



1. Worry as a verb:

- I worry about my family's safety.

- She worries about her grades in school.

- They worry about the future of the planet.

- He worries that he won't find a job after graduation.

- We worry about our friend who hasn't been answering our calls.

2. Worry as a noun:

- I have a constant worry about money.

- The constant worries of everyday life can be exhausting.

- Her worry for her son's well-being is always on her mind.

- The dog's constant barking is a worry for the neighbors.

- The state of the economy is a major worry for the government.

3. Worried as an adjective:

- She is worried about her upcoming exam.

- I am really worried about my brother's health.

- They were worried about missing their flight.

- The parents were worried sick when their child didn't come home

on time.

- He looked very worried when he heard the news.

4. Worriedly as an adverb:

- She gazes worriedly at her phone, waiting for a message.

- The mother looks worriedly at her sick child.

- He paced back and forth worriedly, waiting for the results.

- They nervously and worriedly discuss their financial situation.

- She clutched her chest worriedly, hoping for the best.

5. Worrying as a gerund/continuous form of the verb:

- The constant worrying about the future is causing him stress.

- There is no use in worrying about things you can't change.

- She is always found worrying about something.

- The worrying part about this situation is that we don't have any

backup plan.

- He is known for his worrying nature.

Note: It is important to remember that excessive worry can lead to

anxiety and stress. If you find yourself constantly worrying, it may

be helpful to seek professional help or practice stress-relieving

techniques such as meditation or counseling.

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