



1. 困难:difficulty / handicap / hardship / complication / dilemma / plight

2. 将来:future / prospect / forthcoming

3. 障碍:obstacle / barricade / block / obstruction / snag / hurdle

4.动机/目标/成因:motive/ motivation/ incentive/ driving force/

inducement/ intention/ purpose/ object=objective/ for the sake of/ goal /

pursuit / ideal/ aim / target/ end

5.评估/估计/期望: estimate assess sth at +figure(具体数字) evaluate(评价,

不能用于物品估价) reckon(估计,期望)

6.要求:demand / request / claim / require / call for

7. 下降:decline / decrease / degenerate / drop / fall / worsen / depress

8. 发现:find / discover / come across / encounter / expose / spot /

recognize / uncover / notice / observe

9. 模拟:simulate / virtual / create / reproduce / imitate

10.欺骗:deceive sb (into doing) (骗某人做某事) fraud (n.诈骗;骗子) cheat sb

(out) of sth(骗某人的东西)

Cheat sb into the belief that….(骗某人去相信…) =dupe sb into doing

swindle sb out of sth

Take in sb take advantage of sb(利用某人) defraud sb of sth

11. Isolate(隔离,孤立) split(sth) into…(分裂成…/把sth分离) split from/with

sb=break off=part(v.) from sb (与sb分手/绝交) divide sth into (将sth 划分为)

sever(断绝) part sb from sb(隔离) separately(分别做…【不能用


12. 人工的:artificial / fake / bogus / synthetic

13. 不可避免的:inevitable / unavoidable / destined /fated / inescapable

14. 普遍的:prevalent / widespread / common / systematic / general /


15. 真的:genuine true(事实,真相) real authentic

16. 可怕的/令人恐惧的:fearful awful dreadful frightening terrible bloody(血

腥的) horrible terrifying scary(口语常用) bloodcurdling hair-raising

17. 传奇般的/了不起的:legendary marvelous miraculous

18. 极好的/引人入胜的:fantastic gorgeous spectacular amazing

tremendous marvelous extraordinary splendiferous wonderful excellent

本文标签: 词汇期望估计近义词