


百度影音(Baidu AV)

As in 2011 to join the market competition "latecomers", Baidu

audio and video technology by relying on the advantages of P2P

has been sought after by the vast numbers of users. In addition,

Baidu video from the core part of the past video player in the

architecture, in order to adapt to the Internet broadcast

demand, especially for Baidu video broadcast network video

stream for a special optimization, according to the streaming

video format for making buffer strategy, making the network

video streaming smoother, lower bandwidth.

It is reported that, P2P, meaning "between a particular user

computer, not transit through the server" (i.e., without first

login by the third party management network server), you can

directly transfer data to the birth of technology, mainly to

improve communication efficiency and reduce the pressure of

server, reducing network operating costs. The server and

bandwidth costs. P2P is characterized by that the contents of

the user's transmission need not be stored in the server. Using

the technology of P2P video website, watch the video process

more smoothly, more save network bandwidth, in addition to

Baidu video, including CNTV, Sohu video, Phoenix video, cool

6 network, 56 Network and a number of legitimate video sites

are using P2P technology. In addition, the technology is not

limited to the field of network video, such as QQ voice chat,

SKYPE Internet, IP telephony, etc., are using the P2P


In addition to P2P technology advantages, Baidu video for

online video also supports the windowsAndroidios platform,

in the form of browser plug-in video playback. Baidu video for

network video stream play a special optimization, according to

the format of streaming media video targeted to develop buffer

strategy, so that network video streaming more smoothly, lower

bandwidth usage. At present, Baidu online video player can

support RMVB, MKV, MP4, FLV and other mainstream media formats,

and can run in the IE browser, Firefox browser, Webkit browser

kernel and other rich web browsers; operating system can

support windowsXP, Vista, Win7 and other mainstream.

Even the local video playback, Baidu video will according to

the detection of the user's system of hardware and software of

the intelligent, to choose the most suitable for the user to

play the system kernel, the playback fluency and stability is

greatly improved, the use of system resources to a minimum


Encryption format innovation supports copyright protection

In order to better protect video copyright, Baidu audio and

video technology through research and development has issued

a BPC encryption format and encrypted transmission two ways.

BPC is a video format encryption format for Baidu video, which

encrypts the content format with a series of algorithms and keys.

Equivalent to one hundred degrees video

A plain file becomes a zip compressed file with a password, and

you need to use the password to decompress the zip file. In this

way, the source of the content can be protected by setting up

video format encryption. Encrypted transmission is to protect

the transmission part, in accordance with the copyright

licensing conditions of the user to enter the P2P channel to

download, and unauthorized users cannot download through the

P2P channel, thus effectively limit the replication and

transmission of video copyright.

Baidu video also work with copyright parties to tackle piracy

problems together. Baidu video for manufacturers and users to

open green complaints channel, received reports, the special

team will be in 24 hours rapid processing. At the same time,

Baidu video also actively guide high-quality genuine video

content, so that genuine content to obtain more users, and

promote the healthy development of the video industry. It is

reported, on 2013, Baidu video collaboration Baidu video bans

all sorts of pilfer edition and undesirable network video

content link number already exceeded 5 million 800 thousand.

Transition entertainment platform Baidu video player

dissatisfaction status

With the continuous development of network video, only

providing users with smooth, clear video playback services, has

been unable to keep up with the rapid rise of the Internet social

entertainment platform. For Baidu video,

Even becoming the largest Chinese video player is definitely

not the ultimate goal of the product, and it is imperative to

seek greater space for development.

It is reported that since October 2013, Baidu video has started

a comprehensive restructuring, is committed to creating a

genuine original content entertainment platform, and

integration of interactive video and other original content

services, is now on-line genuine online video player, a member

of VIP movie channel, Baidu games and many other genuine content


The future, Baidu Video How to use Baidu's platform advantages,

from a player software to the original entertainment platform,

will be the biggest challenge. The only certainty is that

Baidu's technology will become the core competitiveness, in the

face of huge amounts of the various needs of users, data

analysis and data mining of superior processing technology is

the key to rival Baidu video location. Baidu video has a huge

user base, through this time the product transformation, will

probably reflect a greater platform value.

The Internet era, the market competition is changing, in order

to maintain the leading through innovation and improvement must

continue to let themselves in an invincible position, Baidu

video rely on its advanced technology and innovation mode, the

user can win in the fierce competition in the market of "heart",

believe in the future transformation of the change will have


本文标签: 百度影音