



Module 1 Unit 1 It’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long.

1 Listen and chant. This is the Great Wall. 这是长城。

It’s very beautiful. 它非常美丽。 It’s long and old. 它很长也很古老。

And we love it all. 我们都喜欢它。

2 Listen, read and act out.

Simon: These postcards are great! 这些明信片太棒了!

Daming: Yes, they are. And look at this one. It's a picture of the Great

Wall. 是的,它们很棒。看这一张.它是一张长城的照片。

Simon: Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? 告诉我更多关于长


Daming: It’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long. 超过两万公里长。

Simon:Wow! It’s really long!


Daming: Can you tell me something about New York? How big is it? 你能告诉


Simon: It's very big. It has got more than eight million people. 它非常大。

它有超过八百万的人 Daming: That is big. 那是很大。

Simon: How big is Beijing?


Daming: Beijing has got about twenty million people. 北京大约有两千万人。

Simon: Wow! It’s really big!


3 Listen and say.

A: These postcards are great! 这些明信片太棒了! B: Yes, they are. 是的,


A: Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it?


B: It’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long.它超过两万公里长。

Unit 2 It’s in the West.

1Look, listen and say.

Simon:Where’s the West Lake? 西湖在哪里?

Daming: It’s in the east of China. 它在中国东部。

Simon: It’t very beautiful. 它很漂亮。

Daming: Yes, it is. 是的,它是。

2 Listen and read.

Daming : What a big map of the US! Where's New York? 多么大的一张美国地

图啊!纽约在哪里? Simon: It's here, in the east. 它在这儿,在东部。

Daming : And what about San Francisco?


Simon: It s in the west.


Daming : And Houston is in the south.


Simon: That s right .

Daming : The US is a big Country.

美国是一个大的Simon: Yes, it is. And China is a big country too. 是


4 Listen and learn to say.

Tell me more about the Great Wall. 告诉我更多关于长城的事吧。

How long is it? 它多长?

It’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long. 它超过两万公里长。

Beijing has got about twenty million people.


5 Listen and chant. In America,

there is lots to see. Many different places

like New York and Tennessee.

Its flag has got fifty 's red, blue and white. You can see it

moving every day and every night.



module 2 Unit 1 There’s Chinese dancing.

1 Look, Listen and say.

Simon: There is a Chinatown in New York. 在纽约有一条唐人街 Daming: Oh,

that’s good. 噢,那很好。

Simon: Are there any Chinatown in China? 中国有唐人街吗?

Daming: Oh, all towns in China are Chinatown!


2 Listen, read and act out.

Simon:What are you doing, Daming? 大明,你在做什么?

Daming: I'm sending an email to my family in China? 我正给在中国的家人发送

一封电子邮件。 Simon:Do you miss your family? 你思念你的家人吗? Daming:

Sometimes. 有时。

Simon:Do you want to go to Chinatown? 你想去唐人街吗?

Daming: Yes!Can you tell me more about Chinatown?


Simon:There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.

那里有许多中国商店和饭馆。 Daming: Really?真的吗?

Simon: Yes, and there's Chinese dancing. 是的,还有中国舞蹈。

Daming: Let's go to Chinatown now. 让我们现在就去唐人街吧!

Simon:We can't go now. It's too late. 现在我们不能去,太晚了。

Daming: Then let's go tomorrow. 那么我们明天去吧。

Simon:Ah! You do miss China!


3 Listen and say.

A: Can you tell me more about Chinatown?


B: There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.

商店和餐厅。 A: There's Chinese dancing.


B: Let’s go to Chinatown now.


Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.

1 Listen and chant.

The Huangshan Mountain is high. 黄山很高

The Changjiang River is long. 长江很长

The West Lake is beautiful. 西湖很美

The Great Wall is strong.



2 Listen and read.

Look!These are my postcards from China.


are many mountain in China. There is a famous mountain in Anhui.

It’s the Huangshan Mountain.


is a very famous Changjiang River. It is more than six thousand

kilometres long.


are lots of beautiful lakes in China. This is the West Lake. It is

in Hangzhou.


This is the Great Wall. It’s more than twenty thousand kilometres long.



Listen and say. Then chant.

There's a Chinatown in New York.


There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. 那里有很多中国商店

和餐厅。 Let's go to Chinatown now! 我们现在就去唐人街吧。 We cant go now.

It’s too late.


5Listen and chant.

There’s a Great Wall in China. It is very, very long. There’s a Great

Wall in China. It is very, very strong. There are many, many people and they

like to sing this song.

There’s a Great Wall in China and it is very, very long. In China

there’s a Great Wall, a Great Wall, a Great is very, very, very big

and it’s a very famous wall. 在中国有一座长城。它非常非常长。在中国有一座长城。



Module 3 Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.

1 Look, Listen and say.

Daming: What toys have you got? 你有什么玩具?

Simon: I’ve got some toy dogs. 我有一些玩具狗。

Daming: Oh, It’s not a toy.


2 Listen, read and act out.

Daming: Do you collect stamps,Simon? 西蒙,你集邮吗?

Simon:Yes, I've got lots of ting stamps is my hobby. 是的,

我有许多邮票。是的,我有许多邮票。 Daming: What are those? 那些是什么?

Simon: These are some stamps from Canada. They have got famous people on

them. 这些是来自加拿大的邮票。它们上面有著名人士。 Daming: Have you got any

stamps from China? 你有一些来自中国的邮票吗?

Simon:Yes,I stamp is from China. And all of these stamps are

from China, too.

是的,我有。这张邮票来自中国。这些邮票也全部来自中国。 Daming: Oh!These

stamps are from my letters. 噢!这些邮票是我的信上的! Simon:That's right! 说


Simon's mum: Look, boys! Letters! 看,孩子们!你们的信!

Daming: Is there a letter for me? 有我的信吗?

Simon: Yes, there letter is from your mother! 是的,有。这封信是你


Daming: Great! Now you can have another Chinese stamp, Simon.


3 Listen and say. A: What are those?


B: These are stamps from have got famous people on them.


本文标签: 中国来自邮票