteen meters You should see it

00:02:06,330越过船头的栏杆Okay, take her up and over the bow rail

00:02:10,980和平二号 我们要到船头了 跟好Okay, Mir-2, we're going over the bow Stay with us

400:02:43,860 --> 00:02:45,850好了 安静 我们开始录影了Okay, quiet We're rolling

500:02:46,500 --> 00:02:49,860看她像鬼船一样地出现Seeing her coming out of the darkness like

a ghost ship

600:02:49,940 --> 00:02:51,850每次都让我胆颤心惊still gets me every time

700:02:52,980 --> 00:02:56,210看到这艘巨轮长眠海底To see the sad ruin of the great ship, sitting


800:02:57,020 --> 00:03:01,380一九一二年四月十五日 凌晨两点半where she landed at 2:30 in the

morning of April 15, 1912

900:03:01,860 --> 00:03:03,660她从海面上after her long fall

1000:03:04,500 --> 00:03:06,220缓缓堕入海底from the world above

1100:03:06,820 --> 00:03:08,940老板 你太夸张了吧You're so full of shit, boss

1200:03:37,700 --> 00:03:38,850我们Dive six

1300:03:39,100 --> 00:03:41,780第六次来到泰坦尼克号甲板Here we are again on the deck of Titanic

1400:03:41,860 --> 00:03:43,770水深两里半Two and a half miles down

1500:03:44,300 --> 00:03:46,450就是三千八百二十一公尺3,821 meters

1600:03:47,700 --> 00:03:51,330每方寸水压达到三吨半The pressure outside is three and a half tons

per square inch

1700:03:51,420 --> 00:03:54,140这窗户九寸厚 万一玻璃破裂These windows are nine inches thick and

if they go

1800:03:54,220 --> 00:03:56,530我们就瞬间莎约拉拉了it's sayonara in two microseconds

1900:03:57,260 --> 00:03:59,650好了 狗屁放够了All right, enough of that bullshit

2000:04:13,020 --> 00:04:16,170将潜艇降在干部舱的顶上Just put her down on the roof of the

officers' quarters like yesterday

2100:04:16,260 --> 00:04:17,250好Sure

2200:04:17,540 --> 00:04:20,420和平二号 我们要降在大梯上方了Okay, Mir-2, we're landing right

over the Grand Staircase

2300:04:20,500 --> 00:04:22,300你们准备好了没?You guys set to launch?2400:04:22,500 -->

00:04:25,340机器人出动 好 查理Yeah, Brock, launching Dunkin now Go, Charlie

2500:04:33,180 --> 00:04:35,220-放出缆绳 -放出缆绳-All right, tether out -Tether out

2600:04:35,580 --> 00:04:38,540布洛克 沿船舱往下放Okay, Brock, we're dropping down along the


2700:04:41,100 --> 00:04:45,250知道了 沿着一等舱登船口下去Yeah, roger that Okay, drop down, and

go into the first-class gangway door

2800:04:45,340 --> 00:04:49,540看看D层 接待大厅和餐厅I want you guys working the D deck

reception area and the dining saloon

2900:04:50,180 --> 00:04:51,460知道了Copy that

3000:04:57,060 --> 00:04:58,180-放出缆绳 -放出缆绳-Tether out -Tether out

3100:04:58,260 --> 00:05:00,300往左边 往左边Okay, now left. Now left. Left, left

3200:05:08,780 --> 00:05:12,220小侦探出动 沿着楼梯往下Snoop Dog is on the move. We're headed

down the stairwell

3300:05:15,260 --> 00:05:17,250下到B层 路易斯Okay, Lewis, drop down to B deck


3400:05:17,380 --> 00:05:18,530A层A deck

3500:05:18,620 --> 00:05:21,300-缆绳放长一点 -B层 到里头去-Give me some rope, Captain. -B deck

Get in there

3600:05:58,780 --> 00:06:01,980-小心门框 小心 -我看见了-Watch the door frame Watch it -I see

it I got it

3700:06:08,500 --> 00:06:09,700没事啦 放轻松点 老板We're good Just chill, boss

3800:06:22,940 --> 00:06:24,660好 转弯Okay, make your turn

3900:06:25,500 --> 00:06:27,890-收绳子 -转弯 小心墙-Cable out, Captain -Make your turn

Watch the wall

4000:06:27,980 --> 00:06:30,370布洛克 我们看到钢琴了 听到没?Brock, we're at the piano You copy?

4100:06:30,780 --> 00:06:32,010知道了Copy that

4200:06:39,740 --> 00:06:41,020就在那里 就在那里Right there

4300:06:41,100 --> 00:06:44,060-就是那道房门 -看见了-That's it. That's the bedroom door. -I see


4400:06:53,340 --> 00:06:56,330到了 到了 找到了We're in. We're in, baby. We're there

4500:06:58,700 --> 00:07:02,140这张床就是 姓霍的那个王八蛋睡的That's Hockley's bed. That's

where the son of a bitch slept

4600:07:07,780 --> 00:07:10,060有人忘了关水龙头Oops. Somebody left the water running

4700:07:10,140 --> 00:07:12,940等一下 回到右边Hold it. Just a second. Go back to the right

4800:07:19,060 --> 00:07:21,260衣柜的门 靠近点That wardrobe door. Get closer

4900:07:21,980 --> 00:07:25,020-有什么发现吗 老板? -我想看看底下-You're smelling something,


-I want to see what's under it

5000:07:25,100 --> 00:07:26,900让我操作手臂Give me my hands, man

5100:07:31,900 --> 00:07:33,130好极了All right

5200:07:34,460 --> 00:07:37,140-轻点 不然可能会散掉 -好的-Take it easy. It might come apart


5300:07:38,380 --> 00:07:41,690好 掀开 翻过来Okay, go. Flip it over. Go. Turn over.

5400:07:41,980 --> 00:07:43,420继续 继续Keep going. Go

5500:07:44,260 --> 00:07:45,740好 放下Okay, drop it

5600:07:54,340 --> 00:07:56,860宝贝 你看到没有 老板?Oh, baby. Are you seeing this, boss?

5700:08:00,300 --> 00:08:01,890兄弟们 今天发薪水It's payday, boys

5800:08:17,220 --> 00:08:18,500安逸Cha-ching!

5900:08:19,780 --> 00:08:22,250-鲍比 我们找到了 -我们找到了-We did it, Bobby -We brought it


6000:08:22,500 --> 00:08:23,700哥们 好样的Oh, yeah! You the man!

6100:08:23,780 --> 00:08:26,850谁最行啊? 说啊 说啊Who's the best, baby? Say it

6200:08:27,180 --> 00:08:28,660是你 路易斯You are, Lewis

6300:08:31,140 --> 00:08:33,260-鲍比 雪茄拿来 -这儿-Bobby, my cigar -Right here

6400:08:40,940 --> 00:08:42,420把它敲开Okay, crack her open

6500:08:44,860 --> 00:08:45,980绕一圈看看Let me get around Hang on

6600:08:46,060 --> 00:08:47,340-拿到了没 -到手了-You getting it? -Got it

6700:09:10,620 --> 00:09:11,690日Shit

6800:09:13,740 --> 00:09:15,020没有钻石?No diamond


6900:09:16,260 --> 00:09:18,490以前也有这种鸟事发生过You know, boss, this same thing happened

to Geraldo

7000:09:18,580 --> 00:09:20,140当事人搞得一蹶不振and his career never recovered

7100:09:24,900 --> 00:09:26,260把摄影机关掉Turn the camera off

7200:09:26,340 --> 00:09:29,460合伙人想知道现在的情况Brock The partners would like to know how

it's going

7300:09:30,180 --> 00:09:33,330戴夫 巴瑞 不在保险箱里Hey, Dave Barry, hi Look, it wasn't in the


7400:09:33,420 --> 00:09:36,810但别担心 可能在其他地方Don't worry about it. There are still

plenty of places it could be

7500:09:36,900 --> 00:09:37,890是的 地狱里Hell, yes

7600:09:37,980 --> 00:09:40,340地板上 他母亲的房间里The floor debris in the suite, the mother's


7700:09:40,420 --> 00:09:42,780-船上的保险柜里 -或是在百慕达三角-The purser's safe on C deck.

-Jimmy Hoffa's briefcase

7800:09:42,860 --> 00:09:44,060还有很多地方要找A dozen other places

7900:09:44,140 --> 00:09:47,370兄弟们 对我的直觉多少有点信心嘛Guys, look, you just got to trust

my instincts. I know we're close

8000:09:47,460 --> 00:09:50,690要一个一个排除 我相信快找到了We just got to go through a little

process of elimination

8100:09:51,380 --> 00:09:52,940等一下Hang on a second.

8200:09:55,980 --> 00:09:59,260-让我看看 -可能有发现了-Let me see that -We might have something

here, guys

8300:10:01,380 --> 00:10:04,500-项链的照片呢? -回头再跟你说-Where's the photograph of the

necklace? -We'll call you right back

8400:10:12,260 --> 00:10:13,210"一九一二年四月十四日

"8500:10:15,860 --> 00:10:17,380有这种事I'll be goddamned

"8700:10:19,940 --> 00:10:23,060布洛克·罗威特 以从事海地寻宝闻名Treasure hunter Brock Lovett

is best known for finding Spanish gold

8800:10:23,140 --> 00:10:25,610好的 回头说It's okay, I'll feed you in a minute

8900:10:25,700 --> 00:10:29,330他利用俄国潜艇 探索最有名的沉船He has chartered Russian subs to

reach the most famous shipwreck of all

9000:10:29,420 --> 00:10:30,740泰坦尼克号the Titanic

9100:10:30,820 --> 00:10:34,340他在北大西洋的船上 通过卫星He's with us live via satellite, from

the research ship Keldysh

9200:10:34,420 --> 00:10:35,700与我们连线in the North Atlantic

9300:10:35,780 --> 00:10:37,820-哈啰 布洛克 -哈啰 崔西-Hello, Brock -Hello, Tracy

9400:10:38,100 --> 00:10:40,820泰坦尼克号的事是家喻户晓的Of course, everyone knows the familiar

stories ofTitanic

9500:10:40,900 --> 00:10:44,290船上的贵族 尽责的乐队等等You know, the nobility of the band

playing to the very end and all that

9600:10:44,380 --> 00:10:46,740我想发掘的是 那些不为人知的故事But what I'm interested in are

the untold stories

9700:10:46,820 --> 00:10:49,340深锁在残骸中的秘密the secrets locked deep inside the hull



9800:10:49,420 --> 00:10:52,620没人像我们如此深入探测And we're out here using robot technology

to go further into the wreck

9900:10:52,700 --> 00:10:54,450此事引起许多争议than anybody has ever done before

10000:10:54,540 --> 00:10:56,690像打捞权和道德问题Your expedition is at the center of a storm

10100:10:56,780 --> 00:10:59,660诸如此类 等等等等of controversy over salvage rights, and even


10200:10:59,740 --> 00:11:01,490很多人批评你是在发死人财Many are calling you a grave-robber

10300:11:01,580 --> 00:11:04,700这个问题 仁者见仁 智者见智Nobody ever called the recovery of

the artifacts from King Tut's tomb

10400:11:04,780 --> 00:11:06,850-什么事? -把电视调大声点-What is it? -Turn that up, dear

10500:11:06,940 --> 00:11:09,620我们请了很多专家I have museum-trained experts sent out here

making sure

10600:11:09,700 --> 00:11:12,540所有发现的物品 都会被妥善保存that these relics are preserved

and catalogued properly

10700:11:12,620 --> 00:11:15,460看我们今天发现的这幅画Take a look at this drawing that we found

just today

10800:11:15,540 --> 00:11:18,740它在海底已经八十四年了A piece of paper that's been underwater

for 84 years

10900:11:18,820 --> 00:11:21,700我们却能加以保存and my team are able to preserve it intact

11000:11:22,420 --> 00:11:26,260难道这应该永远留在海底?Should this have remained unseen at the

bottom of the ocean for eternity?

11100:11:26,420 --> 00:11:27,780我们发现We can see it and

11200:11:27,860 --> 00:11:29,450有这种事?I'll be goddamned

11300:11:32,740 --> 00:11:35,620布洛克 找你的卫星电话Brock, there's a satellite call for you

11400:11:36,020 --> 00:11:39,250鲍比 我们要下海了 看到潜艇没有?Bobby, we're

these submersibles going in the water?

11500:11:39,340 --> 00:11:42,100相信我 不接你会后悔Trust me, buddy, you want to take this call

11600:11:43,100 --> 00:11:44,820最好别骗我This better be good

11700:11:45,300 --> 00:11:48,530-你得大声点 她年纪很大了 -好极了-You got to speak up. She's

kind of old


11800:11:50,860 --> 00:11:53,250我是罗威特 请问题有何指教?This is Brock Lovett. How can I help

you, Mrs

11900:11:53,340 --> 00:11:55,090萝丝·卡维特太太Calvert Rose Calvert

12000:11:55,380 --> 00:11:56,820卡维特太太Mrs Calvert?

12100:11:57,700 --> 00:12:02,410我想知道 "海洋之心"你们找到没有?I was just wondering if you had

found the Heart of the Ocean yet, Mr Lovett

12200:12:04,780 --> 00:12:07,140我说吧Told you you wanted to take the call

12300:12:08,500 --> 00:12:11,100好的萝丝 我洗耳恭听All right, you have my attention, Rose

12400:12:11,380 --> 00:12:14,370你能告诉我们 画中那女人是谁吗?Can you tell us who the woman in

the picture is?


12500:12:14,460 --> 00:12:17,060当然 那画中的女人就是我Oh, yes. The woman in the picture is me

12600:12:33,260 --> 00:12:36,940她是个老千 不是想捞钱就是想出名She's a goddamn liar! Some

nutcase seeking money or publicity

12700:12:37,580 --> 00:12:41,260就像"真假公主"的故事一样God only knows why! Like that Russian

babe, Anesthesia

12800:12:41,420 --> 00:12:42,940他们找到了They're inbound!

12900:12:48,020 --> 00:12:51,730萝丝十七岁就死于沉船事故了Rose Dewitt Bukater died on the

Titanic when she was 17, right?

13000:12:51,820 --> 00:12:52,940对That's right

13100:12:53,020 --> 00:12:55,540如果还活着 不是有一百多岁If she had lived, she'd be over 100

by now

13200:12:55,620 --> 00:12:57,740下个月满一百零一岁101 next month

13300:12:57,940 --> 00:13:00,620好的 她是个"老老千"Okay, so she's a very old goddamn liar

13400:13:00,900 --> 00:13:03,260我查过她的底细Look, I've already done the background on this


13500:13:03,340 --> 00:13:07,050她在20年代是个演员all the way back to the '20s, when she was

working as an actress

13600:13:07,140 --> 00:13:10,020演员 你看吧An actress There's your first clue, Sherlock

13700:13:10,260 --> 00:13:14,540她当时叫萝丝·道森 后来她嫁给卡维特先生Her name was Rose Dawson

back then. Then she marries this guy named Calvert.

13800:13:14,620 --> 00:13:18,060般到柏湍镇 生了两个小孩They move to Cedar Rapids and she punches

out a couple of kids

13900:13:18,140 --> 00:13:21,100她老公死了 柏湍镇也没落了Now Calvert's dead, and from what I

hear, Cedar Rapids is dead

14000:13:21,180 --> 00:13:22,820知道钻石的人全都死光了And everybody who knows about the diamond

14100:13:22,900 --> 00:13:25,780但她却知道is supposed to be dead or on this boat, but she knows

14200:13:38,540 --> 00:13:41,140她的行李可真不少Doesn't exactly travel light, does she?

14300:13:41,220 --> 00:13:42,940快去 搭个手Hurry up, give him a hand!

14400:13:43,300 --> 00:13:46,580卡维特太太 我是罗威特 欢迎登上凯尔迪希号Mrs. Calvert, I'm

Brock ovett

Welcome to the Keldysh

14500:13:48,500 --> 00:13:50,090送她进去Okay, let's get her inside there

14600:13:51,260 --> 00:13:52,930-卡维特小姐 您好 -好-Hi, Miss Calvert -Hi

14700:13:53,020 --> 00:13:55,820-欢迎登船 -谢谢-Welcome to the Keldysh -Thanks

14800:14:05,660 --> 00:14:06,650怎么Yes?

14900:14:06,740 --> 00:14:09,940-房间还舒适吗? -很舒适-Are your staterooms all right? -Oh, yes,

very nice

15000:14:10,420 --> 00:14:13,940见过我孙女莉西没有? 都是她在照顾我Have you met my

granddaughter, Lizzy? She takes care of me

15100:14:14,860 --> 00:14:18,060我们刚才见过了 在甲板上 记得吗?We met just a few minutes ago

Remember, Nana, up on deck?

15200:14:18,180 --> 00:14:19,220哦 对了Oh, yeah

15300:14:20,460 --> 00:14:24,460这样就对了 我出门都一定带着照片There That's nice Have to have

my pictures when I travel


15400:14:25,100 --> 00:14:28,300请问您还需不需要什么?Can I get you anything? Is there anything

you'd like?

15500:14:28,620 --> 00:14:29,660有Yes

15600:14:30,140 --> 00:14:32,340我想看看我的画像I would like to see my drawing

15700:14:45,940 --> 00:14:50,060路易十六世有颗"王冠碧钻"Louis XVI wore a fabulous stone called

the Blue Diamond of the Crown

15800:14:50,460 --> 00:14:52,530在一七九二年时不见了It disappeared in 1792

15900:14:53,340 --> 00:14:57,100差不多就是在他上断头台那年About the same time old Louis lost

everything from the neck up

16000:14:57,380 --> 00:15:00,770有人说 钻石被分割了The theory goes that the crown diamond was

chopped, too

16100:15:00,940 --> 00:15:05,250重新切割成心形 叫"海洋之心"Recut into a heart-like shape that

became known as the Heart of the Ocean

16200:15:05,420 --> 00:15:08,330如今它的价值 可远超过"希望之钻"Today, it would be worth more

than the Hope Diamond

16300:15:08,420 --> 00:15:12,620那东西重得不得了 我只戴过一次It was a dreadful, heavy thing I

only wore it this once

16400:15:12,780 --> 00:15:15,250奶奶 你真的认为这是你吗?You actually think this is you, Nana?

16500:15:15,380 --> 00:15:16,860这当然是我 亲爱的It is me, dear

16600:15:17,620 --> 00:15:19,180我那时很美吧?Wasn't I a dish?

16700:15:21,060 --> 00:15:23,700我翻遍保险资料I tracked it down through insurance records

16800:15:23,780 --> 00:15:27,460理赔条件是要绝对保密An old claim that was settled under terms

of absolute secrecy

16900:15:28,460 --> 00:15:31,180获理赔的人是谁?Can you tell me who the claimant was, Rose?

17000:15:31,460 --> 00:15:34,060我想应该是个姓霍克理的人I should imagine someone named Hockley

17100:15:34,380 --> 00:15:37,610对 奈森·霍克理 匹兹堡钢铁大亨Nathan Hockley That's right

Pittsburgh steel tycoon

17200:15:38,420 --> 00:15:42,970他掉了一条钻石项链 是他儿子买给未婚妻 你的The claim was for a

diamond necklace his son, Caledon, bought his fiance, you

17300:15:43,820 --> 00:15:46,210那是上船之前一星期时买的A week before he sailed on Titanic

17400:15:47,060 --> 00:15:49,580沉船后就马上办理赔了It was filed right after the sinking

17500:15:50,100 --> 00:15:53,250因此项链 一定跟着船沉入海底了So the diamond had to have gone

down with the ship

17600:15:54,500 --> 00:15:55,900看到日期没有?You see the date?

17700:15:57,340 --> 00:15:58,900一九一二年四月十四日"April 14, 1912

"17800:15:59,060 --> 00:16:01,780如果你祖母就是那女的Which means if your grandmother is who she

says she is

17900:16:01,860 --> 00:16:05,060泰坦尼克沉没时 她就戴着那条项链she was wearing the diamond the

day the Titanic sank

18000:16:05,140 --> 00:16:07,700这也就使你成为我的新好友And that makes you my new best friend

18100:16:08,820 --> 00:16:12,130这是从船上找到的These are some of the things we recovered from

your stateroom

18200:16:14,340 --> 00:16:15,740这是我的This was mine

18300:16:17,220 --> 00:16:18,780真不可思议How extraordinary!


18400:16:19,820 --> 00:16:23,180跟我最后一次 看到它时一模一样And it looks the same as it did

the last time I saw it

18500:16:28,620 --> 00:16:30,850我倒是变了一点The reflection has changed a bit

18600:16:47,020 --> 00:16:49,410要不要重返泰坦尼克号?Are you ready to go back to Titanic?

18700:16:52,820 --> 00:16:56,130是这样的 船的右舷撞到冰山Here we hits the 'berg on the

starboard side

18800:16:56,660 --> 00:17:01,260船身在吃水线以下破了一排的洞She kind of bumps along, punching

holes like Morse code along the side

18900:17:01,340 --> 00:17:02,860很大的洞below the water line

19000:17:02,940 --> 00:17:05,010前舱便开始进水Then the forward compartments start to flood

19100:17:05,100 --> 00:17:08,940水位上升 越过防水隔板Now, as the water level rises, it spills

over the watertight bulkheads

19200:17:09,020 --> 00:17:12,060因为隔板最高只到E层which, unfortunately, don't go any higher

than E deck

19300:17:12,140 --> 00:17:16,290船首下沉 船尾就翅起 速度由慢变快So now, as the bow goes down,

the stern rises up, slow at first

19400:17:16,380 --> 00:17:20,770越来越快 到最后 整个船尾朝着天空then faster and faster, until

finally, she's got her whole ass sticking in the air

19500:17:20,860 --> 00:17:24,250船尾重达二 三万吨And that's a big ass We're talking 20,000,

30,000 tons

19600:17:24,620 --> 00:17:27,180船身承受不了Okay? And the hull's not designed to deal with that


19700:17:27,260 --> 00:17:30,780结果船身从中间裂开So what happens? She splits, right down to

the keel

19800:17:31,180 --> 00:17:33,380船尾掉回海面and the stern falls back level

19900:17:34,020 --> 00:17:38,700船首下沉时 就把船尾拉直了 两截终于脱离Then as the bow sinks,

it pulls the stern vertical and then finally detaches

20000:17:39,660 --> 00:17:43,970船尾浮了几分钟后Now the stern section kind of bobs there like

a cork for a couple of minutes

20100:17:44,060 --> 00:17:46,660在凌晨两点二十分沉没floods, and finally goes under about 2:20

a M

20200:17:46,740 --> 00:17:49,540离出事两小时四十分钟后two hours and 40 minutes after the


20300:17:50,380 --> 00:17:54,260船的前半部往前滑 在半里之外The bow section planes away, landing

about a half a mile away

20400:17:54,340 --> 00:17:57,250以二 三十里时速着地going 20, 30 knots when it hits the ocean


20500:18:00,700 --> 00:18:02,060很酷吧?Pretty cool, huh?

20600:18:02,140 --> 00:18:05,930谢谢你这番精致的分析Thank you for that fine forensic analysis,



20700:18:07,420 --> 00:18:09,730当然 亲身体验Of course, the experience of it


20800:18:10,980 --> 00:18:12,810是有些不同的was somewhat different

20900:18:13,540 --> 00:18:15,450说来听听 好吗?Will you share it with us?

21000:19:07,820 --> 00:19:09,970-我带你去休息 -不要-I'm taking her to rest -No

21100:19:10,180 --> 00:19:11,980-走吧 -不要-Come on, Nana


21200:19:16,900 --> 00:19:18,810把录音机递我Give me the tape recorder

21300:19:21,060 --> 00:19:22,500告诉我们 萝丝Tell us, Rose

21400:19:24,500 --> 00:19:26,140已经八十四年了It's been 84 years

21500:19:26,580 --> 00:19:30,050没关系 记得的就说 什么都可以It's try to remember

anything, anything at all

21600:19:30,900 --> 00:19:33,700你到底要不要听 罗威特先生Do you want to hear this or not, Mr


21700:19:37,660 --> 00:19:40,380已经八十四年了It's been 84 years

21800:19:42,180 --> 00:19:44,650我彷佛还闻得到油漆的味道and I can still smell the fresh paint

21900:19:46,820 --> 00:19:48,940船上的磁器都是新的The china had never been used

22000:19:50,060 --> 00:19:52,450床单也没人用过The sheets had never been slept in

22100:19:54,620 --> 00:19:57,980泰坦尼克号被称为"梦幻之船"Titanic was called the ship of dreams

22200:19:59,460 --> 00:20:00,740名副其实And it was

22300:20:01,780 --> 00:20:03,220果然名副其实It really was

22400:20:31,940 --> 00:20:36,090三等舱旅客 请这边走All third-class passengers with a forward


22500:20:36,180 --> 00:20:38,980这边 这边 排好队this way, please! This queue! Right here

22600:20:39,060 --> 00:20:42,050-你看这船 -是大轮船-It's a big boat, huh? -Daddy, it's a ship

22700:20:42,140 --> 00:20:43,540你说得对You're right

22800:21:11,820 --> 00:21:14,420没什么大不了的嘛I don't see what all the fuss is about

22900:21:14,660 --> 00:21:17,020不会大过茅利塔尼亚号It doesn't look any bigger than the


23000:21:17,100 --> 00:21:20,330绝对不能小看泰坦尼克号You can be blase about some things, Rose,

but not about Titanic

23100:21:20,420 --> 00:21:24,380她比茅利塔尼亚长一百尺 而且豪华得多It's over 100 feet longer

than Mauretania, and far more luxurious

23200:21:24,500 --> 00:21:27,650你女儿真是挑剔啊 露诗Your daughter is far too difficult to

impress, Ruth

23300:21:27,820 --> 00:21:30,020人家说她是不沉之船?So this is the ship they say is unsinkable

23400:21:30,100 --> 00:21:32,620没错 绝对不会沉It is unsinkable God himself could not sink this


23500:21:32,700 --> 00:21:35,420先生 请到主通道尽头检查行李Sir, you have to check your baggage

through the main terminal

23600:21:35,500 --> 00:21:36,540就在那边 先生It's round that way, sir

23700:21:36,620 --> 00:21:38,980拜托你了 我要照顾女士I put my faith in you, good sir

Now, kindly see my man

23800:21:39,060 --> 00:21:41,740我的荣幸 请随时吩咐Yes, sir It's my pleasure, sir If I can do

anything at all

23900:21:41,820 --> 00:21:43,100好的Yes, right


24000:21:43,180 --> 00:21:46,940那部车上全部的箱子 这部车的十二箱All the trunks from that car


Twelve from here

24100:21:47,700 --> 00:21:52,220还有保险箱 送到宫殿套房 B52到56号And the safe, to the parlor

suite, rooms B-52, 54, 56

24200:21:54,180 --> 00:21:57,540小姐们 快点Ladies, we better hurry Come along

24300:22:02,100 --> 00:22:04,010-我的外套 -在我这儿-My coat? -I have it, miss

24400:22:04,100 --> 00:22:06,490头等舱旅客这边请Queue here for health inspection

24500:22:06,660 --> 00:22:10,210三等舱的乘客请在这排队接受健康检查All third-class passengers

queue here for health inspection

24600:22:16,860 --> 00:22:19,540-欢迎登上泰坦尼克号 -欢迎登上泰坦尼克号-Welcome aboard, ma'am

-Welcome to Titanic

24700:22:20,380 --> 00:22:23,930对别人来说 她是艘梦幻之船It was the ship of dreams to everyone


24800:22:24,580 --> 00:22:26,700对我而言 她像是艘奴隶船To me, it was a slave ship

24900:22:27,260 --> 00:22:29,980要把我押回去美国taking me back to America in chains

25000:22:31,020 --> 00:22:35,060表面看来 我无异于别的大家闺秀Outwardly, I was everything a well

brought up girl should be

25100:22:35,420 --> 00:22:37,490内心里 我却在呐咸Inside, I was screaming

25200:22:53,660 --> 00:22:56,620杰克 我们只剩这些钱了Jack, you are pazzo You bet everything we


25300:22:57,620 --> 00:23:00,500没钱就没烦恼 白痴 连船票也拿来赌When you got nothing, you got

nothing to lose

25400:23:07,220 --> 00:23:08,340史文?Sven?

25500:23:28,780 --> 00:23:29,770好 关键时刻All right

25600:23:29,860 --> 00:23:33,060有人一生即将改变Moment of truth Somebody's life is about to


25700:23:34,180 --> 00:23:35,300法布里吉欧?Brizio?25800:23:37,380 --> 00:23:38,780-没有 -没有-Niente


25900:23:40,140 --> 00:23:41,210欧拉夫?Olaf?

26000:23:42,140 --> 00:23:43,290没有Nothing

26100:23:43,540 --> 00:23:44,580史文?Sven?

26200:23:48,900 --> 00:23:50,130两个对子Two pair

26300:23:50,700 --> 00:23:52,260抱歉 法布里吉欧I'm sorry, Fabrizio

26400:23:52,340 --> 00:23:54,250抱歉?钱都输光了Che sorry, ma vaffanculo! Did you bet all our


26500:23:54,340 --> 00:23:58,220抱歉 得跟你妈说再见了I'm sorry, you're not going to see your

mom again for a long time

26600:23:58,660 --> 00:24:01,540因为我们要去美国了 我是胡芦'Cause we're going to America Full

house, boys

26700:24:14,980 --> 00:24:16,100快走Come on

26800:24:17,180 --> 00:24:18,660我要回家了I'm going home!

26900:24:21,300 --> 00:24:23,860-我回家了 -我要去美国了-I'm going home -I go to America!


27000:24:24,500 --> 00:24:25,700不No, mate

27100:24:25,940 --> 00:24:29,380泰坦尼克号要去美国 剩五分钟开船Titanic go to America, in five


27200:24:30,180 --> 00:24:32,650快走Shit, Fabri Come on Come on, here

27300:24:34,180 --> 00:24:38,300这下可风光了 我们要上船跟富人一起了We're riding in high style


We're a couple of regular swells

27400:24:38,380 --> 00:24:41,370是吗?可是差点输个精光We're practically goddamn royalty,

ragazzo mio

27500:24:41,460 --> 00:24:43,500我的使命You see? Is my destino

27600:24:43,580 --> 00:24:46,810很高兴告诉你 去美国当个百万富翁Like I told you, I go to America

to be millionaire

27700:24:49,700 --> 00:24:52,740-你真是混蛋 -没错 但票赢到手了-You are pazzo -Maybe, but I've

got the tickets

27800:24:54,500 --> 00:24:56,810-你慢点 -让路-I thought you were fast -Aspetta!

27900:24:56,940 --> 00:24:59,620等一下Wait! Hey, wait!

28000:24:59,700 --> 00:25:01,690我们是乘客We're passengers! Passengers!

28100:25:03,780 --> 00:25:05,530你们通关了没有?Have you been through the inspection queue?

28200:25:05,620 --> 00:25:06,660当然有Of course

28300:25:06,740 --> 00:25:09,890我们没有虱子 我们两个都是美国人Anyway, we don't have any lice

We're Americans, both of us

28400:25:10,140 --> 00:25:11,780好 上船Right Come aboard

28500:25:15,300 --> 00:25:18,610你真是个大混蛋 知道不We're the luckiest sons of bitches in the


You know that?28600:25:27,420 --> 00:25:28,620再见Goodbye!

28700:25:32,060 --> 00:25:34,860-有认识的人吗? -没 这有什么关系?-You know somebody? -Of course


That's not the point

28800:25:34,940 --> 00:25:37,300-再见 我会想你的 -再见-Goodbye I'll miss you -Goodbye!

28900:25:37,380 --> 00:25:39,940-再见 -我永远不会忘记你的-Goodbye -I will never forget you!

29000:26:25,860 --> 00:26:27,580亲爱的 跟上我Come with me, darling Let's go

29100:26:32,540 --> 00:26:33,90060号G-60

29200:26:34,380 --> 00:26:35,940对不起Excuse me, ma'am

29300:26:39,260 --> 00:26:40,580在那边Right here

29400:26:40,780 --> 00:26:43,930你好 我是杰克 幸会How you doing? Jack Nice to meet you

29500:26:44,420 --> 00:26:47,100杰克·道森 幸会 你好Jack Dawson Nice to meet you How are you


29600:26:47,940 --> 00:26:50,090谁说你能睡上铺的?Who says you get top bunk?

29700:26:55,460 --> 00:26:57,850这里专供你们使用 先生This is your private promenade deck, sir

29800:26:57,940 --> 00:27:00,660有别的吩咐吗? 告退Would you be requiring anything? Excuse me

29900:27:01,580 --> 00:27:03,020-这一幅? -不对-This one? -No

30000:27:03,300 --> 00:27:05,290是好多张脸那幅It had a lot of faces on it

30100:27:06,300 --> 00:27:07,820就是这幅This is the one

30200:27:09,140 --> 00:27:11,180全都拿出来吗?Would you like all of them out, miss?


30300:27:11,260 --> 00:27:13,940对 这房间需要些颜色Yes, we need a little color in this room

30400:27:17,700 --> 00:27:19,450放到衣橱里Put it in there In the wardrobe

30500:27:20,100 --> 00:27:22,330又要挂那些画?God, not those finger-paintings again

30600:27:22,420 --> 00:27:24,220真是浪费钱They certainly were a waste of money

30700:27:24,300 --> 00:27:27,580这是我们不同之处The difference between Cal's taste in art and

mine is that I have some

30800:27:27,660 --> 00:27:29,330我觉得很棒They're fascinating

30900:27:29,460 --> 00:27:31,770像在梦里一般like being inside a dream or something

31000:27:31,980 --> 00:27:33,460真实却不合逻辑There's truth, but no logic

31100:27:33,540 --> 00:27:36,530-画家叫什么名字? -叫毕加索的无名氏-What's the artist's name?

-Something Picasso

31200:27:36,620 --> 00:27:40,620反正是个无名氏 他混不出名堂的 我保证Something Picasso He won't

amount to a thing He won't, trust me

31300:27:40,700 --> 00:27:43,460-狄加的画挂在卧室 -还好很便宜-Put the Degas in the bedroom -At

least they were cheap

31400:27:44,100 --> 00:27:46,010放进衣柜Put it in the wardrobe

31500:27:50,660 --> 00:27:54,810在雪堡 有个太太上船 名叫玛格丽·布朗At Cherbourg, a woman came

aboard named Margaret Brown

31600:27:55,140 --> 00:27:57,020我们都叫他莫莉We all called her Molly

31700:27:57,220 --> 00:28:00,260她就是"永远的莫莉·布朗"History would call her the Unsinkable

Molly Brown

31800:28:00,380 --> 00:28:02,940别叫我等半天I wasn't about to wait all day for you, sonny

31900:28:03,020 --> 00:28:05,220来 提得动吗?Here, if you think you can manage

32000:28:05,300 --> 00:28:08,290她丈夫在西部发现金矿Her husband had struck gold, someplace out


32100:28:08,380 --> 00:28:11,340母亲说她是"新贵族"And she was what mother called "new money

"32200:28:12,580 --> 00:28:15,380第二天下午 我们向西航行By the next afternoon, we were steaming


32300:28:15,460 --> 00:28:17,450从爱尔兰出发from the coast of Ireland

32400:28:17,540 --> 00:28:20,300前面什么都没有 只是一片汪洋大海with nothing out ahead of us but


32500:28:26,500 --> 00:28:30,620穆先生 带她出海施展一下吧Take her to sea, Mr Murdoch Let's

stretch her legs

32600:28:30,980 --> 00:28:32,210是 长官Yes, sir

32700:28:34,340 --> 00:28:37,060-全速前进 -遵命先生-All ahead full, Mr Moody -Very good, sir

32800:28:41,940 --> 00:28:43,420全速前进All ahead full

32900:28:43,820 --> 00:28:45,570全速前进All ahead full!

33000:28:45,980 --> 00:28:47,780小的们 开工了Come on, lads, step lively

33100:28:54,180 --> 00:28:55,850读数What's the reading?

33200:29:05,060 --> 00:29:08,530咱们起航了 全速前进All right! Let's stoke her right up! We go

full ahead!

33300:29:08,620 --> 00:29:10,500动起来 干活去Come on, right back to work

33400:30:03,180 --> 00:30:04,900时速二十一里 长官21 knots, sir

33500:30:13,500 --> 00:30:15,060快看Hey, look!


33600:30:17,540 --> 00:30:18,820看到没See it?

33700:30:22,220 --> 00:30:24,370又来一只 看到没?There's another one See him?

33800:30:33,980 --> 00:30:36,370看 它要跳了Look at that one! Look at him jump!

33900:31:00,620 --> 00:31:03,260我已经可以看见自由女神像了I can see the Statue of Liberty


34000:31:03,620 --> 00:31:05,340当然还很小啦Very small, of course

34100:31:08,580 --> 00:31:11,140我是天下第一I'm the king of the world!

34200:31:55,500 --> 00:31:59,650她是史上最大的交通工具She's the largest moving object ever made

by the hand of man in all history

34300:32:00,860 --> 00:32:05,090完全是由安德鲁先生设计的And our master shipbuilder, Mr Andrews,

here, designed her from the keel plates up

34400:32:05,180 --> 00:32:08,890我只是负责造船 但这是伊士美先生的构思I may have knocked her

together, but the idea was Mr Ismay's

34500:32:09,180 --> 00:32:12,140他要造最大He envisioned a steamer so grand in scale

34600:32:12,260 --> 00:32:16,180最豪华的邮轮 而且要空前绝后and so luxurious in its appointments

that its supremacy would never be challenged

34700:32:16,260 --> 00:32:19,860而她就在这儿 理想成真And here she is, willed into solid reality

34800:32:19,940 --> 00:32:21,260说得好Hear, hear

34900:32:22,140 --> 00:32:23,810鲑鱼The salmon

35000:32:26,660 --> 00:32:28,890你明知道我不喜欢你这样You know I don't like that, Rose

35100:32:32,340 --> 00:32:33,620她知道的She knows

35200:32:36,260 --> 00:32:39,810我们俩要羊排 三分熟 一点点薄荷酱We'll both have the lamb Rare,

with very little mint sauce

35300:32:41,020 --> 00:32:42,770你喜欢羊排吧?You like lamb, right, sweet pea?

35400:32:42,860 --> 00:32:43,850是香肠Sausage

35500:32:45,180 --> 00:32:47,620卡尔 你要帮她切肉吗?You gonna cut her meat for her, too, there,

Cal?35600:32:49,580 --> 00:32:52,220船名是谁取的?Hey, who thought of the name Titanic?

35700:32:53,060 --> 00:32:55,370-是你吗 布鲁斯? -是的-Was it you, Bruce? -Yes, actually

35800:32:56,140 --> 00:32:58,500取它"硕大无比"的意思I wanted to convey sheer size

35900:32:58,700 --> 00:33:01,300大表示可靠 豪华And size means stability, luxury

36000:33:01,740 --> 00:33:03,570特别是力量and above all, strength

36100:33:04,580 --> 00:33:06,890你听过佛洛伊德吗 伊士美先生?Do you know of Dr Freud, Mr Ismay?

6200:33:07,140 --> 00:33:09,340他研究男性对尺寸的重视His ideas about the male preoccupation

with size

36300:33:09,420 --> 00:33:11,780你可能会有兴趣might be of particular interest to you

36400:33:12,420 --> 00:33:14,220你是怎么啦?What's gotten into you?

36500:33:14,300 --> 00:33:15,500失陪Excuse me

36600:33:19,820 --> 00:33:21,260真是失礼I do apologize

36700:33:21,340 --> 00:33:24,180她好呛 希望你能应付得来She's a pistol, Cal Hope you can handle


36800:33:24,300 --> 00:33:26,690我得开始注意她看的书I may have to start minding what she reads

from now on

36900:33:26,780 --> 00:33:28,140是不 布朗夫人won't I, Mrs Brown?

37000:33:28,300 --> 00:33:30,690佛洛伊德?他是乘客吗?Freud, who is he? Is he a passenger


?37100:33:42,540 --> 00:33:44,580这艘船很棒吧?The ship is nice?

37200:33:44,660 --> 00:33:46,220对啊 是爱尔兰制造的Yeah, it's an Irish ship

37300:33:46,300 --> 00:33:47,620是英国的吧?Is English, no?

37400:33:47,700 --> 00:33:50,340不是的 她是由一万五千名 爱尔兰人所制造的No, it was built in


15,000 Irishmen built this ship

37500:33:50,420 --> 00:33:52,810非常的坚固 爱尔兰人造出来的Solid as a rock Big Irish hands

37600:33:53,460 --> 00:33:54,940又有头等舱的客人Well, that's typical

37700:33:55,020 --> 00:33:57,780带狗到这儿来拉屎了First-class dogs come down here to take a shit

37800:33:57,860 --> 00:34:00,540好让我们知道自己是啥身份啊Lets us know where we rank in the

scheme of things

37900:34:00,620 --> 00:34:02,340难道我们会忘记吗?Like we could forget

38000:34:03,620 --> 00:34:04,940我叫汤米·雷恩I'm Tommy Ryan

38100:34:05,020 --> 00:34:06,420-杰克·道森 -你好-Jack Dawson -Hello

38200:34:06,500 --> 00:34:07,980-法布里吉欧 -好-Fabrizio -Hi

38300:34:08,900 --> 00:34:11,420你的画能赚钱吗?Do you make any money with your drawings?

38400:34:20,380 --> 00:34:21,900老弟 甭想啦Forget it, boyo

38500:34:22,660 --> 00:34:24,650你连接近的机会都没有You'd as like have angels fly out of your


38600:34:24,740 --> 00:34:26,970别那样好吗?as get next to the likes of her

38700:34:49,100 --> 00:34:52,490我当时觉得 自己的生活了无生趣I saw my whole life as if I'd

already lived it

38800:34:53,140 --> 00:34:56,290不是餐会就是舞会An endless parade of parties and cotillions

38900:34:56,780 --> 00:34:58,690游艇赛 马球赛yachts and polo matches

39000:34:59,300 --> 00:35:03,340老是跟同一批思想狭隘的人 永远言不及义Always the same narrow

people, the same mindless chatter

39100:35:04,500 --> 00:35:07,490我彷佛站在悬崖上I felt like I was standing at a great precipice

39200:35:08,500 --> 00:35:10,570没人要拉我一把with no one to pull me back

39300:35:10,980 --> 00:35:12,540没人关心或No one who cared

39400:35:12,980 --> 00:35:14,500注意到我or even noticed

39500:37:01,220 --> 00:37:02,540别跳Don't do it

39600:37:03,020 --> 00:37:04,300退回去Stay back

39700:37:05,260 --> 00:37:07,010别靠近Don't come any closer

39800:37:07,860 --> 00:37:10,380手伸出来 我拉你Come on Just give me your hand, I'll pull you

back over

39900:37:10,460 --> 00:37:12,290不 你别过来No! Stay where you are

40000:37:12,820 --> 00:37:14,140我是认真的I mean it

40100:37:14,700 --> 00:37:16,020我会松手的I'll let go

40200:37:26,820 --> 00:37:28,260不 你不会的No, you won't

40300:37:29,540 --> 00:37:31,500你什么意思?What do you mean, no I won't?

40400:37:31,660 --> 00:37:35,500你凭什么说 我会不会去做什么? 你又不认识我Don't presume to tell

me what I will and will not do You don't know me

40500:37:35,580 --> 00:37:38,050要跳早就跳了Well, you would have done it already

40600:37:38,300 --> 00:37:40,500你让我分心 走开You're distracting me Go away


40700:37:40,660 --> 00:37:42,650不行 我已经介入了I can't I'm involved now

40800:37:44,100 --> 00:37:46,860你若跳下去的话 我也只好跟着跳了You let go, and I'm going to have

to jump in there after you

40900:37:48,900 --> 00:37:50,380别胡说八道了Don't be absurd

41000:37:50,820 --> 00:37:53,290-你会死掉 -我是游泳好手-You'll be killed -I'm a good swimmer

41100:37:53,380 --> 00:37:55,210你会摔死The fall alone will kill you

41200:37:55,300 --> 00:37:57,940我承认会很痛It would hurt I'm not saying it wouldn't

41300:37:58,540 --> 00:38:00,530说真的 我比较担心的To tell you the truth, I'm a lot more


41400:38:00,620 --> 00:38:02,690是水很冷about that water being so cold

41500:38:09,900 --> 00:38:11,100有多冷?How cold?

41600:38:11,180 --> 00:38:14,060非常冷 可能接近零度Freezing Maybe a couple of degrees over

41700:38:18,940 --> 00:38:21,410你去过威斯康辛州吗?You ever

You ever been to Wisconsin?

41800:38:25,020 --> 00:38:26,060什么?What?

41900:38:26,220 --> 00:38:28,900那里冬天很冷They have some of the coldest winters around

42000:38:28,980 --> 00:38:31,340我在那里长大的I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls

42100:38:31,500 --> 00:38:34,540我小时候跟父亲到威苏塔湖I remember, when I was a kid, me and

my father

42200:38:34,660 --> 00:38:37,130在冰上钓鱼we went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota

42300:38:37,660 --> 00:38:41,340-冰上钓鱼就是 -我知道冰上钓鱼是什么啦-Ice fishing is, you know,

where you -I know what ice fishing is

42400:38:42,060 --> 00:38:43,210抱歉Sorry

42500:38:44,620 --> 00:38:47,820你看来 比较少到户外You just seem like, you know, kind of an

indoor girl

42600:38:49,740 --> 00:38:50,970总而言之Anyway, I

42700:38:51,980 --> 00:38:54,050冰层太薄 我掉进湖里I fell through some thin ice

42800:38:54,140 --> 00:38:55,730我跟你说啊And I'm telling you

42900:38:56,940 --> 00:38:58,530掉进那么冷的水里water that cold

43000:38:58,860 --> 00:39:00,690比如下面的like right down there

43100:39:01,260 --> 00:39:05,140有如被千刀万剐一样it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing

you all over your body

43200:39:05,740 --> 00:39:08,540你没法呼吸 没法思考You can't breathe You can't think

43300:39:09,980 --> 00:39:12,580只能感觉得到痛苦Least, not about anything but the pain

43400:39:15,260 --> 00:39:18,890所以 我不是很希望 跟着你跳下去Which is why I'm not looking

forward to jumping in there after you

43500:39:19,620 --> 00:39:21,060但我说过了Like I said

43600:39:21,940 --> 00:39:23,740我没有什么选择I don't have a choice

43700:39:27,300 --> 00:39:30,370所以 我希望你下来I guess I'm kind of hoping you'll come back

over the rail

43800:39:30,460 --> 00:39:32,260别让我为难and get me off the hook here

43900:39:32,580 --> 00:39:34,020你疯了You're crazy


44000:39:35,260 --> 00:39:37,250大家都这么说 但是That's what everybody says

44100:39:38,700 --> 00:39:40,530说了你别生气but with all due respect, miss

44200:39:40,620 --> 00:39:43,500现在挂在船尾 想做傻事的人可不是我I'm not the one hanging off

the back of a ship here

44300:39:44,020 --> 00:39:45,220下来吧Come on

44400:39:45,940 --> 00:39:47,530手伸过来Give me your hand

44500:39:47,980 --> 00:39:49,970跳下去可不好You don't want to do this

44600:40:04,980 --> 00:40:06,540我是杰克·道森I'm Jack Dawson

44700:40:07,980 --> 00:40:09,860萝丝·狄威特·布克特Rose Dewitt Bukater

44800:40:09,940 --> 00:40:12,780你可能得写下来给我看才行I'll have to get you to write that one


44900:40:13,900 --> 00:40:15,100来吧Come on

45000:40:20,300 --> 00:40:21,970我抓住你了I got you

Come on

45100:40:22,780 --> 00:40:23,980上来Come on!45200:40:28,380 --> 00:40:29,780救救我Help,

please!45300:40:32,620 --> 00:40:35,660-求你救救我 -听我说 我抓住你了-Please, help me!

-Listen to me

I've got you

45400:40:35,940 --> 00:40:37,420我不会放手的I won't let go

45500:40:37,500 --> 00:40:39,620你得爬上来 快Now pull yourself up

Come on!

45600:40:42,340 --> 00:40:44,140来 这就对了Come on That's right

45700:40:44,780 --> 00:40:46,220你做得到的You can do it

45800:40:50,540 --> 00:40:51,860安全了I got you

45900:40:57,260 --> 00:40:58,820这是怎么回事?What's all this?

46000:41:04,220 --> 00:41:06,820你退后 不要动You stand back! And don't move an inch!

46100:41:09,140 --> 00:41:10,620去叫纠察长Fetch the master-at-arms

46200:41:12,620 --> 00:41:14,850怎么可以这样?This is completely unacceptable

46300:41:15,140 --> 00:41:18,660是谁允许你碰我未婚妻的?What made you think you could put your

hands on my fiancee?

46400:41:19,020 --> 00:41:20,610看着我 你这下流的东西Look at me, you filth!

46500:41:20,700 --> 00:41:22,740-卡尔 -你们干了什么好事?-Cal -What do you think you were doing?

46600:41:22,820 --> 00:41:24,940卡尔别这样 那是个意外Cal, stop It was an accident

46700:41:26,060 --> 00:41:27,420意外?An accident?46800:41:28,060 --> 00:41:29,210对啊It was

46900:41:30,380 --> 00:41:31,780真是难为情Stupid, really

47000:41:31,860 --> 00:41:34,140我趴在栏杆上 结果滑倒了I was leaning over and I slipped

47100:41:36,660 --> 00:41:39,180我趴在栏杆上 想看 想看I was leaning far over to see the

47200:41:43,820 --> 00:41:45,940-推进器吗? -对 结果我滑倒了-Propellers? -Propellers, and I


47300:41:46,020 --> 00:41:49,700我差点掉下去 是道森先生救了我And I would have gone overboard,

but Mr

Dawson here saved me

47400:41:49,940 --> 00:41:52,090他也差点掉下去And almost went over himself

47500:41:52,580 --> 00:41:54,380她想看推进器She wanted to see the propellers


47600:41:54,460 --> 00:41:57,260我说嘛 女人碰上机器就完了Like I said, women and machinery do

not mix

47700:41:58,140 --> 00:41:59,970事情是这样的吗?Was that the way of it?

47800:42:02,540 --> 00:42:04,660对 差不多Yeah, that was pretty much it

47900:42:04,740 --> 00:42:07,650这孩子英雄救美 好极了 孩子Well, the boy's a hero, then Good for

you, son

Well done

48000:42:07,980 --> 00:42:10,780没事 回去喝酒吧So, it's all's well and back to our brandy?

48100:42:12,060 --> 00:42:15,450看 你一定冻坏了 快进去吧Look at you You must be freezing Let's

get you inside

48200:42:16,500 --> 00:42:19,100该给点奖赏吧?Perhaps a little something for the boy?

48300:42:20,900 --> 00:42:22,180应该的Of course

48400:42:22,620 --> 00:42:23,980赖福杰先生Mr Lovejoy

48500:42:24,060 --> 00:42:26,210二十元够吧?I think $20 should do it

48600:42:26,540 --> 00:42:29,740你爱的女人就只值20块钱?Is that the going rate for saving the

woman you love?

48700:42:30,500 --> 00:42:32,170萝丝不满意Rose is displeased

48800:42:32,860 --> 00:42:34,180该怎么办呢?What to do?

48900:42:34,860 --> 00:42:35,980有了I know

49000:42:38,060 --> 00:42:41,340就请你明晚跟我们一起用餐吧Perhaps you could join us for dinner

tomorrow evening

49100:42:42,020 --> 00:42:45,250还可以向我们叙述 你英勇救人的故事To regale our group with your

heroic tale

49200:42:47,980 --> 00:42:49,650好啊 没问题Sure Count me in

49300:42:50,220 --> 00:42:52,050好 就这么说定了Good It's settled then

49400:42:53,420 --> 00:42:55,460有好戏看了This should be interesting

49500:43:03,540 --> 00:43:05,690来根烟好吗?Can I bum a smoke?

49600:43:14,740 --> 00:43:16,700你鞋带松了You'll want to tie those

49700:43:18,460 --> 00:43:21,500怎么小姐突然间滑倒It's interesting The young lady slipped so


49800:43:21,620 --> 00:43:25,090你却有时间脱大衣跟鞋子?and you still had time to remove your

jacket and your shoes

49900:43:40,340 --> 00:43:42,490我知道你心情不好I know you've been melancholy

50000:43:43,580 --> 00:43:45,570我也不会假装知道原因I don't pretend to know why

50100:43:47,980 --> 00:43:49,890原本想等到I intended to save this

50200:43:50,060 --> 00:43:54,660下星期的订婚宴会才拿出来until the engagement gala next week

50300:43:56,140 --> 00:44:00,290但我觉得 今天晚上But I thought, tonight

50400:44:01,140 --> 00:44:02,540我的天啊Good gracious!

50500:44:03,020 --> 00:44:06,090让你知道我对你的真心Perhaps as a reminder of my feelings for


50600:44:06,500 --> 00:44:08,380-这是? -对 是钻石-Is it a -Diamond? Yes

50700:44:10,940 --> 00:44:13,330五十六克拉56 carats to be exact

50800:44:15,820 --> 00:44:17,730原属于路易十六世It was worn by Louis XVI

50900:44:18,660 --> 00:44:21,050他们称它为"海洋之星"And they called it Le Coeur de la Mer


51000:44:21,140 --> 00:44:24,450-"海洋之星" -是的 "海洋之星"-The Heart of the Ocean -The Heart

of the Ocean Yes

51100:44:29,420 --> 00:44:31,060好贵重It's overwhelming

51200:44:31,340 --> 00:44:33,140这是为皇室做的It's for royalty

51300:44:34,220 --> 00:44:35,970我们就是皇室We are royalty, Rose

51400:44:40,140 --> 00:44:43,020我什么都能给你You know, there is nothing I couldn't give you

51500:44:43,180 --> 00:44:45,220我什么都愿意给你There is nothing I'd deny you

51600:44:45,660 --> 00:44:47,490只要你接受我if you would not deny me

51700:44:51,820 --> 00:44:53,890用心来爱我 萝丝Open your heart to me, Rose

51800:45:09,100 --> 00:45:11,330我十五岁时 父母双亡I've been on my own since I was 15

51900:45:11,420 --> 00:45:13,090此后我就孤伶伶的一个人Since my folks died

52000:45:13,860 --> 00:45:17,570没有兄弟姐妹 在家乡也无亲无故And I had no brothers or sisters

or close kin in that part of the country

52100:45:17,940 --> 00:45:20,780从此就到处流浪So I lit on out of there and I haven't been back


52200:45:20,860 --> 00:45:24,090就当我是风中飘零的野草You can just call me a tumbleweed blowing

in the wind

52300:45:26,020 --> 00:45:29,860萝丝 我们已经在甲板上绕了半天了Well, Rose, we've walked about

a mile around this boat deck

52400:45:30,580 --> 00:45:33,780谈天气 谈我的背景chewed over how great the weather's been and

how I grew up

52500:45:34,060 --> 00:45:37,580但我在想 你来找我有别的用意吧?but I reckon that's not why you

came to talk to me, is it?

52600:45:38,700 --> 00:45:40,370-道森先生 我 -叫我杰克-Mr Dawson, l -Jack

52700:45:41,540 --> 00:45:42,690杰克Jack

52800:45:43,140 --> 00:45:45,610我想向你道谢I want to thank you for what you did

52900:45:46,700 --> 00:45:49,420你不仅救了我Not just for pulling me back

53000:45:50,020 --> 00:45:52,700-还替我保密 -不用客气-but for your discretion -You're welcome

53100:45:53,300 --> 00:45:54,450瞧Look

53200:45:55,060 --> 00:45:57,370我知道你在想什么I know what you must be thinking:

53300:45:57,860 --> 00:46:01,170可怜的富家女 她哪知人间疾苦?"Poor little rich girl What does

she know about misery?"

53400:46:01,700 --> 00:46:02,850不No

53500:46:04,260 --> 00:46:05,820我没有那么想That's not what I was thinking

53600:46:06,220 --> 00:46:07,660我在想的是What I was thinking was

53700:46:07,740 --> 00:46:11,420究竟是什么事 让她这么想不开?what could have happened to this

girl to make her think she had no way out?

53800:46:13,020 --> 00:46:14,340是Well, I

53900:46:15,340 --> 00:46:16,620所有的事It was everything

54000:46:16,700 --> 00:46:19,850我周围的整个世界 以及当中的人It was my whole world and all the

people in it

54100:46:20,260 --> 00:46:22,170生活里的惯性And the inertia of my life


54200:46:22,540 --> 00:46:25,340它不停地向前 我却无力阻挡plunging ahead, and me, powerless to

stop it

54300:46:26,020 --> 00:46:27,900哇 你看看这东西God, look at that thing

54400:46:28,180 --> 00:46:30,620你可真是沉到底了You'd have gone straight to the bottom

54500:46:31,980 --> 00:46:34,580已经发出了五百张请帖Five hundred invitations have gone out

54600:46:34,660 --> 00:46:37,340费城所有的名流都会到场All of Philadelphia society will be there

54700:46:37,420 --> 00:46:39,730然而 这时候And all the while, I feel

54800:46:39,820 --> 00:46:42,020我觉得自己在人群中高声呐咸I'm standing in the middle of a

crowded room

54900:46:42,100 --> 00:46:45,060却没有人理会 没有人注意screaming at the top of my lungs, and

no one even looks up

55000:46:46,460 --> 00:46:47,980你爱不爱他?Do you love him?

55100:46:48,820 --> 00:46:50,020什么?Pardon me?

55200:46:50,100 --> 00:46:51,620你爱不爱他?Do you love him?

55300:46:52,060 --> 00:46:55,210你真没礼貌 怎么可以这样问题我?You're being very rude You

shouldn't be asking me this

55400:46:55,300 --> 00:46:58,420这问题题很简单 你爱不爱他嘛?It's a simple question Do you love

the guy or not?

55500:47:00,020 --> 00:47:01,980我们不应该谈论此事This is not a suitable conversation

55600:47:02,060 --> 00:47:04,620就回答我的问题题啊Why can't you just answer the question?

55700:47:05,860 --> 00:47:07,340这太荒唐了This is absurd

55800:47:07,500 --> 00:47:09,300你我根本不认识You don't know me and I don't know you

55900:47:09,380 --> 00:47:11,820我们没什么好谈的了and we are not having this conversation at


56000:47:11,900 --> 00:47:14,700你非常无礼而且自以为是You are rude and uncouth and presumptuous

56100:47:14,780 --> 00:47:16,140我要走了and I am leaving now

56200:47:16,220 --> 00:47:18,780杰克·道森先生 真是幸会Jack, Mr Dawson, it's been a pleasure

56300:47:18,860 --> 00:47:21,250我找你出来是要向你道谢的I sought you out to thank you and now

I have thanked you

56400:47:21,340 --> 00:47:23,140而你却把我辱骂了一顿And you've insulted me

56500:47:23,260 --> 00:47:24,820你活该Well, you deserved it

56600:47:24,900 --> 00:47:26,340-好吧 -好吧-Right


56700:47:29,100 --> 00:47:31,460-你不是要走了吗? -对啊-I thought you were leaving

-I am

56800:47:34,100 --> 00:47:35,820你好烦You are so annoying

56900:47:36,780 --> 00:47:38,930等一下 凭什么我得走?Wait, I don't have to leave

57000:47:39,020 --> 00:47:41,620这是我的地盘 要走你走This is my part of the ship

You leave

57100:47:42,380 --> 00:47:44,980现在是谁无礼啊?Well, well, well! Now who's being rude?

57200:47:49,060 --> 00:47:52,100你拿的那是什么玩意儿?What is this stupid thing you're carrying



57300:47:52,980 --> 00:47:55,620你是干嘛的?画家吗?So, what are you, an artist or something?

57400:47:59,300 --> 00:48:01,100画得还不错嘛These are rather good

57500:48:04,020 --> 00:48:06,820画得 还真好They're very good, actually

57600:48:13,980 --> 00:48:15,890这可是很细致的作品Jack, this is exquisite work

57700:48:15,980 --> 00:48:18,700巴黎的人不怎么喜欢They didn't think too much of them in old Paree

57800:48:18,780 --> 00:48:19,850巴黎?Paris?57900:48:21,140 --> 00:48:23,290你去过的地方可真不少You do get around for a

58000:48:26,420 --> 00:48:28,460虽然你 你钱财有限A person of limited means

58100:48:28,540 --> 00:48:30,820就说我很穷 没关系的Go on, a poor guy You can say it

58200:48:34,180 --> 00:48:35,740行 行 行Well, well, well

58300:48:40,220 --> 00:48:42,420这是真人写生吗?And these were drawn from life?

58400:48:45,100 --> 00:48:47,170这是巴黎的好处之一That's one of the good things about Paris

58500:48:47,260 --> 00:48:50,220女孩子们不怎么在乎裸体Lots of girls willing to take their

clothes off

58600:48:55,180 --> 00:48:56,930你一定很喜欢这女人You liked this woman

58700:48:57,180 --> 00:48:59,170好几幅都是在画她You used her several times

58800:49:02,060 --> 00:49:04,370她的手很美 你看She had beautiful hands, you see?

58900:49:06,540 --> 00:49:08,610我想你爱她I think you must have had a love affair with her

59000:49:08,700 --> 00:49:10,930不 只是爱她的手No Just with her hands

59100:49:11,460 --> 00:49:13,740她是个妓女 只有一条腿She was a one-legged prostitute

59200:49:15,020 --> 00:49:16,010你看See?

59300:49:22,100 --> 00:49:24,660她很有幽默感She had a good sense of humor, though

59400:49:26,540 --> 00:49:28,210这位小姐And this lady

59500:49:29,180 --> 00:49:31,620每晚总是坐在酒吧里she used to sit at this bar every night

59600:49:31,700 --> 00:49:34,220身上穿带着她所有的首饰wearing every piece of jewelry she owned

59700:49:34,300 --> 00:49:36,740等她的爱人回来just waiting for her long lost love

59800:49:37,220 --> 00:49:39,260我们都叫她"珠宝夫人"We called her Madame Bijoux

59900:49:39,660 --> 00:49:42,100她的衣服都破了See, her clothes are all moth-eaten

60000:49:43,260 --> 00:49:45,410你很有天份 杰克Well, you have a gift, Jack

60100:49:46,220 --> 00:49:47,340你真的有You do

60200:49:47,980 --> 00:49:50,700-你会观察人 -我会观察你-You see people -I see you

60300:49:53,100 --> 00:49:54,140我怎么样?And?

60400:49:55,900 --> 00:49:57,860你不会寻短的You wouldn't have jumped

60500:50:01,580 --> 00:50:05,130上大学的目的是为了钓金龟婿But the purpose of university is to

find a suitable husband

60600:50:05,380 --> 00:50:07,340这点 萝丝已经做到了Rose has already done that

60700:50:07,420 --> 00:50:10,100那个粗俗的女人来了Look, here comes that vulgar Brown woman

60800:50:10,300 --> 00:50:12,940快 我不想跟她坐在一起Quickly, get up before she sits with us

60900:50:13,980 --> 00:50:16,500我还正想跟你们喝茶呢Hello, girls I was hoping I'd catch you at


61000:50:16,580 --> 00:50:18,650抱歉 你错过了We're awfully sorry You missed it

61100:50:18,740 --> 00:50:21,700我们正要到甲板上散步The Countess and I were just off to take

the air on the boat deck

61200:50:21,780 --> 00:50:24,930好极了 我也来跟你们聊聊What a lovely idea I need to catch up


on my gossip

61300:50:28,020 --> 00:50:29,250伯爵夫人Countess

61400:50:30,700 --> 00:50:33,380最后四个锅炉还没用到吗?You've not yet lit the last four boilers?

61500:50:33,740 --> 00:50:35,620没有必要No, I don't see the need

61600:50:35,700 --> 00:50:37,740我们的速度已经很快了We are making excellent time

61700:50:38,380 --> 00:50:40,290新闻界知道这艘船很大The press knows the size of Titanic

61800:50:40,380 --> 00:50:42,690但不知道她的速度Now, I want them to marvel at her speed

61900:50:42,780 --> 00:50:45,420要给他们点新闻写写We must give them something new to print

62000:50:46,940 --> 00:50:50,060泰坦尼克号的处女航 可是要上头条新闻的This maiden voyage of

Titanic must make headlines

62100:50:51,180 --> 00:50:52,580伊士美先生Mr Ismay

62200:50:53,380 --> 00:50:57,690引擎是新的 先得让它们跑顺I would prefer not to push the engines

until they've been properly run in

62300:50:58,540 --> 00:50:59,980我只是个乘客Of course, I'm just a passenger

62400:51:00,060 --> 00:51:02,700一切由你做主I leave it to your good offices to decide what's


62500:51:02,780 --> 00:51:05,380但你马上就要退休了But what a glorious end to your final crossing

62600:51:05,460 --> 00:51:08,740若能在周二晚上抵达纽约if we were to get into New York on Tuesday

night and surprise them all

62700:51:08,820 --> 00:51:10,700报纸马上就会登出来Make the morning papers

62800:51:10,780 --> 00:51:12,930这样退休多光彩啊?Retire with a bang, eh, EJ?

62900:51:16,500 --> 00:51:17,730好船长Good man

63000:51:18,700 --> 00:51:21,260后来 我又在 蒙特瑞的鱼船上工作After that, I worked on a squid

boat in Monterey

63100:51:21,940 --> 00:51:24,620接着又到洛杉机then I went down to Los Angeles to the pier in

Santa Monica

63200:51:24,700 --> 00:51:27,980在码头画人像 一张一毛钱and started doing portraits there for

10 cents apiece

63300:51:28,220 --> 00:51:30,260如果我也能这样就好了Why can't I be like you, Jack?

63400:51:30,340 --> 00:51:33,620要走就走 想去哪就去哪Just head out for the horizon whenever I

feel like it

63500:51:35,500 --> 00:51:38,300说我们会去那码头Say we'll go there sometime, to that pier

63600:51:38,380 --> 00:51:40,900哪怕只是说说even if we only ever just talk about it

63700:51:40,980 --> 00:51:43,660不 我们一定会去 可以去喝便宜的啤酒No, we'll do it We'll drink

cheap beer

63800:51:43,900 --> 00:51:46,780坐云宵飞车直到吐we'll ride on the roller coaster till we throw


63900:51:46,860 --> 00:51:49,930我们还要在海滩上骑马Then we'll ride horses on the beach, right

in the surf

64000:51:50,020 --> 00:51:54,020但要跟牛仔一样 不能侧坐But you'll have to do it like a real

cowboy, none of that sidesaddle stuff

64100:51:54,340 --> 00:51:56,860-两腿分跨两边? -恩-You mean, one leg on each side? -Yeah

64200:51:58,380 --> 00:52:00,820-你能教我吗? -好 如果你喜欢的话-Can you show me? -Sure, if you



64300:52:02,740 --> 00:52:04,570教我如何像男人一样地骑马Teach me to ride like a man

64400:52:04,660 --> 00:52:06,540跟男人一样嚼烟草And chew tobacco like a man

64500:52:07,220 --> 00:52:09,100还有跟男人一样地吐口水And spit like a man

64600:52:09,180 --> 00:52:11,570你在学校没教吗?What, they didn't teach you that in finishing


64700:52:11,660 --> 00:52:12,650没有No

64800:52:13,380 --> 00:52:15,500来 我教你Come on, I'll show you Let's do it

64900:52:15,580 --> 00:52:16,940我吐给你看I'll show you how, come on

65000:52:17,020 --> 00:52:18,820-杰克 不行啦 -怕什么-Jack, no -Come on

65100:52:18,900 --> 00:52:20,780-不行 等一下 -来嘛-No Wait, Jack -Come on

65200:52:21,100 --> 00:52:23,330我不可能这么做的 杰克No, Jack I couldn't possibly, Jack

65300:52:23,420 --> 00:52:24,860看清楚Watch closely

65400:52:26,820 --> 00:52:28,410好恶心That's disgusting

65500:52:28,660 --> 00:52:30,380该你了All right, your turn

65600:52:31,620 --> 00:52:34,060这真是笑死人了 你要好好吸一口That was pitiful Come on, you

really gotta hawk it back

65700:52:34,140 --> 00:52:36,700做好准备动作Get some leverage to it, use your arms

65800:52:36,780 --> 00:52:38,220手臂 脖子都要用到arc your neck

65900:52:38,980 --> 00:52:41,210看到没有?You see the range on that thing?

66000:52:41,700 --> 00:52:43,140好 吐Okay, go

66100:52:46,180 --> 00:52:48,380-有进步 多练习 -真的?-That was better You got to work on it


66200:52:48,460 --> 00:52:52,170越重吐得越远Really try to hawk it up and get some body to it

You gotta

66300:52:58,780 --> 00:52:59,930妈Mother

66400:53:05,060 --> 00:53:07,130我给你介绍 杰克·道森May I introduce Jack Dawson?

66500:53:08,540 --> 00:53:10,180真是幸会Charmed, I'm sure

66600:53:14,700 --> 00:53:17,060其他人对杰克的态度很好The others were gracious and curious

66700:53:17,140 --> 00:53:19,450想认识这位救了我一命的人about the man who'd saved my life

66800:53:20,540 --> 00:53:23,260我妈却当他是个虫子But my mother looked at him like an insect

66900:53:23,660 --> 00:53:27,370一个得立刻除掉的害虫A dangerous insect which must be squashed


67000:53:28,020 --> 00:53:32,020看来你是个见义勇为的人Jack, sounds like you're a good man to

have around in a sticky spot

67100:53:34,420 --> 00:53:36,730为什么他们每次叫人吃晚饭Why do they always insist on announcing


67200:53:36,820 --> 00:53:38,810都得像骑兵要冲锋一样?like a damn cavalry charge?

67300:53:39,180 --> 00:53:41,170妈 我们去换衣服吧Shall we go dress, Mother?

67400:53:41,820 --> 00:53:43,700一会儿见了 杰克See you at dinner, Jack

67500:53:45,620 --> 00:53:46,660孩子Son?67600:53:46,940 --> 00:53:47,980孩子Son!

67700:53:48,700 --> 00:53:51,900你知道等会儿要干嘛吗?Do you have the slightest comprehension

of what you're doing?

67800:53:51,980 --> 00:53:53,020不是很清楚Not really

67900:53:53,100 --> 00:53:55,570你这是羊入虎口You're about to go into the snake pit


68000:53:57,660 --> 00:53:59,810你要穿什么?What are you planning to wear?

68100:54:02,380 --> 00:54:04,050我就知道 来吧I figured Come on

68200:54:06,700 --> 00:54:08,180果然没错I was right

68300:54:08,660 --> 00:54:11,050你跟我儿子身材差不多You and my son are just about the same size

68400:54:11,140 --> 00:54:12,540相当接近Pretty close

68500:54:16,380 --> 00:54:18,500看你人模人样的You shine up like a new penny

68600:54:29,980 --> 00:54:31,570先生晚安Good evening, sir

68700:55:32,940 --> 00:55:36,060这船用了很多我们家的钢铁There are several thousand tons of

Hockley steel in this very ship

68800:55:36,140 --> 00:55:38,340-用在什么地方? -都是好地方-Which part? -All the right ones, of


68900:55:38,420 --> 00:55:40,810如果有问题题你得负责Then we'll know who to hold accountable if

there's a problem

69000:55:40,900 --> 00:55:43,050-萝丝呢? -快来了-Where's my daughter? -She'll be along

69100:55:43,140 --> 00:55:44,890女伯爵在那里There is the Countess

69200:55:45,020 --> 00:55:46,770-晚安 -晚安 卡尔-Hello, my dear -Good evening, Cal

69300:55:46,860 --> 00:55:48,660高兴见到你So good to see you

69400:56:13,020 --> 00:56:16,650我在电影上看过 一直想这么做I saw that in a nickelodeon once and

I always wanted to do it

69500:56:28,100 --> 00:56:29,770晚餐时间见I'll see you at dinner

69600:56:30,100 --> 00:56:31,380亲爱的Darling

69700:56:31,740 --> 00:56:33,940你一定还记得道森先生吧?surely you remember Mr Dawson

69800:56:34,300 --> 00:56:35,500道森?Dawson

69900:56:36,500 --> 00:56:37,980不可思议That's amazing

70000:56:38,340 --> 00:56:40,860你几乎像个绅士You could almost pass for a gentleman

70100:56:41,180 --> 00:56:42,380几乎Almost

70200:56:42,460 --> 00:56:44,180真有意思Extraordinary

70300:56:55,380 --> 00:56:57,980天 见到你真高兴My dear, it's delightful to see you

70400:56:58,100 --> 00:56:59,380这趟旅程真有意思What a remarkable voyage this is

70500:56:59,460 --> 00:57:01,930-疯了 是不 -完全-It's mad, isn't it? -Completely lunatic

70600:57:02,900 --> 00:57:05,130那位是罗仕女伯爵There's the Countess of Rothes

70700:57:07,900 --> 00:57:10,050那是约翰·杰可布·亚士德And that's John Jacob Astor

70800:57:10,340 --> 00:57:12,060船上最有钱的人the richest man on the ship

70900:57:12,140 --> 00:57:15,980他太太跟我一样年纪 她已经怀孕了His little wifey there,

Madeleine, is my age, and in a delicate condition

71000:57:16,780 --> 00:57:18,530但她不想让人知道See how she's trying to hide it?

71100:57:18,620 --> 00:57:20,180差点闹翻天Quite the scandal

71200:57:20,660 --> 00:57:24,050古根汉先生跟他的情妇And that's Benjamin Guggenheim and his

mistress, Madame Aubert

71300:57:24,140 --> 00:57:27,260当然 古太太正在家陪孩子Mrs Guggenheim is at home with the

children, of course

71400:57:27,340 --> 00:57:30,730这边是柯士摩爵士和露锡儿And over here, we have Sir Cosmo and

Lucile, Lady Duff-Gordon

71500:57:30,820 --> 00:57:34,050她设计性感内衣 当然还有别的长处She designs naughty lingerie,


among her many talents

71600:57:34,380 --> 00:57:36,500她非常受皇室的宠爱Very popular with the royals

71700:57:37,340 --> 00:57:39,780真是恭喜你了 她好标致Congratulations, Hockley

She's splendid

71800:57:39,860 --> 00:57:41,300谢谢Why, thank you

71900:57:41,780 --> 00:57:44,660-要不要护花一下啊? -没问题-Care to escort a lady to dinner?


72000:57:46,180 --> 00:57:47,660小可爱Sweet pea?

72100:57:48,820 --> 00:57:51,860其实也没什么 他们很爱钱Ain't nothing to it, is there, Jack?

Remember, they love money

72200:57:51,940 --> 00:57:55,060假装你拥有一座金矿So just pretend like you own a gold mine and

you're in the club

72300:57:53,890 --> 00:57:54,930就一切OK了

72400:57:57,460 --> 00:57:58,690亚士德Hey, Astor

72500:57:59,780 --> 00:58:02,010莫莉 很高兴见到你Hello, Molly, nice to see you

72600:58:02,540 --> 00:58:05,060两位 这位是杰克·道森JJ, Madeleine, I'd like you to meet Jack


72700:58:05,140 --> 00:58:06,580幸会-How do you do? -Pleasure

72800:58:06,660 --> 00:58:08,100杰克Well, Jack

72900:58:08,500 --> 00:58:10,620你是波士顿道家的人?are you of the Boston Dawsons?

73000:58:11,060 --> 00:58:13,660是吉培瓦的道家No, the Chippewa Falls Dawsons, actually

73100:58:13,740 --> 00:58:14,890这样啊?Oh, yes

73200:58:16,900 --> 00:58:20,020他一定很紧张 却没有失态He must have been nervous, but he never


73300:58:21,500 --> 00:58:23,650他们以为他也很富有They assumed he was one of them

73400:58:23,740 --> 00:58:26,340铁路世家小开什么的Heir to a railroad fortune, perhaps

73500:58:27,340 --> 00:58:30,570可能发迹未久 但仍算是富人阶级New money, obviously, but still

a member of the club

73600:58:31,980 --> 00:58:35,020但妈还是不改本色Mother, of course, could always be counted upon

73700:58:35,860 --> 00:58:38,820道森先生 下舱住得还算舒服吗?Tell us of the accommodations in

steerage, Mr Dawson

73800:58:38,900 --> 00:58:40,620我听说还不错I hear they're quite good on this ship

73900:58:42,020 --> 00:58:44,780好得不得了 没几只老鼠The best I've seen, ma'am Hardly any rats

74000:58:47,980 --> 00:58:50,700他是从三等舱过来的Mr Dawson is joining us from the third class

74100:58:50,780 --> 00:58:53,170他昨晚帮了我的未婚妻He was of some assistance to my fiancee last


74200:58:53,260 --> 00:58:56,020事实上 道森先生很会画画It turns out that Mr Dawson is quite a

fine artist

74300:58:56,100 --> 00:58:59,090我看了他的作品He was kind enough to show me some of his work


74400:58:59,180 --> 00:59:02,170萝丝跟我对美术的看法 有非常大的差异Rose and I differ somewhat

in our definition of fine art

74500:59:02,260 --> 00:59:04,330当然 我不是在说你的作品不好Not to impugn your work, sir

74600:59:14,220 --> 00:59:15,420这全套都是我的吗?Are these all for me?


74700:59:15,500 --> 00:59:17,490摆在外侧的先用Just start from the outside and work your way in

74800:59:17,580 --> 00:59:19,860他对这船一清二楚He knows every rivet in her, don't you, Thomas?

74900:59:19,940 --> 00:59:22,410你的船真神奇 安德鲁先生Your ship is a wonder, Mr Andrews Truly

75000:59:22,500 --> 00:59:24,020谢谢你 萝丝Thank you, Rose

75100:59:26,860 --> 00:59:28,340您的鱼子酱要怎么用?How do you take your caviar, sir?

75200:59:28,420 --> 00:59:30,220不用 我不爱鱼子酱No caviar for me, thanks

75300:59:30,300 --> 00:59:32,130从来都不喜欢Never did like it much

75400:59:33,380 --> 00:59:36,060你住哪里 道森先生?And where exactly do you live, Mr Dawson?

75500:59:36,220 --> 00:59:39,020目前就住在这船上Right now, my address is the RMS Titanic

75600:59:39,660 --> 00:59:41,810以后看上帝安排After that, I'm on God's good humor

75700:59:41,900 --> 00:59:44,460你怎么有钱旅行?And how is it you have means to travel?

75800:59:44,540 --> 00:59:46,660我到处打工I work my way from place to place

75900:59:46,740 --> 00:59:48,940往来都坐货船You know, tramp steamers and such

76000:59:49,020 --> 00:59:52,410泰坦尼克的船票是赌牌赢来的But I won my ticket on Titanic here

at a lucky hand at poker

76100:59:52,540 --> 00:59:54,130真是幸运A very lucky hand

76200:59:54,860 --> 00:59:56,900人生就是靠运气All life is a game of luck

76300:59:58,060 --> 01:00:00,900好汉自己创造运气 对不对?A real man makes his own luck, Archie

Right, Dawson?

76401:00:02,340 --> 01:00:06,050你喜欢这样四处飘泊吗?And you find that sort of rootless

existence appealing, do you?

76501:00:08,980 --> 01:00:10,570是的 夫人 我很喜欢Yes, ma'am, I do

76601:00:11,180 --> 01:00:14,300全部家当都在身上I mean, I've got everything I need right here

with me

76701:00:14,380 --> 01:00:17,690我有个健康的身体 以及作画用的纸I got air in my lungs and a few

blank sheets of paper

76801:00:18,300 --> 01:00:21,500我喜欢在一早起来时I love waking up in the morning not knowing

what's gonna happen

76901:00:21,820 --> 01:00:23,620不知道会有什么样的遭遇or who I'm gonna meet

77001:00:23,700 --> 01:00:25,420或是会到哪里去的感觉where I'm gonna wind up

77101:00:25,500 --> 01:00:28,140前两天还在桥下过夜Just the other night I was sleeping under a

bridge, and now

77201:00:28,220 --> 01:00:30,370现在却在这豪华巨轮here I am on the grandest ship in the world

77301:00:30,460 --> 01:00:32,100跟你们共饮香槟having champagne with you fine people

77401:00:32,180 --> 01:00:33,980再来一点I'll take some more of that

77501:00:34,380 --> 01:00:37,900生命是上帝给的 我不打算浪费它I figure life is a gift and I don't

intend on wasting it

77601:00:38,340 --> 01:00:40,940世事很难预料You never know what hand you're gonna get dealt next

77701:00:41,020 --> 01:00:43,170只能随遇而安You learn to take life as it comes at you

77801:00:43,260 --> 01:00:44,780给你 卡尔Here you go, Cal

77901:00:46,180 --> 01:00:47,980要把握光阴To make each day count

78001:00:48,660 --> 01:00:50,780-说得好 -有道理-Well said, Jack -Hear, hear

78101:00:51,820 --> 01:00:53,540敬把握光阴To making it count

78201:00:54,700 --> 01:00:56,370敬把握光阴To making it count!78301:00:56,980 --> 01:00:58,130



78401:01:04,260 --> 01:01:07,810我老公不知道钱藏在炉子里But Mr Brown had no idea I'd hidden the

money in the stove

78501:01:09,060 --> 01:01:12,980醉醺醺回到家 在炉子生火So he comes home drunk as a pig,

celebrating, and he lights a fire

78601:01:15,540 --> 01:01:16,580布拉沃Bravo

78701:01:16,660 --> 01:01:19,300接下来是饭后酒Next it'll be brandies in the smoking room

78801:01:20,740 --> 01:01:23,730-喝杯白兰地吧? -好主意-Join me in a brandy, gentlemen? -What

a good idea

78901:01:24,260 --> 01:01:27,410他们会在隔壁房间互相标榜Now they retreat into a cloud of smoke

and congratulate each other

79001:01:27,500 --> 01:01:29,090都以为自己是宇宙的主宰on being masters of the universe

79101:01:29,180 --> 01:01:32,060女士们 谢谢你们陪伴Ladies, thank you for the pleasure of your


79201:01:32,140 --> 01:01:33,700我送你回房吧?Rose, may I escort you to the cabin?

79301:01:33,780 --> 01:01:35,450我想再坐一下No, I'll stay here

79401:01:35,660 --> 01:01:37,330谢谢Here you go, Molly

79501:01:37,820 --> 01:01:39,540一起来吧 道森先生?Joining us, Dawson?

79601:01:39,620 --> 01:01:42,820留在这儿没意思You don't want to stay out here with the women,

do you?

79701:01:42,900 --> 01:01:46,180-谢谢 我得回去了 -也好-No, thanks, I've got to be heading back

-Probably best

79801:01:46,260 --> 01:01:48,650我们谈的 都是生意和政治It'll be all business and politics, that

sort of thing

79901:01:48,740 --> 01:01:50,540你不会有兴趣的Wouldn't interest you

80001:01:50,700 --> 01:01:52,100道森But, Dawson

80101:01:52,500 --> 01:01:54,220谢谢你来good of you to come

80201:01:58,660 --> 01:02:00,100你一定要走吗?Jack, must you go?

80301:02:00,180 --> 01:02:02,980我们奴隶要去划船了Time for me to go row with the other slaves

80401:02:05,620 --> 01:02:07,210晚安 萝丝Good night, Rose

80501:02:45,580 --> 01:02:47,780想不想参加一个真正的派对?So you want to go to a real party?

80601:02:57,980 --> 01:03:00,420手放这里可以吗?Is okay if I put my hand here? Okay

80701:03:14,940 --> 01:03:16,010什么?What?

80801:03:18,620 --> 01:03:20,420我听不懂I can't understand you

80901:03:51,540 --> 01:03:53,980我要跟她跳了行不I'm going to dance with her now, all right?

81001:03:54,060 --> 01:03:55,210来Come on

81101:03:55,300 --> 01:03:56,740-啥 -来 跟着我-What? -Come on

81201:03:56,820 --> 01:03:59,130-根我来 -杰克 等一下-Come with me -Jack! Jack, wait

81301:04:01,740 --> 01:04:02,940我不会跳I can't do this

81401:04:03,020 --> 01:04:06,330要靠近一点 像这样We're gonna have to get a little bit closer,

like this

81501:04:09,100 --> 01:04:11,380我还是最爱你 柯拉You're still my best girl, Cora


81601:04:14,020 --> 01:04:17,170-我不晓得舞步 -我也是 跟着节拍就是了-I don't know the steps

-Neither do I, just go with it

81701:04:17,260 --> 01:04:18,620不必多想Don't think

81801:04:36,900 --> 01:04:39,540等一下 停Wait, Jack! Stop!

81901:04:48,900 --> 01:04:50,300怎样?等一下Stop! Wait!

82001:05:30,020 --> 01:05:31,690杰克 不要Jack, no

82101:05:37,420 --> 01:05:39,410反垄断法也管不着beyond the jurisdiction of the Sherman Act

82201:05:39,500 --> 01:05:41,140我的律师会搞定的So my lawyers will argue

82301:05:41,220 --> 01:05:44,580洛克菲勒也这么说 最高法院不买帐That's what Rockefeller said,

but the Supreme Court is not swallowing it

82401:06:03,980 --> 01:06:05,050怎么What?

82501:06:05,140 --> 01:06:07,820难道你认为 头等舱的小姐不会喝酒吗?You think a first-class girl

can't drink?

82601:06:09,860 --> 01:06:11,380走开Get out of here

82701:06:11,460 --> 01:06:13,020你没事吧?You all right?

82801:06:14,580 --> 01:06:15,700没事I'm fine

82901:06:15,780 --> 01:06:17,340三战两胜Two out of three

83001:06:18,740 --> 01:06:19,780于是So

83101:06:21,020 --> 01:06:23,250你以为你很强啊?you think you're big tough men?

83201:06:24,140 --> 01:06:25,940看你会不会这招Let's see you do this

83301:06:27,700 --> 01:06:30,090帮我提着 提高Hold this for me, Jack Hold it up

83401:06:47,220 --> 01:06:48,940天啊Jesus, Mary and Joseph

83501:06:49,020 --> 01:06:52,060-还好吧? -好多年没练了-Are you all right? -I haven't done that

in years

83601:07:26,820 --> 01:07:28,180先生要咖啡吗?Coffee, sir?

83701:07:37,700 --> 01:07:40,220你昨晚没来找我I had hoped you would come to me last night

83801:07:41,380 --> 01:07:42,700我好累I was tired

83901:07:45,460 --> 01:07:48,770到下舱去当然很累人Your exertions below decks were, no doubt,


84001:07:50,700 --> 01:07:54,540原来你叫那奴才跟踪我I see you had that undertaker of a

manservant follow me

How typical

84101:07:54,620 --> 01:07:58,380以后不可以这样You will never behave like that again, Rose, do

you understand?

84201:08:00,620 --> 01:08:04,170我不是你工厂里 那些任你使唤的工头I'm not a foreman in one of

your mills that you can command

84301:08:05,140 --> 01:08:06,700我是你的未婚妻I'm your fiancee

84401:08:09,300 --> 01:08:10,860我的未婚妻My fiancee!

84501:08:11,180 --> 01:08:13,090没错 而且是我太太Yes, you are, and my wife!84601:08:13,740 -->

01:08:17,780我们已有夫妻之实 你要对我忠实My wife in practice, if not yet by law So you will honor


84701:08:18,260 --> 01:08:21,250像妻子忠于丈夫那样You'll honor me the way a wife is required

to honor her husband

84801:08:21,340 --> 01:08:24,060别人休想耍我Because I will not be made out a fool, Rose


84901:08:24,140 --> 01:08:26,130这样会不会不够清楚?Is this in any way unclear?

85001:08:26,900 --> 01:08:27,890不会No

85101:08:28,220 --> 01:08:30,580好 失陪Good Excuse me

85201:08:35,980 --> 01:08:37,260萝丝小姐Miss Rose

85301:08:39,020 --> 01:08:41,580-刚出了点意外 -没关系-We had a little accident -That's all

right, Miss Rose

85401:08:41,660 --> 01:08:43,250抱歉 茱蒂-Sorry, Trudy -It's all right

85501:08:43,340 --> 01:08:44,620我来帮你Let me help you

85601:08:44,700 --> 01:08:46,420没关系 小姐It's all right, miss

85701:08:52,220 --> 01:08:53,620没关系 小姐It's all right, miss

85801:08:59,300 --> 01:09:01,690-沏茶 茱蒂 -是 夫人-Tea, Trudy -Yes, ma'am

85901:09:17,220 --> 01:09:20,370别再跟他见面 明白吗?You are not to see that boy again Do you

understand me?

86001:09:21,540 --> 01:09:23,820萝丝 不准再见他Rose, I forbid it

86101:09:24,780 --> 01:09:27,900好了 你别气坏了Stop it, Mother You'll give yourself a nosebleed

86201:09:27,980 --> 01:09:29,650别再胡闹了This is not a game

86301:09:30,100 --> 01:09:32,170我们处境为难Our situation is precarious

86401:09:32,260 --> 01:09:33,740你知道我们没有钱You know the money's gone

86501:09:33,820 --> 01:09:35,860怎么会不知道Of course I know it's gone

86601:09:36,340 --> 01:09:38,220你每天都提醒我You remind me every day

86701:09:38,940 --> 01:09:43,490你父亲留下一屁股债 幸好名声还在Your father left us nothing but

a legacy of bad debts hidden by a good name

86801:09:43,980 --> 01:09:46,700我们也只能靠这个了That name is the only card we have to play

86901:09:47,180 --> 01:09:49,010我真不了解你I don't understand you

87001:09:49,300 --> 01:09:52,980你嫁给霍家 我们才能生存It is a fine match with Hockley It will

ensure our survival

87101:09:54,540 --> 01:09:56,420这责任太大了How can you put this on my shoulders?

87201:09:56,500 --> 01:09:58,220你怎么这么自私?Why are you being so selfish?

87301:09:58,300 --> 01:09:59,890是"我"自私吗?I'm being selfish?

87401:10:03,300 --> 01:10:06,180你想看到我去当女工吗?Do you want to see me working as a


87501:10:07,860 --> 01:10:09,660你希望那样吗?Is that what you want?

87601:10:12,060 --> 01:10:14,660想看着我们变卖家当吗?To see our fine things sold at auction?

87701:10:16,500 --> 01:10:18,890家里一无所有吗?Our memories scattered to the winds?

87801:10:28,940 --> 01:10:30,500好不公平It's so unfair

87901:10:32,100 --> 01:10:33,980当然不公平Of course it's unfair

88001:10:34,940 --> 01:10:36,260我们是妇道人家We're women

88101:10:38,700 --> 01:10:40,740不能爱怎样就怎样Our choices are never easy

88201:11:36,780 --> 01:11:39,090-哈啰 安德鲁先生 -哈啰 杰克-Hello, Mr Andrews -Hello, Jack

88301:11:47,780 --> 01:11:49,610我来找个熟人说两句话I just need to talk to somebody for a second

88401:11:49,700 --> 01:11:53,060-你不能来这里 -我去跟熟人说句话就走-Sir, you're not supposed

to be in here -I just need to speak to someone

88501:11:56,020 --> 01:11:57,930我昨晚来过的 记得吗?I was just here last night, you don't

remember me?88601:11:58,020 --> 01:11:59,060不记得 请走开No, I'm afraid I don't


88701:11:59,140 --> 01:12:01,610-您必须马上离开 -他可以证明 我想找-Now, you're gonna have to

turn around -He'll tell you

88801:12:01,700 --> 01:12:03,060我要跟I just need to talk

88901:12:03,140 --> 01:12:05,860霍先生和他岳母Mr Hockley and Mrs Dewitt Bukater

89001:12:06,540 --> 01:12:09,140非常感谢你的帮忙continue to be appreciative of your assistance

89101:12:09,460 --> 01:12:12,900他们要我给你这个They asked me to give you this in gratitude

89201:12:12,980 --> 01:12:14,650我不要钱I don't want your money Please I just

89301:12:14,740 --> 01:12:17,860并提醒你拿的是三等舱的票Also to remind you that you hold a

third-class ticket

89401:12:17,940 --> 01:12:20,700到这里来不太恰当and that your presence here is no longer


89501:12:20,780 --> 01:12:22,820让我跟萝丝讲话Please, I just wanna speak to Rose for one second

89601:12:22,900 --> 01:12:26,610两位 请护送道森先生回去Gentlemen, please see Mr Dawson gets

back to where he belongs

89701:12:26,700 --> 01:12:28,580让他别再来了and that he stays there

89801:12:28,940 --> 01:12:30,930是 走吧Yes, sir Come along, you

89901:12:41,940 --> 01:12:43,900为何有两个舵轮?And why do you have two steering wheels?

90001:12:43,980 --> 01:12:46,420-靠岸时用这个 -打扰下 长官-We really only use this near shore

-Excuse me, sir

90101:12:46,500 --> 01:12:49,060努尔丹号传来的冰山预警信息Another ice warning This one is from

the Noordam

90201:12:49,140 --> 01:12:50,780谢谢 斯派克Thank you, Sparks

90301:12:52,620 --> 01:12:56,090别担心 在这季节很常见Not to worry Quite normal for this time

of year

90401:12:56,660 --> 01:13:00,420事实上我们正在加速 最后四个锅炉也点燃了In fact, we're speeding


I've just ordered the last boilers lit

90501:13:04,380 --> 01:13:07,420好好的绕 对了Okay, son, wind it up tight like I showed you That's


90601:13:07,500 --> 01:13:09,220甩出去 很好吧Okay, now, let it go

90701:13:15,100 --> 01:13:16,690很好That's excellent

90801:13:20,700 --> 01:13:23,170安德鲁先生Mr Andrews, forgive me

90901:13:24,060 --> 01:13:25,940对不起 我算了一下I did the sum in my head

91001:13:26,020 --> 01:13:29,810救生艇数目乘上每艘容量and with the number of lifeboats times

the capacity you mentioned

91101:13:29,900 --> 01:13:33,660好像不够载所有的乘客Forgive me, but it seems that there are not

enough for everyone aboard

91201:13:33,740 --> 01:13:35,460只能载一半的人About half, actually

91301:13:36,180 --> 01:13:38,380什么都骗不过你Rose, you miss nothing, do you?

91401:13:38,460 --> 01:13:40,850若用新式的悬吊臂In fact, I put in these new-type davits

91501:13:40,940 --> 01:13:44,060可再挂一排救生艇which can take an extra row of boats inside this


91601:13:44,140 --> 01:13:46,290有人说这样看来太拥挤But it was thought, by some

91701:13:46,380 --> 01:13:48,210特别影响甲板的美观the deck would look too cluttered


91801:13:48,300 --> 01:13:49,970所以计划没被采纳So, I was overruled

91901:13:50,620 --> 01:13:53,770的确太浪费甲板空间It's a waste of deck space as it is in an

unsinkable ship

92001:13:53,860 --> 01:13:55,660安心吧Sleep soundly, young Rose

92101:13:55,740 --> 01:13:58,540我这艘船坚固得很I have built you a good ship, strong and true

92201:13:58,620 --> 01:14:00,420有她就够了She's all the lifeboat you need

92301:14:00,500 --> 01:14:03,570继续往后走 接下来到引擎室Keep heading aft The next stop will

be the engine room

92401:14:03,660 --> 01:14:04,810跟我来Come on

92501:14:09,780 --> 01:14:12,740杰克 行不通的 我不能见你Jack, this is impossible I can't see


92601:14:12,820 --> 01:14:15,100-我有话跟你说 -不行-I need to talk to you -No, Jack No

92701:14:17,060 --> 01:14:18,970杰克 我已经订婚了Jack, I'm engaged

92801:14:20,260 --> 01:14:21,820我要嫁给卡尔I'm marrying Cal

92901:14:22,740 --> 01:14:24,060我爱卡尔I love Cal

93001:14:27,740 --> 01:14:30,100萝丝 你不是顶好相处的Rose, you're no picnic, all right?

93101:14:30,180 --> 01:14:32,570甚至有点骄宠You're a spoiled little brat, even

93201:14:32,660 --> 01:14:35,500但内心里 你是我所见过But under that, you're the most amazingly

93301:14:36,060 --> 01:14:38,370最脱俗 最好的女孩astounding, wonderful girl

93401:14:38,980 --> 01:14:41,620我以前从不知道Woman that I've ever known and

93501:14:41,700 --> 01:14:43,900-杰克 我 -不 先让我说完-Jack, l -No, let me try to get this out

93601:14:43,980 --> 01:14:45,300你You're

93701:14:47,540 --> 01:14:50,420我也知道人情世故I'm not an idiot I know how the world works

93801:14:50,500 --> 01:14:52,300我身上只有十块钱I've got $10 in my pocket

93901:14:52,380 --> 01:14:55,220没有什么可以给你I have nothing to offer you and I know that

94001:14:55,500 --> 01:14:56,900这我了解I understand

94101:14:57,980 --> 01:14:59,860但我已不能自拔But I'm too involved now

94201:14:59,940 --> 01:15:01,850你跳 我就跳 记得吗?You jump, I jump, remember?

94301:15:01,940 --> 01:15:05,220我要确定你幸福 才能掉头I can't turn away without knowing you'll

be all right

94401:15:05,780 --> 01:15:07,610我没别的要求That's all that I want

94501:15:08,580 --> 01:15:10,100我很好Well, I'm fine

94601:15:11,060 --> 01:15:12,970我会很好 真的I'll be fine Really

94701:15:14,300 --> 01:15:15,450真的吗?Really?

94801:15:17,300 --> 01:15:18,890我不相信I don't think so

94901:15:20,100 --> 01:15:21,620他们把你困住了They have got you trapped, Rose

95001:15:21,700 --> 01:15:23,690若不挣脱就会死掉And you're gonna die if you don't break free

95101:15:23,780 --> 01:15:26,580也许不是现在 因为你很坚强Maybe not right away, because you're


95201:15:27,540 --> 01:15:31,090但迟早我爱的那一把火but sooner or later, that fire that I love

about you, Rose

95301:15:31,180 --> 01:15:33,300那把火总会熄灭的that fire's going to burn out

95401:15:38,260 --> 01:15:40,650你救不了我的 杰克It's not up to you to save me, Jack

95501:15:41,980 --> 01:15:43,420你说得对You're right


95601:15:44,500 --> 01:15:46,250只有你能救你自己Only you can do that

95701:15:52,180 --> 01:15:54,700我要回去了 别再找我了I'm going back Leave me alone

95801:16:06,580 --> 01:16:09,700跟露锡儿讲印刷厂的事Tell Lucile about the disaster you had with

the stationers

95901:16:09,780 --> 01:16:12,420请帖被退回两次Of course, the invitations had to be sent back,


96001:16:12,500 --> 01:16:15,380-天啊 -还有伴娘的礼服-Oh, my dear -And the dreadful

bridesmaids' gowns

96101:16:15,460 --> 01:16:17,900那更是花功夫Let me tell you, what an odyssey that has been

96201:16:17,980 --> 01:16:21,690萝丝指定薰衣草色 但我就怕那颜色Rose decided she wanted


She knows I detest the color

96301:16:21,780 --> 01:16:23,820她是故意要气我的She did it to spite me

96401:16:23,900 --> 01:16:26,020怎么不来找我?If only you'd come to me sooner

96501:16:26,100 --> 01:16:28,330萝丝在杂志上看到Ruth saw some of my designs in La Mode Illustree

96601:16:28,420 --> 01:16:29,570我设计的全套婚礼礼服they were for the trousseau

96701:16:29,660 --> 01:16:32,650公爵夫人的小女儿穿起来 真迷人of the Duchess of Marlborough's

youngest daughter They were quite charming

96801:16:32,740 --> 01:16:34,970我想 你们会同意的I think you'll agree, my dear, that together

96901:16:35,620 --> 01:16:38,340简直是"麻雀变凤凰"we've created something of a phoenix from the


97001:16:52,580 --> 01:16:53,940哈啰 杰克Hello, Jack

97101:16:59,220 --> 01:17:00,810我改变主意了I changed my mind

97201:17:06,740 --> 01:17:08,860听说你在这里They said you might be up here

97301:17:10,540 --> 01:17:12,180手伸出来Give me your hand

97401:17:19,100 --> 01:17:20,820闭上眼睛Now close your eyes

97501:17:21,820 --> 01:17:22,970快点Go on

97601:17:26,100 --> 01:17:27,460站上来Now step up

97701:17:31,380 --> 01:17:34,100抓紧栏杆 眼睛闭好 别偷看Now hold on to the railing Keep your

eyes closed

97801:17:34,180 --> 01:17:35,900-别偷看 -不会-Don't peek -I'm not

97901:17:37,140 --> 01:17:38,970踩在栏杆上Step up onto the rail

98001:17:42,940 --> 01:17:45,010抓紧Hold on Hold on

98101:17:45,180 --> 01:17:47,010眼睛闭好Keep your eyes closed

98201:17:47,340 --> 01:17:50,180-你信任我吗? -我信任你-Do you trust me? -I trust you

98301:17:59,980 --> 01:18:02,660好 张开眼睛All right, open your eyes

98401:18:09,420 --> 01:18:11,490我在飞 杰克I'm flying Jack

98501:18:35,660 --> 01:18:39,260约瑟芬 上到我的飞行器Come, Josephine, in my flying machine

98601:18:39,340 --> 01:18:44,100我们一起飞上云宵Going up she goes Up she goes

98701:19:29,980 --> 01:19:33,050那是沉船前的最后白书That was the last time Titanic ever saw


98801:19:33,900 --> 01:19:36,620是沉船当天的傍晚We're up to dusk, the night of the sinking

98901:19:36,860 --> 01:19:38,980-还差六小时 -真不可思议-Six hours to go -Incredible

99001:19:39,180 --> 01:19:40,850史船长明明接到他妈的警告There's Smith, and he's standing there


99101:19:40,940 --> 01:19:43,330日他妈的冰山警报就捏在他手里面and he's got the iceberg warning

in his fucking hand

99201:19:43,420 --> 01:19:46,180抱歉我说粗话 但他还下令加速Excuse me, his hand, and he's

ordering more speed

99301:19:46,260 --> 01:19:48,980二十六年经验反而坏事Twenty-six years of experience working

against him

99401:19:49,540 --> 01:19:53,660他以为可以看到再闪躲He figures anything big enough to sink the

ship, they're gonna see in time to turn

99501:19:53,740 --> 01:19:56,380但船的舵不够大But the ship's too big with too small a rudder

99601:19:56,460 --> 01:19:58,530根本没法急转弯Doesn't corner worth a damn

99701:19:59,020 --> 01:20:01,090他的知识害了他Everything he knows is wrong

99801:20:13,300 --> 01:20:16,770进来没关系 这是起居室It's quite proper, I assure you This is

the sitting room

99901:20:18,820 --> 01:20:20,970-这光线行吗? -什么?-Will this light do? -What?

100001:20:21,300 --> 01:20:23,450光线很重要吧?Don't artists need good light?

100101:20:23,540 --> 01:20:27,220对 但今天只好将就了That is true, but I'm not used to working

in such horrible conditions

100201:20:28,340 --> 01:20:29,490莫内的画Monet!

100301:20:30,660 --> 01:20:32,780-你知道他的作品? -当然-You know his work? -Of course

100401:20:33,220 --> 01:20:35,610你看他用色 真棒Look at his use of color here Isn't he great?

100501:20:35,700 --> 01:20:37,690对啊 好棒I know It's extraordinary

100601:20:39,820 --> 01:20:43,100卡尔不管到哪里 都坚持要带着保险箱Cal insists on carting this

hideous thing everywhere

100701:20:43,500 --> 01:20:46,140他会很快回来吗?Should we be expecting him anytime soon?

100801:20:46,820 --> 01:20:49,700只要还有烟酒 就不会Not as long as the cigars and brandy hold


100901:20:53,220 --> 01:20:55,940很好看 是蓝宝石吗?That's nice What is it, a sapphire?

101001:20:56,860 --> 01:20:59,820是钻石 很少见的A diamond A very rare diamond

101101:21:03,580 --> 01:21:07,100杰克 也替我画一幅画Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your

French girls

101201:21:07,460 --> 01:21:10,020-我要戴着这个 -好啊-Wearing this -All right

101301:21:11,820 --> 01:21:13,410我只要戴着这个Wearing only this

101401:21:47,300 --> 01:21:48,970我需要一幅The last thing I need

101501:21:49,060 --> 01:21:52,370让我看起来像个陶瓷洋娃娃的画像is another picture of me looking

like a porcelain doll

101601:21:55,140 --> 01:21:57,050付钱的是大爷As a paying customer

101701:21:58,740 --> 01:22:00,810我爱怎样就怎样I expect to get what I want

101801:22:17,980 --> 01:22:20,500到床上 沙发上Over on the bed The couch

101901:22:28,940 --> 01:22:30,660躺下Lie down

102001:22:34,500 --> 01:22:38,130-告诉我要怎么样比较好 -手臂像刚才那样-Tell me when it looks


-Put your arm back the way it was

102101:22:39,780 --> 01:22:43,140另一只手举起来到脸部Put that other arm up, that hand right by

your face there


102201:22:44,540 --> 01:22:45,690好Right

102301:22:46,300 --> 01:22:48,050头低一点Now, head down

102401:22:50,340 --> 01:22:52,460眼睛看着我Eyes to me, keep them on me

102501:22:54,460 --> 01:22:56,210尽量不要动And try to stay still

102601:23:14,420 --> 01:23:15,740你好严肃So serious

102701:23:56,020 --> 01:23:58,860你好像脸红了 大画家I believe you are blushing, Mr Big Artiste

102801:24:03,140 --> 01:24:05,820我想莫内不会脸红吧?I can't imagine Monsieur Monet blushing

102901:24:07,020 --> 01:24:08,690人家画的是景物He does landscapes

103001:24:09,540 --> 01:24:11,820脸部放松-Just relax your face -Sorry

103101:24:11,900 --> 01:24:13,220不要笑对不起

103201:24:42,940 --> 01:24:45,460我当时心跳得好厉害My heart was pounding the whole time

103301:24:46,140 --> 01:24:49,530那是我一生最性感的时刻It was the most erotic moment of my life

103401:24:53,220 --> 01:24:55,180至少到那时候为止up until then, at least

103501:24:56,300 --> 01:24:58,100接下来呢?So what happened next?

103601:24:58,740 --> 01:25:01,210你是问题我们有没有做?You mean, did we do it?

103701:25:04,900 --> 01:25:06,570很抱歉让你失望了Sorry to disappoint you, Mr Bodine

103801:25:06,660 --> 01:25:08,700杰克非常专业Jack was very professional

103901:25:16,060 --> 01:25:17,380谢谢Thank you

104001:25:25,380 --> 01:25:27,050你在干嘛?What are you doing?

104101:25:27,460 --> 01:25:30,220把这放回去好吗?Will you put this back in the safe for me?

104201:25:41,420 --> 01:25:43,460对不起-Gentlemen, would you excuse me? -Sure

104301:25:45,460 --> 01:25:47,850服务生都没看见她None of the stewards have seen her

104401:25:48,340 --> 01:25:50,700这太荒唐了This is absurd It's a ship

104501:25:50,780 --> 01:25:53,060这船就这么大 她还能跑到哪儿去?There's only so many places she

could be

104601:25:53,140 --> 01:25:54,730把她找回来Lovejoy, find her

104701:26:11,700 --> 01:26:13,140-好明朗 -是啊-Clear -Yes

104801:26:14,340 --> 01:26:17,250不曾见过这样的风平浪静I don't think I've ever seen such a flat


104901:26:18,460 --> 01:26:21,610简直像个池塘 一点风都没有Like a mill pond Not a breath of wind

105001:26:22,900 --> 01:26:25,540这样冰山底部没有浪花It will make the 'bergs harder to see

105101:26:25,820 --> 01:26:28,260会比较难发现with no breaking water at the base

105201:26:39,140 --> 01:26:40,580我要下班了Well, I'm off

105301:26:40,660 --> 01:26:43,380保持速度和航向 莱先生Maintain speed and heading, Mr Lightoller

105401:26:43,700 --> 01:26:44,900遵命Yes, sir

105501:26:55,700 --> 01:26:57,290变冷了It's getting cold

105601:26:57,500 --> 01:26:59,410-你好美 -萝丝小姐-You look nice

-Miss Rose?

105701:27:00,460 --> 01:27:01,780我的画My drawings

105801:27:26,820 --> 01:27:28,020快点 杰克Come on, Jack!

105901:27:31,420 --> 01:27:33,300-等一下 -等一下-Wait! -Wait!

106001:27:34,380 --> 01:27:36,500-快 -快下去-Go! -Take us down, quick

106101:27:36,580 --> 01:27:38,020-快 -赶紧 赶紧-Go! -Quickly! Quickly!

106201:27:43,180 --> 01:27:44,220再见Bye


106301:27:51,700 --> 01:27:52,690抱歉Sorry

106401:27:58,020 --> 01:28:00,010-继续 -没关系-Keep going -Thank you, I've got it

106501:28:09,820 --> 01:28:12,340仆人这么悍Pretty tough for a valet, this fella

106601:28:12,420 --> 01:28:14,980-倒像是个警察 -以前好像真的是-Seems more like a cop -I think

he was

106701:28:15,620 --> 01:28:17,100-糟了 -快-Oh, shit -Go!

106801:28:21,620 --> 01:28:24,060-这边 -快-No, over here! -Quick!

106901:28:30,860 --> 01:28:33,140-怎么办? -什么?-Now what? -What?

107001:28:39,260 --> 01:28:41,730一号炉加煤More coal for number one, mate

107101:28:41,820 --> 01:28:43,970你们俩怎么跑到这儿来?What are you two doing down here?

107201:28:44,060 --> 01:28:46,340这里很危险的You shouldn't be down here It could be dangerous!

107301:28:50,020 --> 01:28:52,220继续 别管我们Carry on Don't mind us

107401:28:52,300 --> 01:28:55,260你们很努力 继续干活吧You're doing a great job Keep up the good


107501:29:10,460 --> 01:29:12,450你看看Look at what we have here

107601:29:30,020 --> 01:29:31,250谢谢Thank you

107701:29:42,420 --> 01:29:43,900小姐去哪?Where to, miss?

107801:29:45,260 --> 01:29:46,700去摘星星To the stars

107901:30:04,940 --> 01:30:06,300紧张吗?You nervous?

108001:30:08,660 --> 01:30:09,700不会No

108101:30:25,940 --> 01:30:27,980手放到我身上 杰克Put your hands on me, Jack

108201:30:51,660 --> 01:30:53,180冷死了It's bloody cold

108301:30:53,260 --> 01:30:55,940冰山接近时 我能闻到You know, I can smell ice, you know When

it's near

108401:30:57,900 --> 01:31:00,420-胡说八道 -我就是有办法-Bollocks! -Well, I can, all right?

108501:31:01,340 --> 01:31:03,570眺望员望远镜找到没?Did you ever find those binoculars for the


108601:31:03,660 --> 01:31:06,100从南安普顿就没看见过Haven't seen them since Southampton

108701:31:06,180 --> 01:31:08,570我去巡逻 等会见Well, I'll be on my rounds Cheerio

108801:31:38,980 --> 01:31:40,570你在发抖You're trembling

108901:31:42,420 --> 01:31:45,060别担心 没事Don't worry, I'll be all right

109001:32:06,180 --> 01:32:08,460-他们往那边去了 -好了-They ran down there -All right

109101:32:17,260 --> 01:32:18,820东西有没有少?Anything missing?

109201:32:42,660 --> 01:32:44,570我有个办法I've got a better idea

109301:32:56,860 --> 01:32:57,850往哪儿跑?Gotcha!

109401:33:06,780 --> 01:33:08,900看到他们表情没?Did you see those guys' faces?

109501:33:10,060 --> 01:33:11,620看到没有?Did you see them?

109601:33:17,940 --> 01:33:19,770等船靠岸When the ship docks

109701:33:21,060 --> 01:33:23,020我要跟你下船I'm getting off with you

109801:33:23,820 --> 01:33:25,700这样太疯狂了-This is crazy -I know

109901:33:25,780 --> 01:33:27,690我知道 这好像没什么道理It doesn't make any sense

110001:33:29,180 --> 01:33:30,980所以要这么做That's why I trust it

110101:33:40,420 --> 01:33:42,090喂 你看Here, look at this

110201:33:42,860 --> 01:33:44,690快看啊Look at that, would you?


110301:33:44,780 --> 01:33:46,770他们可比我们暖和They're a bit warmer than we are

110401:33:46,860 --> 01:33:49,300若要我们俩 那样子取暖 我可不要If that's what it takes for us

to get warm, I'd rather not

100:00:00,740 --> 00:00:02,570我的妈Bugger me!

200:00:07,220 --> 00:00:09,020快接啊 混蛋Pick up, you bastards!

300:00:12,180 --> 00:00:14,410-有没有人在? -看见什么了?-Is anyone there? -Yes, what do you

see?400:00:14,500 --> 00:00:16,810-正前方有冰山 -谢谢-Iceberg, right ahead! -Thank you

500:00:19,340 --> 00:00:20,660正前方有冰山Iceberg, right ahead!

600:00:20,740 --> 00:00:22,410快左转Hard to starboard!

700:00:29,260 --> 00:00:31,650快转Turn! Smartly!

800:00:36,260 --> 00:00:37,620全速后退Full astern!

900:00:39,700 --> 00:00:42,060-转到底 -船舵转到底了-Hard over -Helm's hard over, sir

1000:00:45,700 --> 00:00:47,140快点Go, lads, go!

1100:00:49,780 --> 00:00:52,300减少蒸气 少一点Bring that steam down! Bring it down!

1200:00:54,180 --> 00:00:56,570节气阀全部关掉Shut all the dampers! Shut them!

1300:01:01,140 --> 00:01:02,370等一下Hold it

1400:01:06,380 --> 00:01:08,660好 引擎反转Now! Engage the reversing engine

1500:01:35,980 --> 00:01:37,780怎么还不转向?Why ain't they turning?

1600:01:37,860 --> 00:01:40,740-船舵转到底了吗? -转到底了-Is it hard over? -It is Yes, sir, hard


1700:01:45,780 --> 00:01:48,900快点 快转Come on Come on Turn

1800:01:59,380 --> 00:02:00,370对了Yes

1900:02:05,740 --> 00:02:07,220要撞上了It's gonna hit!

2000:02:18,220 --> 00:02:19,620天啊Jesus Christ!

2100:02:39,540 --> 00:02:40,900天啊Jesus

2200:02:40,980 --> 00:02:43,420-往右 -往右-Hard to port! -Hard to port!

2300:02:53,060 --> 00:02:54,260退后Get back!

2400:03:22,260 --> 00:03:23,700快走Come on, let's go!

2500:03:23,780 --> 00:03:26,220门要关了 快走Get out of the door They're closing the doors!

2600:03:26,300 --> 00:03:27,500快出去Get out!

2700:03:33,380 --> 00:03:35,580快出去 快Get out of the door! Go!

2800:03:36,460 --> 00:03:39,180快 大家快走 快点Come on, lads! Go, lads, go!

2900:03:51,100 --> 00:03:52,140快出去Out!

3000:03:56,450 --> 00:03:58,840"防水门位置表"

3100:04:06,220 --> 00:04:07,500我的天Oh, my God

3200:04:08,820 --> 00:04:10,410好险That was a close shave, wasn't it?

3300:04:10,500 --> 00:04:12,940还说你能用闻的 见鬼Smell ice, can you? Bleeding Christ!

3400:04:17,260 --> 00:04:19,780把时间记录在航海日志Note the time and enter it in the log

3500:04:25,300 --> 00:04:27,340刚发生了什么事 穆先生?What was that, Mr Murdoch?

3600:04:27,820 --> 00:04:29,380是冰山An iceberg, sir

3700:04:30,220 --> 00:04:33,980我全速左转 但距离太近I put her hard to starboard, and ran the

engines full astern, but it was too close

3800:04:34,060 --> 00:04:36,260再右转想避开 可是I tried to port round it, but she hit

3900:04:36,340 --> 00:04:39,490-把防水门都关上 -已经关了-Close the watertight doors-Doors are


closed, sir

4000:04:42,180 --> 00:04:43,900-停止所有引擎的运转 -遵命-All stop -Aye, sir

4100:04:52,020 --> 00:04:54,010找修理工 派人去检查Find the carpenter Get him to sound the ship

4200:04:54,100 --> 00:04:55,300是Yes, sir

4300:05:05,700 --> 00:05:07,740我们快离开这里Come on, let's get the hell out of here

4400:05:07,820 --> 00:05:08,860快离开Come on, hurry up

4500:05:13,700 --> 00:05:15,500引擎怎么停了?震得好厉害Excuse me, why have the engines stopped?

4600:05:15,580 --> 00:05:17,570-我感到震动了 -别担心夫人-I felt a shudder -I shouldn't worry,


4700:05:17,660 --> 00:05:20,570推进器叶片掉了 所以会有震动We've likely thrown a propeller blade

That's the shudder you felt

4800:05:20,660 --> 00:05:22,460要来点什么吗?May I bring you anything?

4900:05:22,540 --> 00:05:23,610不要 谢谢No, thank you

5000:05:28,700 --> 00:05:30,980听说撞上冰山了So, now there's talk of an iceberg Did you see


5100:05:31,060 --> 00:05:32,860我没看见 你呢?I don't see anything now Do you?

5200:05:34,660 --> 00:05:37,810老鼠去哪 我就去哪If this is the direction the rats are going,

that's good enough for me

5300:05:40,700 --> 00:05:42,690大家安心Everything's under control

5400:05:44,500 --> 00:05:46,540-喂 没什么大事-You there -Sir, there is no emergency

5500:05:46,620 --> 00:05:48,260有 我遭小偷了Yes, there is I've been robbed

5600:05:48,340 --> 00:05:49,820去请纠察长Get the master-at-arms

5700:05:49,900 --> 00:05:51,780-快去 笨蛋 -是-Now, you moron! -Yes, sir

5800:05:54,900 --> 00:05:56,780我错过了什么吗?Hey, did I miss the fun?

5900:05:58,260 --> 00:06:00,220-你有没有看见发生什么事? -没 不知道-Did you see what happened?

-No, I missed it

6000:06:00,300 --> 00:06:02,420好像撞到那边Apparently, it hit over there

6100:06:02,620 --> 00:06:05,1806号锅炉房进水深八尺Boiler Room 6 is flooded 8 feet above the plate

6200:06:05,260 --> 00:06:07,300邮件舱更糟and the mail hold is worse She's all buckled in

6300:06:07,380 --> 00:06:09,450-破洞能补吗? -抽水速度不够-Can you shore up? -Not unless the

pumps get ahead

6400:06:09,540 --> 00:06:11,210看过邮件舱没有?Have you seen the damage in the mail hold?

6500:06:11,300 --> 00:06:13,420已经淹没了No, she's already underwater

6600:06:13,500 --> 00:06:14,860情况严重This is bad

6700:06:17,060 --> 00:06:18,730我们应该要通知妈和卡尔We should tell Mother and Cal

6800:06:19,820 --> 00:06:22,020我觉得画得很好I think they're very good, sir

6900:06:24,580 --> 00:06:28,050什么也别碰 要拍照存证Don't touch anything I want the entire room


7000:06:32,420 --> 00:06:34,700我们一直在找你 小姐We've been looking for you, miss

7100:06:38,820 --> 00:06:39,890糟了Here we go

7200:06:45,820 --> 00:06:48,020发生了一件很严重的事情Something serious has happened

7300:06:48,580 --> 00:06:49,980的确Yes, it has

7400:06:51,300 --> 00:06:52,340的确严重Indeed

7500:06:52,420 --> 00:06:54,730我的两个宝贝不见了Two things dear to me have disappeared this



7600:06:54,820 --> 00:06:57,940一个回来了 另一个也不难找 给我搜Now that one is back, I have a

pretty good idea where to find the other

7700:06:58,020 --> 00:06:59,060搜一下Search him

7800:06:59,140 --> 00:07:00,730-外套脱掉 -又怎么了-Take your coat off, son -Now what?

7900:07:00,820 --> 00:07:02,050脱Come on, now

8000:07:02,140 --> 00:07:03,940卡尔 你在干嘛?Cal, what are you doing?

8100:07:04,020 --> 00:07:06,250现在事态很严重了 发生什么事We're in the middle of an emergency

What's going on?

8200:07:06,340 --> 00:07:08,410-是这个吗? -正是-Is this it? -That's it

8300:07:09,020 --> 00:07:10,610哪有这种事?This is horseshit!

8400:07:11,460 --> 00:07:13,210你别相信Don't you believe it, Rose Don't

8500:07:13,300 --> 00:07:15,210他不可能拿的-He couldn't have -Of course he could

8600:07:15,300 --> 00:07:16,890行家要拿还不容易吗?It's easy enough for a professional

8700:07:16,980 --> 00:07:19,620我们一直在一起 这太荒唐了But I was with him the whole time This

is absurd

8800:07:19,700 --> 00:07:23,660或许他趁你穿衣服时偷拿的Perhaps he did it while you were putting

your clothes back on, dear

8900:07:24,060 --> 00:07:26,210是他们故意栽赃的Real slick, Cal Rose, they put it in my pocket

9000:07:26,300 --> 00:07:29,210-闭嘴 -连外套都是偷来的-Shut up -It isn't even your pocket Is

it, son?

9100:07:29,300 --> 00:07:31,290它属于"AL莱尔森""Property of AL Ryerson"

9200:07:34,900 --> 00:07:36,300有人报了案That was reported stolen today

9300:07:36,380 --> 00:07:38,210我只是暂时借一下 我要还给他的I just borrowed it I was gonna

return it

9400:07:38,300 --> 00:07:40,690这小偷倒很诚实An honest thief We have an honest thief here, do


9500:07:40,780 --> 00:07:43,580萝丝 你知道我没有偷You know I didn't do this, Rose You know it

9600:07:43,740 --> 00:07:45,380别相信他们 你知道的Don't believe them, Rose You know it

9700:07:45,460 --> 00:07:48,300-你知道我没偷 -乖乖跟我走吧-You know I didn't do it -Come on,

son Let's go

9800:07:48,380 --> 00:07:50,770-萝丝 -跟我走吧-Rose! -Come on, there's a good lad

9900:07:51,260 --> 00:07:52,380快走Come on

10000:07:52,460 --> 00:07:54,660你知道我没偷 你了解我You know I didn't do it You know me!

10100:07:56,300 --> 00:07:58,260这样很不好 船长This is most unfortunate, Captain

10200:08:02,140 --> 00:08:05,210才十分钟 就淹水十四尺Water 14 feet above the keel in 10 minutes

10300:08:05,900 --> 00:08:09,050前舱 三个货舱 和六号锅炉室进水in the forepeak, in all three

holds, and in Boiler Room 6

10400:08:09,140 --> 00:08:11,980-对 -什么时候开船?-That's right, sir -When can we get underway,

damn it?

10500:08:12,060 --> 00:08:14,020有五个舱进水That's five compartments

10600:08:15,660 --> 00:08:18,180四处进水还没问题She can stay afloat with the first four

compartments breached

10700:08:18,260 --> 00:08:19,660五处就不行了but not five


10800:08:20,100 --> 00:08:21,300五处不行了Not five

10900:08:21,500 --> 00:08:23,020船头会先下沉As she goes down by the head

11000:08:23,100 --> 00:08:26,250水会从E层溢过防水隔板the water will spill over the tops of the

bulkheads at E deck

11100:08:26,580 --> 00:08:28,890到下一个舱from one to the next, back and back

11200:08:29,060 --> 00:08:30,860一直往后淹 没法阻隔There's no stopping it

11300:08:30,940 --> 00:08:32,260用水泵抽水呢The pumps We open the pumps

11400:08:32,340 --> 00:08:35,020抽水只能拖延几分钟The pumps buy you time, but minutes only

11500:08:36,060 --> 00:08:38,340现在不管做什么From this moment, no matter what we do

11600:08:39,100 --> 00:08:40,820泰坦尼克号都会沉没Titanic will founder

11700:08:43,420 --> 00:08:44,820但这艘船不会沉But this ship can't sink

11800:08:44,900 --> 00:08:48,690她是铁做的 我保证能沉 而且会沉She's made of iron, sir I assure

you, she can And she will

11900:08:49,780 --> 00:08:51,660绝对错不了It is a mathematical certainty

12000:08:56,140 --> 00:08:57,580有多少时间?How much time?

12100:09:04,740 --> 00:09:06,940一小时 最多两小时An hour Two, at most

12200:09:12,980 --> 00:09:15,290船上有多少人 穆先生?And how many aboard, Mr Murdoch?

12300:09:15,460 --> 00:09:17,690有两千两百人2,200 souls on board, sir

12400:09:24,700 --> 00:09:27,660这下可以上头条了 伊先生Well, I believe you may get your

headlines, Mr


12500:09:44,100 --> 00:09:46,330你真是个贱货Oh, it is a little slut, isn't it?

12600:09:47,060 --> 00:09:49,050看着我 我在跟你讲话You look at me when I'm talking to you!

12700:09:49,220 --> 00:09:51,340-霍先生 -别吵 我们在忙-Mr Hockley? -Not now We're busy

12800:09:51,420 --> 00:09:54,140请穿上救生衣 到救生艇甲板Sir, I've been told to ask you to put

on your lifebelts

12900:09:54,220 --> 00:09:56,210-上救生艇 -我说等一下-and come up to the boat deck -I said, not


13000:09:56,300 --> 00:09:59,290对不起 这是船长的命令I'm sorry to inconvenience you, Mr Hockley,

but it's Captain's orders

13100:09:59,380 --> 00:10:01,260请多穿点衣服Now please, dress warmly

13200:10:01,540 --> 00:10:03,610外头很冷It's quite cold out tonight

13300:10:03,980 --> 00:10:06,500请穿外套 戴帽子Now, may I suggest topcoats and hats?

13400:10:06,980 --> 00:10:08,650真是荒唐This is ridiculous

13500:10:09,340 --> 00:10:12,620别担心 小姐 只是以防万一Not to worry, miss I'm sure it's just

a precaution

13600:10:13,060 --> 00:10:14,890起来 穿上救生衣Everybody up Lifebelts on

13700:10:16,900 --> 00:10:18,620他吵什么吵?What's he on about?

13800:10:18,700 --> 00:10:20,980-所有人 穿上救生衣 -怎么啦?-Everybody up Put your lifebelts on

-What's the ruckus?

13900:10:21,060 --> 00:10:22,340穿上就对了Just put your lifebelts on

14000:10:23,780 --> 00:10:24,770CQD?CQD?

14100:10:25,460 --> 00:10:26,530长官?Sir?

14200:10:28,060 --> 00:10:30,180对 CQD 求救信号That's right, CQD, the distress call


14300:10:30,660 --> 00:10:31,980那是我们的位置That's our position

14400:10:37,180 --> 00:10:39,650就说我们要沉船了Tell whoever responds that we're going down by

the head

14500:10:39,740 --> 00:10:41,620而且需要紧急救援and need immediate assistance

14600:10:50,140 --> 00:10:51,340我的天Blimey

14700:11:01,340 --> 00:11:02,660再来 再来Keep lowering!

14800:11:08,660 --> 00:11:12,260慢点 稳住 拉紧 绞盘伸出来Steady! Make it taut! And winch out!

14900:11:17,220 --> 00:11:20,370揭开救生艇帆布 全部揭开Uncover this boat! Uncover all the boats


15000:11:20,460 --> 00:11:22,130绳子解开Release those ties!

15100:11:22,340 --> 00:11:25,100快把帆布揭开Roll back that cover! Smartly now!

15200:11:25,620 --> 00:11:27,260伍尔德先生 乘客呢?Mr Wilde, where are the passengers?

15300:11:27,340 --> 00:11:30,620进去了 嫌外头又吵又冷They've all gone back inside Too damn cold

and noisy for them

15400:11:30,700 --> 00:11:31,740你过来You there!

15500:11:32,700 --> 00:11:34,610帮忙把绳索解开Get down here and help with these lines!

15600:11:48,540 --> 00:11:50,370要不要来杯酒?Care for a drink, sir?

15700:11:51,460 --> 00:11:52,740请把救生衣穿上Please put your lifebelts on

15800:11:52,820 --> 00:11:54,490怎么回事?Sonny, what's doing?

15900:11:54,620 --> 00:11:57,420叫我们穿这个在这里耗You got us all trussed up here and now we're

cooling our heels

16000:11:57,500 --> 00:11:59,410对不起 我去问题一下Sorry, ma'am Let me go find out

16100:12:00,260 --> 00:12:03,020没人知道怎么回事I don't think anybody knows what the hell's

going on around here

16200:12:03,100 --> 00:12:05,860傻B英国佬就是这样 一板一眼It's just the goddamned English,

doing everything by the book

16300:12:05,940 --> 00:12:08,660不必骂人 霍先生There's no need for language, Mr Hockley

16400:12:08,900 --> 00:12:11,180回去把暖炉开上Go back and turn the heaters on in our rooms

16500:12:11,260 --> 00:12:13,060等会儿我要喝茶I'd like a cup of tea when I return

16600:12:13,140 --> 00:12:14,940-好的女士 -好的女士-Yes, ma'am -Yes, ma'am

16700:12:24,140 --> 00:12:25,620安先生Mr Andrews

16800:12:27,060 --> 00:12:29,970我看见冰山了 你的眼神也是这么的告诉我I saw the iceberg And I

see it in your eyes

16900:12:30,340 --> 00:12:31,740请跟我说实话Please tell me the truth

17000:12:39,980 --> 00:12:41,650船要沉了The ship will sink

17100:12:43,300 --> 00:12:44,890-你确定吗? -对-You're certain? -Yes

17200:12:45,180 --> 00:12:46,850再一小时左右In an hour or so

17300:12:47,620 --> 00:12:50,690这一切就会沉到大西洋底all this will be at the bottom of the


17400:12:51,380 --> 00:12:52,420什么?What?

17500:12:52,500 --> 00:12:54,460请只跟亲近的人说Please, tell only who you must

17600:12:54,540 --> 00:12:56,690我不想让大家惊慌I don't want to be responsible for a panic

17700:12:56,860 --> 00:12:59,420快上救生艇 别再等了And get to a boat Quickly Don't wait

17800:13:00,460 --> 00:13:03,300记得我们谈过救生艇的事吗?You remember what I told you about the



17900:13:05,620 --> 00:13:06,660记得Yes

18000:13:08,540 --> 00:13:09,980我明白I understand

18100:13:14,140 --> 00:13:16,450女士 请您立即穿上Yes, madam, please put it on immediately

18200:13:17,660 --> 00:13:19,140过来 孩子Over here, son

18300:13:19,980 --> 00:13:22,370二等舱的保管处一团乱Sir, they need you up at the second-class

purser's office

18400:13:22,460 --> 00:13:25,340-发生骚乱了 -你去 我看着他-There's a big mob up there -Go on

I'll keep an eye on him

18500:13:25,860 --> 00:13:27,220好Aye Right

18600:13:40,580 --> 00:13:41,650长官Sir!

18700:13:41,740 --> 00:13:44,100卡佩西亚号在全速赶来救援Carpathia says they're making 17 knots

18800:13:44,180 --> 00:13:46,06017节航速Full steam for them, sir

18900:13:47,340 --> 00:13:48,900只有她回应吗?She's the only one who's responding?

19000:13:48,980 --> 00:13:50,380是离我们最近的The only one close, sir

19100:13:50,460 --> 00:13:52,580四个小时可以到Says they can be here in four hours

19200:13:53,100 --> 00:13:54,420四个小时?Four hours!

19300:13:59,540 --> 00:14:01,100谢谢Thank you, Bride

19400:14:05,420 --> 00:14:06,570天呐My God

19500:14:15,820 --> 00:14:18,050救生艇都准备好了We are swung out and ready, sir

19600:14:19,180 --> 00:14:22,380要不要让妇女小孩先上船?Hadn't we better get the women and

children into the boats, sir?

19700:14:24,860 --> 00:14:25,980对Yes

19800:14:26,060 --> 00:14:27,100长官?Sir?

19900:14:29,660 --> 00:14:32,860对 妇孺先上船Women and children first, yes

20000:14:34,220 --> 00:14:35,450是的 长官Yes, sir

20100:14:38,260 --> 00:14:41,300各位先生女士 请注意Ladies and gentlemen, your attention,


20200:14:41,620 --> 00:14:43,850请过来 对了Step this way, please That's right

20300:14:44,020 --> 00:14:46,330到这边来 谢谢Come towards me Thank you

20400:14:47,780 --> 00:14:48,850好Good

20500:14:49,020 --> 00:14:52,900先请妇女和小孩上船For the time being, I shall require only women

and children

20600:14:53,180 --> 00:14:55,220-先生们 -这边-Gentlemen, please -Right here

20700:14:55,300 --> 00:14:58,930船长有交代 要避免慌乱All right, boys Like the Captain said, nice

and cheery, so there's no panic

20800:14:59,980 --> 00:15:01,540"婚礼舞会Wedding Dance

20900:15:09,340 --> 00:15:11,620穿上救生衣Lifebelts on Put your lifebelts on

21000:15:13,140 --> 00:15:14,780来 穿上Here, put your lifebelt on

21100:15:14,860 --> 00:15:16,900来 穿上救生衣Yeah, come on Put your lifebelt on

21200:15:16,980 --> 00:15:18,540转过去Turn that around

21300:15:19,580 --> 00:15:20,780劳驾Please

21400:15:22,740 --> 00:15:25,130上船时间还没到It isn't time to go up to the boats yet!

21500:15:25,500 --> 00:15:26,980请保持冷静Please stay calm


21600:15:27,060 --> 00:15:30,740务必穿上救生衣Make sure, everybody, you've got your lifebelts


21700:15:30,820 --> 00:15:33,500让妇女小孩到前面And, gentlemen, allow the women and children

through to the front

21800:15:33,580 --> 00:15:35,890-妈 我们在干嘛? -等候 宝贝-What are we doing, Mommy? -We're

just waiting, dear

21900:15:35,980 --> 00:15:38,370先等头等舱的人上船后When they finish putting first-class people

in the boats

22000:15:38,460 --> 00:15:41,500就轮到我们 我们要准备好they will be starting with us and we'll

want to be all ready, won't we?

22100:15:41,580 --> 00:15:43,020大火 不要忙Everybody, not just right yet

22200:15:43,100 --> 00:15:44,930推也没有用Don't push on the gates You won't get out any faster

22300:15:45,020 --> 00:15:46,380-去找人帮忙 -去找人帮忙-Someone help -Go and get some help

22400:15:46,460 --> 00:15:48,930降下去 两边一起Lower it away, left and right together!

22500:15:51,100 --> 00:15:53,380慢一点 两边一起Both sides together! Steady!

22600:15:54,180 --> 00:15:55,380慢一点Steady!

22700:15:58,420 --> 00:15:59,900停Stop!

22800:16:00,900 --> 00:16:02,570左边别动Hold the left side!

22900:16:02,660 --> 00:16:04,860只降右边Right side only!

23000:16:05,180 --> 00:16:07,490右边 左边别动 降右边Right side only Hold the left side!

23100:16:08,860 --> 00:16:10,580两边一起降Lower away together!

23200:16:12,300 --> 00:16:13,740稳住Steady, lads!

23300:16:59,460 --> 00:17:02,420你知道吗? 我想船真的要沉了You know, I do believe this ship may


23400:17:04,900 --> 00:17:08,690我奉命向你聊表谢意I've been asked to give you this small token

of our appreciation

23500:17:11,580 --> 00:17:13,970是霍先生的美意Compliments of Mr Caledon Hockley

23600:17:20,660 --> 00:17:23,420走这边 你听见了 上船Come on, sister You heard the man Into the


23700:17:23,780 --> 00:17:26,610有位子给绅士吗?Any room for a gentleman, gentlemen?

23800:17:25,660 --> 00:17:28,140目前让妇孺先上Only women at this time, sir

23900:17:30,100 --> 00:17:33,810救生艇有分级吗?Will the lifeboats be seated according to class?

24000:17:34,300 --> 00:17:37,360希望不会太挤I hope they're not too crowded

24100:17:37,620 --> 00:17:41,290妈 够了Oh, Mother, shut up!

24200:17:40,340 --> 00:17:41,820你还不明白吗Don't you understand?

24300:17:41,900 --> 00:17:44,180海水很冰 而且救生艇不够The water is freezing and there aren't

enough boats

24400:17:44,260 --> 00:17:45,900差了一半Not enough by half

24500:17:46,260 --> 00:17:48,490一半的人会死Half the people on this ship are going to die

24600:17:48,780 --> 00:17:50,500不是好的那一半Not the better half

24700:17:52,180 --> 00:17:56,020头等舱位子在这里Come on, Ruth, get in the boat First-class seats

are right up here

24800:17:56,700 --> 00:17:58,740可惜那幅画没带You know, it's a pity I didn't keep that drawing

24900:17:58,820 --> 00:18:00,700明天可就值钱了It'll be worth a lot more by morning


25000:18:00,780 --> 00:18:03,740妇女和孩子请上前Women and children towards the front, please

25100:18:03,820 --> 00:18:06,210你这人真坏You unimaginable bastard

25200:18:07,140 --> 00:18:09,780快来 萝丝 还有位子Come on, Rose, darling There's plenty of room

for you

25300:18:09,860 --> 00:18:10,980这边走 小姐Right this way, miss

25400:18:11,060 --> 00:18:12,460萝丝 该你了Come on, Rose

25500:18:12,540 --> 00:18:14,260该你了 亲爱的You're next, darling

25600:18:14,420 --> 00:18:16,330上来 萝丝Come into the boat, Rose

25700:18:17,460 --> 00:18:18,530来啊Come

25800:18:18,980 --> 00:18:20,050萝丝Rose?

25900:18:21,100 --> 00:18:23,630快上船Get into the boat

26000:18:23,060 --> 00:18:24,130萝丝?Rose?

26100:18:25,580 --> 00:18:27,140妈 再见了Goodbye, Mother

26200:18:28,740 --> 00:18:29,810萝丝Rose?

26300:18:30,260 --> 00:18:32,650-萝丝 回来 -你去哪里-Rose, come back here

-Where are you going?26400:18:33,140 --> 00:18:34,290去找他?To him?

26500:18:34,420 --> 00:18:36,330去当那混混的妓女?What, to be a whore to a gutter rat?

26600:18:36,420 --> 00:18:37,410等等No, wait

26700:18:37,500 --> 00:18:40,140总比当你的妻子好I'd rather be his whore than your wife

26800:18:43,140 --> 00:18:44,130我不准No!

26900:18:44,700 --> 00:18:46,060我说不行I said, no!

27000:18:47,740 --> 00:18:49,650萝丝 别去Rose, please stop!

27100:18:51,340 --> 00:18:52,900-放下去 -停一下-Lower away! -No, stop!

27200:18:52,980 --> 00:18:54,620-一起下水 -停一下-All together -No, wait!

27300:18:54,700 --> 00:18:56,020下水Lower away!

27400:18:56,180 --> 00:18:57,300萝丝Rose!

27500:19:03,460 --> 00:19:04,530救命Help!

27600:19:05,260 --> 00:19:07,250有没有人听得见?Can anybody hear me?

27700:19:08,380 --> 00:19:10,260喂 救命Hello! Help me!

27800:19:20,060 --> 00:19:21,380安先生?Mr Andrews!

27900:19:24,660 --> 00:19:27,220-斯图瓦特 检查右舷的通道 -是 安德鲁先生-Steward, check the

starboard corridor -Yes, Mr Andrews

28000:19:27,300 --> 00:19:30,100穿救生衣 到救生艇甲板Madam, please, put on a lifebelt Get to

the boat deck immediately

28100:19:30,180 --> 00:19:32,740露西 穿上救生衣 做个榜样Lucy, for God's sake, put on a lifebelt

and set a good example

28200:19:32,820 --> 00:19:34,050是 先生Yes, sir

28300:19:34,500 --> 00:19:36,700-里头有人吗? -安先生-Anyone in here? -Mr Andrews?

28400:19:36,980 --> 00:19:38,020谢天谢地Thank God

28500:19:38,100 --> 00:19:40,660被逮捕的人会被带到哪?Where would the master-at-arms take

someone under arrest?

28600:19:40,980 --> 00:19:43,420你必须快点坐上救生艇-You have to get to a boat right away

-No!28700:19:43,500 --> 00:19:45,730你帮不帮忙 我都得去I'm doing this with or without your help,



28800:19:45,820 --> 00:19:47,780你不帮我 就很耗时间But without will take longer

28900:19:49,060 --> 00:19:51,860坐升降梯下到底Take the elevator to the very bottom Go to the


29000:19:51,940 --> 00:19:55,490左转走船员通道 右转 到楼梯左转Down the crewmen's passage, then

go right and left again at the stairs

29100:19:55,580 --> 00:19:57,020就到一条长的走廊You'll come to a long corridor

29200:20:01,100 --> 00:20:02,740事态严重了This could be bad

29300:20:06,860 --> 00:20:08,060糟了Oh, shit!

29400:20:14,660 --> 00:20:16,410对不起 谢谢Excuse me Thank you

29500:20:17,780 --> 00:20:20,010-我不管你怎么想 -电梯关了-I do not care what you think, sir

-Lifts are closed

29600:20:20,100 --> 00:20:22,860抱歉小姐 升降梯停用了I'm sorry, miss, but the lifts are closed

29700:20:23,820 --> 00:20:27,290妈的 我礼貌够了 送我下去I'm through being polite, God damn it!

Now, take me down!

29800:20:28,980 --> 00:20:30,100到E层E deck

29900:20:33,540 --> 00:20:34,740快Come on

30000:20:53,540 --> 00:20:55,180-我要上去了 -不要-I'm going back up -No

30100:21:00,660 --> 00:21:03,970回来 我要上去了Come back! I'm going back up!

30200:21:12,300 --> 00:21:13,740船员通道Crew passage

30300:21:35,860 --> 00:21:36,980杰克Jack!

30400:21:49,300 --> 00:21:50,340萝丝Rose!

30500:21:51,340 --> 00:21:52,330杰克Jack!

30600:21:52,420 --> 00:21:54,010萝丝 我在这里Rose, I'm in here!

30700:21:55,340 --> 00:21:56,330杰克Jack!

30800:21:57,340 --> 00:21:58,380-杰克 -萝丝-Jack! -Rose!

30900:21:58,460 --> 00:22:01,020杰克 对不起Jack! Jack, I'm sorry

31000:22:01,580 --> 00:22:03,650真是抱歉I'm sorry I'm so sorry

31100:22:04,660 --> 00:22:08,180-是赖福杰栽的赃 -我知道-That guy, Lovejoy, put it in my pocket

-I know I know

31200:22:08,260 --> 00:22:09,410萝丝Listen, Rose

31300:22:09,500 --> 00:22:11,540快去找备份钥匙you're gonna have to find a spare key, all right?

31400:22:11,620 --> 00:22:13,610柜子找找看Look in that cabinet right there

31500:22:13,940 --> 00:22:16,170银制的小钥匙It's a little silver one, Rose

31600:22:17,060 --> 00:22:18,050银的Silver

31700:22:18,660 --> 00:22:20,620这些都是铜的These are all brass ones!

31800:22:20,860 --> 00:22:22,690这边找找看Check right here, Rose

31900:22:26,620 --> 00:22:27,820萝丝Rose

32000:22:28,980 --> 00:22:31,050你怎么发现我没偷?how'd you find out I didn't do it?

32100:22:31,220 --> 00:22:33,940我只是意识到不可能I didn't I just realized I already knew

32200:22:36,460 --> 00:22:37,900快找Keep looking

32300:22:46,380 --> 00:22:48,820没有钥匙 没钥匙No key There's no key!

32400:22:48,900 --> 00:22:49,940听好 听好All right, Rose, listen

32500:22:50,020 --> 00:22:52,010好 你去找人帮忙You're gonna have to go find some help

32600:22:52,500 --> 00:22:54,020我没事的It'll be all right


32700:22:58,180 --> 00:22:59,850我马上回来I'll be right back

32800:23:07,020 --> 00:23:08,740我在这等你I'll just wait here!

32900:23:21,220 --> 00:23:23,290喂?有人在吗?Hello? Is there anyone here?

33000:23:23,700 --> 00:23:24,820这里有人吗?Hello?

33100:23:25,620 --> 00:23:27,690这里有人吗?Is there anybody down here?

33200:23:28,340 --> 00:23:30,060我们需要帮忙 喂?We need help! Hello?

33300:23:31,820 --> 00:23:33,020妈的Damn it

33400:23:38,740 --> 00:23:41,180有人听得见吗?喂?Can anybody hear me, please? Hello?

33500:23:44,420 --> 00:23:45,650谢天谢地Oh, thank God

33600:23:45,780 --> 00:23:48,900我需要帮忙 有个人在里面Wait, I need your help There's a man back


33700:23:49,220 --> 00:23:50,210等一下Wait!

33800:24:22,260 --> 00:24:23,700小姐 你不该到这里来的Miss, you shouldn't be here now

33900:24:23,780 --> 00:24:26,220-我要你帮忙 -这里危险 我带你上去-I need your help -We'll get

you topside This way, quickly

34000:24:26,300 --> 00:24:27,700这里有个人被困住了There's a man down here He's trapped

34100:24:27,780 --> 00:24:30,060-这边 别慌张 -拜托-This way There is no need to panic -Please!

34200:24:30,140 --> 00:24:32,820我没慌 走错方向了No, I'm not panicking! You're going the wrong


34300:24:33,100 --> 00:24:34,820放开 听我说Let go of me! Listen!

34400:24:39,940 --> 00:24:41,530管你的The hell with you

34500:25:17,460 --> 00:25:18,820我的天Oh, my God

34600:26:05,260 --> 00:26:06,330杰克Jack!

34700:26:06,820 --> 00:26:07,890萝丝Rose!

34800:26:08,980 --> 00:26:10,460这个行不行?Will this work?

34900:26:11,380 --> 00:26:13,610我们只有试试看了I guess we'll find out Come on

35000:26:16,980 --> 00:26:18,050等一下Wait

35100:26:18,340 --> 00:26:20,300先在那边试砍几下Try a couple of practice swings over there

35200:26:26,020 --> 00:26:29,730好 再砍同样的位置 你能做到的Good Now try to hit the same mark

again, Rose You can do it

35300:26:35,340 --> 00:26:37,090好 练够了Okay That's enough practice

35400:26:37,420 --> 00:26:39,010来 把它砍断Come on, Rose You can do it

35500:26:39,820 --> 00:26:42,860用力 很快的砍下去Listen, just hit it really hard and really fast

35600:26:44,780 --> 00:26:46,140等一下Come on Wait

35700:26:46,260 --> 00:26:47,850两只手张开一点Open your hands up a little more

35800:26:47,940 --> 00:26:49,010-好 -这样吗?-Good -Like that?

35900:26:49,100 --> 00:26:50,250对Right

36000:26:50,500 --> 00:26:52,460萝丝听着 我信任你Listen, Rose, I trust you

36100:26:57,260 --> 00:26:58,250来吧Go

36200:27:04,060 --> 00:27:05,210成功了You did it!

36300:27:05,580 --> 00:27:07,140走吧Come on, let's go

36400:27:07,260 --> 00:27:09,090好冷 糟糕Oh, shit, this is cold!

36500:27:16,980 --> 00:27:18,700那是出路This is the way out

36600:27:18,900 --> 00:27:21,370我们得另外找出路We have to find another way Come on


36700:27:34,940 --> 00:27:37,380这景象可不是天天都有Now there's something you don't see every


36800:27:58,660 --> 00:28:01,940怎么还带行李? 丢掉 让出空间What's this luggage doing here? Get

rid of it

We need the room

36900:28:02,020 --> 00:28:03,580全扔掉Get rid of that! Out!

37000:28:03,980 --> 00:28:07,020来 该走了 退后Come Time for her to go, sir Step back

37100:28:07,100 --> 00:28:09,250-保持冷静 -不-Keep calm Sit down -No

37200:28:09,540 --> 00:28:11,900-不 -誊出空间-No! -Make more room

37300:28:12,940 --> 00:28:14,610那样就好That's right Look sharp

37400:28:15,500 --> 00:28:16,650赖福杰Lovejoy

37500:28:16,740 --> 00:28:18,860她也不在右舷he's not on the starboard side, either

37600:28:19,140 --> 00:28:20,290时间不多了We're running out of time

37700:28:20,380 --> 00:28:23,420这老古板不让男人上船This strutting martinet isn't letting any

men on at all

37800:28:23,660 --> 00:28:26,130另一边可以上There's one on the other side letting men on

37900:28:26,220 --> 00:28:27,660那就从那边上Then that's our play

38000:28:27,900 --> 00:28:30,540但要买个保险We'll need some insurance first Come on

38100:28:30,620 --> 00:28:33,300这边请 这边Come on, this way, please All the way down there

38200:28:35,740 --> 00:28:36,810这里Here!

38300:28:37,580 --> 00:28:39,780你们搞什么名堂?What do you think you're doing?

38400:28:39,860 --> 00:28:41,930你们要赔偿的You'll have to pay for that, you know

38500:28:42,060 --> 00:28:44,780-那是公司的财产 -闭嘴-That's White Star Line property -Shut up!

38600:28:46,420 --> 00:28:49,890等一下 我去拿东西Will you hold the boat a moment? I just have

to run back to my room

38700:28:49,980 --> 00:28:52,940-坐下 -她是最后一个-Sit down -She's the last

38800:28:53,020 --> 00:28:56,780船怎么半满就降下?Mr Lightoller, why are the boats being launched


38900:28:56,860 --> 00:28:58,530-我们在忙 安先生 -看-Not now, Mr Andrews -There, look

39000:28:58,660 --> 00:29:01,180一艘可乘65个人的船 才坐了20个人左右?Twenty or so in a boat

built for 65?39100:29:01,260 --> 00:29:03,620还有一艘只坐了十二人And I saw one boat with only

twelve Twelve!

39200:29:03,700 --> 00:29:06,420我们怕太重 救生艇承受不了We weren't sure of the weight, Mr


39300:29:06,500 --> 00:29:08,730-怕救生艇沉没 -胡说八道-These boats may buckle -Rubbish!

39400:29:08,940 --> 00:29:11,500它能承受七十人的重量They were tested in Belfast with the weight

of 70 men

39500:29:11,580 --> 00:29:14,540把船都装满 莱先生Now fill these boats, Mr Lightoller For God's

sake, man!

39600:29:21,380 --> 00:29:24,180多来几位女士和小孩Please, I need more women and children!

39700:29:28,820 --> 00:29:31,180这不是出口 退回去Get back in there! This is not an exit

39800:29:31,260 --> 00:29:32,820退回去Get back in there

39900:29:35,340 --> 00:29:39,020你不能把我们这样 像野兽一样关着 船要沉了You can't keep us

locked in here like animals The ship's bloody sinking


40000:29:39,100 --> 00:29:41,140让女的出来Bring forward the women

40100:29:41,220 --> 00:29:43,180把锁打开Unlock the gates

40200:29:43,540 --> 00:29:45,180妇女先出来Women only!

40300:29:58,100 --> 00:29:59,620把门锁上Lock the gates!

40400:30:07,700 --> 00:30:10,740看在老天爷的分上 里头有女人跟小孩For God's sake, man, there are

women and children down here!

40500:30:10,860 --> 00:30:13,460让我们上去逃生Let us up, so we can have a chance!

40600:30:13,740 --> 00:30:14,970回去Get back!

40700:30:18,300 --> 00:30:19,580-杰克 -托米-Jack -Tommy

40800:30:19,660 --> 00:30:21,460-出得去吗? -这里出不去-Can we get out? -It's hopeless that way

40900:30:21,540 --> 00:30:23,580要快想办法Whatever we do, we've got to do it fast

41000:30:23,700 --> 00:30:24,900杰克Jack!

41100:30:24,980 --> 00:30:26,210法布里吉欧Fabrizio

41200:30:26,660 --> 00:30:27,940救生艇都下水了The boats are all gone

41300:30:28,020 --> 00:30:29,980这地方要给淹了 我们得赶快逃This whole place is flooding We've

got to get out

41400:30:30,060 --> 00:30:31,940-这里不行 -这边-There is niente this way -All right

41500:30:32,060 --> 00:30:33,730走这边 走这边Let's go this way, all right? Come on

41600:30:39,300 --> 00:30:41,580-我都是靠自己 -我也是-I make my own luck -So do I

41700:30:49,420 --> 00:30:50,620快Come on!

41800:30:51,260 --> 00:30:52,780不 走这边No, come on, let's go this way

41900:31:01,700 --> 00:31:02,980这边This way

42000:31:03,060 --> 00:31:07,180到大楼梯间 问题题就解决了Just go back to the main stairwell and

everything will be sorted out there

42100:31:07,260 --> 00:31:08,250会的The hell it will

42200:31:08,580 --> 00:31:11,860问题题在那里解决It will all get sorted out back there Go back

to the main stairwell

42300:31:11,980 --> 00:31:13,970-开门 -回到大厅楼梯间-Open the gate -Go back down the main


42400:31:14,060 --> 00:31:15,050快开门Open the gate right now

42500:31:15,140 --> 00:31:17,500我说了 到大楼梯间Go back down the main stairwell like I told


42600:31:19,620 --> 00:31:22,220妈的 混蛋God damn it! Son of a bitch!

42700:31:22,380 --> 00:31:23,660别这样Stop that!

42800:31:23,820 --> 00:31:25,570打开这操娘的门Open the damn gate!

42900:31:28,140 --> 00:31:29,340法布里 汤米 帮我忙Fabri, Tommy, give me hand here

43000:31:29,420 --> 00:31:31,570-让开 -拉-Move aside Move aside! -Pull!

43100:31:32,660 --> 00:31:33,730让开Pull!

43200:31:34,460 --> 00:31:36,610-让开 -把那个放下-Move aside -Put that down!

43300:31:36,700 --> 00:31:38,340-让开 -把那个放下-Move aside! -Put that down!

43400:31:38,420 --> 00:31:40,460-一 二 -停下-One! Two! -Stop that!

43500:31:40,660 --> 00:31:41,650三Three!

43600:31:43,780 --> 00:31:44,770再一次Again!

43700:31:46,900 --> 00:31:48,130我们走Let's go!


43800:31:50,060 --> 00:31:51,100走 萝丝Let's go, Rose

43900:31:51,180 --> 00:31:53,380不能从这里上去You can't go up there! You can't do this!

44000:31:59,780 --> 00:32:01,450保持好秩序Keep order here!

44100:32:01,540 --> 00:32:03,660退后 退后Get back Get back!

44200:32:08,540 --> 00:32:10,020抓紧Hold on to her!

44300:32:10,980 --> 00:32:12,130把她拉进来Pull her in

44400:32:12,780 --> 00:32:14,850退后Get back, I say

44500:32:15,060 --> 00:32:17,530不然我宰了你们or I'll shoot you all like dogs!

44600:32:17,620 --> 00:32:18,850保持秩序Keep order here!

44700:32:20,420 --> 00:32:21,940叫你们保持秩序Keep order, I say

44800:32:23,500 --> 00:32:25,380娄先生 你来负责Mr Lowe, man this boat

44900:32:29,620 --> 00:32:30,690好Right

45000:32:30,780 --> 00:32:33,540大家没事吧?大家别慌Is everybody all right? Nobody panic

45100:32:39,620 --> 00:32:40,850退后Stay back!

45200:32:41,540 --> 00:32:42,690太迟了We're too late

45300:32:42,780 --> 00:32:44,660前面还有船There are more boats down the front

45400:32:44,740 --> 00:32:47,780跟着姓穆的 他好像还算通情理Stay with this one Murdoch He seems

to be quite practical

45500:32:49,700 --> 00:32:51,180先别下水Stop lowering!

45600:32:52,300 --> 00:32:53,530先别下水Stop lowering!

45700:32:53,860 --> 00:32:55,180割断绳子Cut the falls!

45800:33:01,860 --> 00:33:03,180坐下Sit down!

45900:33:04,220 --> 00:33:06,610退后 退后Stay back, you lot! Just stay back!

46000:33:06,820 --> 00:33:09,260全都退后Stay back, the lot of you! Just stay back!

46100:33:11,780 --> 00:33:14,340开始乱了 时间不多It's starting to fall apart We don't have much


46200:33:15,780 --> 00:33:16,980穆先生Mr Murdoch?

46300:33:17,100 --> 00:33:19,780霍先生 你们俩跟着Mr Hockley You two, with me, now!4

6400:33:20,100 --> 00:33:23,300我是生意人 想跟你做个买卖I'm a businessman, as you know, I have

a business proposition for you

46500:33:30,700 --> 00:33:31,850来 萝丝Come on, Rose

46600:33:35,140 --> 00:33:36,890船都没了The boats are gone!

46700:33:41,540 --> 00:33:43,130上校 另一边有船吗?Colonel, are there any boats on that side?

46800:33:43,220 --> 00:33:45,610那边没有 不过前面有两艘No, miss, but there are a couple of boats

all the way forward

46900:33:45,700 --> 00:33:47,260我带路This way, I'll lead you

47000:33:53,260 --> 00:33:55,940这样有用吗?都没人在听What's the use? Nobody's listening to us


47100:33:56,460 --> 00:34:00,250吃饭时也没人听 继续拉 才不会冻着They don't listen to us at

dinner, either

Come on, let's play Keep us warm

47200:34:01,620 --> 00:34:02,740"奥菲斯在冥府"Orpheus

47300:34:07,500 --> 00:34:10,340沉船还有配乐 肯定是头等舱Music to drown by Now I know I'm in

first class


47400:34:15,380 --> 00:34:18,340-大家跑哪去了? -都在船尾-Where is everyone? -They're all still

aft, sir

47500:34:18,540 --> 00:34:20,020夫人 别哭Come on, madam, don't cry

47600:34:20,740 --> 00:34:22,940我们谈妥了We have an understanding, then, Mr Murdoch

47700:34:33,620 --> 00:34:37,410请大家退后 我说退后Will the men please hold back? Hold back,

I say!

47800:34:39,980 --> 00:34:43,530妇女小孩优先Women and children only! Get back!

47900:34:43,980 --> 00:34:46,050退后 我说退后 过来 太太I said, step back, sir Come through,


48000:34:46,140 --> 00:34:47,940先生 退回去This way Step back, sir!

48100:34:48,020 --> 00:34:49,010让妇女先Let the women

48200:34:49,100 --> 00:34:51,140去看看另一头You better check the other side Go!

48300:34:58,660 --> 00:35:02,180我找到她了 她在另一边 在等着上船I found her, on the other side

Waiting for a boat

48400:35:02,820 --> 00:35:03,970跟他一起with him

48500:35:05,140 --> 00:35:07,780-还有妇女小孩吗? -都上全了 穆先生-Any more women and children?

-They're all aboard, Mr Murdoch

48600:35:07,860 --> 00:35:09,380还有人吗?Anyone else then?

48700:35:10,340 --> 00:35:11,700-上来 先生 -还有吗-Hop on, sir -Anyone else?

48800:35:11,780 --> 00:35:13,610动作快点Do hurry Hurry along

48900:35:16,820 --> 00:35:18,180准备下落Stand by the falls

49000:35:18,260 --> 00:35:20,060都下地狱去吧God damn it all to hell

49100:35:22,540 --> 00:35:23,580妈的Shit

49200:35:23,660 --> 00:35:24,650开火Fire!

49300:35:25,780 --> 00:35:27,980不能从这里过去Sir, you can't go through here

49400:35:28,340 --> 00:35:30,140不能从这里过去Sir, you can't go through

49500:35:31,900 --> 00:35:33,860对 好极了That's it Splendid Right

49600:35:38,060 --> 00:35:39,420准备下水Prepare to lower!

49700:35:41,660 --> 00:35:43,250左边好了Ready on the left!

49800:35:49,100 --> 00:35:50,420下水Take them down

49900:35:55,260 --> 00:35:56,540稳一点Keep it steady

50000:35:58,980 --> 00:36:02,290两边一起下降 稳一点Both sides together Steady Keep it steady

50100:36:03,820 --> 00:36:05,890-孩子交给我 -爸爸-Give her to me -Daddy

50200:36:06,180 --> 00:36:08,740-没关系 别怕 -抱好她-It'll be fine, darling Don't you worry

-Take her

50300:36:08,820 --> 00:36:10,540爸爸上船Daddy, get in the boat

50400:36:10,620 --> 00:36:13,930只是分开一小会而已 一下下而已It's goodbye for a little while

Only for a little while

50500:36:14,020 --> 00:36:15,660爸爸要坐另一艘船There'll be another boat for the daddies

50600:36:15,740 --> 00:36:17,410这艘船是为妈妈和你们准备的this boat's for the mommies and the


50700:36:17,500 --> 00:36:20,260抓紧妈的手 要乖You hold Mommy's hand and be a good little girl

50800:36:20,940 --> 00:36:22,140你不走 我也不走I'm not going without you

50900:36:22,220 --> 00:36:24,530-你非走不可 -不 杰克-No You have to go, now -No, Jack


51000:36:24,860 --> 00:36:26,420快上船Get in the boat, Rose

51100:36:26,500 --> 00:36:27,490不要No, Jack

51200:36:27,580 --> 00:36:29,300上船Yes Get on the boat

51300:36:29,500 --> 00:36:31,380对 上船吧 萝丝Yes, get on the boat, Rose

51400:36:34,460 --> 00:36:37,100看看你 样子好可怕My God Look at you You look a fright

51500:36:37,620 --> 00:36:38,660来Here

51600:36:40,260 --> 00:36:42,300把这穿上 快Put this on Come on

51700:36:47,620 --> 00:36:49,450去吧 我搭下一艘Go on I'll get the next one

51800:36:49,540 --> 00:36:51,420不 我要跟你No, not without you

51900:36:51,500 --> 00:36:53,460听我说 我没问题I'll be all right Listen, I'll be fine

52000:36:53,540 --> 00:36:55,580我很能生存 别担心我I'm a survivor, all right? Don't worry about


52100:36:55,660 --> 00:36:56,860快去Now, go on Get on

52200:36:56,940 --> 00:36:59,580我已经安排妥当I have an arrangement with an officer on the other

side of the ship

52300:36:59,660 --> 00:37:02,050杰克可以跟我走 两个一起Jack and I can get off safely Both of


52400:37:03,500 --> 00:37:05,700看吧 我有别的船好搭See? I got my own boat to catch

52500:37:05,780 --> 00:37:08,340-快 -船快要满了-Go -Come on, hurry They're almost full

52600:37:09,620 --> 00:37:10,660上船 小姐Step aboard, miss

52700:37:10,740 --> 00:37:12,100-走 -赶紧走-Go -Come on, hurry

52800:37:12,900 --> 00:37:14,940-请上船 -你是爸爸的好女儿-Step aboard, please -You're Daddy's

good girl

52900:37:15,020 --> 00:37:17,170-轻点走 -继续退后-Step lively! -Keep back

53000:37:17,300 --> 00:37:18,940继续退后Keep back, I say

53100:37:20,700 --> 00:37:22,420清障 清障Clear the rail, please

53200:37:23,420 --> 00:37:24,700下水Lower away!53300:37:28,260 --> 00:37:29,490慢慢的Steady

53400:37:32,300 --> 00:37:34,370慢慢的放下去And lower away evenly, lads

53500:37:35,100 --> 00:37:36,090轻点Easy

53600:37:36,540 --> 00:37:37,770下水Lower away

53700:37:37,860 --> 00:37:39,580你这个骗子You're a good liar

53800:37:39,740 --> 00:37:40,970还差你一点Almost as good as you

53900:37:41,060 --> 00:37:43,740轻点 下水Easy, now And lower away

54000:37:46,020 --> 00:37:49,090你没有安排吧?There's no There's no arrangement, is there?

54100:37:50,740 --> 00:37:52,260有No, there is

54200:37:52,460 --> 00:37:54,610但对你没好处Not that you'll benefit much from it

54300:37:54,700 --> 00:37:55,900平衡And even away

54400:37:56,300 --> 00:37:57,290我总是赢家I always win, Jack

54500:37:57,380 --> 00:37:59,180下水小心些And lower away evenly, lads

54600:37:59,260 --> 00:38:00,330不管用什么方法One way or another

54700:38:00,420 --> 00:38:03,100平衡那艘船Watch that trim Trim that boat

54800:38:04,180 --> 00:38:05,170小心Easy

54900:38:06,140 --> 00:38:07,420小的门 平衡Even, lads

55000:38:08,020 --> 00:38:09,340继续Keep going!


55100:38:09,420 --> 00:38:10,650继续Keep going!

55200:38:56,340 --> 00:38:57,410萝丝Rose!

55300:38:59,580 --> 00:39:00,980-拦住她 -萝丝-Stop her! -Rose!

55400:39:01,300 --> 00:39:03,210-你干嘛? -拦住她-What are you doing? -Stop her!

55500:39:04,180 --> 00:39:05,220不要No!

55600:39:22,780 --> 00:39:23,900萝丝Rose!

55700:39:27,180 --> 00:39:29,860你好傻 你这是干嘛?You're so stupid! Why did you do that?

55800:39:30,260 --> 00:39:31,930你好傻You're so stupid, Rose

55900:39:33,660 --> 00:39:35,570你为何这么做?Why did you do that? Why?

56000:39:36,140 --> 00:39:38,020你跳 我也跳 对不对?You jump, I jump, right?

56100:39:40,100 --> 00:39:41,140对Right

56200:39:44,420 --> 00:39:46,810我无法丢下你I couldn't go I couldn't go, Jack

56300:39:47,380 --> 00:39:49,740没关系 咱们在想办法It's all right We'll think of something

56400:39:50,620 --> 00:39:52,660至少跟你在一起At least I'm with you

56500:40:05,740 --> 00:40:07,060快走Come on! Move!

56600:40:08,060 --> 00:40:09,290快走Come on!

56700:40:10,140 --> 00:40:11,730快Come on! Move!

56800:40:17,820 --> 00:40:18,970快Come on!

56900:40:26,500 --> 00:40:27,540让开Move!

57000:40:33,460 --> 00:40:34,860快点 萝丝Come on, come on, Rose!

57100:40:37,180 --> 00:40:38,580快点 萝丝Rose, come on!

57200:40:41,260 --> 00:40:42,330快点 萝丝Move, Rose!

57300:40:45,340 --> 00:40:46,380走Go!

57400:40:56,300 --> 00:40:58,450希望你们相处愉快I hope you enjoy your time together!

57500:41:12,420 --> 00:41:14,220有什么好笑的?What could possibly be funny?

57600:41:15,100 --> 00:41:17,250钻石在外套口袋I put the diamond in the coat

57700:41:20,140 --> 00:41:22,130外套穿在她身上And I put the coat on her!

57800:41:23,660 --> 00:41:24,860快Come on

57900:41:43,180 --> 00:41:44,850爸爸Dada!

58000:41:47,900 --> 00:41:49,300不能丢下他We can't leave him

58100:41:53,300 --> 00:41:54,740好 快点All right, come on!

58200:41:56,420 --> 00:41:58,250爸爸Dada!

58300:42:10,620 --> 00:42:11,690往回走Go back!

58400:42:22,220 --> 00:42:24,420不能走那边 停That's the wrong way! Come back!

58500:42:30,900 --> 00:42:31,890走Go!

58600:42:34,220 --> 00:42:35,260快点Go!

58700:42:36,140 --> 00:42:37,500跑 萝丝Run, Rose!

58800:42:44,620 --> 00:42:45,610杰克Jack!

58900:42:48,820 --> 00:42:50,260-杰克 -萝丝-Jack! -Rose!

59000:43:02,540 --> 00:43:03,610这边This way!

59100:43:12,620 --> 00:43:13,610来Come on!

59200:43:14,940 --> 00:43:16,260手伸过来Give me your hand!

59300:43:24,700 --> 00:43:26,020天啊Oh, God!

59400:43:30,340 --> 00:43:31,380救命Help!

本文标签: 没有先生知道不会萝丝