


"end relief","齿端修薄"


"engaging time(clutch)","接合时间(离合器)"



"epicycloid gear","摆线齿锥齿轮"

"equidistant curve of curtate hypocycloid","短幅外摆线的等距曲线"

"equidistant curve of epicycloid","内摆线的等距曲线"

"equidistant curve of epicycloid","外摆线的等距曲线"

"equidistant curve of prolate epicycloid","长幅外摆线的等距曲线"


"Equivalent coefficient of friction","当量摩擦系数"

"equivalent load","当量载荷"

"equivalent force","等效力"

"equivalent link","等效构件"

"equivalent mass","等效质量"

"equivalent moment","等效力矩"


"external thread","外螺纹"

"external gear","外齿轮"

"external pin wheel","外齿针齿轮"

"external tab washer","外舌止动垫圈"

"external teeth lock washer ","外齿锁紧垫圈"

"Extreme-pressure lubrication","极压润滑"

"face to face arrangement (rolling bearing)","面对面配置(滚动轴承)"



"farthest dwell angle","远休止角"


"fatigue limit","疲劳极限"

"fatigue strength","疲劳强度"


"feather key","滑键"

"feather key ,dive key","导向平键"


"fillet radius","齿根圆角半径"

"filling slot balll bearing","装填槽球轴承"

"finite life design","有限寿命设计"

"flange coupling","凸缘联轴器"

"flanged bearing","凸缘轴承"

"flat belt drive","平带传动"

"flat key","平键"

"flat spring","片弹簧"

"flat spring coupling","簧片联轴器"

"flexibility of spring ","弹簧柔度"

"flexible gear, flexpline","柔性齿轮"

"floating bearing","浮环滑动轴承"

"fluctuating load","变载荷"

"fluid friction ","流体摩擦"

"fluid lubrication ","液体润滑"


"forced vibration","受迫振动"

"foundation bolt","地脚螺栓"

"four-bar mechanism","四杆机构"

"four-point contact ball bearing","四点接触轴承"

"fracture mechanics ","断裂力学"

"free height (spring)","自由高度(弹簧)"

"Fretting wear","微动磨损"


"friction brake","摩擦制动器"

"friction clutch","摩擦式离合器"

"Friction material ","摩擦材料"

"friction wheel drive","摩擦轮传动"

"Friction coefficient","摩擦系数"

"frictional conformability","摩擦顺应性"

"frictional conpatibility","摩擦相容性"

"front cone","前锥面"

"full complement bearing","装满滚动体的轴承"

"gas whirl ","气膜振荡"

"gas lubrication ","气体润滑"


"gear coupling","齿式联轴器"

"gear drive","齿轮传动"

"gear drive with intersecting axes","相交轴齿轮传动"

"gear drive with non-parallel non-intersecting axes","交错轴齿轮传动"

"gear drive with parallel axes","平行轴齿轮传动"

"gear pair with modified center distance","角变位齿轮副"

"gear pair with negative modified center distance","负角变位齿轮副"

"gear pair with positive modified center distance","正角变位齿轮副"

"gear pair with reference center distance","高变位齿轮副"

"gear ratio","齿数比"

"gear teeth","轮齿"

"gear with addendum modification ","变位齿轮"

"general flat key","普通平键"

"generating cylinder","发生圆柱面"

"generating diameter","发生圆直径"

"generating flank","产形齿面"

"geneva mechanism","槽轮机构"

"gib-head taper key","钩头楔键"


"gorge circle","喉圆"

"governor, speed regulator","调速器"

"grooved pin","槽销"

"guide rail","导轨"

"guide bar, guide link","导杆"

"half of thread angle ","牙型半角"

"hands of worm","蜗杆旋向"

"harmonic gear drive","谐波齿轮传动"

"harmonic gear drive with radial gear meshng","径向谐波齿轮传动"

"harmonic gear drive with transverse gear meshng","端面谐波齿轮传动"

"harmonic gear reducer","谐波齿轮减速器"

"height series (rolling bearing)","高度系列(滚动轴承)"

"height under ultimate load","极限高度"

"helical gear","斜齿轮"

"helical spring","螺旋弹簧"

"helical spring lock washer","弹簧垫圈"


"helix angle","螺旋角"

"herringbone gear ,double helical gear","人字齿轮"

"hexagon bolt","六角头螺栓"

"hexagon nut","六角螺母"

"hexagon socket head cap head screw","内六角圆柱头螺钉"

"hexagon socket countersunk head cap head screw","内六角沉头螺钉"

"high-cycle fatigue","高周疲劳"

"higher pair","高副"

"hinge type flattop chain","平顶链"

"hinge, pilot pin joint","铰链连接"

"hole basic system","基孔制"

"hollow flank worm","圆弧圆柱蜗杆"

"hollow pin","空心销轴"

"hydrodynamic bearing","液体动压滑动轴承"

"Hydrodynamic lubrication ","液体动力润滑"

"hydrostatic bearing","液体静压滑动轴承"

"Hydrostatic lubrication ","液体静力润滑"


"hypoid gear","双曲面齿轮副"

"idler pulley","导轮"

"incomplete gear mechanism","不完全齿轮机构"

"infinite life design","无限寿命设计"

"infinitely variable speed","无级变速"

"initial tension","初拉力"

"inner cone distance","内锥距"

"inner link","内链节"

"inner ring","内圈"

"instantaneous center of velocity","速度瞬心"

"instrument precision bearing","仪器精密轴承"


"interference fit","过盈配合"

"intermittent mechanism","间歇运动机构"

"internal thread","内螺纹"

"internal gear","内齿轮"

"internal pin wheel","内齿针齿轮"

"internal tab washer ","内舌止动垫圈"

"internal teeth lock washer","内齿锁紧垫圈"

"inverted tooth chain","齿形链"


"involute cylindrical gear","渐开线圆柱齿轮"

"involute helicoid worm","渐开线蜗杆"

"involute profile","渐开线齿廓"

"involute spline ","渐开线花键"

"jaw and toothed coupling","牙嵌式联轴器"

"Jaw brake","牙嵌式制动器"

"Jaw clutch","牙嵌式离合器"

"jewel bearing","宝石轴承"

"joined V-belt","联组V带"


" key ","键"

"key way","键槽"

"kinematic chain","运动链"

"kinematic diagram of mechanism","机构运动简图"

"kinematic pair","运动副"

"kinematics of mechanism","机构运动学"

"knurled nut with collar","滚花高螺母"




"lead angle","导程角"

"lead angle","螺纹升角"

"leaf chain","板式链"

"leaf spring","板弹簧"

"leather belt","皮革平带"

"left-hand spiral bevel gear","左旋锥齿轮"

"left-hand teeth","左旋齿"

"left-hand thread","左旋螺纹"

"length of thread engagement","螺纹旋合长度"

"life factor","寿命系数"

"lifting eye bolt","吊环螺钉"

"lifting nut","吊环螺母"

"limits of size","极限尺寸"

"line of centers","连心线"

"linear (motion) bearing","直线(运动)轴承"



"link plate","链板"

"linkage mechanism","连杆机构"

"load balancing mechanism","均载机构"

"load capacity of gears","齿轮承载能力"

"loading spectrum","载荷谱"

"lobed plain bearing","多楔滑动轴承"

"locating snap ring","止动环"

"lock ring at the end of shaft","轴端挡圈"

"locus of journal bearing","轴心轨迹"

"longitudinal vibration","纵向振动"

"lost motion","空程"

"low-cycle fatigue","低周疲劳"

"lower deviation","下偏差"

"lower pair","低副"





"magnetic bearing","磁力滑动轴承"

"magnetic powder clutch","磁粉离合器"

"magnetic remanence brake","磁滞制动器"

"Magneto-hydrodynamic lubrication ","磁流体动力润滑"

"major axis of wave generator","波发生器长轴"

"major diameter","螺纹大径"

"mass-radius product","质径积"

"mating flank","相啮合齿面"

"maximum limits of size","最大极限尺寸"

"maximum stress","最大应力"

"mean diameter of coil","弹簧中径"

"mean stress","平均应力"

"mechanical shock","机械冲击"

"Mechanical wear","机械磨损"

"mechanically controlled clutch","机械离合器"


"Mechano-chemical wear","机械化学磨损"

"mid plane","中间平面"

"middle cone","中间锥面"

"milled helicoid worm","锥面包络圆柱蜗杆"

"minimum limits of size","最小极限尺寸"

"minimum stress","最小应力"

"minor axis of wave generator","波发生器短轴"

"minor diameter","螺纹小径"

"mist lubrication","油雾润滑"

"modal of vibration","振动模态"

"mode shape","振型"



"moment of couple","力偶矩"

"moment of inertia","转动惯量"

"motion angle for return travel","回程运动角"

"motion angle for rise travel","推程运动角"

"multi-oil wedge bearing","多油楔滑动轴承"

"multiple-planetary gear train","多级行星齿轮系"

"multiple-stage harmonic gear drive","多级谐波齿轮传动"

"multiplex roller chain","多排滚子链"

"multi-start thread","多线螺纹"

"narrow V-belt","窄V带"

"nearest dwell angle","近休止角"

"needle roller","滚针"

"needle roller bearing","滚针轴承"

"negative addendum modification","负变位"

"Newtonian fluid","牛顿流体"


"nominal center distance","名义中心距"

"nominal diameter ","公称直径"

"non-circular gear mechanism","非圆齿轮机构"

"non-friction brake","非摩擦制动器"

"non-linear vibration","非线性振动"

"non-working flank","非工作齿面"

"normal backlash","法向侧隙"

"normal chordal tooth thickness","法向弦齿厚"

"normal module","法向模数"

"normal pitch","法向齿距"

"normal plane","法平面"

"normal pressure angle","齿形角"

"normal pressure angle","法向压力角"

"normal profile","法向齿廓"

"normal tooth thickness","法向齿厚"

"normally disengaged brake","常开制动器"

"normally engaged brake","常闭制动器"

"number of teeth","齿数"

"number of threads","头数"

"number of threads of worm","蜗杆头数"


"NZ clao type coupling","滑块联轴器"


"offset slider-crank mechanism","偏置曲柄滑块机构"

"oil duct","油道"

"oil film critical thickness","临界油膜厚度"

"oil film stiffness","油膜刚度"

"oil flow in bearing","轴承润滑油流量"

"oil groove","油槽"

"oil hole","油孔"

"oil recess, oil pocket","油腔"

"oil whirl","油膜振荡"

"oil-ring lubrication","油环润滑"

"Oldham coupling ","十字滑块联轴器"

"one-way clutch","单向离合器"

"open-belt drive","开口传动"

"opposite flanks","异侧齿面"

"oscillating load","摆动载荷"

"oscillating tooth gear pair with small teeth difference","活齿少齿差齿轮副"

"outer cone distance","锥距"

"outer link","外链节"

"outer ring","外圈"

"output mechanism","输出机构"

"overlap arc","作用弧"

"overlap ratio","纵向重合度"

"overrunning clutch","超越离合器"


"pad lubrication","油垫润滑"

"paired mounting (rolling bearing)","成对安装(滚动轴承)"

"Parallel screw thread","圆柱螺纹"

"path of contact","啮合线"



"periodic vibration","周期振动"

"Periodical lubrication","间歇润滑"

"perturbed force","扰动力"



"pin coupling with elastic sleeves","弹性套柱销联轴器"

"pin wheel","针齿轮"




"pitch angle","节圆锥角"

"pitch circle","节圆"

"pitch circle of wormwheel","蜗轮节圆"

"pitch cone","节圆锥面"

"pitch diameter","节径"

"pitch diameter","节圆直径"

"pitch diameter","螺纹中径"

"pitch helix","节圆螺旋线"

"pitch width","节宽"

"pitch (spring)","节距(弹簧)"


"plain bearing, sliding-contact bearing","滑动轴承"

"plain purnal bearing","径向滑动轴承"

"plain self-aligning bearing","自动调心滑动轴承"

"plain thrust bearing","止推滑动轴承"

"plain washer","平垫圈"

"planar pivot four-bar mechanism","平面铰链四杆机构"

"planet carrier","行星架"

"planet gear","行星齿轮"

"planetary gear train","行星齿轮系"

"planetary gear drive mechanism with small teeth difference ","少齿差行星齿轮


"plastic bearing","塑料轴承"

"plate cam, disk cam","盘形凸轮"

"polar moment of inertia","极转动惯量"

"poly V-belt","多楔带"

"porous bearing","多孔质滑动轴承"

"positive addendum modification","正变位"

"powder metallurgy bearing","粉末冶金滑动轴承"

"prelubricated bearing","预润滑轴承"

"pressure angle","压力角"

"probability density function ","概率密度函数"

"product of inertia","惯性积"

"profile modification","齿廓修形"

"profile shifted gears for cylindrical worm gear","变位圆柱蜗杆传动"

"prolate cycloid","长幅摆线"

"prolate epicycloid","长幅外摆线"

"prolate involute","延伸渐开线"

"pulsation cycle","脉动循环"

"push-rod oscillating teeth","推杆活齿"

"quarter-twist belt drive","半交叉传动"

"quick-release pin ","快卸销"

"quick-return mechanism","急回运动机构"


"radial load factor","径向载荷系数"

"radial roller bearing","向心滚子轴承"

"radius of gyration","回转半径"

"random loading","随机载荷"

"random vibration","随机振动"


"ratchet mechanism","棘轮机构"

"rating life","额定寿命"


"recess, engaging-out","啮出"

"rectangle spline","矩形花键"

"redial bearing","向心球轴承"

"redundant constraint, passive constraint","虚约束"

"reference center distance","标准中心距"

"reference circle","分度圆"

"reference cone","分度圆锥面"

"reference cone angle","分度圆锥角"

"reference cone apex","分锥顶点"

"reference cylinder","分度圆柱面"

"reference diameter","分度圆直径"

"reference helix","分度圆螺旋线"

"relative eccentricity","偏心率"

"relative wear resitance","相对耐磨性"


"resilient shaft coupling","弹性联轴器"


"resonance frequency","共振频率"

"restrictor (hydrostatic bearing)","节流器(静压轴承〕"

"retaining snap ring","锁圈"

"return travel","回程"

"Reynolds' equation","雷诺方程"


"right-hand spiral bevel gear","右旋锥齿轮"

"right-hand teeth","右旋齿"

"right-hand thread","右旋螺纹"

"Rigid coupling","刚性联轴器"

"ring for shoulder","轴肩挡圈"

"ring gear","内齿轮"

"ring spring","环形弹簧"

"rise travel","推程"


"roller chain","滚子链"

"roller clutch","滚柱离合器"

"roller bearing","滚子轴承"

"rolling bearing","滚动轴承"

"rolling element","滚动体"

"root angle","根圆锥角"

"root apex ","根锥顶点"

"root circle","齿根圆"

"root cone","齿根圆锥面"

"root diameter","齿根圆直径"

"round belt drive","圆带传动"

"round nut","圆螺母"

"round wire ","钢丝挡圈"

"rubber bearing","橡胶轴承"

"rubber spring","橡胶弹簧"

"running-in ability","磨合性"

"Running-in wear","磨合磨损"

"safety clutch","安全离合器"

"safety pin","安全销"

"schematic diagram of mechanism","机构简图"

"Scratching ","擦伤"



"screw drive","螺旋传动"

"screw helicoid","阿基米德螺旋面"

"Screw thread","螺纹"

"seal (bearing)","密封圈"

"sealed bearing","密封圈轴承"


"self-aligning bearing","调心轴承"

"self-aligning roller bearing","调心滚子轴承"

"self-excited vibration","自激振动"

"self-locking mechanism","自锁机构"

"self-lubricating bearing","自润滑滑动轴承"

"self-lubricating bearing material","自润滑轴承材料"

"serpentine steel flex coupling","蛇形弹簧联轴器"

"set screw","紧定螺钉"

"shaft angle","轴交角"

"shaft angle","轴交角"

"shaft basic system ","基轴制"

"shield (bearing)","防尘盖"

"shielded bearing","防尘盖轴承"


"shock pulse","冲击脉冲"

"shock response spectrum ","冲击响应谱"

"shock spectrum ","冲击响应谱"

"shock wave","冲击波"

"shoes of brakes ","制动瓦"

"side link","连架杆"

"simple harmonic vibration","简谐振动"

"simplex roller chain","单排滚子链"

"sine acceleration motion curve","正弦加速度运动轨迹"

"single direction thrust bearing","单向推力轴承"

"single planetary gear train","单级行星齿轮系"

"single row bearing","单列轴承"

"single-circular-arc gear","单圆弧齿轮"

"single-stage harmonic gear drive","单级谐波齿轮传动"

"single-start thread ","单线螺纹"

"sintered bearing material","烧结轴承材料"

"Sintered metalic material ","烧结金属"

"size factor ","尺寸系数"

"skew [helical] bevel gear","斜齿锥齿轮"

"slack side tension","松边拉力"

"sleeve coupling","套筒联轴器"

"slender ratio (spring)","高径比(弹簧)"


"slider- crank mechanism","曲柄滑块机构"

"sliding speed","滑动率"

"slippage phenomenon","跳齿现象"

"slotted cheese head screw","开槽圆柱头螺钉"

"slotted countersunk (flat) head screw ","开槽沉头螺钉"

"slotted pan head screw","开槽盘头螺钉"

"slotted raised countersunk (oval) head screw ","开槽半沉头螺钉"

"slotted round head screw","开槽圆头螺钉"


"snap ring ","弹性挡圈"

"solid bearing","整体式滑动轴承"

"solid height (spring)","压并高度(弹簧)"

"solid load (spring)","压并载荷(弹簧)"

"solid pin","实心销轴"

"solid-film lubrication ","固体润滑"

"Sommerfeld number ","索默菲德数"



"specified load","工作载荷"

"speed factor ","速度系数"

"speed increasing ratio","增速比"

"speed ratio, transmission ratio","传动比"

"speed reducer","减速器"

"speed reducing ratio","减速比"

"spherical involute","球面渐开线"

"spherical involute helicoid","球面渐开螺旋面"

"spherical pivot four-bar mechanism","球面铰链四杆机构"

"spiral gear","弧齿锥齿轮"

"spiral gear with duplex tapered teeth","等高齿弧齿锥齿轮"

"spiral spring","平面涡卷弹簧"


"spiroid gear","锥蜗轮"


"split bearing","剖分轴承"

"split coupling","夹壳联轴器"

"split plain bearing","剖分式滑动轴承"

"s, prag clutch","楔块离合器"


"spring index (spring)","旋绕比(弹簧)"

"spring washer","弹性垫圈"

"spring-type straight pin ,spring pin","弹性圆柱销"

"spur gear","直齿轮"

"square nut","方螺母"

"square washer with round hole","方垫圈"

"squeeze effect","挤压效应"

"standard gears for cylindrical worm gear","标准圆柱蜗杆传动"

"static load","静载荷"

"static balance of rotor","转子的静平衡"

"static load","静载荷"

"steady-state vibration","稳态振动"

"step pulley","塔轮"

"step mechanism","步进机构"

"straight bevel gear","直齿锥齿轮"

"straight sided axial worm","阿基米德蜗杆"

"straight sided normal worm","法向直廓蜗杆"

"straight-side profile","直线齿廓"

"stranded wire helical spring","多股螺旋弹簧"

"stress amplitude","应力幅"

"stress concentration","应力集中"

"stress ratio","循环特性"


"sun gear","太阳轮"

"surface machining factor","表面加工系数"

"surface of action","啮合曲面"

"symmetry cycle","对称循环"

"synchro clutch","同步离合器"

"synchronizing universal coupling with ball and sacker","球笼式同步万向联轴器"

"synchronous belt drive","同步带传动"

"synthesis of mechanism","机构综合"

"tab washer with long tab","单耳止动垫圈"

"tab washer with long tab and wing","双耳止动垫圈"

"tangential key","切向键"

"taper key","楔键"

"taper pin with split","开尾圆锥销"

"taper screw thread","圆锥螺纹"

"tapered bore bearing","锥孔轴承"

"tapered roller bearing","圆锥滚子轴承"

"tapping screw","自攻螺钉"

"tapping screw thread","自攻螺纹"

"tension pulley","张紧轮"

"T-head bolt , hammer head bolt","T形螺栓"

"theory of mechanisms","机构学"

"thread angle","牙型角"

"thread contact height","螺纹接触高度"

"thread groove width ","螺纹槽宽"

"thread ridge thickness ","螺纹牙厚"

"thrust bearing","推力轴承"

"thrust-purnal bearing","径向-止推滑动轴承"

"tight side tension","紧边拉力"

"tightly coiled helical spring","密圈螺旋弹簧"

"tilting-pad bearing","可倾瓦块滑动轴承"

"tip angle","顶圆锥角"

"tip circle","齿顶圆"

"tip diameter","齿顶圆直径"

"tip relie","修缘"

"tolerance zone","公差带"

"tone of meshing, region of engagement","啮合区"

"tooth depth","齿高"

"tooth flank","齿面"

"tooth profile","齿廓"

"tooth space","齿槽"

"tooth thickness","齿厚"

"tooth thickness","齿厚"

"tooth thickness half angle","齿厚半角"


"toroid enveloping worm with cone generatrix","锥面包络环面蜗杆"

"toroid enveloping worm with involute helicoid generatrix","渐开面包络环面蜗


"toroid enveloping worm with straight line generatrix","直廓环面蜗杆"

"toroid worm, enveloping worm","环面蜗杆"

"torque, torsional moment","扭矩"

"torsion angle","扭转角"

"torsional vibration","扭转振动"

"total angle of transmission","总作用角"

"total number of coils","总圈数"

"total overlap arc","总作用弧"

"transient vibration","瞬态振动"

"transition fit","过渡配合"

"translating cam","移动凸轮"

"translating follower","直动从动件"

"transmission accuracy","传动精度"

"transmission chain","传动链"

"transmission error","传动误差"

"transmission ratio","传动比"

"transmission, driving","传动装置"

"transverse chordal tooth thickness","端面弦齿厚"

"transverse contact ratio","端面重合度"

"transverse module","端面模数"

"transverse path of contact","端面啮合线"

"transverse plane of wormwheel","蜗轮端平面"

"transverse pressure angle","端面压力角"

"transverse profile","端面齿廓"

"transverse tooth thickness","端面齿厚"


"triplex roller chain","三排滚子链"

"ultimate load","极限载荷"


"universal joint","万向联轴器"

"upper deviation","上偏差"

"variable amplitude loading","变幅载荷"

"variable pitch cylindrical helical spring","不等节距圆柱螺旋弹簧"

"variable rate (stiffness) spring","变刚度弹簧"

"variable mass system","变质量系统"

"V-belt drive","V带传动"

"velocity ratio of link","速比"


"virtual gear","当量齿轮"

"virtual number of teeth","当量齿数"



"volute spring","截锥涡卷弹簧"


"wave generator","波发生器"

"wave height","波高"

"wave number","波数"


"wear intensity","磨损度"

"wear rate","磨损率"

"wear resistance","耐磨性"

"wedge effect","楔效应"

"wheel, gear","大齿轮"

"wide V-belt","宽V带"

"width series (rolling bearing)","宽度系列(滚动轴承)"

"wing nut","翼形螺母"

"woodruff key","半圆键"

"working flank","工作齿面"

"working height (spring)","工作高度(弹簧)"

"working pressure angle","啮合角"


"worm wheel","蜗轮"

"X-gear pair, modified gear pair","变位齿轮副"

"X-zero gear","非变位齿轮"






即: Sch=P/[σ]t×1000

ANSI B36.10壁厚等级:Sch10、Sch20、Sch30、Sch40、Sch60、Sch80、Sch100、


ANSI B36.19壁厚等级:Sch5s、Sch10s、Sch40s、Sch80s四个等级;

2)以钢管壁厚尺寸表示 中国、ISO、日本部分钢管标准采用



b.加厚管, 以XS 表示

c.特厚管, 以XXS表示。



8"SCH40":是DN200,外径为8.625in=219 mm 壁厚为0.322in=8.1788mm

没有8“SCH40 12” 8"SCH40 14"的规格!


本文标签: 轴承齿轮传动