



1. Abhorrent: Adjective; arousing disgust or hatred.

2. Abstemious: Adjective; displaying restraint in

consumption of especially food and drink.

3. Admonish: Verb; scold or reprimand.

4. Amenable: Adjective; inclined to be persuaded; agreeable

or responsive to suggestion.

5. Animosity: Noun; a feeling of hostility or ill will.

6. Appease: Verb; to make calm or quiet; pacify.

7. Ascendancy: Noun; the dominance of one power over another.

8. Assuage: Verb; make milder or less severe; relieve; ease.

9. August: Adjective; awe-inspiring; impressive.

10. Autonomous: Adjective; self-governing; independent.

11. Banal: Adjective; lacking originality; dull.

12. Bemoan: Verb; to express or feel deep sorrow for; to


13. Blandish: Verb; to coax or flatter by soft words or

expressions of admiration.

14. Blighted: Adjective; suffering from a disease that

destroys or hinders growth; ruined.

15. Bolster: Verb; to support; to give a boost to.

16. Boorish: Adjective; rude, crude, or insensitive.

17. Calumny: Noun; a false and malicious accusation.

18. Candor: Noun; the quality of being open and honest.

19. Censure: Verb; to express strong disapproval of;


20. Chastise: Verb; to scold; reprimand.

21. Cognizant: Adjective; aware; conscious.

23. Condone: Verb; to accept or overlook behavior without

criticism or censure.

24. Congruent: Adjective; of equal measure; consistent.

25. Construe: Verb; to interpret or explain.

26. Contrite: Adjective; feeling regret for having done


27. Contumacious: Adjective; rebellious; disobedient.

28. Culpable: Adjective; deserving blame or censure.

29. Cynical: Adjective; distrustful of human motives;


30. Deference: Noun; respect.

31. Deride: Verb; to ridicule or mock.

32. Desecrate: Verb; to treat with disrespect, especially to

abuse something sacred.

33. Desolate: Adjective; deserted; lacking inhabitants.

34. Despondent: Adjective; feeling hopeless; dejected.

37. Discernment: Noun; the ability to make fine distinctions.

38. Discredit: Verb; to bring into disrepute; to dishonor or


39. Disinterested: Adjective; impartial; not influenced by

personal motives or biases.

40. Dissolute: Adjective; lacking moral restraint; indulging

in sensual pleasure.

41. Dissonance: Noun; a lack of agreement; inconsistency.

42. Ebullient: Adjective; cheerful and full of energy.

43. Eclectic: Adjective; made up of elements gathered from a

variety of sources.

44. Edict: Noun; a proclamation issued by a ruler or other


45. Edify: Verb; to instruct or improve, usually morally or


46. Efface: Verb; to erase; to make unnoticeable or


47. Engender: Verb; to bring about; to cause.

48. Enigma: Noun; a puzzle or riddle; something mysterious

or difficult to understand.

49. Ephemeral: Adjective; lasting a very short time.

51. Equivocal: Adjective; ambiguous or unclear in meaning.

52. Erudition: Noun; deep knowledge or learning.

53. Esoteric: Adjective; intended for or understood by a

select group.

54. Evanescent: Adjective; soon passing away; fleeting.

55. Exigency: Noun; an urgent situation requiring immediate


56. Expiate: Verb; to make amends for; atone.

57. Extol: Verb; to praise highly.

本文标签: 词汇英语单词