


相生相成 be complementary to each other

留恋 nostalgic / wistful

惆怅 melancholy / gloomy

永不止息的 ceaseless / never-ending

Gloaming 黄昏

陆续地 successively / consecutively

Be on display 展示

疏枝交横的 scattered-branched

猛厉的 stiff / harsh / fierce

一阵风 a gust of

枯叶 withered leave

Howl (风)等呼啸

情趣 disposition and inclination

默契 tacit agreement

Implant 灌输(思想、情感、态度等)

Equilibrium 平衡、均势

Gossamer 游丝

In a blink 一瞬间

Stark 十足地

审美标准 aesthetic values

展开笑颜 crack a smile

Artery 干线、要道

不辞劳苦 spare no pains

有出息 have a bright future

完全没有睡觉 not get a wink of sleep

Break the news to sb 告诉某人消息

淡化 fade away / weaken

气质 appearance / look

吃亏 suffer a loss / be treated unfairly

锐气 vigor

千方百计地 in a thousand and one ways

眉心 between eyebrows

一股气 a gust of gas / a flow of gas

心头无绪 be at a loss / restless with anxiety

婆娑 dance / whirl

以…为前提 be premised on

人情味 human feeling / human touch

In bondage to 被…束缚

Abridge 删节

抿 take a sip

沁人心脾 refresh one’s mind

参差斑驳的 jagged

稀疏的 sparse

倩影 benign figure

Shed 发出(光)等

Gauzy 轻薄透明的

Snatch 抽空做

Checkered 多变的

狰狞的 vicious / ferocious

徒有其表 in name / just for show / superficial

火烧火燎 be burned with anxiety / be laden

with burning anxiety

怡然自得 be happy and pleased with oneself

随遇而安 be able to adapt oneself to different

circumstance / philosophical approach to life

浩渺 vast

解渴 quench one’s thirst / slake one’s thirst

Cramped 空间狭小的

At a gulp 一口气吞下

Entail 需要、牵涉

依稀地 vaguely

木纳呆傻 simple and foolish

A steak of 几分

朦胧地 hazily

沸腾 surge

驱驰 gallop

虚空 void

年代久远的 age-old

窜上 skip up

凸显 bring out

烈性 strong character

浓郁 intense / strong

Exuberant (植物等)茁壮的

Embark on sth 开始从事

潺潺小溪 babbling river

浩荡大河 mighty river

老翁 graybeard

错阴 waste time

灌注 infuse

宽阔的境界 a broad section

一泻万里 rolling on non-stop for thousands

of miles

有时…有时… now … now …

要知 / 请注意 / 讲真的 mind you

浑身 all over

就 nothing but doing


差不多 about the same / sort of

钱铺 money exchange shop

口头语 pet phrase

做学问 to go into scholarship = to engage in


省吃省穿 cut down on food and clothing /

不好意思 ill at ease

至人a virtuous man / a man of moral integrity

To wear on 缓缓消逝、慢慢地挨过

在你的庇荫下 under your wing / under you

protection and care

live frugally

不成问题、不在话下 be no object

Eat into 耗尽、花费

瘾 desire / passion for doing

坐着一口气、一下子 at one / a sitting

故态复萌 relapsing into my old habit

难以名言的 nameless = indescribable

人心不古 degeneration of public morality

钩心斗角 scheme against each other

下策 disreputable business

Be reduced to 被逼从事、无可奈何只好;变成

As a last resort 作为最后一着

In a fix 陷入困境、尴尬

心有不甘=不屑一干 disdain to do

力有不及 ill afford

Cool one’s heels 长等、空等

You don’t know how (插入语)不知 用于修饰形容词

有眉目sings of a positive outcome

冒充to pass for + 人 / to pass for as + 物 被看做、被当做

劝…不必 take … out of …

Smart aleck 自以为是的人、自以为样样都懂的人 = smarty

Frown upon the way + 句子 表示不赞同

东奔西走 live an unsettled life

与世长辞 depart this life

一想到这 at the thought of this

挪移 to edge away

从…(脚边)飞去to flit past

闪过去 to flash past

耿耿于怀 to take … to heart

磨洗 wear and tear (noun)

End up being / as 最终成为、变成

Eye-opener 令人大开眼界的事物

端端正正地坐bolt upright

耸肩对…表示不屑理睬、不当一回事 shrug

off = ignore

心情 the state of mind / the frame of mind

真想不到…! To think that …!

To think to oneself 一个人暗自在想

抬头望 look up

山路转折处 round the bend in a mountain


就说不尽了 beyond description

白手起家 to start from scratch

来自 to hail (somebody hailing from …)

停电 blackout / power cut / power failure

野孩子 naughty child

组合 community

早起早睡 keep early hours

进入、踏上 set foot in

正起劲、尽情地 to our heart’s content

防备、预计到…(而采取措施)in anticipation


精气神 energy

如、比如说 say

迁就 to humor + 人

夸张空洞 inflated


ivory-yellow / blood-red

糟蹋、玷污 deflower

None (形容词)没有

飘零、凋落 to wither away

曳、拖、拉(声音)let out = utter

被抑制的 pent-up (形容词)

慧心 tender heart

水墨画 inkwash painting

先兆 forebode (预示不好的事情)

赫然耸现 looming out

冒出了…轻烟 give off … smoke = to send

out = to emit

凭吊 to pay a visit to / to pay homage to = to

pay respects to

清福 an easy and carefree life = a life free

from worries and cares

To sport about 嬉戏

To weather through 对付困难、渡过风暴

任其自生自灭 abandon them to their own


一来二去 in the course of time

三年五载 year in year out

有益身心 to keep me mentally and physically

兴败、盛衰 ups and downs = vicissitudes

人海 the sea of mortals = the sea of living

没有资格、对…没有提出要求的权利 have

no claim to + 物

勘破现世、看破红尘 see through the vanity

of human society


动员、出动、出来参加 to turn out

十分紧张 to key up

忘却、不觉得 be oblivious of

雄壮、伟大 spectacular / grand

逐渐开始 come on

屈曲盘旋 twine and climb

伟岸 big and tall

有极强的生命力 be bursting with vitality

不可缺少的 be central to = be essential to

总 always

有…可取之处 to have … to recommend

对…不在乎 to make light of

使人想起 to put one in mind of

靠…生活 to live off = to live on

占优势 to reign supreme

不由自主地 in spite of oneself

大意是 to the effect that

裙带关系 petticoat influence

甚至于 not to say = and almost = and perhaps


Touch off 引起

斜视 look askance at

Hang about / hang around + 人 待在…身边

我就愿意 I wouldn’t mind

显露 to be written all over / on one’s face

企图、故意 be out to do / for something

刁难 make things difficult for + 人

放手 let go of

勉强维持生活 just to make both ends meet /

to keep my own body and soul together / to

eke out a bare subsistence / to eke out a living

/ an existence / a livelihood

有了好结果就行 all’s well that ends well = It

is the end that matters

怒目横眉 fierce-browed (形容词)

完全不对、离谱 to be wide of the mark / to

be far from the mark

跳出三界、与现世一刀两断 make a clean

break with this mortal world

处于本能 by instinct

Be foreign to = have no relation to = be

unconnected with

In question = being talked about 正被谈论

In every way 完全、彻头彻尾

诸如此类的事、等等 or whatnot

我以为 it seems to me / to my mind

意外之财 a windfall

找错地方、找错人 to bark up the wrong tree

老手 an old hand

不要瞎忙、别胡闹 stop messing around / stop

mucking around

离开 tear oneself away (带有不舍)

不忍作 to find it in one’s heart to do

大时代 these stormy times

暂时、眼下 for the present = for the time


抓住不放、不肯放弃 hang on to + 物 / hold

on to / stick to / to cling to

这道理人人都懂、不言而喻、简单明了 all

that is foolproof / all that is self-evident

In the matter of = in relation to = in regard to


本钱、必要的资金、手段 the wherewithal =

the necessary means

做人做事 a successful life and career

不惜、乐于 be ready to do

为了 by way of / for the purpose of

着了魔、鬼迷心窍 possessed (形容词)

败退 back down = beat a retreat

借口、掩护 on the pretext of

All in earnest 认真地、恳切地

搜寻、掏出 fish out

故弄玄虚 make a mystery of

老北京 a long-timer of Beijing / an old-timer

of Beijing

偶然发现 to hit upon = to come across = to

find by chance

怡然自得 find it quite agreeable

扑鼻而来 assail one’s nose / nostrils

Be havened from 免受…之忧

绝无仅有 next to none

不朽、伟大 monumental

肤浅的 skin-deep

始作俑者 originator of a bad practice

姑且、将就 reconcile yourself to sth

声称、假装 to make out that

Lay by 积蓄 lay by enough money

监工 oversee the work

特地、不怕麻烦地 go out of one’s way to do

= to make special effort

装门面 to keep up appearances

成习惯的 confirmed / habitual

直到最后 to the very last / till the last / to the

end / till death

破败 low-lying (形容词)

颓然、没精打采、慢吞吞 languidly /


死胡同a blind alley

天籁soft sounds of nature

使苦恼 to weigh down

忧虑 cares

不带任何表情、表情冷漠wear an air of

casual indifference

维持原有的状态、不衰退 to hold one’s own

有事没事地、胡乱地 randomly

To credit + 人 with 把…归功于

To make a fanfare 大吹大擂

一声不响 without make a fanfare

扶摇直上 to climb up the social ladder = to

rise to power and position

缄默寡言 reserved

甘于寂寞 content to live in obscurity

To be equal to = to have enough strength for

年事已高,力不从心 too old to be equal to

the task

奉承、向…讨好 to play up to

趋炎附势 play up to bigwigs / fawn on those

in power

冤屈某人、对某人不公平to do somebody an


无愧于、配得上、和…相称 worthy of

干(不好的事)get up to + 事

Up to 忙于(不好的事)what he was up to

不知什么地方 nobody know where

院落 compound

Get wind of 听到…消息

Prowl after 潜行觅食

想 feel like

母鸡咯咯的声音 cackle

尽情地欣赏 to feast one’s eyes upon

回头 over one’s should

伸长脖子张望 crane one’s neck

历历在目 be alive in my memory / be still as

fresh as ever in my memory

Poles apart = widely separated 海天之遥

同捐前嫌 to bury the hatchet / to let bygones

be bygones

于公于私 in view of the public and personal


理当 I feel duty-bound to do

被载入 to go down (to go down in history)

To earn you a niche in the temple of fame 流芳百世 = a lasting fame

暂缓对…做出决定 sleep over / sleep on = to

postpone a decision about

难辞其咎 hardly be able to escape censure /


经纬万端 complicated

一心为公 be public-minded

Thinking people 有见解的人

Ostrich-like 自欺的

Turn over in one’s minds 反复思考;on the

minds 担忧

与…同在 be among + 人

夜长梦多、节外生枝 a long night invites bad


不禁神驰 my heart cannot help going out to

Go out to 在感情上被…所吸引 = be

emotionally drawn to

到头来 in the event

Eventual 充满大事的

照顾自己、自谋生路 fend for oneself

受到良心的谴责 sth prick sb’s conscience

Perk up 振作起来、振奋

仔细倾听 prick up one’s ears

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